Electoral College

1804 Electoral College Results

President Thomas Jefferson [Democratic-Republican]
Main Opponent Charles C. Pinckney [Federalist]
Electoral Vote Winner:  162 Main Opponent:  14 Total/Majority:  176/89
Vice President George Clinton (162)
V.P. Opponent Rufus King (14)


Electoral College Votes by State

State Electoral Vote of Each State For President For Vice-President
Thomas Jefferson, of Virginia Charles C. Pinckney, of South Carolina George Clinton, of New York Rufus King, of New York
Connecticut 9 - 9 - 9
Delaware 3 - 3 - 3
Georgia 6 6 - 6 -
Kentucky 8 8 - 8 -
Maryland 11 9 2 9 2
Massachusetts 19 19 - 19 -
New Hampshire 7 7 - 7 -
New Jersey 8 8 - 8 -
New York 19 19 - 19 -
North Carolina 14 14 - 14 -
Ohio 3 3 - 3 -
Pennsylvania 20 20 - 20 -
Rhode Island 4 4 - 4 -
South Carolina 10 10 - 10 -
Tennessee 5 5 - 5 -
Vermont 6 6 - 6 -
Virginia 24 24 - 24 -
Totals 176 162 14 162 14