Office of the Federal Register (OFR)

Appendix B —Preferred Expressions



accorded given
adequate number of enough
afford an opportunity allow, let
afforded given
all of the all the
approximately about
attains the age of become... years old
at the time when
attempt [as a verb] try
by means of by
calculate compute
category kind, class, group
cease stop
commence begin, start
complete [as a verb] finish
conceal hide
consequence result
contiguous to next to
corporation organized and existing
under the laws of New Jersey
New Jersey corporation

deem consider
donate give
during such time as while
during the course of during
echelons levels
effectuate carry out, try
endeavor [as a verb] carry out, try
enter into a contract with contract with
enumerate count
equitable fair
evince show
excessive number of too many
expedite hasten, speed up
expend spend
expiration end

feasible possible
for the duration of during
for the purpose of holding
[or other gerund]
to hold or comparable infinitive
for the reason that because
forthwith immediately
frequently often
hereafter after this... takes effect
heretofore before this... takes effect
implement carry out, do follow
in case if
in cases in which when, where [say "whenever" or "wherever" only when you
need to emphasize the exhaustive
or recurring applicability of
the regulation
indicate [in the sense of "show"] show
inform tell
in lieu of instead of, in place of
in order to to
inquire ask
in sections 2023 to 2039, inclusive of
the Act
in sections 2023-2039 of the Act
institute begin, start
interrogate question
in the event that if
in the interest of for
incumbent upon must
is able to can
is authorized may
is binding upon binds
is empowered may
is unable to cannot
it shall be lawful may


manner way
maximum most, largest, greatest
minimum least, smallest
modify change
necessitate require
no later than June 30, 19___ before July 1, 19___
non-concur disagree
obligate bind, compel
obtain get
occasion [as a verb] cause
of a technical nature technical
on and after July 1, 19___ after June 30, 19___
on his own application on or before June 30, 19___ at his request before July 1, 19___
on the part of by
or, in the alternative or

paragraph (5) of subsection (a)
of section 2097 of Title 5
of the United States Code
5 U.S.C. 2097(a)(5)
parameters limits
Party of the First Part [the party's name]
per annum, per day, per foot a year, a day, a foot
per centum percent
period of time period, time
portion part
possess have
preserve keep
prior earlier
prior to before
proceed go, go ahead
procure obtain, get
prosecute its business carry on its business
provides guidance for provides
provision of law law
purchase [as a verb] buy
pursuant to under
remainder rest
render [in the sense of "cause to be"] make
render [in the sense of "give"] give
require [in the sense of "need"] need
retain keep

specified [in the sense of "expressly mentioned" or "listet"] named
State of Kansas Kansas
subsequent to after
suffer [in the sense of "permit"] permit
sufficient number of enough
summon send for, call
The Congress Congress
the manner in which how
to the effect that that
under the provisions of under
until such time as until
utilize, employ [in the sense of "use"] use
within or without the United States inside or outside the United States
with reference to for



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