The Center for Legislative Archives

What's Online

National Archives Catalog

Most of the Center's holdings have been described through the National Archives Catalog. In addition, selected records have been digitized and made available through the Catalog.


The Center for Legislative Archives has created a variety of guides to assist researchers in learning more about the records in our holdings.

Digital Records

Digitized copies of records and born-digital electronic records in the Center's holdings are made available through the National Archives Catalog. The vast majority of the Center's holdings are paper-based records that have not been digitized. The Center also features various digitized documents through our Featured Documents section.

Congressional Web Harvest

The Center for Legislative Archives conducts a web harvest of all congressional websites every two years at the end of each Congress. To access these records, visit our Congressional Web Harvest page.


Ready to start your research?

Visit our Research Portal to browse and search legislative records.
