Electoral College

1788-89 Electoral College Results

President George Washington [Federalist]
Main Opponent John Adams [Federalist]
Other Opponents John Jay (9), Robert H. Harrison (6); John Rutledge (6); John Hancock (4); George Clinton (3); Samuel Huntington (2); John Milton (2); James Armstrong (1); Benjamin Lincoln (1); Edward Telfair (1)
Electoral Vote Winner:  69 Main Opponent:  34 Total/Majority:  69/35
Vice President John Adams (34)

Prior to ratification of the 12th Amendment in 1804, each elector was given two votes and required to cast each for a different person. The person with the highest total of votes was elected President and the person with the second highest total was elected Vice President.


Electoral College Votes by State

State Electoral Vote of Each State For President and For Vice-President
George Washington John Adams Others1
Connecticut2 7 7 5 2
Delaware3 3 3 - 3
Georgia4 5 5 - 5
Maryland5 6 6 - 6
Massachusetts 10 10 10 -
New Hampshire 5 5 5 -
New Jersey6 6 6 1 5
Pennsylvania7 10 10 8 2
South Carolina8 7 7 - 7
Virginia9 10 10 5 5
Totals 69 69 34 351

1The following candidates also received electoral votes: John Jay (9), Robert H. Harrison (6), John Rutledge (6), John Hancock (4), George Clinton (3), Samuel Huntington (2), John Milton (2), James Armstrong (1), Benjamin Lincoln (1), Edward Telfair (1).

2Electors for Connecticut also cast 2 votes for Samuel Huntington.

3Electors for Delaware also cast 3 votes for John Jay.

4Electors for Georgia also cast 2 votes for John Milton, 1 vote for James Armstrong, 1 vote for Edward Telfair, and 1 vote for Benjamin Lincoln.

5Electors for Maryland also cast 6 votes for Robert H. Harrison.

6Electors for New Jersey also cast 5 votes for John Jay

7Electors for Pennsylvania also cast 2 votes for John Hancock.

8Electors for South Carolina also cast 1 vote for John Hancock, and 6 votes for John Rutledge.

9Electors for Virginia also cast 1 vote for John Jay, 1 vote for John Hancock, and 3 votes for George Clinton.
