About the National Archives

NARA Code of Federal Regulations

You can access NARA's regulations through the Government Printing Office (GPO)'s site, the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR).  The e-CFR is an unofficial, non-legal edition of the paper Code of Federal Regulations created in partnership with NARA’s Office of the Federal Register.  The e-CFR is reliable, is updated daily, and is the best online source for the most current versions of our regulations. 

For your ease of reference, here is a linked list of our regulations:

NARA Regulations
Regulation Title, subchapter, and part

Title 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS, Administrative Committee of the Federal Register

Subchapter A – General (parts 1-3)

Subchapter B – The Federal Register (parts 5-6)

Subchapter C – Special Editions of the Federal Register (parts 8-10)

Subchapter D – Availability of Office of the Federal Register Publications (parts 11-12)

Subchapter E – Preparation, Transmittal, and Processing of Documents (parts 15-49)

Title 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS, Office of the Federal Register

     Part 51        Incorporation by Reference

Title 2 - GRANTS AND AGREEMENTS, National Archives and Records Administration

     Part 2600     Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards

32 CFR, Chapter XX

Title 32 - NATIONAL DEFENSE, Information Security Oversight Office, National Archives and Records Administration

     Part 2001     Classified National Security Information

     Part 2002     Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)

     Part 2003     Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP) Bylaws, Rules, and Appeal Procedures

     Part 2004     National Industrial Security Program (NISP)
36 CFR, Chapter XII

Title 36 - PARKS, FORESTS, AND PUBLIC PROPERTY, National Archives and Records Administration

Subchapter A – General Rules (parts 1200-1212)

     Part 1200    Official Seals

     Part 1201    Collection of Claims

     Part 1202    Regulations Implementing the Privacy Act of 1974

     Part 1206    National Historical Publications and Records Commission

     Part 1208    Enforcement of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs or Activities Conducted by the National Archives and Records Administration

     Part 1211    Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance

     Part 1212    Government-wide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (Financial Assistance)

Subchapter B – Records Management (parts 1220-1249)

     Part 1220     Federal Records; General

     Part 1222     Creation and Maintenance of Federal Records

     Part 1223     Managing Vital Records

     Part 1224     Records Disposition Programs

     Part 1225     Scheduling Records

     Part 1226     Implementing Disposition

     Part 1227     General Records Schedules

     Part 1228     Loan of Permanent and Unscheduled Records

     Part 1229     Emergency Authorization to Destroy Records

     Part 1230     Unlawful or Accidental Removal, Defacing, Alteration, or Destruction of Records

     Part 1231     Transfer of Records from the Custody of One Executive Agency to Another

     Part 1232     Transfer of Records to Records Storage Facilities

     Part 1233     Transfer, Use, and Disposition of Records in a NARA Federal Records Center

     Part 1234     Facility Standards for Records Storage Facilities

     Part 1235     Transfer of Records to the National Archives of the United States

     Part 1236     Electronic Records Management

     Part 1237     Audiovisual, Cartographic, and Related Records Management

     Part 1238     Microforms Records Management

     Part 1239     Program Assistance and Inspections

Subchapter C – Public Availability and Use (parts 1250-1258)

     Part 1250     NARA Records Subject to FOIA

     Part 1251     Testimony by NARA Employees Relating to Agency Information and Productions of Records in Legal Proceedings

     Part 1252     Public Use of Records, Donated Historical Materials, and Facilities; General

     Part 1253     Location of NARA Facilities and Hours of Use

     Part 1254     Using Records and Donated Historical Materials

     Part 1256     Access to Records and Donated Historical Materials

     Part 1258     Fees

Subchapter D – Declassification (part 1260)

Subchapter E – Presidential Records (part 1270)

Subchapter F – Nixon Presidential Materials (part 1275)

Subchapter G – NARA Facilities (parts 1280-1284)

     Part 1280     Use of NARA Facilities

     Part 1281     Presidential Library Facilities

     Part 1284     Exhibits

Subchapter H – JFK Assassination Records (part 1290)

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