Equal Employment Opportunity Program

National Archives EEO Policy Statement

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement

As the Archivist of the United States, I reaffirm my commitment to the principles of equal employment opportunity (EEO). As the nation’s record keepers, our success depends on the contributions of a talented workforce. The National Archives and Records Administration’s (NARA) core values require us to collaborate, innovate, and learn by engaging with each other.

Federal laws and Presidential Executive Orders require that employees and applicants for employment have equal opportunities regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, or transgender status), age (40 years of age or older), disability (mental or physical), family medical history or genetic information, retaliation for serving as a witness and/or engaging in EEO activity, marital status, political affiliation, and status as a parent. These protections extend to management practices and decisions through outreach, recruitment and hiring practices, appraisal systems, promotions, training, and career development programs.

This EEO policy statement serves as a reminder that NARA will not tolerate discrimination, inappropriate behavior, and harassment of any kind in the workplace. Managers and supervisors must lead by example and are responsible for ensuring employees have a work environment that is free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. All of us are responsible for integrating EEO into our daily actions, conduct, and decisions as we strive to become a model workplace.

Any NARA employee or applicant for employment, who believes they have been subjected to discrimination or harassment based on one or more of the above-mentioned protected categories should contact the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity Programs (NEEO) at 301-837-0939 within 45 days of the alleged discriminatory action or incident. Additional information about EEO services can be obtained by contacting the EEO Office at NEEO@nara.gov, https://www.archives.gov/eeo, or 301-837-3928.

Other avenues employees may use to address complaints include: contacting the Office of Special Counsel at https://osc.gov/ or (202)-804-7000 or the Merit Systems Protection Board at https://www.mspb.gov/ or 202-653-7200.

Any employee who believes NARA has subjected them to workplace harassment can review NARA 396, Anti-Harassment Policy at

https://work.nara.gov/nara_policies_and_guidance/directives/0300_series/nara0396.html or visit https://work.nara.gov/equal-employment-opportunity/harassment_prevention.html for information on how to report allegations of workplace harassment.

To resolve workplace disputes and EEO complaints, NARA promotes the use of alternative dispute resolution. NARA’s Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Program is RESOLVE. For information on NARA’s RESOLVE Program review NARA 320, RESOLVE at: https://work.nara.gov/nara_policies_and_guidance/directives/0300_series/nara0320.html or visit  https://work.nara.gov/staff_resources_and_services/employee_resources/adrmain.html.

I expect your continued support in addressing and eradicating discriminatory behavior in the workplace. Working together we will make NARA a “great place to work,” one that values mutual respect, integrity, and teamwork.



Archivist of the United States
