Research Our Records

NARA Reproduction Fees as of April 20, 2018

See 36 CFR Part 1258 for the complete fee schedule regulation.

Product/Service Fee
NARA Seal Embossing $2.50 per seal
Record certification (Record certification is an add-on service, the cost of which is not used to determine minimum reproduction order fees. Certifications will be charged per 150 pages certified.) $15.00 per certification
Minimum reproductions order (25 pages or less at the $.80 rate.) $20.00
Expedited shipping (or actual cost if over $30.00) $30.00 per order


Self-Service Fee
Self-service paper to paper $0.25 per copy
Self-service scan $0.25 per scan
Self-service microform to paper $0.40 per copy
Self-service microform to digitized $0.40 per scan
Self-service printing from Public Access Personal Computers (DC only) $0.10 per print
Self-service photo to photo (DC only) $11.00 per copy
Self-service video copying session with tape (DC only) $10.00 per session
--Additional session $6.50 per session
--Additional tape $3.00 per tape
Blank DVD and Sleeve $2.00
Self-service color paper to paper (DC only) $1.35 per copy
Self-service book to paper (DC only) $0.85 per copy


NARA Reproduction Services (minimum reproduction order fees may apply) Fee
Paper to paper (up to and including 11” x 17”) $0.80 per copy
Electrostatic copies (22" x 34"), paper to paper $3.50 per copy
Oversized and per linear foot black-and-white electrostatic copies, paper to paper

$3.50 per linear foot

Oversized and per linear foot color electrostatic copies, paper-to-paper

$5.00 per linear foot

Microform to paper

$3.50 per copy

Microform to digitized

$4.00 per scan

Paper to microfilm $2.50 per image
Microfiche digitization, domestic shipping

$12.00 per fiche

Microfiche digitization, foreign shipping $22.00 per fiche
Microfiche digitization, electronic transfer

$12.00 per fiche

Color paper to paper $4.60 per copy
Black-and-white photo print - 8" x 10" $17.00 per image
Color photo print - 8" x 10" $22.75 per image
Black-and-white photo print - 11" x 14" $22.75 per image
Color photo print - 11" x 14" $28.50 per image
Color photo print - 16" x 20" $40.00 per image
Color transparency - 8" x 10" $33.45 per image


Digitized/Digital NARA Reproduction Services (minimum reproduction order fees may apply; digitized reproductions may be delivered on CD/DVD or via electronic transfer.) Fee

Basic digitized scan - up to 8 ½" x 14"

$0.80 per scan

Basic digitized scan - oversized (greater than 8 ½" x 14" up to 22" x 34")

$3.50 per scan

Basic digitized scan - per linear foot

$3.50 per linear foot

NARA enhanced scan - up to 8 ½" x 14"*

$20.00 per scan

NARA enhanced scan - oversized (greater than 8 ½" x 14" up to 22" x 34")*

$25.00 per scan

NARA enhanced scan - per linear foot*

$25.00 per linear foot

Born-digital files, 10 or fewer files

$17.00 per file

Born-digital files, 11 or more files

$14.00 per file

* These scans are usually used for the digitizing of non-textual records such as photographs; however, customers can request these scans of publications/volumes/textual records.


Fixed-Fee Orders (Fixed-fee order prices supersede digitized reproduction prices (i.e., a Form 82 digitized order carries a fee of $20.00 not a per copy price).) Fee
NATF Form 37: Order for Copiers of Alien Case Files (A-Files) – A-File w/ a birth date prior to 1890 $27.00 per file
NATF Form 37: Order for Copiers of Alien Case Files (A-Files) – A-File w/ a birth date of 1890 or after $40.00 per file
NATF Form 81: Order for Copies of Ship Passenger Arrival Records

$20.00 per case

NATF Form 82: Order for Copies of Federal Census Records

$20.00 per case

NATF Form 83: Order for Copies of Eastern Cherokee Application

$20.00 per case

NATF Form 84: Order for Copies of Land Records

$50.00 per case

NATF Form 85: Order for Copies of Federal Pension or Bounty Land Warrant Applications
      *  Full Pension Application File – Pre-Civil War

      *  Full Pension Application File – Civil War and Later (up to 100 pages)

       *  Full Pension Application File – (each additional page after 100, quote provided to customer)

      *  Pension Documents Packet

      *  Bounty Land Warrant Application

$55.00 per case

$80.00 per case

$0.70 per page

$30.00 per case

$30.00 per case
NATF Form 86: Order for Copies of Military Service Files

$30.00 per case

Accessioned Draft Registration Card (minimum reproductions order does not apply)

$7.00 per file

Accessioned Naturalization Record (minimum reproductions order does not apply)

$10.00 per file

Official Military Personnel Files (OMPFs)
Archival Official Military Personnel Files (OMPFs), 6 or more pages

$70.00 per package

Archival Official Military Personnel Files (OMPFs), 5 or fewer pages

$25.00 per package

Official Personnel Files (OPFs)
Archival Official Personnel Files (OPFs), 6 or more pages

$70.00 per package

Archival Official Personnel Files (OPFs), 5 or fewer pages

$25.00 per package

Digitized Reproductions of Persons of Exceptional Prominence (PEP) Folders
Digitized Reproductions of Persons of Exceptional Prominence (PEP) - up to 100 pages

$20.00 per DVD

Digitized PEP - 101 to 300 pages

$40.00 per DVD

Digitized PEP - 301 to 600 pages

$60.00 per DVD

Digitized PEP - 601 to 1,000 pages

$90.00 per DVD

Digitized PEP - 1,001 to 1,800 pages

$150.00 per DVD

Digitized PEP - 1,801 or more pages

$250.00 per DVD

Digitized PEP - Single Folder

$20.00 per DVD

Court Martial Records and Deceased Veteran Claim Files  
First half inch (1/2”) – Court Martial Record and Deceased Veteran Claim File $50.00 1st ½”
Second half inch (1/2”) – Court Martial Record and Deceased Veteran Claim File $37.00 2nd ½”
Additional Half Inches (1/2”) – Court Martial Record and Deceased Veteran Claim File $20.00 add’l ½”


Record Center Court File Packages Fee

NATF Form 90: Order for Copies of Bankruptcy Cases  
     Pre-Selected Documents 
     Entire Bankruptcy Case File


$35.00 per package 
$90.00 per package*

 NATF Form 91 : Order for Copies of Civil Cases
     Pre-Selected Documents 
     Entire Civil Case File


$35.00 per package 
$90.00 per package*

  NATF Form 92: Order for Copies of Criminal Cases
    Pre-Selected Documents
    Entire Criminal Case Files


$35.00 per package
$90.00 per package*

  NATF Form 93: Order for Copies of Court of Appeals Cases
      Entire Court of Appeals Case


$90.00 per package*

  Court Docket Sheet

$35.00 per package


* The price for entire case files that exceed 150 pages will be $90.00 plus a standard labor charge billed in 15-minute increments ($22.00 per 15 minutes, quoted to customer).


Microfilm Publications Fee
Digitized microfilm publication black-and-white 35 mm or 16 mm roll, domestic US shipping $125.00 per roll*
Digitized microfilm publication black-and-white 35 mm or 16 mm roll, international shipping $135.00 per roll*
Digitized microfilm publication black-and-white 35 mm or 16 mm roll, electronic transfer $125.00 per roll*
Microfiche digitization, domestic US shipping $12.00 per fiche
Microfiche digitization, international shipping $22.00 per fiche
Microfiche digitization, electronic transfer $12.00 per fiche
Digital publication, domestic US shipping $55.00 per DVD
Digital publication, international shipping $65.00 per DVD


* The National Archives at St. Louis does not duplicate or digitize microfilm rolls.



Archival Handling Fees Fee

Motion Picture/Video Item (Washington, DC)

$17.25 per item

Audio Item (Washington, DC)

$6.50 per item

Regional Archives Still Photo Item

$8.25 per item



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