Educator Resources

Analyze a Written Document

Sammy EagleDownload the illustrated PDF version. (PDF)


Meet the document.

We the People

  • Are there any special markings on the document? Circle all that apply.
    Stamp Postmark Handwritten note Official seal Special letterhead Other
  • Is it handwritten, typed, or both?
  • Write down any words that you don’t know. Then look up the definitions.

Observe its parts.

  • Who wrote this document?
  • Who read or received this document?
  • What is the date of the document?

Try to make sense of it.

  • What is the main idea of the document?
  • List two quotes (words from the document) that help support the main idea.

Use it as historical evidence.

  • Where do you think you could find out more information about the persons who wrote or received this document?
  • Where do you think you could find out more information about this event?

CC0 Materials created by the National Archives and Records Administration are in the public domain.

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