Electoral College

1816 Electoral College Results

President James Monroe [Democratic-Republican]
Main Opponent Rufus King [Federalist]
Electoral Vote Winner:  183 Main Opponent:  34 Total/Majority:  221 (217)*/111
Vice President Daniel D. Tompkins (183)
V.P. Opponents John E. Howard (22); James Ross (5); John Marshall (4); Robert G. Harper (3)

*One elector from Delaware and three from Maryland did not vote.


Electoral College Votes by State

State Electoral Vote of Each State For President For Vice-President
James Monroe, of Virginia Rufus King, of New York Daniel D. Tompkins, of New York John E. Howard, of Maryland James Ross, of Pennsylvania John Marshall, of Virginia Robert G. Harper, of Maryland
Connecticut 9 - 9 - - 5 4 -
Delaware* 4 - 3 - - - - 3
Georgia 8 8 - 8 - - - -
Indiana 3 3 - 3 - - - -
Kentucky 12 12 - 12 - - - -
Louisiana 3 3 - 3 - - - -
Maryland* 11 8 - 8 - - - -
Massachusetts 22 - 22 - 22 - - -
New Hampshire 8 8 - 8 - - - -
New Jersey 8 8 - 8 - - - -
New York 29 29 - 29 - - - -
North Carolina 15 15 - 15 - - - -
Ohio 8 8 - 8 - - - -
Pennsylvania 25 25 - 25 - - - -
Rhode Island 4 4 - 4 - - - -
South Carolina 11 11 - 11 - - - -
Tennessee 8 8 - 8 - - - -
Vermont 8 8 - 8 - - - -
Virginia 25 25 - 25 - - - -
Totals 221 (217)* 183 34 183 22 5 4 3

*One elector from Delaware and three from Maryland did not vote.
