Educator Resources

Analyze an Artifact or Object

Sammy EagleDownload the illustrated PDF version. (PDF)


Meet the artifact.

Magnifying glass

  • What do you think it is?

Observe its parts.

  • What do you think the object is made out of? Circle all that apply.
    Bone Ceramic Pottery Fabric Glass Leather Metal Paper Plastic Stone Wood
  • How do you think the object feels? Circle all that apply.
    Heavy Light Smooth Rough Hard Soft
  • What is the color of the object?
  • What is the shape of the object?
  • What size is the object? Circle one.
    Small like a coin Medium like a basketball Large like a car
  • What are three words that describe the object?

Try to make sense of it.

  • What do you think the object was used for?
  • Who do you think would have used the object?
  • What does the object tell us about the time period when it was made and used?
  • Do we still use this object today? If so, how is it different?

Use it as historical evidence.

  • Where do you think you could find out more information about the object or the people who used it?

CC0Materials created by the National Archives and Records Administration are in the public domain.

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