CUI Category: Federal Taxpayer Information
Banner Marking: CUI//SP-TAX
Category Description: |
Related to returns and return information which are submitted, gathered, or generated in conjunction with taxpayers’ responsibilities to comply with federal tax provisions in the United States Code. “Returns” includes information that is provided to the government pursuant to Title 26, including tax or information returns, declarations of estimated tax, or claims for refund. “Return information” includes a taxpayer’s identity, the nature, source, or amount of income, or any information received by, recorded by, prepared by, or furnished to the Internal Revenue Service relevant to the determination of tax liability including whether the taxpayer is the subject of investigation. This protection extends to such items as medical, financial, and other personal information submitted to the IRS by taxpayers. Standards (typically tolerances, audit criteria, and law enforcement techniques) related to the selection of returns for examination should only be disclosed to the extent their disclosure would not impair assessment, collection, or enforcement under the Internal Revenue laws. Tax data originating with the IRS generally retains its confidential status even when it resides with agencies other than the IRS. |
Category Marking: | TAX |
Banner Format and Marking Notes: |
Banner Format: CUI//Category Marking//Limited Dissemination Control
Marking Notes:
Notes for Safeguarding, Dissemination and Sanction Authorities:
- Whether CUI is Basic or Specified is determined by the applicable Safeguarding and/or Dissemination Authority for that CUI.
- Each "Safeguarding and/or Dissemination Authority" citation links to the statute, regulation or government-wide policy authorizing the control of that information as CUI.
- Each "Sanctions" authority links to the statute, regulation or government-wide policy that includes penalties for CUI misuse of CUI for the associated "Safeguarding and/or Dissemination Authority" on the same line.
Safeguarding and/or Dissemination Authority | Basic or Specified |
Banner Marking | Sanctions |
26 USC 6103 | Specified | CUI//SP-TAX | 26 USC 7213 26 USC 7213A 26 USC 7431 |
26 USC 6110 | Specified | CUI//SP-TAX | |
42 USC 1306(a)(1) | Specified | CUI//SP-TAX | 42 USC 1306(a)(1) |
26 CFR 301.6103(i)-1(b) | Specified | CUI//SP-TAX | 26 USC 7213 26 USC 7213A 26 USC 7431 |
IRS Publication 1075 | Specified | CUI//SP-TAX |
Authority links are updated based on regular re-publication of the United States Code and Code of Federal Regulations, and the CUI Registry maintenance schedule.