Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

Records responsive to FOIA requests about President Trump's return of 15 boxes of records from Mar-a-Lago

NARA has received more than 50 FOIA requests seeking records related to the 15 boxes received from Mar-a-Lago. To respond most efficiently to these overlapping requests, NARA is processing all related requests in the same manner:  identifying categories of records that are commonly requested and organizing its searches and responses by those categories of records. When NARA completes processing of a category of records, it will simultaneously issue a response to all requesters who asked for records pertaining to that subject matter and will post any non-exempt records or discretionary releases here.

Records released on October 3, 2022:

Category 1: emails between NARA officials and representatives of former President Trump related to the 15 boxes as of March 31, 2022

Category 2: emails from NARA to external entities other than Trump representatives related to the 15 boxes as of March 31, 2022 

Records released on November 9, 2022: 

Category 3A: emails between NARA officials related to the 15 boxes as of March 31, 2022 (Part A).    

Records released on December 20, 2022:

Category 3B: emails between NARA officials related to the 15 boxes as of March 31, 2022 (Part B). NARA continues to process and post records on a monthly basis.

Records released January 31, 2023:

Category 4: records documenting the cost associated with retrieval of the boxes

Category 5 consisted of any NARA inventory pertaining to the contents of the boxes. These records are being withheld in full.  

Category 6: NARA communications with former President Donald Trump’s Presidential Records Act (PRA) representatives related to the boxes, beginning April 1, 2022 

Category 7:  NARA communications with Congress, the Department of Justice, and the White House related to the 15 boxes, beginning April 1, 2022

Records released February 28, 2023:

Category 8A: emails between NARA officials related to the 15 boxes starting April 1, 2022 (Part A) 

Records Released March 31, 2023:

Category 8B:  emails between NARA officials related to the 15 boxes starting April 1, 2022 (Part B)

Category 9: chats and text messages about the 15 Boxes 

Records Released October 17, 2023:

NARA OIG emails 

Records Released January 17, 2024:

Records previously released which have been reprocessed to release additional information


Several NARA records about the 15 boxes were released in United States v. Trump, 9:23-cr-80101-AMC. This release prompted NARA to re-review its initial withholding decisions. NARA re-processed the records in segments, which NARA plans to post monthly until the re-review is complete. 

Records Released February 7, 2025:

Re-Review Segment 1 - Internal NARA discussions about the 15 boxes



