NARA 101, PART 4. Office of Human Capital
- Chief Human Capital Officer
- Leads NARA’s human capital program. Functions performed by this office include: planning, directing, and providing human capital management services; developing and administering NARA human capital policies and procedures; performing executive personnel management functions; consulting on the implementation of organizational development initiatives; ensuring the agency meets NARA human capital goals and targets identified in the NARA’s Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plan, and Human Capital Operating Plan; managing office resources and overseeing process and organizational improvement initiatives to facilitate targeted achievements; and administering the information technology and business intelligence systems that support the agency’s human capital programs and functions.
- Ensures that the “open NARA” principle of seeking input and participation from stakeholders and customers (internal and external) is actively pursued, and that the input is considered in making decisions.
- Ensures program coordination and direction by collaborating and consulting with NARA executives, the Deputy Archivist, the Archivist, and staff across NARA to address agency-wide human capital responsibilities. Evaluates feedback from key subordinates and considers evaluation reports from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), Government Accountability Office (GAO), NARA’s Inspector General, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the National Security Staff, and other relevant bodies.
- Participates on the Management Team, shaping NARA’s strategic direction and producing practical and creative high-level approaches to address related matters such as: agency-wide aligned outcomes/goals and priorities, customer- and stakeholder-focused needs and expectations, internal change management, employee satisfaction, outreach and relationship-building, “one-voice” communication, and problem resolution.
- Workforce Strategy and Analysis Division
- Plans and leads NARA’s workforce planning, succession planning, implementing approved reorganizations, and strategic human capital initiatives.
- Conducts analysis to facilitate performance improvements in processes and practices in the execution of mission-focused work and/or implementation of human capital programs.
- Serves as data analytics and reporting hub for human capital data for internal and external customers.
- Develops policies and procedures and provides training, advice, and guidance on performance management, awards/recognition, and worklife wellness programs.
- Plans and leads NARA’s workplace culture program.
- Administers NARA’s worklife/wellness program.
- Administers NARA’s telework program.
- Human Resources Operations Division
- Provides oversight and liaison to NARA’s HR shared service provider for staffing, classification, employee benefits, and workers compensation.
- Develops strategy for and implements NARA’s recruitment and retention of Senior Level appointees (SLs) and members of the Senior Executive Service (SES). Reviews SES Executive Core Qualification narratives and prepares them for review by the OPM’s Qualifications Review Board.
- Administers policy development and communications for recruitment and staffing, position management, classification, and executive level performance management, and compensation.
- Partners with NEEO to identify and develop targeted recruitment programs aimed at meeting diversity goals within NARA’s workforce. Collaborates with stakeholders in identifying targeted labor market approaches that convey NARA’s unique value as an employer of choice.
- Develops policies and procedures and provides advice and guidance on labor relations and employee relations matters, including pre-decisional involvement, union notification, management representation during negotiations, union contract interpretation, and disciplinary and adverse actions.
- In conjunction with the Office of General Counsel, assists in representing NARA before the Federal Labor Relations Authority, Merit Systems Protection Board and other third parties, as well as in negotiations with the American Federation of Government Employees Council 260 (the Union).
- Negotiates agreements with the union on behalf of NARA management.
- Learning and Development Division
- Provides consultative services for offices on organization development and change management initiatives.
- Analyzes competency and skill gaps to identify learning strategies to address gaps and provides opportunities for continuous learning.
- Assesses organizational learning needs and evaluates training activities for both short and long-range program needs.
- Manages NARA’s learning, assessment, and evaluation platforms, systems, and tools.
- Develops learning and development strategy, policies, and approaches.
- Develops, administers, manages, and tracks compliance for mandatory training.
- Develops and manages learning curriculum, policy, and practices to ensure mission readiness for occupations across NARA.
Authorities Delegated to the Chief Human Capital Officer by the Archivist
- Human Capital
- Appoint selected applicants for employment and promote, demote, reassign, and separate employees pursuant to part III of title 5, United States Code (44 U. S.C. 2105(a)). This authority is redelegated to the Human Capital Operations Division Director. All actions, including all placement actions, such as appointments, promotions, reassignments, and details, are subject to the concurrence of the affected management official(s) (e.g., selecting or deciding official).
- Administer the oath to be taken by officers and employees incident to entrance on duty in NARA or any other oath required by law in connection with employment (5 U.S.C. 2903). This authority is redelegated to the Human Capital Operations Division Director at Archives I and Archives II; Presidential Library Directors and Deputy Presidential Library Directors; and Field Support Officers, Federal Records Center Directors, Archives Directors in field units, or Administrative Officers at all locations other than Archives I and II.
- Grant exceptions to permit part-time employees in tenure Group I or II to perform regularly scheduled work from 1 to 15 hours per week (5 U.S.C. 3402(a)(3); 5 CFR 340.202(b)). This authority is redelegated to the Human Capital Operations Division Director.
- Establish and classify positions under the General Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5101 et. seq.) and grade jobs under the Federal Wage System (5 U.S.C. 5346). This authority is redelegated to the Human Capital Operations Division Director.
- Determine whether to grant discretionary grade and pay retention to eligible employees (5 CFR 536.202, 302).
- General Administration
- Accept and use voluntary and uncompensated personal services for NARA (44 U.S.C. 2105(d)). This authority is redelegated to unit heads and exercised in accordance with NARA directives or other policies regarding student interns and volunteers.
- Accept orders from other departments, establishments, bureaus, or offices for materials, supplies, equipment, work, or service pursuant to the Economy Act (31 U.S.C. 1535). This authority is retained by the Chief Human Capital Officer and may not be redelegated.