Federal Records Centers

Denver to Lenexa Diversion Cancellation

June 21, 2021

To Our Valued Customer,

The Federal Records Centers Program (FRCP) manages space as a single entity across our entire portfolio of 24 buildings clustered into 18 FRCs. In order to use this space most effectively as directed by OMB memo M-12-12, Section 3, we implement diversions from one FRC to another to efficiently maximize space.

We are pleased to inform you that effective October 1, 2021, we will end the diversion from Denver to Lenexa that was implemented in October 2016. Impacted agencies should continue to submit transfer requests to Denver but after October 1st, agencies will receive instructions to ship the records to Denver (rather than Lenexa).

FRCP staff members work diligently to provide high-quality, cost-effective records storage for our customers, and we appreciate your partnership with us as we build on our shared commitment to preserving Federal records. We would be happy to meet with you to discuss any concerns or questions you may have.

Please feel free to contact your Account Manager.


GG Everett
Director, Federal Records Centers Program

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