State Coordinators and Boards
- State Historical Records Coordinators
- State Historical Records Advisory Boards (SHRAB)
- Council of State Archivists (CoSA)
- Manual of Suggested Practices
The Manual provides information to State Historical Records Advisory Boards and State Historical Records Coordinators on the NHPRC and NARA, the roles of boards and state coordinators, and suggestions and models for board functions, activities, grant review, grant projects and products, and other ways of working with those who share our commitment to the documentary heritage of our state and nation.
State Historical Records Coordinators
The governor of each state desiring to participate fully in the NHPRC grant program appoints a State Historical Records Coordinator (SHRC), who shall be the full-time professional official in charge of the state archival program or agency. (See NHPRC regulations and the state board manual for additional details.)
The SHRC is appointed to a minimum four-year term and serves as the chair of the State Historical Records Advisory Board (SHRAB), unless otherwise specified in state statute, and is the central coordinating officer for the historical records grant program in the state. The SHRC provides leadership to the SHRAB as well as others concerned with the state's documentary heritage and garners additional support and resources for this important work. The SHRC is not an official or employee of the Federal government and receives no Federal compensation for such service. See a list of state archivists and historical records coordinators.
State Historical Records Advisory Boards
A State Historical Records Advisory Board (SHRAB) is also appointed in each state and consists of at least seven members, including the State Historical Records Coordinator. The SHRAB should be as broadly representative as possible of the public and private archives, records offices, and research institutions and organizations in the state. Members are appointed for three years with the possibility of renewal. Board members receive no Federal compensation for their service on the SHRAB. (See NHPRC regulations and the state board manual for additional details.)
SHRAB members should learn as much about the archives and historical records programs and issues in their state as possible. SHRAB members participate in SHRAB-sponsored activities such as planning and training sessions, information gathering, public education efforts, project development, grant proposal review, and conferences or workshops sponsored by the board or other organizations with complementary concerns and interests.
The SHRAB serves as the central advisory body for historical records planning and for Commission-funded projects developed and carried out within the state, as a coordinating body to facilitate cooperation among historical records repositories and other information agencies within the state, and as a state-level review body for proposals as defined in the Commission's grant program guidelines.
Some SHRABs have web sites which offer additional information about their activities.
The Council of State Archivists is an organization representing State Historical Records Advisory Boards (SHRABs) and the State Historical Records Coordinators (SHRCs) who provide leadership to the SHRRAB in each state and territory. Working collectively through their membership in CoSA, the State Coordinators encourage cooperation among the states and state boards on matters of mutual concern, define and communicate archival and records concerns at a national level, and work with the NHPRC and other national organizations to ensure that the nation's documentary heritage is preserved and accessible. The Council leadership includes representatives from every region of the country. For more information, see the CoSA web site.
The Council has issued a number of reports on records issues in the states, including statewide emergency disaster preparedness for archives, supported with Commission funds.