U.S. Voting and Election Resources
The Office of the Federal Register does not have official ties to these websites and is not responsible for their content or their maintenance.
- Can I Vote? —find out if you’re registered to vote and more
- U.S. Election Assistance Commission—for all voters: register to vote, get voting information and assistance
- Federal Voting Assistance Program—information for uniformed service members and Americans living abroad
The Election Process
- Electing a U.S. President in Plain English—a short video
- Presidential Election Process—from USA.gov
- State Laws Regarding Presidential Electors —a summary of state laws about the procedures, which vary from state to state, for selecting slates of potential electors and for conducting the meeting of the electors, compiled by the National Association of Secretaries of State (updated September 2024)
- FairVote—The Electoral College
- Commission on Presidential Debates
- University of Minnesota Humphrey School of Public Affairs: Electionline
- National Association of Election Officials—Election Center
- The Federalist Papers: No. 68—The Mode of Electing the President From the New York Packet. Friday, March 14, 1788.
- League of Women Voters
- Congressional Research Service Report for Congress—The Electoral College: How it Works in Contemporary Presidential Elections
- The Electoral College and the National Archives—Press Release, October 22, 2008
- Office of the Federal Register—Presidential Election Pamphlet
- Ballotpedia—Information about the Status of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact
- U.S. Department of Justice—get information, report suspected voting fraud, and more
- U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation —information about public corruption, election crimes, and more
The Electoral Count Reform Act of 2022
- Senator Susan Collins —Press Release, July 20, 2022
- Campaign Legal Center—Electoral Count Reform Act implementation
- Electoral Count Reform Act of 2022 - 136 Stat. 5233 (Public Law 117-328, Division P)
Campaign Finance
State Government Websites
- National Association of Secretaries of State
- National Association of State Election Directors (NASED)
- National Governors Association
- Council of State Governments
- National Conference of State Legislatures—Election Resources
- State Election and Electoral College Links
Alabama | Kentucky | North Dakota |
Alaska | Louisiana | Ohio |
Arizona | Maine | Oklahoma |
Arkansas | Maryland | Oregon |
California | Massachusetts | Pennsylvania |
Colorado | Michigan | Rhode Island |
Connecticut | Minnesota | South Carolina |
Delaware | Mississippi | South Dakota |
District of Columbia | Missouri | Tennessee |
Florida | Montana | Texas |
Georgia | Nebraska | Utah |
Hawaii | Nevada | Vermont |
Idaho | New Hampshire | Virginia |
Illinois | New Jersey | Washington |
Indiana | New Mexico | West Virginia |
Iowa | New York | Wisconsin |
Kansas | North Carolina | Wyoming |
- Tally of the 1824 Electoral College Vote—NARA Electoral College Lesson Plan
- Ben’s Guide to Election of the President and Vice President: Electoral College—U.S. Government Publishing Office
- What is the Electoral College?—Library of Congress
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