NARA and Declassification

ISCAP Decisions Table 2015

2012-057 China's Nuclear & Missile Proliferation

Location: Department of State

(October 1, 2014- September 30, 2015)

*Please note the table headers are clickable, sort the table by the clicked column header.

Document Title or Subject [PDF] Document Date (yyyy/mm/dd) Creator Appeal
China's Nuclear Program and the LTBT N/A Department of State 2012-057-doc1
Threat of South Asian Nuclear Arms Race 1988/08/03 Department of State 2012-057-doc2
Chinese Nuclear Exports N/A Department of State 2012-057-doc3
Missile Proliferation 1988/10/21 Department of State 2012-057-doc4
Presidential Certification on China Agreement 1988/07/18 Department of State 2012-057-doc5
[Classified Title Re. Nuclear Proliferation Issues in U.S. - China Relations] N/A Department of State 2012-057-doc6-16

Updated December 31, 2015

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