“Nearing the End of the Primaries”
May 3, 1920
Today candidates usually secure their party’s nomination during the primary season, and the nominating convention merely provides the party’s official stamp of approval. In 1920, however, when the primary process was still new, it did not produce a clear winner for the Republican Party. As the Republican convention neared, there was no front-runner for the G.O.P. Presidential nomination. This cartoon shows the frazzled Republican elephant surrounded by conflicting newspaper headlines while the Democratic donkey makes pressing inquiries. Warren G. Harding was eventually chosen as the Republican nominee.
U.S. Senate Collection
Center for Legislative Archives
From Berryman’s Recurring Cast of Characters...
The donkey has become the common symbol of the Democratic Party. It was first associated with Democrat Andrew Jackson’s 1828 Presidential campaign. The figure was popularized in the 1870s when it was frequently featured in the cartoons of Thomas Nast. See more of Berryman’s Recurring Symbolic Characters