Welcome Remarks for Here Rests in Honored Glory: Records Related to Arlington National Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown, Pt 1
Greetings from the National Archives’ flagship building in Washington, DC, which sits on the ancestral lands of the Nacotchtank peoples. I’m David Ferriero, Archivist of the United States, and it's my pleasure to welcome you to today’s discussion on records in the National Archives relating to Arlington National Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
In this first part of a two-part presentation, Arlington National Cemetery historian Timothy Frank and National Archives archivists Amy Edwards, Alexandra Geitz, and William Wade, will discuss motion picture, cartographic, and photographic records.
I want to thank the Arlington National Cemetery and historians Allison Finkelstein, Timothy Frank, and Stephen Carney for partnering with us on these presentations, and for their tireless support in our efforts to preserve and protect the records about the Tomb and make them accessible for education and historical research.
I also want to acknowledge and thank the National Archives staff involved for their hard work and dedication in making these presentations a reality.
Before we begin, though, I’d like to tell you about two upcoming programs you can view on our YouTube channel.
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On Thursday, September 23, at 1 p.m., Joseph Ellis will tell us about his new book, The Cause: The American Revolution and its Discontents. In this work on the American Founding, Ellis challenges the story we have long told ourselves about our origins as a people and a nation.
And on Tuesday, September 28, at 3 p.m., we will present part two of “Here Rests in Honored Glory,” which will focus on National Archives textual records relating to Arlington National Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
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Arlington National Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier are among the most visited sites here in the Washington, DC, area. They honor the service and sacrifice of more than 400,000 members of our nation’s Armed Forces who are buried there.
The national cemetery is also a place of history—a place to learn about our country through the lives and sacrifices of these brave men and women. As a veteran myself, I am pleased and honored to be able to introduce today's panel discussion.
As we look toward the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier this November, the records you will learn about today help remind us of the honor and dignity of the people, their stories, and the events these records represent.
Today you will see and hear about the photographs, films, maps, and architectural drawings that relate to Arlington Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. You will see photographs and film that document the November 1921 funeral procession of the World War I Unknown and the Tomb's dedication, as well as others which document the Tomb’s history over the past 100 years. You will see the history and evolution of the Tomb and Arlington National Cemetery through maps and architectural designs.
The National Archives is pleased and honored to preserve and make accessible our records of this important place, and to assist our researchers, our federal partners, and the historians and staff of the Arlington National Cemetery in their efforts to document and share the story of this very significant and symbolic National Monument on the 100th anniversary of its dedication.
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Our moderator for today’s discussion is Timothy Frank, who has served as a historian at Arlington National Cemetery since January 2015. He is responsible for maintaining the Cemetery’s research collection as well as conducting end-of-tour and career interviews with civilian and military personnel.
Now let’s turn to Timothy Frank to get our program started. Thank you for joining us.