Records of the Defense Mapping Agency [DMA]
(Record Group 456)
Table of Contents
- 456.1 Administrative History
- 456.2 Cartographic Records (General) 1972-86
- 456.3 Still Pictures (General) 1920-75
Established: In the Department of Defense (DOD), from the Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy Division, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), by DOD Directive 5105.40, January 1, 1972, pursuant to a Presidential directive (press release), November 5, 1971, under authority of the National Security Act of 1947 (61 Stat. 495), July 26, 1947, as amended, initiating the consolidation of mapping functions previously dispersed among the military services. Consolidation effected, and DMA became operational, effective July 1, 1972, pursuant to General Order 3, DMA, June 16, 1972, which formally transferred specified DOD components to DMA.
Predecessor Agencies:
In the Department of the Navy (1830-1947); Department of the Navy, National Military Establishment (1947-49); Department of the Navy, DOD (1949-72):
- Depot of Charts and Instruments (DCI), Board of Navy Commissioners (1830-42)
- DCI, Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography (BuO&H, 1842-54)
- U.S. Naval Observatory and Hydrographical Office (USNOHO), BuO&H (1854-62)
- USNOHO, Bureau of Navigation (BuNav, 1862-66)
- Hydrographic Office (HO), BuNav (1866-89)
- HO, Bureau of Equipment (BuE, 1889-92)
- HO, BuNav (1892-98)
- HO, BuE (1898-1910)
- HO, BuNav (1910-42)
- HO, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OCNO, 1942-62)
- U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office (USNOO), OCNO (1962-72)
In the War Department (1892-1947); Department of the Army, National Military Establishment (1947-49); Department of the Army, DOD (1949-72):
- Map Section (MS), Military Information Division, Adjutant General's Office (1893-1903)
- MS, Second Division, War Department General Staff (WDGS, 1903-8)
- MS, Military Information Committee (MIC), Second Section, WDGS (1908-10)
- Military Maps Sub-Committee, Committee on Military Information, War College Division (WCD), WDGS (1910-17)
- Map Room, Military Intelligence Section (MIS), WCD, WDGS (1917-18)
- Map Room, Military Intelligence Branch (MIB), Executive Division, WDGS (1918)
- Graphic Section, Positive Branch (PB), Military Intelligence Division (MID), WDGS (1918)
- Maps and Photographs Section (MI-7), PB, MID, WDGS (1918-19)
- MS (MI-7), Geographic Branch, MID, WDGS (1919-22)
- MS (MI-7), MID, WDGS (1922-26)
- MS, Intelligence Branch (IB), MID, WDGS (1926-28)
- Geographic Section (GS), IB, MID, WDGS (1928-29)
- Geographic Branch, MID, WDGS (1929-38)
- GS, Operations Branch, MID, WDGS (1938-39)
- War Department Map Collection (WDMC), Office of the Chief of Engineers (OCE, 1939-42)
- Map Printing Plant, Engineer School (ES), OCE (1910-17)
- Central Map Reproduction Plant, ES, OCE (1917-19)
- Engineer Reproduction Plant (ERP), OCE, (1919-42)
- Engineer Reproduction Plant (ERP), OCE, Services of Supply (SOS, 1942)
- Army Map Service (AMS), OCE, SOS (1942-43)
- AMS, OCE, Army Service Forces (ASF, 1943-46)
- AMS, OCE (1946-68)
- U.S. Army Topographic Command, OCE (1968-72)
- Intelligence Section (IS), Military Division, OCE (1941)
- Intelligence Branch (IB), Troops Division (TD), OCE (1941-42)
- IB, TD, OCE, SOS (1942)
- Mapping Section, Intelligence Branch (IB), Troops Division (TD), OCE (1941-42)
- Mapping Section, IB, TD, OCE, SOS (1942-43)
- Mapping Section, IB, TD, OCE, ASF (1943)
- Map Production Branch (MPB), Military Intelligence Division (MID), Office of the Assistant Chief of Engineers (OACE, War Planning), OCE, ASF (1943-45)
- MPB, MID, Directorate of Military Operations (DMO), OCE, ASF (1945-46)
- MPB, MID, DMO, OCE (1946-47)
- MPB, Engineer Intelligence Division (EID), OACE (Military Operations), OCE (1947-54)
- Mapping Branch, EID, OACE (Troop Operations), OCE Engineer Research Section (ERS), Technical Services Branch (TSB), Operations and Planning Staff (OPS), AMS, OCE, ASF (1945-46)
- ERS, TSB, OPS, AMS (1946-47)
- Engineer Research Branch, Technical Services Division, AMS, OCE (1948-49)
- Engineer Research Division, AMS, OCE (1949-50)
- Engineer Strategic Intelligence Division, AMS, OCE (1950-60)
- Department of Engineer Intelligence, AMS, OCE (1960-62)
- U.S. Army Area Analysis Intelligence Agency, OCE (1962-63; to Defense Intelligence Agency, DOD, 1963)
- Inter-American Geodetic Survey (IAGS), Caribbean Defense Command (CDC, 1946-47)
- IAGS, CDC, Caribbean Command (1947)
- IAGS, U.S. Army, Caribbean (USARCARIB), Caribbean Command (1948-63)
- IAGS, U.S. Army Forces Southern Command (USAFSC), U.S. Southern Command (1963-72)
In the War Department (1921-47); Department of the Air Force, National Military Establishment (1947-49); Department of the Air Force, DOD (1949-72):
- Airways Section, Training and War Plans Division, Air Service (1921-26)
- Publications Section, Information Division (ID), Office of the Chief of the Air Corps (OCAC)
- Library Section, ID, OCAC
- Map Unit, ID, OCAC
- Section for Dissemination of Information (SDI), ID, OCAC (1937-40)
- SDI, Intelligence Division, OCAC (1940-41)
- Map Section, Intelligence Division, OCAC (1941)
- Map Section, Office of the Assistant for Army Air Traffic Services (OAAATS), OCAC,Army Air Forces (AAF, 1941-42)
- Map-Chart Division (M-CD), Office of the Director of Photography, Maps, and Charts (ODPMC), Directorate of Technical Services (DTS), Headquarters Army Air Forces (HQAAF, 1942-43)
- Aeronautical Chart Division (ACD), ODPMC, DTS, HQAAF (1943)
- ACD, Technical Services Operations Branch, Movement and Operations Division, Office of the Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Operations, Commitments and Requirements (OACAS/OC&R), HQAAF (1943) Aeronautical Chart Service Branch (ACSB), Technical Services Division, OACAS/OC&R, HQAAF (1943-44)
- ACSB, Reconnaissance Branch (RB), Requirements Division (RD), OACAS/OC&R, HQAAF (1944)
- Aeronautical Chart Service Section (ACSS), RB, RD, OACAS/OC&R, HQAAF (1944)
- ACSS, Reconnaissance and Photo Branch, RD, OACAS/OC&R, HQAAF (1944)
- ACSS, Photographic Aviation Branch (PAB), RD, OACAS/OC&R, HQAAF (1944)
- Aeronautical Service Branch (ASB), Photographic Aviation Branch (PAB), RD, OACAS/OC&R, HQAAF (1944)
- Aeronautical Chart Service (ACS), PAB, RD, OACAS/OC&R, HQAAF (1944)
- 36th AAF Base Unit (36 AAFBU) (ACS), HQAAF (1945) 36 AAFBU, Headquarters, ACS (HQACS), HQAAF (1946)
- 36 AAFBU (HQACS), Air Transport Command (ATC, 1946-47)
- 36 AAFBU (HQACS), 311th Reconnaissance Wing (311 RW), Strategic Air Command (SAC, 1947)
- 36th AF Base Unit (36 AFBU) (HQACS), 311 RW, SAC (1947-48)
- 36 AFBU (HQACS), 311th Air Division (311 AD) (Reconnaissance), SAC (1948)
- HQACS, 311 AD (Reconnaissance), SAC (1948-49)
- HQACS, Second Air Force, SAC (1949-50)
- HQACS, Air Materiel Command (AMC, 1950-51)
- Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, USAF Aeronautical Chart and Information Service (USAF ACIS), AMC (1951)
- HQ, USAF ACIS, AMC (1951-52)
- HQ, USAF ACIS, Air Photographic and Charting Service (APCS), Military Air Transport Service (MATS, 1952)
- USAF Aeronautical Chart and Information Center, MATS (1952-54)
- Aeronautical Chart and Information Center (ACIC), MATS (1954-58)
- HQ ACIC, Air Photographic and Charting Service, MATS (1958-60)
- ACIC (1960-72)
In the Defense Intelligence Agency, DOD:
- Mapping, Charting, and Geodetic Directorate (1963-71)
- Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy Division, Directorate for Plans (1971-72)
Functions: Produces and distributes maps, charts, and geodetic products and services. Provides training in aspects of mapping, charting, and geodesy to DOD agencies and commands.
Security-Classified Records: This record group may include material that is security-classified.
Related Records:Record copies of publications of the Defense Mapping Agency in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.
Records of the Army Air Forces, RG 18.
Records of the Hydrographic Office, RG 37.
Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers, RG 77.
Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations, RG 342.
456.2 Cartographic Records (General)
History: National Military Establishment (NME), headed by Secretary of Defense, created by the National Security Act of 1947 (61 Stat. 495), July 26, 1947, which divided the War Department into separate Department of the Air Force and Department of the Army and reduced the status of the three military departments (Army, Navy, Air Force) to that of constituent units. NME redesignated DOD by the National Security Act Amendments of 1949 (63 Stat. 578), August 10, 1949.
Navy Predecessors
DCI established in the Department of the Navy under the Board of Navy Commissioners by order of the Secretary of the Navy, December 6, 1830. Initially responsible only for maintaining the navy's stock of nautical charts and navigational instruments, DCI began chart production in 1835 and astronomical observations and other original hydrographic work by 1838. Upon the abolishment of the Board of Navy Commissioners and the establishment of the bureau system by an act of August 31, 1842 (5 Stat. 579), DCI was transferred to BuO&H. Known variously and informally, 1844-54, as the United States Naval Observatory, the Hydrographical Office, the Depot of Charts, the National Observatory, and the Washington Observatory. Formally designated the USNOHO by order of the Secretary of the Navy, December 1854. Transferred, effective August 31, 1862, to BuNav, established as successor (in part) to BuO&H by an act of July 5, 1862 (12 Stat. 510). Separate HO established in BuNav by an act of June 21, 1866 (14 Stat. 69), with responsibility for preparing and publishing maps, charts, and nautical books required in navigation. Transferred to the newly established BuE, June 30, 1889, as part of an exchange of functions between that bureau's predecessor (Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting) and BuNav mandated by the departmental reorganization under General Order 372, Navy Department, June 25, 1889. HO restored to BuNav, 1892; transferred to BuE, 1898; and returned to BuNav, 1910. Transferred to OCNO by EO 9126, April 8, 1942. Transfer made permanent by Reorganization Plan No. III of 1946, effective July 16, 1946. Renamed USNOO by an act of July 10, 1962 (76 Stat. 154). USNOO mapping, charting, and geodetic production and distribution resources consolidated into DMA, July 1, 1972. See 456.1.
Army Predecessors
(1) War Department Map Collection
A division for the collection and compilation of military intelligence, the Military Information Division, was established in the Adjutant General's Office (AGO) by order of the Secretary of War, April 12, 1889, and confirmed by General Order 23, War Department, March 18, 1892. Responsibility for collecting and maintaining the War Department's strategic map collection was vested in the Section of the Northern Frontier, created in the divisional reorganization ordered by the Secretary of War, November 10, 1893. This unit was variously known as the Northern Frontier Section and Map Section by October 1895 and as the Frontiers and Maps Section by September 1897, with organizational references to a Map Section by April 1894. The Military Information Division was transferred by unnumbered memorandum of the Secretary of War, August 8, 1903, to the newly created WDGS, effective August 18, 1903, where it became the Second Division. Map Section established in Second Division by memorandum of Division Chief, October 20, 1903, pursuant to authority contained in General Order 120, War Department, August 14, 1903. WDGS reorganized pursuant to a memorandum of the Chief of Staff (COS), June 27, 1908. First Division redesignated First Section, and Second and Third Divisions consolidated as Second Section. Functions of old Second Division assigned to MIC by memorandum, Chief, Second Section, June 27, 1908, confirmed by General Order 128, War Department, August 12, 1908, and revisions to paragraph 762, Army Regulations (1908). Map Section established in MIC by order contained in memorandum from the Chief of Staff to the Chief, Second Section, September 28, 1908. First and Second Sections abolished and WDGS reorganized, with functions of MIC assigned to new WCD, pursuant to memorandum, Chief of Staff, September 26, 1910. Old MIC functions delegated to Committee on Military Information by memorandum, Chief, WCD, September 26, 1910, with Military Maps Sub-Committee in place by November 1, 1910. Committee on Military Information abolished and functions assigned to MIS, established by Changes No. 7, WCD Manual, May 3, 1917, implementing COS memorandum, April 28, 1917. WDGS Map Room and Photographic Gallery placed under immediate supervision of Chief, MIS. MIS transferred as the MIB to the new Executive Division in the WDGS reorganization under General Order 14, War Department, February 9, 1918. MIB separated from Executive Division by General Order 80, War Department, August 26, 1918, and designated the MID, with responsibility, assigned to Graphic Section, in Positive Branch (organized August 28, 1918), to "obtain, issue, and reproduce maps." Graphic Section redesignated Maps and Photographs Section with numerical designator MI-7, October 1, 1918. MI-7, Map Section, separated from Positive Branch, April 24, 1919, and assigned, with Monograph Section, MI- 9, to newly created Geographic Branch. MID reorganized, effective December 1, 1922, into eight independent sections, including Map Section, MI-7. In reorganization announced in Memorandum 21, MID, August 21, 1926, Map Section assigned to Intelligence Branch, and numerical designators for MID units dropped. Redesignated as Geographic Section, December 15, 1928. Separated from Intelligence Branch and designated as Geographic Branch by Memorandum 4, MID, April 4, 1929. Redesignated Geographic Section and subordinated to Operations Branch by Memorandum 18, MID, June 6, 1938. WDGS map collection redesignated as War Department Map Collection and it and mapping functions of Geographic Section, Operations Branch, MID, transferred, effective April 1, 1939, to the Office of the Chief of Engineers, by order of the Secretary of War, transmitted by memorandum, Adjutant General to Chief of Engineers, February 9, 1939. Operated, under the supervision of the Engineer Reproduction Plant, as an OCE central office activity, 1939-42. Consolidated with the Engineer Reproduction Plant, 1942, to form Army Map Service. See (2)(a) below.
(2) Engineers
In a major reorganization of the War Department, effective March 9, 1942, under Circular 59, War Department, March 2, 1942, implementing EO 9082, February 28, 1942, the OCE was placed under the newly established SOS. Redesignated ASF by General Order 14, March 12, 1943. ASF abolished, effective June 11, 1946, by Circular 138, War Department, May 14, 1946, implementing EO 9722, May 13, 1946.
(2)(a) Army Map Service
A map reproduction unit and lithographic school, designated informally as the Map Printing Plant, was established at Washington Barracks as a component of the Engineer School, 1910. Redesignated the Central Map Reproduction Plant by General Order 58, War Department, October 31, 1916, and began operations in 1917. Consolidated with the Central Photographic Laboratory and the Engineer School Press, 1919, to form the Engineer Reproduction Plant, a designated field activity of OCE. ERP made responsible for supervision and maintenance of War Department Map Collection, 1939, with which it merged to form AMS, May 1942. AMS designated as an Engineer field activity, effective July 1, 1942, by General Order 22, OCE, June 19, 1942. AMS redesignated U.S. Army Topographic Command, September 1, 1968. Consolidated into DMA, July 1, 1972. See 456.1.
(2)(b) Engineer Intelligence Division
OCE central office administration of mapping, map production, and map supply initially vested in Intelligence Section, Military Division, OCE. Intelligence Branch established in the newly created Troops Division, OCE, as part of a reorganization under General Order 8, OCE, November 10, 1941, with staff and functions of predecessor IS transferred to Troops Division, effective December 1, 1941, by General Order 9, OCE, November 29, 1941. By December 1, 1942, mapping functions vested in IB Mapping Section. In a reorganization effective December 1, 1943, pursuant to General Order 23, OCE, November 22, 1943, Troops Division abolished, and former IB became MID under OACE (War Planning), with Geodetic Section redesignated Geodetic Branch, and functions of former Mapping Section divided between Topographic Branch and MPB, which had responsibility for administrative oversight of AMS. Geodetic Branch, MID, assigned to AMS by General Order 1, OCE, January 1, 1945. OACE (War Planning) redesignated Directorate of Military Operations, April 30, 1945. MID redesignated EID, and Directorate of Military Operations redesignated OACE (Military Operations), October 15, 1947, by Circular Letter 4389, OCE, October 16, 1947. MPB redesignated Mapping Branch. OACE (Military Operations) redesignated OACE (Troop Operations).
(2)(c) Engineer Strategic Intelligence Division, AMS
Engineer Research Office, North Atlantic Division, Corps of Engineers, transferred to the Technical Services Branch, Operations and Planning Staff, AMS, September 24, 1945, and redesignated Engineer Research Section, with responsibility for collection, collation, and compilation of engineer strategic intelligence data, and their subsequent dissemination in engineer intelligence publications. Redesignated Engineer Research Branch, Technical Services Division, AMS, in reorganization under General Order 13, AMS, May 4, 1948. Upgraded to division status as Engineer Research Division, March 7, 1949. Redesignated Engineer Strategic Intelligence Division, AMS, February 1950. Became Department of Engineer Intelligence, AMS, 1960. Consolidated, effective July 27, 1962, with Engineer area analysis intelligence components in the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors and the Beach Erosion Board, by General Order 15, OCE, July 25, 1962, to form the U.S. Army Area Analysis Intelligence Agency, an Engineer field activity. Transferred, effective March 5, 1963, to Defense Intelligence Agency, DOD, by General Order 4, OCE, March 1, 1963, where it became the Directorate for Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy. Transferred to Directorate of Plans as the Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy Division, April 1971. Consolidated into DMA, January 1, 1972. See 456.1.
(3) Inter-American Geodetic Survey
IAGS established within the CDC, War Department, April 20, 1946, by CDC directive, April 15, 1946, to meet army responsibilities under the Inter-American Mapping and Charting Program. Unified Caribbean Command established, effective November 1, 1947, by Department of the Army (DA) classified message WARX 89419, October 30, 1947, pursuant to Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) implementation, by JCS 1259/48, October 30, 1947, of relevant portions of Unified Command Plan, JCS 1259/27, approved by President Harry S. Truman, December 14, 1946. CDC redesignated USARCARIB, effective November 15, 1947, as the army component of the Caribbean Command, by DA unclassified message WCL 37942, November 14, 1947. IAGS attached directly to Caribbean Command by General Order 4, Caribbean Command, March 11, 1948. Returned to USARCARIB, effective July 21, 1948, by General Order 25, Caribbean Command, July 20, 1948. Caribbean Command redesignated U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM), by General Order 1, Headquarters USSOUTHCOM, June 6, 1963, confirmed by JCS 1259/645, November 20, 1963. USARCARIB redesignated U.S. Army Forces Southern Command (USAFSC), by General Order 2, Headquarters, USSOUTHCOM, June 6, 1963. IAGS consolidated into DMA, July 1, 1972. See 456.1.
Air Force Predecessors
Air Service established in the War Department by EO 3066, March 19, 1919, and confirmed as a combat arm by the Army Reorganization Act (41 Stat. 759), June 4, 1920. Redesignated Air Corps by the Air Corps Act (44 Stat. 780), July 2, 1926. Air Corps placed under newly established Army Air Forces (AAF) by Army Regulation 95-5 (revised), June 20, 1941. Office of the Chief of the Air Corps (OCAC) abolished in AAF reorganization, effective March 9, 1942, under Circular 59, War Department, March 2, 1942, implementing provisions of EO 9082, February 28, 1942. Air Corps and AAF superseded by the U.S. Air Force (USAF) in the Department of the Air Force pursuant to Transfer Order 1, Office of the Secretary of Defense, September 26, 1947, implementing reorganization provisions of the National Security Act of 1947. (For an administrative history of AAF and its predecessors, see RG 18.)
Airways Section established under Training and War Plans Division, 1921, to acquire and produce air route maps suitable for military use. Abolished in reorganization of Air Corps pursuant to Air Corps Act, 1926. Information Division established by Office Memorandum 19, OCAC, December 14, 1926. Responsibility for procurement and distribution of maps assigned to subordinate Publications Section, effective December 4, 1926, by undated ID internal memorandum, and later to Library Section. Function vested in ID Map Unit, late 1928. Map procurement, preparation of tactical maps, and printing of aeronautical charts assigned to Section for Dissemination of Information, ID, by Office Memorandum 10-10, OCAC, January 2, 1937. Information Division redesignated Intelligence Division by Office Memorandum 10-10, OCAC, November 23, 1940. Map procurement and preparation assigned to newly established Map Section, 1941. Mapping and charting functions transferred to Office of the Assistant for Army Air Traffic Services, by Office Memorandum 10-10D, OCAC, December 24, 1941. Army Air Traffic Services abolished pursuant to reorganization of Army Air Forces, effective March 9, 1942. Map- Chart Division, functional successor to mapping unit in OAAATS, established in the Office of the Director of Photography, Maps, and Charts, Directorate of Technical Services, by Regulation 95- 1, HQAAF, May 19, 1942. M-CD redesignated Aeronautical Chart Division, effective January 30, 1943, by Regulation 95-4, HQAAF, February 15, 1943. ACD subordinated to Technical Services Operations Branch, Movement and Operations Division, OACAS/OC&R, pursuant to AAF reorganization of March 29, 1943. Technical Services Operations Branch redesignated Technical Services Division, OACAS/OC&R, by Headquarters Office Instruction 20-7, HQAAF, May 8, 1943, and ACD redesignated Aeronautical Chart Service Branch (ACSB), Technical Services Division. ACSB transferred from Technical Services Division to Reconnaissance Branch, Requirements Division, OACAS/OC&R, by Headquarters Office Instruction 20-30, HQAAF, January 8, 1944. ACSB redesignated Aeronautical Chart Service Section (ACSS) by Headquarters Office Instruction 20-30, January 24, 1944. Reconnaissance Branch redesignated Reconnaissance and Photo Branch, 1944. Reconnaissance and Photo Branch redesignated Photographic Aviation Branch by Headquarters Office Instruction 20-35, HQAAF, March 31, 1944. ACSS redesignated Aeronautical Service Branch (ASB). ASB redesignated as Aeronautical Chart Service (ACS) and made a field activity of HQAAF, under immediate supervision of Photographic Aviation Branch, Requirements Division, OACAS/OC&R, by Headquarters Office Instruction 20-30A, HQAAF, May 4, 1944. Photographic Aviation Branch redesignated Reconnaissance Branch by Headquarters Office Instruction 20-35, HQAAF, June 27, 1944.
Aeronautical Chart Service organized as 36th AAF Base Unit (ACS), effective January 1, 1945, by AAF Letter 20-62, HQAAF, December 16, 1944. Headquarters, Aeronautical Chart Service established with 36 AAFBU (ACS) as a component, effective March 13, 1946, by War Department Letter AG 322 (8 Mar 46) OB-I-AFCOR-(926(d))-M, March 13, 1946. Redesignated 36 AAFBU (HQACS) and transferred to ATC, effective April 1, 1946, by War Department Letter AG 322 (AFCOR 98l(d)), April 2, 1946. Transferred to Strategic Air Command (SAC), effective May 21, 1947, by General Order 21, ATC, May 26, 1947, with assignment to HQ, 311th Reconnaissance Wing, confirmed by General Order 55, SAC, May 26, 1947. Redesignated 36 AFBU (HQACS), effective September 26, 1947, by Circular 45, Department of the Army, November 14, 1947. 311th Reconnaissance Wing redesignated 311th Air Division (Reconnaissance), effective April 16, 1948, by AGAO-I 322 (31 Mar 48) (AFCOR 705e)-M, April 7, 1948. 36 AFBU (HQACS) redesignated HQACS, effective August 1, 1948, by General Order 37, SAC, July 21, 1948, confirmed by letter, SAC, August 26, 1948, and General Order 8, 311 AD (Reconnaissance), August 3, 1948. Transferred to Second Air Force, SAC, effective November 1, 1949, by General Order 64, SAC, October 19, 1949. Transferred to Air Materiel Command, effective March 1, 1950, by General Order 8, SAC, February 20, 1950. Redesignated Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, USAF ACIS, effective February 1, 1951, by General Orders 11 and 12, AMC, February 14 and 23, 1951. Redesignated HQ, USAF ACIS, effective May 21, 1951, by General Order 34, AMC, May 11, 1951. Transferred to Military Air Transport Service (MATS), effective May 11, 1952, by AFOMO-A59183, Air Force Directorate of Manpower and Organization, May 9, 1952, confirmed by AFOMO 843g, June 10, 1952; and assigned to Air Photographic and Charting Service, MATS, by General Order 61, MATS, May 10, 1952. Redesignated USAF Aeronautical Chart and Information Center, MATS, effective August 1, 1952, by General Order 111, MATS, August 7, 1952. Redesignated Aeronautical Chart and Information Center (ACIC), effective September 20, 1954, by General Order 158, MATS, September 10, 1954. Redesignated Headquarters, ACIC, and assigned to Air Photographic and Charting Service, effective September 8, 1958, by General Order 130, MATS, September 2, 1958. Relieved from assignment to MATS and accorded separate operating agency status, effective July 1, 1960, by General Order 74, MATS, June 9, 1960. Inactivated, effective June 30, 1972, with mission and functions transferred to DMA, by Special Order G-9, HQ ACIC, June 27, 1972.
Defense Intelligence Agency Predecessors
See under Army Predecessors (2)(c) Engineer Strategic Intelligence Division, AMS.
Maps and Charts: Published record set of DMA topographic maps with periodic indexes (10,000 items) and nautical charts with periodic indexes (14,000 items), covering land areas, military reservations, and coastal and ocean features, mostly in foreign countries, 1972-86.
456.3 Still Pictures (General)
Photographic Prints and Negatives: Black and white Public Affairs Office portraits of DMA and predecessor organizations' commanding officers, 1920-75 (74 images).
Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.
This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.