NARA and Declassification

ISCAP Releases

The Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP, or “the Panel”) provides the public and users of the classification system with a forum for further review of classification decisions.

Section 5.3(b)(4) of Executive Order 13526, “Classified National Security Information,” (the Order) requires that the ISCAP “appropriately inform senior agency officials and the public of final Panel decisions on appeals under sections 1.8 and 3.5 of this order.” This function is important for two reasons. First, the documents decided upon by the Panel for classification challenges and mandatory declassification review appeals may be of historical interest to the public, not just the appellants. Second, section 3.1(i) of the order states that, “When making decisions under sections 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5 of this order [these are the sections concerning automatic, systematic, and mandatory declassification], agencies shall consider the final decisions of the Panel.” Distribution of electronic versions of declassified documents on a publicly available web site is the most efficient way for the ISCAP to fulfill this function.

This online collection includes documents decided upon by the ISCAP starting in Fiscal Year 2012. The documents include records from the Presidential Library system of the National Archives, the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, the Department of Defense, and other agencies. The quality of the images is dependent on the quality of the original records used to create the copies provided to the Panel.

In some appeals, the ISCAP affirms the classification decision of the responsible agency. For these appeals, the documents at issue will not be posted on this site, and only a notification of that affirmed decision will be posted.

*Please note the table headers are clickable, sort the table by the clicked column header.

Document Title or Subject [PDF] Document Date (yyyy/mm/dd) Creator Document Location Appeal Number Appeal Release Date (yyyy/mm/dd)
The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan: A Cryptologic History 1996 National Security Agency National Security Agency 2009-055-doc01 2017/11/21
Msg. re: Soviet Space Program 1962/08 Central Intelligence Agency Kennedy Presidential Library 2009-074 2018/07/10
CIA Report re: Soviet missile design 1963/03/18 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-017-doc01 2018/07/10
Msg. re: El Salvador 1990/08 Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency 2012-010 2018/07/10
Msg. re: El Salvador 1990/09 Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency 2012-019 2018/07/10
Msg. re: El Salvador 1990/07/13 Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency 2012-020-doc01 2018/07/10
Msg. re: El Salvador 1990/07/24 Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency 2012-020-doc02 2018/07/10
Msg. re: El Salvador 1990/07/27 Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency 2012-020-doc03 2018/07/10
Weekly Review re: Soviet SL-13 missile  1972/08/04 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-021-doc01 2018/07/10
Document re: launch of Soviet satellite 1967/09/16 Department of Defense Johnson Presidential Library 2011-040-doc01 2018/07/10
Msg. re: Colombia 1995/09/23 Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency 2011-047-doc01 2018/07/10
Document regarding Soviet Space spending 1970/10 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-061-doc01 2018/07/10
Indian Nuclear Policy in the 1980s 1981/09 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-062-doc1 2019/05/06
Central Intelligence Bulletin 1973/12/03 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-077-doc01 2019/05/06
The Soviet Space Nuclear Power Program 1991/10 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-099-doc01 2018/07/10
Opposition Political Activity, Vietnam 1974/09/17 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2011-106-doc01 2018/10/26
American Defector in Cambodia 1974/12/04 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2011-106-doc02 2018/10/26
Comments on Ammunition Shortage 1974/10/04 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2011-106-doc03 2018/10/26
Sino-North Vietnamese Friction 1975/04/07 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2011-106-doc04 2018/10/26
Msg. re: El Salvador 1990 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-007 2018/03/05
Ex-President Thieu’s Entourage: Onward Travel of Tran Than Dien 1975/05/02 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2012-025-doc01 2018/10/26
Alleged Sale of GVN Military Supplies to Communist Troops 1974/07/24 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2012-025-doc02 2018/10/26
Reported PRG Activities in Belgium 1974/12/05 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2012-025-doc03 2018/10/26
Relations Between GVN and Sierra Leone 1974/08/16 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2012-025-doc04 2018/10/26
DRV Diplomatic Campaign in Africa 1974/08/16 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2012-025-doc05 2018/10/26
Opposition Political Activity, Vietnam 1974/09/17 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2012-025-doc06 2018/10/26
Slowdown of PRC-DRV Railway Traffic 1974/12/30 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2012-025-doc07 2018/10/26
Intelligence Report 1968 Department of State Johnson Presidential Library 2012-032-doc01,03 2018/07/10
Intelligence Report 1968 Department of State Johnson Presidential Library 2012-032-doc02 2018/07/10
The CIA in Afghanistan, 2001-2002 2003 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-041-doc01 2019/05/06
Msg. re: Mexico 1979 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-051 2018/03/05
Operation VETO 1954/06/10 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-056-doc01 2019-05/06
Intelligence Report 1967 Central Intelligence Agency Johnson Presidential Library 2012-096 2018/07/10
Msg. re: Guatemala 1981/04/29 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-097-doc01 2018/03/05
Intelligence Report 1969/07/18 Johnson Presidential Library Johnson Presidential Library 2012-104-doc01 2019/05/06
Intelligence Report 1969/07/11 Johnson Presidential Library Johnson Presidential Library 2012-104-doc02 2019/05/06
Intelligence Report 1969/07/10 Johnson Presidential Library Johnson Presidential Library 2012-104-doc03 2019/05/06
Intelligence Report 1965 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-110-doc01-03 2018/07/10
Intelligence Report  1965/03/26 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-110-doc04 2018/07/10
[Intelligence Report] 1990/12/12 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-121-doc01 2019/05/06
Document re: Cuba 1967 Johnson Presidential Library Johnson Presidential Library 2012-155-doc01 2018/03/05
Funds Supplied by Soviet Embassy in Mexico City to Promote Castro-sponsored Invasion of Nicaragua 1963/01/16 Central Intelligence Agency Kennedy Presidential Library 2013-011-doc01 2018/10/26
Document re: British Guiana 1963 Central Intelligence Agency Kennedy Presidential Library 2013-011-doc02-03 2018/10/26
[Presentation re: UNMOVIC]  2002/09/22 Office of the Secretary of Defense Office of the Secretary of Defense 2013-024-doc01 2017/11/21
Memorandum of Conversation  1973/06/28 Ford Presidential Library Ford Presidential Library 2013-025-doc01 2017/11/21
[Memorandum re: source "Curveball" 2004 Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency 2013-039-doc01 2017/11/21
DMZ Artillery/Mortar/Rocket Countermeasure Study 1967/10/11 Office of the Secretary of Defense National Archives and Records Administration 2013-059-doc01 2018/10/26
Telegram re: Vietnam: Saigon 9576 1974/07/19 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2013-042-doc01 2018/10/26
Intelligence Report: The Economic Crisis in South Vietnam 1974/05 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2013-042-doc02 2018/10/26
Intelligence Memorandum: The World Rice Situation 1973/11 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2013-042-doc03 2018/10/26
[Memorandum concerning Iraq] 2003-2004 Office of the Secretary of Defense Office of the Secretary of Defense 2013-061 2017/11/21
[Documents concerning security at the Al Rashid Hotel] 2003 Office of the Secretary of Defense Office of the Secretary of Defense 2013-071-doc01 2017/11/21
The Suez Crisis: A Brief Comint History 1988 National Security Agency National Security Agency 2013-117-doc01 2018/03/05
Iraq:  Prospects for Confrontation  1998/07/17 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2014-002-doc01 2017/11/21
Stability of the Iraqi Regime  2002/04 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2014-002-doc02 2017/11/21
Iraq:  A Sustained Pattern of Civilian Repression 2003/01/22 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2014-010-doc01 2017/11/21
Iraq:  Ethnic Relocation Bolsters Regime Security 2000/05/02 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2014-010-doc02 2017/11/21
Iraq's Biological Weapons Program:  Saddam's Ace in the Hole 1990/08 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2014-011-doc01 2017/11/21
Iraq's Biological Weapons Program:  Well Positioned for the Future 1997/04 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2014-011-doc02 2017/11/21
Msg. re: Mexico 1968 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2014-037 2018/03/05
[Senior Executive Memorandum] 2003/03/06 Office of the Secretary of Defense Office of the Secretary of Defense 2014-038-doc01 2017/11/21
Electronic Warfare Study Iraq 1990/08 Defense Intelligence Agency
  Defense Intelligence Agency
2014-033-doc01 2017/11/21
[Iraqi Ba'ath Party] 2004/09 Office of the Secretary of Defense Office of the Secretary of Defense 2014-041-doc01 2017/11/21
[Document concerning bacillus anthracis] n.d. Office of the Secretary of Defense Office of the Secretary of Defense 2014-047-doc01 2017/11/21
Civil Disturbance Planning for the Washington Metropolitan Area 1967/08/06 Department of Defense  National Archives and Records Administration 2015-071-doc01 2016/12/02
Final Report concerning the Detroit Roits 1967/08/02 Department of Defense National Archives and Records Administration 2015-071-doc02 2016/12/02
Civil Disturbance Training in the National Guard 1967/08/07 Department of Defense National Archives and Records Administration 2015-071-doc03 2016/12/02
NATO Expansion 1993-1997 Clinton Presidential Library Clinton Presidential Library 2016-140/141 2018/03/05
Portion of document concerning Argentina: Evening Report & Extract of President's Daily Brief 1977/09/01 & 1976/03/05 Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency 2017-489 2018/05/04
Atomic Annex to the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP) 1957/12/02 Department of the Navy Department of the Navy 2010-056-doc02 2017/01/30
Memorandum for the Chief of Naval Operations  1957/12/09 Department of the Navy Department of the Navy 2010-056-doc03 2017/01/30
Modification of SSBN Commitments to NATO 1976/05/06 Office of the Secretary of Defense Office of the Secretary of Defense 2011-078-doc01 2017/05/01
Modification of SSBN Commitments to NATO 1976/03/23 Office of the Secretary of Defense Office of the Secretary of Defense 2011-078-doc02 2017/05/01
NSDM 242 Targeting Study 1975/01/29 Office of the Secretary of Defense Office of the Secretary of Defense 2012-037-doc01 2017/05/01
The Theater Nuclear Force Posture in Europe: A Report to the U.S. Congress 1975/04/01 Office of the Secretary of Defense Office of the Secretary of Defense 2013-066-doc01 2017/05/01
[Thatcher Memo] 1986/11/14 George H.W. Bush Presidential Library George H.W. Bush Presidential Library 2013-072-doc01 2017/05/01
[Thatcher Biography] 1991/03/06 George H.W. Bush Presidential Library George H.W. Bush Presidential Library 2013-072-doc02 2017/05/01
NSDD: Nuclear Weapons Employment Policy 1981-1987 Reagan Presidential Library Reagan Presidential Library 2013-104 2017/05/01
Policy Guidance for the Employment of Nuclear Weapons (NUWEP-82) 1982/06/21 Office of the Secretary of Defense Office of the Secretary of Defense 2013-111-doc01 2017/05/01
Nuclear Weapons Employment Policy Guidance 1985/01/03 Office of the Secretary of Defense Office of the Secretary of Defense 2013-111-doc02 2017/05/01
[Re: Nuclear planning] 1972/08/10 Office of the Secretary of Defense Office of the Secretary of Defense 2014-100-doc01 2017/05/01
PD/NSC-PD-48: Ballistic Missile Commitments to NATO 1979/04/04 Carter Presidential Library Carter Presidential Library 2015-022-doc01 2017/05/01
Draft SLBM Commitments to NATO NA Carter Presidential Library Carter Presidential Library 2015-022-doc02 2017/05/01
President's Daily Brief 1968/06/07 Central Intelligence Agency Johnson Presidential Library 2015-074-doc01 2017/01/30
President's Daily Brief 1965/03/05 Central Intelligence Agency Johnson Presidential Library 2015-075-doc01 2017/01/30
President's Daily Brief 1968/04/06 Central Intelligence Agency Johnson Presidential Library 2015-077-doc01 2017/01/30
President's Daily Brief 1968/04/08 Central Intelligence Agency Johnson Presidential Library 2015-077-doc02 2017/01/30
President's Daily Brief 1968/04/15 Central Intelligence Agency Johnson Presidential Library 2015-077-doc03 2017/01/30
President's Daily Brief 1968/03/19 Central Intelligence Agency Johnson Presidential Library 2015-078-doc01 2017/01/30
President's Daily Brief 1968/11/02 Central Intelligence Agency Johnson Presidential Library 2015-080-doc01 2017/01/30
President's Daily Brief 1968/11/08 Central Intelligence Agency Johnson Presidential Library 2015-080-doc02 2017/01/30
President's Daily Brief 1965/02/08 Central Intelligence Agency Johnson Presidential Library 2015-081-doc01 2017/01/30
President's Daily Brief 1967/11/15 Central Intelligence Agency Johnson Presidential Library 2015-110-doc01 2017/01/30
Letter from J.P. Vann to Leroy Wehrle  1968/03/07 Department of the Army Information Security Oversight Office 2015-111-doc15 2017/05/01
Situation Report for IV Corps  1968/02/22 Department of State Information Security Oversight Office 2015-111-doc17 2017/05/01
Letter from R.C. Phillips to Leroy Wehrle 1963/09/04 Department of State Information Security Oversight Office 2015-111-doc32 2017/05/01
[Draft report re: Laos] n.d. Department of State Information Security Oversight Office 2015-111-doc35 2017/05/01
President's Intelligence Checklist 1962 Kennedy Presidential Library Kennedy Presidential Library 2015-120 2017/05/01
President's Intelligence Checklist 1962 Kennedy Presidential Library  Kennedy Presidential Library 2015-129 2017/05/01
History of the Office of Special Activities  1969/04/01 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2002-0049 Parts I-IV 2016/03/01
NOSC Technical Report 422  1980/07 Department of the Navy Department of the Navy 2006-033-doc01 2016/12/02
Director of Central Intelligence Directive 1976-2001 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2008-049 2016/12/02
Directorate of Science and Technology, Monthly Indices of Scientific and Technical Publications  1966-1972 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2010-023 2016/09/26
Secretary's Meeting with Ambassador John A. Volpe 1975/11/11 Department of State Department of State 2010-083-doc01 2016/09/19
[Briefing memorandum re: Cyprus] 1974/07/29 Department of State Department of State 2010-083-doc02 2016/09/19
40 Committee Decisions and Covert Action Plans in Angola 1975/01-10 Department of State Department of State 2010-083-doc03 2016/09/19
SACEUR's Selective Release Procedures and Nuclear Policy Decisions  1968/12/26 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2011-013 2016/03/01
Deterrence, Nuclear Strategy, and the Post-Attack Environment  1981/06/22 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2011-016 2016/03/01
[Document referred to the Department of State by the Department of Justice] 2004 Department of State  Department of State 2011-081 2016/03/11
[Memorandum re: Iranian nuclear program]  1970 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-095 2016/07/13
[Memorandum re: Free Europe Committee] 1950-1971 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-031 2016/09/19
FBI investigative file: Lowenthal 1960s-1980s Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Bureau of Investigation 2013-014 2016/09/19
[Telegram] 1963 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Presidential Library 2013-036 2016/03/11
[Request for certain imagery from the KH-8 and KH-9 systems  1967-1973 Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence 2013-041 2016/03/11
[Memorandum re: Radio Free Europe]  1957-1967 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2013-098 2016/09/19
Portions of "The Central Intelligence Agency and Overhead Reconnaissance: The U-2 and OXCART Programs, 1954-1974"


Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2013-107 2016/09/19
The Central Intelligence Agency and Overhead Reconnaissance:  The U-2 and OXCART Programs, 1954-1974 1992 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2014-004-doc01 2016/09/19
Deputy Committee (SVTS) Meeting  1990/03/28 National Security Council  George H.W. Bush Presidential Library 2014-007 2016/03/24
The Situation in Laos 1963/06/17 John F. Kennedy Presidential Library John F. Kennedy Presidential Library 2014-025 2016/05/24
Special Defense Intelligence Estimate: Prospects for the Soviet Union's Airborne Warning and Control System (SUAWACS) 1981 Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency 2014-026 2016/05/24
Summary memorandum regarding Robert Cutler 1953/01/22 Federal Bureau of Investigation Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library 2014-034 2016/05/24
[Request for release of classified information regarding alleged criminal/terrorist activities that may have led to visa ineligibility for Julio Cury David]   Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2014-039 2016/03/11
Telegram 11238; Telegram 11293; [Telegram] 1963 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Presidential Library 2014-048-doc01-03 2016/04/29
[R.A. Dungan to JFK re: attached] 1963/08/16 John F. Kennedy Presidential Library John F. Kennedy Presidential Library 2014-049 2016/04/29
Embtel 1006 (Santiago) / [Memo] 1963-1964 John F. Kennedy Presidential Library John F. Kennedy Presidential Library 2014-050 2016/04/29
[Request for interviews the CIA conducted with Ukrainian nationalist leader Taras Bulba-Borovets]    Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2014-055 2016/03/11
[Telegram re: Chile] 1961/08/30 John F. Kennedy Presidential Library John F. Kennedy Presidential Library 2014-074 2016/03/11
12 TRIPOLI 55: "US Mission Benghazi Emergency Action Committee" 2012/08/16 Department of State Department of State 2014-086 2016/07/05
Response from CIA to Questions on the Turkish Presence in Cyprus  1979/05/11 Central Intelligence Agency   Information Security Oversight Office 2015-057 2016/09/19
The Iraqi Threat 2001-2002 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2008-013 2015/12/03
NSA Technical Journals 1959-1986 National Security Agency National Security Agency 2008-032 2015/10/14
A History of U.S. Communications Security 1973-1981 National Security Agency National Security Agency 2009-049 2015/10/14
North American Air Defense Command (NORAD), Weekly Intelligence Review (WIR) - Part 3 1960's Department of Defense Air Force Historical Research Agency 2009-068-part3 2015/02/25
North American Air Defense Command (NORAD), Weekly Intelligence Review (WIR) - Part 4 1960-1970 Department of Defense Air Force Historical Research Agency 2009-068-part4 2015/05/14
TEBAC Reports 1972-1973 National Security Agency National Security Agency 2010-002 2015/10/14
Directorate of Intelligence Reviews  1969 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2010-006 2015/12/03
Special Defense Intelligence Agency Intelligence Summary 1964 Department of Defense Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library 2010-042 2015/12/03
Scientific and Technical Intelligence Report. Complex J at Tyuratam and Its Role in the Soviet Manned Lunar Landing Program 1968/08 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2010-054 2015/12/03
Foreign Ballistic Missile and Space Developments in 1969 1970/08 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2010-065 2015/12/03
Okinawa: Calendar of Documents 1972 Department of State Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library 2011-001 2015/12/03
The Taiwan Research Reactor 1977-1978 Department of State Department of State 2011-007 2015/12/03
Possible Communist Reaction to U.S. Military Readiness Tests 1969/10/27 Department of State Department of State 2011-009 2015/12/03
[Classified Title. From the Records of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency] 1979 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-010 2015/09/21
SIOP Revision 1979/06/01 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2011-012 2015/12/03
Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP) Revision 1983/09/26 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2011-014 2015/12/03
Report of the Strategic Panel of the 1977 DSB [Defense Science Board] Summer Study on Cruise Missiles 1977 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2011-024 2015/12/03
[NATO Military Exercises; Autumn Forge 83 and Able Archer 83] 1980s Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-060 2015/04/30
USSR General Staff Academy 1987-1989 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-026 2015/05/14
The Major Function of the Soviet Sensitive Operations Complexes 1970/03 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-033 2015/05/14
The Major Function of the Soviet Sensitive Operations Complexes 1970/03 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-033 2015/12/03
Directive on the Combat Readiness of the Troops and Naval Forces Allocated to the Warsaw Pact Armed Forces


Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-040 2015/05/14
9/11 FBI Files


9/11 Commission NARA - Center for Legislative Archives 2012-048 2015/07/08
China's Nuclear & Missile Proliferation 1988 Department of State Department of State 2012-057 2015/04/30
Air Threat Conference and DDO Conference [Transcription] 2001/09/11 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2012-076 2015/07/08  
JAEIC [Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee] Statement 1115 Hours (EDT) 17 June 1967 1967/06/17 Department of Defense Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library 2012-079 2015/05/14  
Soviet Planning for Front Nuclear Operation in Central Europe 1983/06 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-090 2015/05/14  
Summary of Development of [Classified Portion] Concerning British Guiana 1962 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Presidential Library 2012-092 2015/07/08  
[Classified Portion] Destroyers Patrolling Offshore North Vietnam 1967/03/25 Department of Defense Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library 2012-095 2015/07/08  
U.K. Policies & U.S. Clandestine Activities 1961 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Presidential Library 2012-100 2015/10/14  
Reply by Prime Minister Macmillan to the President's Message of 17 August 1962 on British Guiana 1962/08/23 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Presidential Library 2012-129 2015/10/14  
Biographic Information on the President and the Prime Minister of the New Government of Iraq 1963/02/10 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Presidential Library 2012-118 2015/07/08  
Meeting with British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, 26 February 1981, 10:30 a.m. 1981/02/25 National Security Council George H.W. Bush Presidential Library 2012-131 2015/07/08  
[Classified Title: Re. Saudi Arabia: Hard Surface] 1963/06/14 National Security Council John F. Kennedy Presidential Library 2012-137 2015/04/30  
Presidents Daily Checklist 1962-1963 Cental Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Presidential Library 2012-138 2015/04/30  
Presidents Daily Checklist 1963/10/26 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Presidential Library 2012-147 2015/04/30  
China and Honduras 1962-1963 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Presidential Library 2012-168 2015/07/08
9/11 Commission 2001-2003 United States Air Force NARA - Center for Legislative Archives 2013-002 2015/07/08
U.S. Policy for Employment of Nuclear Weapons 1972/07/07 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2013-051 2015/05/14
Memorandum of Conversations with John Major  1990-1992 The White House George H.W. Bush Presidential Library 2013-089 2015/10/14
Telephone Conversation Between President Clinton and Prime Minister Blair 1997-2000 The White House William J. Clinton Presidential Library 2013-090 2015/10/14
Review of "The Secret Sentry: The Untold History of the National Security Agency" by Thomas R. Johnson 2010/03 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2013-114 2015/07/08
The Soviet "War Scare" 1990/02/15 President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board George H.W. Bush Presidential Library 2013-015 2015/10/14
United States of America vs Jonathan Jay Pollard and Anne Henderson Pollard 1987/03/04 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2013-122 2015/07/08
[Federal Bureau of Investigation "File 203A-WF-210023"] NA Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Bureau of Investigation 2013-064 2014/12/23
[Federal Bureau of Investigation "File 203A-WF-210023"] NA Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Bureau of Investigation 2013-068 2014/12/23
[Federal Bureau of Investigation "File 203A-WF-210023"] NA Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Bureau of Investigation 2014-040 2014/12/23
Preliminary Report of U.S. Observer to British Megaton Test Trials (Operation GRAPPLE) 1957/06/04 Department of Defense Dwight D. Eisenhower Library 1999-006-doc1 2014/06/27
[Title Classified.Re.U.S.-Taiwan Nuclear Relations] 1978 Department of State Department of State 2003-0036-Affirmed 2014/09/29
[Title Classified.Re.U.S.-Taiwan Nuclear Relations] 1978 Department of State Department of State 2003-0036-Exemptions 2014/09/29
Worldwide Scientific Capabilities in Laser Isotope Separation 1977/07 Central Intelligence Agency Department of State 2003-0036-doc3 2014/09/29
Proposed Assignment of U.S. Nuclear Scientists to ROC [Republic of China] 1978/09/18 Department of State Department of State 2003-0036-doc6 2014/09/29
President Chiang's Reply to Secretary Vance's Letter on Nuclear Matters 1978/09/14 Department of State Department of State 2003-0036-doc7 2014/09/29
NSC Request for Paper on Laser Isotope Separation (LIS) in Taiwan and Elsewhere 1977/12 Central Intelligence Agency Department of State 2003-0036-doc8 2014/09/29
U.S. Team Nuclear Visit 1978/08/09 Department of State Department of State 2003-0036-doc9 2014/09/29
Nuclear Team Visit: Initial Calls: Discussions with CIST Director Tang 1978/07/31 Department of State Department of State 2003-0036-doc10 2014/09/29
[Title Classified.Re. Taiwan Nuclear Program] 1978 Department of State Department of State 2003-0036-doc17 2014/09/29
Colombia: Paramilitaries Assuming a Higher Profile 1998/08/31 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2008-011-doc1 2014/06/27
Colombia: Paramilitaries Seeking Higher Profile 1998/09/02 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2008-011-doc2 2014/06/27
[Classified Title. Re: Colombia] 1998 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2008-011-doc3 2014/06/27
[Classified Title. Re: Colombia] 1998 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2008-011-doc4 2014/06/27
Colombia Violence: Background [classified portion] measures geared to curbing violence in Uraba region 1995/08/31 National Security Agency National Security Agency 2008-029-doc1 2014/09/29
[Classified Title. Re: Colombia] 1990 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2009-031-doc1 2014/06/30
Final Comments on Draft 1997 Colombian Human Rights 1998/01/15 Department of State Central Intelligence Agency 2009-031-doc2 2014/06/30
Government Report Absolves Two Army Officials in Pueblo Bello Massacre 1991/12/05 Department of State Central Intelligence Agency 2009-031-doc3 2014/06/30
North American Air Defense Command (NORAD), Weekly Intelligence Review (WIR) 1960's Department of Defense Air Force Historical Research Agency 2009-068-part1 2014/11/13
North American Air Defense Command (NORAD), Weekly Intelligence Review (WIR) 1960's Department of Defense Air Force Historical Research Agency 2009-068-part2 2014/12/05
Israeli Nuclear Programs 1969 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2009-076-doc1 2014/03/19
Peasants' and Guerrillas' Views toward the Entrance of Paramilitaries into Caqueta Department 1997/10/04 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2010-050-doc1 2014/06/30
[Classified Title. Re: Colombia] 1997 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2010-050-docs2-5 2014/06/30
National Intelligence Daily [Colombia Paramilitaries Blamed for Massacre] 1998/02/18 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2010-050-doc6 2014/06/30
[Classified Title. Re: Colombia] 1997 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2010-050-docs7-8 2014/06/30
[Classified Title. Re: Document referred to the Central Intelligence Agency by the Secret Service, 1980's] 1980 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2010-061-doc1 2014/07/22
Request for a psychological profile of the Greek junta leader Dimitrios Ioannidis or Dimitris Ioannides   Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2010-066 2014/09/26
Request for a psychological profile of the Greek politician Konstantinos or Constantine Karamanlis   Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2010-067 2014/09/26
Request for a psychological profile of the Greek junta leader Georgios Papadopoulos   Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2010-068 2014/09/26
Request for a psychological profile of the Greek economist and Socialist leader Andreas Papandreuo   Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2010-069 2014/09/26
U.S.-Taiwan Nuclear Relations 1980's Department of State Department of State 2010-071 2014/09/29
Stopping the Introduction of Nuclear Weapons into the Middle East 1969/03/17 Department of State Department of State 2010-086-doc1 2014/03/19
Computers for Israel 1974/03/14 Department of State Department of State 2010-086-doc2 2014/03/19
Energy Maneuverability: USAF and USN Aircraft in Clean Configuration. Volume 2 (Part A) 1966/12 Department of Defense Defense Technical Information Center 2011-041-doc1 2014/09/29
Records of the 9-11 Commission 2003-2004 9-11 Commission Center for Legislative Archives, National Archives and Records Administration 2011-048 2014/09/29
Central Intelligence Bulletin, 26 October 1973 1973/10/26 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-068-doc1 2014/09/29
[Statutory Redaction] Update on Colombian army relations with paramilitary organizations 1996/10/28 Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency 2011-094-doc1 2014/09/29
Inquiry into the Testimony of the Executive Director of Operations. Volume I. Summary 1978/02 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2012-004-doc1 2014/03/19
Inquiry into the Testimony of the Executive Director of Operations. Volume III. Interviews 1978/02 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2012-004-doc2 2014/03/19
Current Intelligence Digest: Iran Increases Clandestine Support of Kurds in Iraq / Developments in Laos 1963/10/07 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-006-doc1 2014/03/19
Current Intelligence Digest: Tehran May Deny Barzani Refuge 1963/06/25 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-006-doc4 2014/03/19
Nasir Threat to Kuwait 1962/12/11 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-006-doc5 2014/03/19
Iraq Said to Be Seeking Cancellation of Soviet Missile Project 1963/05/07 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-006-doc7 2014/03/19
Current Intelligence Digest: Iraq-Kuwait 1961/12/30 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-006-doc8 2014/03/19
Amman [Telegram] 1961/06/29 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-006-doc9 2014/03/19
Information Report: Iraq 1963/06/30 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-029-doc1 2014/03/19
Soviet Assistance to Mullah Mustafa Barzani 1963/08/21 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-029-doc2 2014/03/19
Embassy Telegram 288 1963/09/19 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-029-doc3 2014/03/19
Actions to Arrest and Exile Prominent Members of the Ali Salih Al-Sa'di Wing of the Ba'th Party of Iraq 1963/11/12 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-029-doc4 2014/03/19
[Partially Classified Title] . . . Reaction to the Baghdad Coup 1963/11/13 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-029-doc5 2014/03/19
Embassy Telegram 577 (Baghdad) 1963/11/21 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-029-doc6 2014/03/19
9/11 Commission Records and Interviews 2000's 9/11 Commission Center for Legislative Archives 2012-042 2014/09/29
Chronology [Vietnam] 1975/04/16 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-044-doc1 2014/12/05
Evacuation of Nha Trang Base 1975/04/17 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-044-doc2 2014/12/05
Secretary Rumsfeld “Day of” 9/11 Questions 2004/06/09 9/11 Commission National Archives and Records Administration 2012-047-doc2 2014/09/29
Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld [Notes of Interview] Friday, January 30, 2004 2004/01/30 9/11 Commission National Archives and Records Administration 2012-047-doc3 2014/09/29
Interview of General Richard Myers 2004/02/17 9/11 Commission National Archives and Records Administration 2012-047-doc4 2014/09/29
NORAD Questions for the Record, May 23, 2003 2003/05/23 9/11 Commission National Archives and Records Administration 2012-047-doc5 2014/09/29
History of the Mountain Scout Program October 1961 – February 1963 1965 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-053-doc1 2014/11/13
Central Intelligence Bulletin, 3 May 1973 1973/05/03 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-073-doc1 2014/09/29
[Richard Helms to the President] 1969/09/08 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2012-078-doc1 2014/01/10
National Intelligence Estimate No. 21-66. The United Kingdom: Problems and Prospects 1966/03/10 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2012-080-doc1 2014/03/19
Transmittal of Guatemalan Political Poll 1963/03/13 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-081-doc1 2014/06/30
Chile; Possible Visit [Memo for Bundy] 1962/12/07 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-081-doc2 2014/06/30
Annex: Summary Reports on Referenced Individuals. Haitians Who Might Contribute Effectively to a Post-Duvalier Regime 1962/07 Department of State John F. Kennedy Library 2012-081-doc3 2014/06/30
Alleged Plans of General Leon Cantave to Invade Haiti with the Support of the Dominican Army 1963/07/02 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-081-doc4 2014/06/30
Closing of Haitian Training Camp in the Dominican Republic and President Bosch's Attitude towards Haitian Opposition Activities 1963/07/03 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-081-doc5 2014/06/30
Left Using Human Rights to Discredit US 2006/12/13 Department of State Department of State 2012-085-doc1 2014/11/13
Psychological Operations Plan for Soviet Orbit Escapees Phase A 1951/12/20 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-089-doc1 2014/09/29
Telegram [Haiti] 1963/04/29 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-105-doc1 2014/05/01
Message 15853 [Haiti] 1963/08/15 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-105-doc2 2014/05/01
Message 15854 [Haiti] 1963/08/15 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-105-doc3 2014/05/01
Message 15855 [Haiti] 1963/08/15 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-105-doc4 2014/05/01
Activity of Louis Dejoie, Haitian Exile Leader, and Other Exile Groups 1963/08/21 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-111-doc1 2014/06/30
Information Report [Haiti] 1963/03/26 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-111-doc2 2014/06/30
Haitian Exile Activity Against Duvalier Government 1963/04/02 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-111-doc3 2014/06/30
Operation Liberation 1963/03/03 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-111-doc4 2014/06/30
Anti-Duvalier Activity and Projected Plan of Action by Louis Dejoie 1963/04/12 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-111-doc5 2014/06/30
Haitian Exile Activity Against Duvalier Government 1963/04/12 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-111-doc6 2014/06/30
National Intelligence Daily Thursday 2, February 1984 1984/02/02 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-125-doc1 2014/09/29
National Intelligence Daily Saturday, 4 February 1984 1984/02/04 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-125-doc2 2014/09/29
National Intelligence Daily Tuesday, 7 February 1984 1984/02/07 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-125-doc3 2014/09/29
National Intelligence Daily Wednesday, 15 February 1984 1984/02/15 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-125-doc4 2014/09/29
National Intelligence Daily Saturday, 18 February 1984 1984/02/18 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2012-125-doc5 2014/09/29
Presidential Visit to Berlin 1963/06/20 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-128-doc1 2014/06/30
To the President from John A. McCone 1963/05/14 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-128-doc2 2014/06/30
Discussion with Pope John XXIII – May 1, 1963 – 11:30 A.M. 1963/05/10 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-128-doc3 2014/06/30
Meeting with Chancellor Adenauer 1963/05/14 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2012-128-doc4 2014/06/30
F-105D Operations in Europe 1962/11/21 Republic Aviation Corporation Department of Special Collections and Archives University at Albany (SUNY) 2012-152-doc1 2014/09/29
My Visits to Saudi Arabia, Oman, Egypt, Uzbekistan, and Turkey 2001/10/06 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2012-158-doc1 2014/11/13
Action Memorandum [for Zbigniew Brzezinski] 1977/07/29 National Security Council Jimmy Carter Library 2012-167-doc1 2014/03/19
NUMEC MUF [Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation Materials Unaccounted For] 1979/11/27 National Security Council Jimmy Carter Library 2012-167-doc2 2014/03/19
Israel and MUF [Materials Unaccounted For] 1977/07/28 National Security Council Jimmy Carter Library 2012-167-doc3 2014/03/19
Nuclear MUF [Materials Unaccounted For] 1977/08/02 National Security Council Jimmy Carter Library 2012-167-doc4 2014/03/19
AEC Licenses 1977 Uknown Jimmy Carter Library 2012-167-doc5 2014/03/19
Your Meeting with [Carl] Duckett 1978/11/03 National Security Council Jimmy Carter Library 2012-167-doc6 2014/03/19
Memorandum for the Attorney General 1978/11/20 National Security Council Jimmy Carter Library 2012-167-doc7 2014/03/19
Diversion of Nuclear Material to Israel 1978/11/06 National Security Council Jimmy Carter Library 2012-167-doc8 2014/03/19
Presidential Decision Directive 62 (PDD-62) 1998/05/22 National Security Council William J. Clinton Library 2013-003-doc1 2014/09/10
Papers of Willis M. Hawkins 1957-1975   Willis M. Hawkins Collection at Huntington Library 2013-027 2014/09/26
US-Rwanda Relations     William J. Clinton Library 2013-040 2014/09/10
Richard Helms to Ramsey Clark [RE: Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC)] 1968/04/02 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2013-062-doc1 2014/03/19
J. Edgar Hoover to Richard Helms [RE: Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC)] 1969/09/03 Federal Bureau of Investigation Gerald R. Ford Library 2013-062-doc2 2014/03/19
Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC) 1976/03/11 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2013-062-doc3 2014/03/19
Possible Diversion of Weapons Grade Nuclear Materials to Israel by Officials of the Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC) 1972/03/09 National Security Council Gerald R. Ford Library 2013-062-doc4 2014/03/19
Nuclear Diversion in the U.S.? 13 Years of Contradiction and Confusion 1978/12/18 General Accounting Office Central Intelligence Agency 2013-078-doc1 2014/03/19
Jonathan Pollard Sentencing Affidavit [Declaration of the Secretary of Defense Casper W. Weinberger] 1987/01 United States. District Court (District of Columbia) Department of Defense 2013-084-doc1 2014/12/02
Defendant Jonathan J. Pollard’s First Memorandum in Aid of Sentencing 1986 United States. District Court (District of Columbia) Department of Defense 2013-084-doc2 2014/12/03
Defendant Jonathan J. Pollard’s Second Memorandum in Aid of Sentencing 1987 United States. District Court (District of Columbia) Department of Defense 2013-084-doc3 2014/12/03
Government’s Reply to Defendant’s Sentencing Memorandum 1987 United States. District Court (District of Columbia) Department of Defense 2013-084-doc4 2014/12/03
Soviet Space 1961/05/16 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2013-110-doc1 2014/11/13
Visa ineligibility records for Edmon Felipe Elias Yunes   Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2013-115 2014/09/26
Kim Dae Jung Return: What Happened at the Airport 1985/02/22 Department of State

The University of South Carolina Political Collections
Ernest F. Hollings Special Collections Library

2014-023-doc1 2014/11/14
A Personal Assessment of Kim Dae Jung 1985/02/22 Department of State The University of South Carolina Political Collections
Ernest F. Hollings Special Collections Library
2014-023-doc2 2014/11/14
Clay T. Whitehead papers 1969   Clay T. Whitehead Collection Library of Congress 2014-045 2014/11/13
“Sarwar Jan: Abdul Rahman Jan’s Top Lieutenant and an Enduring Source of Instability in Now Zad.” [Report] 2010 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2014-070-doc1 2014/09/04
Meeting of the President on Canada 1715 hours May 2, 1963 in the Cabinet Room 1963/05/02 Department of Defense John F. Kennedy Library 1999-003-doc1 2013/03/11

Essential National Strategic Task

1961/10/31 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2000-011-doc1 2013/10/24

USCINCEUR Unilateral Planning for Use of Tripartite Forces with Respect to West Berlin

1961/09/21 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2000-011-doc2 2013/10/24

Current and Future Air Threats to the U.S. Homeland

2002/07 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2007-002-doc1 2013/07/26
Status of Iraq's WMD Programs 2002 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2007-020-doc1 2013/07/26

Clandestine Services History. Volume I. The Hungarian Revolution and Planning for the Future, 23 October - 4 November 1956

1958/01 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2007-033-doc1 2013/10/23

The Clandestine Service Historical Series. The Illegal Border Crossing Program, 1946-1959

1971/07 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2007-033-doc2 2013/10/23

The Clandestine Service Historical Series. Volume II. Hungary: External Operations, 1946-1965

1975/05 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2007-033-doc3 2013/10/23

Senior Executive Intelligence Brief, Tuesday, 5 March 2002

2002/03/05 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2007-042-doc1 2013/10/23

Senior Executive Intelligence Brief, Monday, 11 March 2002

2002/03/11 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2007-043-doc1 2013/08/01

Senior Executive Intelligence Brief, Saturday, 6 April 2002

2002/04/06 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2007-044-doc1 2013/10/23

Senior Executive Intelligence Brief, Monday, 8 April 2002

2002/04/08 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2007-045-doc1 2013/08/01
Senior Executive Intelligence Brief, Wednesday, 17 April 2002 2002/04/17 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2007-046-doc1 2013/10/23

[Title Classified: Request concerning intelligence report regarding Iraq and UAVs recalled in October 2004]

2004 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2008-008-doc1 2013/05/20

[Title Classified: Request concerning intelligence report regarding Iraq and UAVs recalled in October 2004]

  Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2008-008-doc2 2013/05/20

[Title Classified: Request concerning intelligence report regarding Iraq and UAVs recalled in October 2004]

  Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2008-008-doc3 2013/05/20

[Title Classified: Request concerning intelligence report regarding Iraq and UAVs recalled in October 2004]

  Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2008-008-doc4 2013/05/20
Iraq: Consequences of a Rapid Coalition Victory 2003/03/10 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2008-015-doc1 2013/07/26
Revised Papers on Iraq 2003/01/16 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2008-016-doc1 2013/07/30
[Title Classified: Report concerning the development of an Iraqi magnet production plant]   Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2008-017-doc1 2013/05/20
The Joint SOBE Processing Center, 1961-1971. A Brief Overview of a Successful Experiment 1974 National Security Agency National Security Agency 2008-018-doc1 2013/10/23
[Colombia ] 1999/11/11 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2008-020-doc1 2013/10/23
[Title Classified: Colombia] 1997-1999 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2008-020-doc2 2013/10/23

[Title Classified: Colombia]

1997-1999 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2008-020-doc3 2013/10/23

American Cryptology During the Cold War, 1945-1989. Book II: Centralization Wins, 1960-1972

1995 National Security Agency National Security Agency 2008-021-doc1 2013/07/26

American Cryptology During the Cold War, 1945-1989. Book III: Retrenchment and Reform, 1972-1980

1998 National Security Agency National Security Agency 2008-021-doc2 2013/07/26

Complex J at Tyuratam and Its Role in the Soviet Manned Lunar Landing Program

1968/10 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2008-030-doc1 2013/10/24

National Intelligence Estimate. The Soviet Space Program

1970/03/26 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2008-030-doc2 2013/10/24

Nuclear Missile Capability in Israel

1969/03/26 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2009-038-doc1 2013/07/26

AFSC Foreign Technology Bulletin

1964/03/20 United States Air Force Department of Defense 2010-016-doc1 2013/10/24

Memorandum for Mr. Rostow

1967/01/04 National Security Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2010-017-doc1 2013/03/20

Memorandum for Mr. Rostow

1967/01/04 National Security Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2010-017-doc2 2013/03/20

Soviet Nuclear Weapons Logistics: The German Depot Problem

1980/04/10 Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency 2010-060-doc1 2013/07/26

Nuclear Weapons Support for Soviet General Purpose Forces

1975/08 Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency 2010-063-doc1 2013/07/26

Nuclear Weapons Support for Soviet General Purpose Forces

1977/07 Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency 2010-063-doc2 2013/07/26

Nuclear Weapons Support for Soviet General Purpose Forces

1980/05 Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency 2010-063-doc3 2013/07/26

Soviet Nuclear Weapons Logistics Operations

1986/03 Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency 2010-063-doc4 2013/07/26

Soviet Nuclear Weapons Logistics Operations

1988/04 Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Intelligence Agency 2010-063-doc5 2013/07/26

Sixteenth Meeting of the Nuclear Planning Group, December 10, 1974

1975/04/04 Office of the Secretary of Defense Department of Defense 2010-072-doc1 2013/10/24

Horizontal Escalation Paper

1980/10/10 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2010-073-doc1 2013/03/11

Biographic Data on New An Quang High Secular Council [Air gram]

1974/03/21 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2010-080-doc1 2013/03/11

The Fifth Annual An Quang Congress and its Divisive Aftermath [Air gram]

1974/03/21 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2010-080-doc2 2013/03/11

Monthly Status Report, Regional Security Office, Saigon, July 1974  [Air gram]

1974/08/07 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2010-080-doc3 2013/03/11

Biographic Data on Lieutenant General Pham Xuan Chieu, Ambassador to Korea [Air gram]

1974/10/21 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2010-080-doc4 2013/03/11
Soviet Missiles for Iraq 1962/09/19 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2010-085-doc1 2013/10/24

Nuclear Targeting Policy Review

1978/12/13 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2011-002-doc1 2013/10/24

Nuclear Targeting Policy Review Activities

1980/02/18 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2011-002-doc2 2013/10/24

Implementation of the Nuclear Targeting Study

1979/01/29 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2011-002-doc3 2013/10/24

[Title Classified: Israeli Nuclear Weapons Program]

1975 Department of State Department of State 2011-005-doc1 2013/09/18

Overseas Nuclear Weapons Arrangements

1975/08 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2011-019-doc1 2013/03/11

The Democracy Party in Military Region 1

1974/02/06 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2011-022-doc1 2013/03/13

Delta Security: Status of VC / NVA “Liberated” Areas

1974/08/10 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2011-022-doc2 2013/03/13

NVA / VC “Liberated Areas” in Military Region 1 of the Republic of Viet Nam

1975/02/05 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2011-022-doc3 2013/03/13

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between the National Archives and Records Administration and the United States Air Force

2002/03/08 United States Air Force Department of Defense 2011-026-doc1 2013/08/01
VC / NVA Economic Supply System Along Cambodian Border of MR 4 and GVN Economic Blockade 1974/01/04 Department of State National Archives and Records Administration 2011-028-doc1 2013/03/11

Request for Information Concerning Edgerton Herbert Norman

1961/12/01 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-038-doc1 2013/12/19

State Name Check on Edgerton Herbert Norman

1961/12/05 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-038-doc2 2013/12/19

E. Herbert Norman

1961 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-038-doc3 2013/12/19


1966/03 United States Air Force Department of Defense 2011-052-doc1 2013/03/19

Paul J. Scott’s Trip to South Africa [Memorandum]

1974/11/21 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-054-doc1 2013/07/26

Paul J. Scott’s Trip to South Africa [Memorandum]

1974/02/25 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-054-doc2 2013/07/26

Robert S. Allen, Jack Anderson, Drew Pearson and Paul J. Scott [Memorandum]



1967/09/07 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-054-doc3 2013/07/26

Robert S. Allen and Paul Scott [Summary]


1967/09/22 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-054-doc4 2013/07/26

Pearson, Drew, and Anderson, Jack [Memorandum]


1965 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-054-doc5 2013/07/26

John Henshaw, National Enquirer Newspaper Columnist


1964/05/21 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-054-doc6 2013/07/26

Robert S. Allen / Paul Scott News Column

1961/11/06 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-054-doc7 2013/07/26

The Support Services Historical Series: Overview of the Office of Medical Services, 1947-1972

1973/02 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2011-057-doc1 2013/12/19

Volume I.  Annexes to the Report to the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board on Intelligence Community Activities Relating to the Cuban Arms Build-up, 14 April through 14 October 1962.  Annex A. Interrogation Guide

1962/05 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-063-doc1 2013/12/19

Recipients of the Interrogation Guide: Cuba [Revised]  

1962/05 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-063-doc2 2013/12/19

Annex A. Interrogation Guide: Cuba

1968/03/28 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-063-doc3 2013/12/19

Report to the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board on Intelligence Community Activities Relating to the Cuban Arms Build-up, 14 April through 14 October 1962 by the Director of Central Intelligence

1962/11 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-063-doc4 2013/12/19

Volume II.  Annexes to the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board on Intelligence Community Activities Relating to the Cuban Arms Build-up, 14 April through 14 October 1962.  Annexes H-J

1962/11 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-063-doc5 2013/12/19
Volume III.  Annexes to Report to the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board on Intelligence Community Activities Relating to the Cuban Arms Build-up, 14 April through 14 October 1962.  Annexes N-P 1962/11 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-063-doc6 2013/12/19
Harold MacMillan to John F. Kennedy Re. Colonial Policy 1962/05/30 Executive Office of the President John F. Kennedy Library 2011-063-doc7 2013/12/19
Edmund S. Muskie Papers     Edmund S. Muskie Archives and Special Collections Library, Bates College 2011-064 2013/12/19
Memorandum for General Smith [Re Spanish Role in Western Defense] 1951/10/12 Central Intelligence Agency Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum 2012-034-doc1 2013/12/20
Regarding Exports 1951/05/17 Central Intelligence Agency Harry S. Truman Library 2012-034-doc2 2013/12/20
For the President from Smith 1950/06/13 Central Intelligence Agency Harry S. Truman Library 2012-034-doc3 2013/12/20
From Admiral Dennison for Sidney W. Souers 1949/12/07 Central Intelligence Agency Harry S. Truman Library 2012-034-doc4 2013/12/20
From Hillenkoetter 1948/04/19 Central Intelligence Agency Harry S. Truman Library 2012-034-doc5 2013/12/20
To the President from W.B. Smith [Re 5th Corps in Korea] 1950/12/08 Central Intelligence Agency Harry S. Truman Library 2012-034-doc6 2013/12/20
Annex “B” to the U.S. Doctrinal Program, PSB D-33 1953/06/29 Central Intelligence Agency Dwight D. Eisenhower Library 2012-036-doc1 2013/12/20
Soviet Aid to the Government of Zanzibar 1964 Central Intelligence Agency

Lyndon B. Johnson Library

2012-068-doc1 2013/12/20
[Memo for McGeorge Bundy] 1964/04/15 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2012-068-doc2 2013/12/20
C.D. Jackson to Allen Dulles [Re. International University for Social Studies] 1956/12/10 Central Intelligence Agency Dwight D. Eisenhower Library 2012-107-doc1 2013/12/20
C.D. Jackson to Allen Dulles [Re. Pro Deo Matters] 1957/02/05 Central Intelligence Agency Dwight D. Eisenhower Library 2012-107-doc2 2013/12/20
C.D. Jackson to Henry Luce [Re. Notes on People] 1955/10/26 Central Intelligence Agency Dwight D. Eisenhower Library 2012-107-doc3 2013/12/20
C.D. Jackson to Henry Luce [Re. Status of Pro Deo] 1957/04/15 Central Intelligence Agency Dwight D. Eisenhower Library 2012-107-doc4 2013/12/20
[Helms to Rostow] 1968/01/26 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2012-109-doc1 2013/09/19
[Walt Rostow to Richard Helms] 1968/02/01 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2012-135-doc1 2013/09/19
[Walt Rostow to the President] 1968/01/31 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2012-135-doc2 2013/09/19
(1) Statement in a PowerPoint presentation December 17, 2011, concerning technical information about Monitor Station Network and (2) Presentation concerning IT/IS migration January 2012 2011/12/17 National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency 2013-030 2013/05/20
Appeal concerning an automated information systems flow diagram (Slide No. 9) filed by William Schuster of GeoEye, Incorporated.   National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency 2013-035 2013/05/20
Pros and Cons of Increased Nuclear Sharing with Allies [Paper] 1960 National Security Council Dwight D. Eisenhower Library 1999-004-doc1 2012/02/28
A Memorandum of Conference with the President, September 22, 1959 1959/09/24 National Security Agency Dwight D. Eisenhower Library 1999-005-doc1 2012/07/13
The President's Daily Brief, 1 October 1968 [Mexico] 1968/10/01 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2004-027-doc1 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 3 October 1968 [Mexico] 1968/10/03 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2004-027-doc3 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 4 October 1968 [Mexico] 1968/10/04 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2004-027-doc4 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 5 October 1968 [Mexico] 1968/10/05 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2004-027-doc5 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 8 October 1968 [Mexico] 1968/10/08 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2004-027-doc7 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 10 October 1968 [Latin American Students] 1968/10/10 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2004-027-doc9 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 11 October 1968 [Mexico] 1968/10/11 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2004-027-doc10 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 19 August 1969 [Vietnam, the Middle East, West Germany, Northern Ireland, Soviet Union - Communist China, India, and Pakistan] 1969/08/19 Central Intelligence Agency Richard M. Nixon Library 2005-003-doc1 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 20 August 1969 [Soviet Affairs] 1969/08/20 Central Intelligence Agency Richard M. Nixon Library 2005-003-doc2 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 18 January 1969 [Soviet Union] 1969/01/18 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-014-doc1 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 17 January 1969 [Soviet Union] 1969/01/17 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-014-doc2 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 16 January 1969 [Soviet Union] 1969/01/16 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-014-doc3 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 15 January 1969 [Soviet Union] 1969/01/15 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-014-doc4 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 14 January 1969 [Soviet Union] 1969/01/14 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-014-doc5 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 11 January 1969 [Soviet Union] 1969/01/11 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-014-doc7 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 10 January 1969 [Soviet Union] 1969/01/10 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-014-doc8 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 8 January 1969 [Soviet Union] 1969/01/08 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-014-doc10 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 6 January 1969 [Soviet Union] 1969/01/06 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-014-doc12 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 4 January 1969 [Soviet Union] 1969/01/04 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-014-doc13 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 3 January 1969 [Soviet Union] 1969/01/03 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-014-doc14 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 20 April 1967 [Soviet Union] 1967/04/20 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-016-doc1 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 24 April 1967 [Soviet Union] 1967/04/24 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-016-doc2 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 8 April 1967 [Soviet Union] 1967/04/08 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-021-doc1 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief 20 July 1968 [Soviet Union] 1968/07/20 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-022-doc1 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 24 July 1968 [Soviet Union] 1968/07/24 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-022-doc2 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 11 December 1968 [Soviet Union] 1968/12/11 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-023-doc8 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 12 December 1968 [Soviet Union] 1968/12/12 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-023-doc9 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 18 December 1968 [Soviet Union] 1968/12/18 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-024-doc2 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 19 December 1968 [Soviet Union] 1968/12/19 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-024-doc3 2012/02/28
The President's Daily Brief, 20 December 1968 [Soviet Union] 1968/12/20 Central Intelligence Agency Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2005-024-doc4 2012/02/28
The Jonathan Jay Pollard Espionage Case: A Damage Assessment 1987/10/30 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2007-010-doc1 2012/11/23
Defense Planning Guidance, FY 1994-1999 1992/04/16 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc1 2012/02/28
Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense, Excess Equipment Stocks and Future "Lend-Lease" Options 1992 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc2 2012/02/28
DPD [Defense Planning Guidance] Draft, Possible Major Issues 1992/04/12 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc3 2012/02/28
New Policy Directions Noted in Draft Defense Planning Guidance 1992/03/24 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc4 2012/02/28
Issues in the Policy and Strategy Section 1992/04/14 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc5 2012/02/28
Approval Draft of the Defense Planning Guidance: Action Memorandum 1992/05/05 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc6 2012/02/28
FY 94-99 Defense Planning Guidance – Army Comments 1992/04/23 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc7 2012/02/28
Base Force Levels [Extract from the Defense Planning Guidance] 1992/04/24 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc8 2012/02/28
18 Feb 92 Defense Planning Guidance Draft [Memorandum for Mr. Libby] 1992/03/26 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc9 2012/02/28
New Policy Directions Noted in Draft Defense Planning Guidance 1992/03/24 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc10 2012/02/28
Abbreviated Scenarios for Inclusion in Defense Planning Guidance – Issues? [Memorandum for Mr. Libby] 1992/04/11 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc11 2012/02/28
Annex A: Illustrative Planning Scenarios [For the FY 94 – 99 Defense Program] 1992/05/04 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc12 2012/02/28
1994-1999 Defense Planning Guidance [Draft] 1992/05/02 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc13 2012/02/28
Comments Received on Draft Defense Planning Guidance - Potential Issues 1992/03/17 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc14 2012/02/28
Draft Defense Planning Guidance 1992/03/30 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc15 2012/02/28
Programming for the Base Force [Draft] 1992 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc16 2012/02/28
Why 45 days of Sustainability? [Point Paper] 1992 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc17 2012/02/28
A Defense Planning Guidance, FY 1994-1999 1992/02/29 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc18 2012/02/28
Key Issues for Acquisition [Draft Extract from Defense Planning Guidance] 1992 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc19 2012/02/28
Key Issues for Air Force [Draft Extract from Defense Planning Guidance] 1992 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc20 2012/02/28
Illustrative Outline for Defense Planning Guidance, FY 1994-1999 1991/09/03 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2008-003-doc21 2012/02/28
[Department of State Cable, - 084947] 1999 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2008-007-doc1 2012/09/17
Report to Congress on the Strategic Defense System Architecture 1987/12/17 Office of the Secretary of Defense Office of the Secretary of Defense 2009-033-doc1 2012/06/12
Foreign Intelligence Information Report [Iran] 1976/06/24 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2009-054-doc1 2012/02/28
Foreign Intelligence Information Report [Iran] 1977/01/06 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2009-054-doc2 2012/02/28
[Classified Title. Re. Iranian Nuclear Program] 1976 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2009-054-doc3 2012/02/28
[Classified Title Re. Iranian Nuclear Program]   Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2009-058-doc1 2012/09/17
Intelligence Information Report [Iran] 1975/03/26 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2009-062-doc1 2012/02/28
[Classified Title. Re. Iranian Nuclear Program] 1977/01/05 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2009-062-doc2 2012/02/28
[Classified Title.Re.Colombia]   Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2009-064-doc1 2012/11/23
[Classified Title. Re. Colombia]   Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2009-064-doc2 2012/11/23
The Uraba Massacre, Colombia [Cable] 1988/05/09 Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2009-064-doc3 2012/11/23
[Classified Title.Re. Colombia]   Central Intelligence Agency Central Intelligence Agency 2009-064-doc4 2012/11/23
Report of TEBAC Conference #30, 11 - 13 August 1970: Space Payloads 1970/11/30 National Security Agency National Security Agency 2009-079-doc1 2012/02/28
Nuclear Weapons Briefing for Fulbright Committee [Senate Committee on Foreign Relations] 1970/05/16 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2009-080-doc1 2012/02/28
U.S. Strategic Nuclear Force Capabilities (Presentation Before the National Security Council) 1969/02/14 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2009-090-doc1 2012/02/28
Beyond BOURBON-1948: The Fourth Year of Allied Collaborative COMINT Effort Against the Soviet Union 1995 National Security Agency National Security Agency 2010-005-doc1 2012/06/12
The Soviet Land-Based Ballistic Missile Program, 1945-1972: An Historical Overview 1973 National Security Agency National Security Agency 2010-005-doc2 2012/06/12
Documents Subpoenaed by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities [Memorandum] 1975/09/02 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc1 2012/11/23
Differences Between CIA and DOJ [Regarding Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders] 1975 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc2 2012/11/23
CIA Contacts With ITT [Memorandum] 1973/01/31 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc3 2012/11/23
Actions Taken Under the 40 Committee Authorization [Extract] 1970/09 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc4 2012/11/23
Dr. Kissinger, Mr. Karamessines, Gen. Haig at the White House [Memorandum of Conversation] 1970/10/15 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc5 2012/11/23
[Documents in Rockefeller Commission Files per Hardy] 1973 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc6 2012/11/23
Fact Sheet [ITT, Chile, and CIA Personnel] 1976 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc7 2012/11/23
Issues in the CIA / ITT/ Chile Investigation being Conducted by the Department of Justice 1976/10/25 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc8 2012/11/23
Jeanne W. Davis to William G. Miller [Letter] 1976/02/17 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc9 2012/11/23
Philip Buchen to Frank Church [Draft Letter] 1976/01 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc10 2012/11/23
Philip Buchen to Frank Church [Draft Letter with Edits] 1976/01 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc11 2012/11/23
Robert C. McFarlane to Mitch [Letter with Attachments] 1975/11/05 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc12 2012/11/23
Stephen Low to Jeanne W. Davis [Memorandum] 1975/11/05 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc13 2012/11/23
Senate Select Committee Publication of Chile Covert Action Report [Memorandum for the President] 1975 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc14 2012/11/23
Re: Senate Staff Committee Report on Chile [Memorandum: Rob Roy Ratliff to Jeanne W. Davis] 1974/11/04 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc15 2012/11/23
Senate Select Committee Plans for Open Hearing on Covert Activities in Chile [Memorandum with Attachments; W.E. Colby to the President] 1974 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc16 2012/11/23
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Activities Staff Report: Covert Action in Chile, 1963-1973 1974 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc17 2012/11/23
Philip Buchen to Frank Church [Draft Letter] 1976/01/30 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc18 2012/11/23
Senate Select Committee Plans for Open Hearing on Covert Activities in Chile [Memorandum: Jack March to the President] 1975/11/01 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc19 2012/11/23
William B. Bader to Seymour Bolton [Letter with Attachments] 1975/10/17 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc20 2012/11/23
McFarlane to Larry [Memorandum with Draft Responses] 1975/09/04 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc21 2012/11/23
Inconclusive Meeting of High Ranking Chilean Military Officers to Discuss the Possibility of a Military Coup Against the Government [Cable] 1970/09/06 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc22 2012/11/23
Helms to Kissinger [Memorandum Slip] 1970/09/22 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc23 2012/11/23
Richard Helms on Chilean Military, Politics and Economics [Memorandum for the Record] 1970/09/21 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc24 2012/11/23
White House Involvement in Chilean Election [Memorandum] 1973/03/28 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc25 2012/11/23
 Notes on Chile [Handwritten] 1974 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc26 2012/11/23
Contact Report 1971/01/20 Central Intelligence Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-009-doc27 2012/11/23
Planning Assumptions for SIOP-6A [Memorandum] 1983/09/13 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2010-010-doc1 2012/02/28
McFarlane to Scowcroft [Memorandum] 1975/01/02 National Security Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-022-doc1 2012/02/28
US-UK Consultations on Use of Nuclear Weapons 1975 National Security Agency Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-022-doc2 2012/02/28
Doing Business Smarter: A Proposal for Consolidating NSA's Analysis and Reporting of Foreign Space borne Reconnaissance 1994 National Security Agency National Security Agency 2010-043-doc1 2012/06/12
The Technological Implications of Emerging Space Programs in Southeast Asian Countries 1993 National Security Agency National Security Agency 2010-043-doc2 2012/06/12
Walske to Smith re. FURTHERANCE [Memorandum] 1968/12/30 Department of Defense Richard M. Nixon Library 2010-051-doc1 2012/11/23
Indications of Nuclear Weapons Interest in Iran [Memorandum ] 1974 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2010-070-doc1 2012/09/17
Notes of the President's Meeting 1968/10/14 Department of Defense Lyndon B. Johnson Library 2010-075-doc1 2012/11/23
Henry Kissinger, James R. Schlesinger, William Colby, Brent Scowcroft, et. al [Memorandum of Conversation] 1973/12/28 Department of Defense Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-078-doc1 2012/11/23
Henry Kissinger,James R. Schlesinger and Brent Scowcroft [Memorandum of Conversation] 1974/08/02 Department of Defense Gerald R. Ford Library 2010-078-doc2 2012/11/23
Nuclear Targeting Policy Review 1978/11/01 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2010-079-doc1 2012/11/23
Harley M. Kilgore to James O. Eastland [Letter with Attachment] 1955/04/26 Department of State James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc1 2012/02/28
Opium Eradication Efforts in Mexico: Cautious Optimism Advised 1977/02/18 Department of State James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc2 2012/02/28
Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary: Report of Proceedings. Testimony of Robert C. Hill 1961/03/10 United States Congress Senate James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc3 2012/02/28
[Classified Title. Concerning Soviet Intelligence Sources and Methods] 1967/05 Undetermined James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc4 2012/02/28
Memorandum of Classified Information from Immigration and Naturalization Service File Re: Vera Lovrecek Beneficiary of Private Bill S. 2155 1957-1959 Immigration and Naturalization Service James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc5 2012/02/28
Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act. Testimony of Edmund A. Chester 1961/03/21 United States Congress Senate James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc6 2012/02/28
Memorandum of Classified Information from the Immigration and Naturalization Service Files Re Frantisek Tisler, Beneficiary of H.R. 6833 1962/06/06 Immigration and Naturalization Service Immigration and Naturalization Service 2010-081-doc7 2012/02/28
Memorandum of Classified Information from the Immigration and Naturalization Service Files Re Princess Catherine Caradja, Beneficiary of Private Bill S. 1624 1957-1959 Immigration and Naturalization Service James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc8 2012/02/28
Memorandum of Classified Information from the Immigration and Naturalization Service Files Re Julia Van Reigesberg Beneficiary of Private Bill S. 1690 1957-1959 Immigration and Naturalization Service James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc9 2012/02/28
Memorandum of Classified Information from the Immigration and Naturalization Service Files Re Vasil Theodosovich Stepanchuk, Beneficiary of S. 1707 1957-1959 Immigration and Naturalization Service James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc10 2012/02/28
Memorandum of Classified Information from Immigration and Naturalization Service Files Re Doctor Hsieh Kuoyeng Ngeh, Beneficiary of Private Bill S. 2694 1959-1961 Immigration and Naturalization Service James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc11 2012/02/28
Memorandum of Classified Information from Immigration and Naturalization Service File Re Mrs. Kalyna Maya Chalk, Beneficiary of S. 3762 1959-1961 Immigration and Naturalization Service James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc12 2012/02/28
[Intelligence Report Re Crew of Soviet Tanker Tuapse] 1959 United States Congress. Senate and Immigration and Naturalization Service James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc13 2012/02/28
Memorandum of Classified Information from the Immigration and Naturalization Service Files Re Imre Seykeli, One of the Beneficiaries of H.R. 6235 1959-1961 Immigration and Naturalization Service James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc14 2012/02/28
Josepth M. Swing to Emanuel Celler re Maria Giovanna Hopkins [Letter with Attachment ] 1961/05/26 Immigration and Naturalization Service James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc15 2012/02/28
Shiah Chyn Duog AKA Shia Tung-to [Memorandum] 1959-1961 Immigration and Naturalization Service James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc16 2012/02/28
Memorandum of Classified Information from the Immigration and Naturalization Service Files Re Laszlo Hamori, Beneficiary of H.R. 1394 1961/08/30 Immigration and Naturalization Service James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc17 2012/02/28
Joseph M. Swing to Emanuel Cellar Re Henrik Mannerfrid [Letter with Attachment] 1957/06/10 Immigration and Naturalization Service James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc18 2012/02/28
Llorregat-Giner, Antonio[ Memorandum] 1959-1961 Immigration and Naturalization Service James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc19 2012/02/28
Memorandum of Classified Information from the Immigration and Naturalization Service Files Re Sydney Cruson, Beneficiary of H.R. 1395 1961/06/28 Immigration and Naturalization Service James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc20 2012/02/28
Zdzislaw (Jerzy) Jazwinski [Memorandum] No date Immigration and Naturalization Service James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc21 2012/02/28
Part II of A Report on Appropriations U.S. House of Representatives on Reliability Efforts in Ballistic Missile Effort Programs, December 1958 1958/12 United States Congress House Jamie Whitten Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc22 2012/02/28
Arms Control Impact Statement for FY 1979 1978/10/06 National Security Council James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc23 2012/02/28
A Report to the Committee on Appropriations U.S. House of Representatives on Project Vanguard 1959/03 United States Congress House Jamie Whitten Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc24 2012/02/28
Nuclear Submarine Pier, Naval Station, San Diego, California 1960/03/23 United States Congress House Jamie Whitten Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc25 2012/02/28
Report of Costs Incurred by the U.S. Secret Service Under the Provisions of the Presidential Protection Assistance Act (P.L. 94-524) during the Period October 1, 1977 through March 31, 1978 1978/06/19 United States Secret Service James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc26 2012/02/28
Richard H. Wilcox to James O. Eastland [Letter with Attachment] 1973/08/22 General Services Administration James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc27 2012/02/28
Communications Handbook for Central Locator System 1972/09/07 White House Communications Agency James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc28 2012/02/28
Richard L. Lawson to James O. Eastland [Memorandum] 1973/09/17 White House Communications Agency James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc29 2012/02/28
Communications Handbook for Central Locator System 1973/05/04 White House Communications Agency James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc30 2012/02/28
Emergency Relocation of Presidential Successors [Memorandum] 1972/08/17 White House James O. Eastland Collection, Archives & Special Collections, University of Mississippi 2010-081-doc31 2012/02/28
Single Integrated Operational Plan (SlOP) Targeting Philosophy [Memorandum] 1977/04/25 Department of Defense Department of Defense 2010-082-doc1 2012/11/23
Secret Ink Technical Manual 1945/08 Central Intelligence Agency National Archives and Records Administration 2011-025-doc1 2011/12/23
The President’s Intelligence Checklist, 12 July 1962 [ USSR, Laos, and South Vietnam] 1962/07/12 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc1 2012/07/13
The President's Intelligence Checklist, 13 July 1962 [China, Peru, East-West Germany, Laos] 1962/07/13 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc2 2012/07/13
The President’s Intelligence Checklist, 14 July 1962 [USSR Nuclear Testing, Laos, Peru] 1962/07/14 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc3 2012/07/13
The President’s Intelligence Checklist, 16 July 1962 [Indonesia, West New Guinea, Peru, Laos] 1962/07/16 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc4 2012/07/13
The President’s Intelligence Checklist, 17 July 1962 [Laos, Peru, Indonesia, Netherlands, South Vietnam, Cuba] 1962/07/17 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc5 2012/07/13
[Document Non-Responsive to Appeal]   Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc6 2012/07/13
The President’s Intelligence Checklist, 18 July 1962 [Peru, USSR, Berlin, South Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia] 1962/07/18 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc7 2012/07/13
The President’s Intelligence Checklist, 19 July 1962 [Peru, Nationalist China, Indonesia, Cuba] 1962/07/19 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc8 2012/07/13
The President’s Intelligence Checklist, 21 July 1962 [South Vietnam, Laos, Peru, British Guiana] 1962/07/21 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc9 2012/07/13
President's Intelligence Checklist, 25 July 1962 [Soviet Nuclear Tests, Indonesia] 1962/07/25 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc10 2012/07/13
The President’s Intelligence Checklist, 28 July 1962 [Berlin, East Germany, USSR] 1962/07/28 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc11 2012/07/13
The President's Intelligence Checklist, 31 July 1962 [Laos, UAR] 1962/07/31 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc12 2012/07/13
The President's Intelligence Checklist, 4 August 1962 [Netherlands, Indonesia, Disarmament Conference, Vietnam, Laos, Haiti, Cuba] 1962/08/04 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc13 2012/07/13
The President's Intelligence Checklist, 6 August 1962 [Berlin and Disarmament Conference, Brazil, West New Guinea] 1962/08/06 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc14 2012/07/13
The President's Intelligence Checklist, 9 August 1962 [Laos, East Germany, Soviet Union, West Berlin, Cuba] 1962/08/09 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc15 2012/07/13
The President's Intelligence Checklist, 23 August 1962 [Laos, East Germany, Berlin, Cuba, Vietnam] 1962/08/23 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc16 2012/07/13
The President's Intelligence Checklist, 28 August 1962 [Laos, USSR, Haiti, Cuba, Peru] 1962/08/28 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc17 2012/07/13
The President's Intelligence Checklist, 30 August 1962 [Communist China, USSR, Berlin, Cuba] 1962/08/30 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc18 2012/07/13
New Soviet Approach to West German Politicians [Information Report] 1962/08/29 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc19 2012/07/13
Soviet Plans to Expand Trade with West Berlin [Information Report] 1962/08/28 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc20 2012/07/13
The President's Intelligence Checklist, 31 August 1962 [Laos, Cuba, Nationalist China] 1962/08/31 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc21 2012/07/13
Military Exercises, October and November [1963] [Memorandum for the President] 1963/10/11 Central Intelligence Agency John F. Kennedy Library 2011-056-doc22 2012/07/13

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