Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers [OCE]
(Record Group 77)
Table of Contents
- 77.1 Administrative History
- 77.2 General Records of the Headquarters Office
- 77.2.1 Letters sent and received, 1789-1889
- 77.2.2 Correspondence relating to civil functions, 1890-1947
- 77.2.3 Other records relating to civil functions
- 77.2.4 Correspondence relating to military functions, 1890-1955
- 77.2.5 Other records relating to military functions
- 77.2.6 Issuances
- 77.2.7 Reports
- 77.2.8 Records of engineer officers and other engineers
- 77.2.9 Miscellaneous records
- 77.3 Records of Subordinate Organizations of the Headquarters OFFICE 1871-1959
- 77.4 Records of the Topographical Bureau 1818-67
- 77.5 Records of Surveys and Survey Organizations 1834-1975
- 77.6 Records of Boards
- 77.6.1 Records of the Board on Internal Improvements
- 77.6.2 Records of the Board of Engineers
- 77.6.3 Records of the New York Harbor Line Board, New York, NY
- 77.6.4 Records of the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors
- 77.6.5 Records of the Engineer Claims Board
- 77.6.6 Records of the Interoceanic Canal Board
- 77.6.7 Records of the Beach Erosion Board
- 77.6.8 Records of engineer officer examining boards
- 77.6.9 Records of other boards
- 77.7 Records of the Mississippi River Commission (MRC) 1871-1984
- 77.8 Records of Other Commissions 1878-1954
- 77.9 Records of Divisions
- 77.9.1 Records of the Northeast Division (New York, NY)
- 77.9.2 Records of the Eastern Division (New York, NY)
- 77.9.3 Records of the Chesapeake Division (Baltimore, MD)
- 77.9.4 Records of the New England Division (Boston, MA)
- 77.9.5 Records of the North Atlantic Division (New York, NY)
- 77.9.6 Records of the South Atlantic Division (Atlanta, GA)
- 77.9.7 Records of the Huntsville Division (Huntsville, AL)
- 77.9.8 Records of the Northwest Division (Chicago, IL)
- 77.9.9 Records of the Lakes Division (Detroit, MI)
- 77.9.10 Records of the North Central Division (Chicago, IL)
- 77.9.11 Records of the Central Division (Cincinnati, OH)
- 77.9.12 Records of the Ohio River Division (Cincinnati, OH)
- 77.9.13 Records of the Western Division (St. Louis, MO)
- 77.9.14 Records of the Upper Mississippi Valley Division (St. Louis, MO)
- 77.9.15 Records of the Lower Mississippi Valley Division (Vicksburg, MS)
- 77.9.16 Records of the Missouri River Division (Kansas City, MO; later, Omaha, NE)
- 77.9.17 Records of the Gulf of Mexico Division (New Orleans, LA)
- 77.9.18 Records of the Southwestern Division (Little Rock, AR; after 1941, Dallas, TX)
- 77.9.19 Records of the North Pacific Division (Portland, OR)
- 77.9.20 Records of the Pacific Division (San Francisco, CA)
- 77.9.21 Records of the South Pacific Division (San Francisco, CA)
- 77.9.22 Records of the Western Ocean Division (Sausalito, CA)
- 77.9.23 Records of the Pacific Ocean Division
- 77.10 Records of Districts
- 77.10.1 Records of the Alaska District (Anchorage, AK)
- 77.10.2 Records of the Albuquerque, NM, District
- 77.10.3 Records of the Atlantic District (New York, NY)
- 77.10.4 Records of the Baltimore, MD, District
- 77.10.5 Records of the Boston, MA, District
- 77.10.6 Records of the Buffalo, NY, District
- 77.10.7 Records of the Canaveral District
- 77.10.8 Records of the Charleston, SC, District
- 77.10.9 Records of the Chicago, IL, District
- 77.10.10 Records of the Cincinnati, OH, District (First Cincinnati District, 1880-1922)
- 77.10.11 Records of the Second Cincinnati, OH, District
- 77.10.12 Records of the Denison, TX, District
- 77.10.13 Records of the Detroit, MI, District
- 77.10.14 Records of the Duluth, MN, District
- 77.10.15 Records of the Edmonton, Alberta, Canada District
- 77.10.16 Records of the Fort Peck, MT, District
- 77.10.17 Records of the Fort Worth, TX, District
- 77.10.18 Records of the Galveston, TX, District
- 77.10.19 Records of the Garrison/Bismarck, ND, District
- 77.10.20 Records of the Honolulu, HI, District
- 77.10.21 Records of the Huntington, WV, District
- 77.10.22 Records of the Jacksonville, FL, District
- 77.10.23 Records of the Kansas City, MO, District
- 77.10.24 Records of the Little Rock, AR, District
- 77.10.25 Records of the Los Angeles, CA, District
- 77.10.26 Records of the Louisville, KY, District
- 77.10.27 Records of the Manila District
- 77.10.28 Records of the Memphis, TN, District
- 77.10.29 Records of the Miami, FL, District
- 77.10.30 Records of the Milwaukee, WI, District
- 77.10.31 Records of Mobile, AL, District
- 77.10.32 Records of the Montgomery, AL, District
- 77.10.33 Records of the Nashville, TN, District
- 77.10.34 Records of the New London, CT, District
- 77.10.35 Records of the New Orleans, LA, District
- 77.10.36 Records of the Newport, RI, District
- 77.10.37 Records of the New York, NY, District
- 77.10.38 Records of the Norfolk, VA, District
- 77.10.39 Records of the Northeast District (New York, NY)
- 77.10.40 Records of the Okinawa District
- 77.10.41 Records of the Omaha, NE, District
- 77.10.42 Records of the Oswego, NY, District
- 77.10.43 Records of the Panama District
- 77.10.44 Records of the Philadelphia, PA, District
- 77.10.45 Records of the Pittsburgh, PA, District
- 77.10.46 Records of the Portland, OR, District
- 77.10.47 Records of the Providence, RI, District
- 77.10.48 Records of the Puerto Rico District
- 77.10.49 Records of the Rock Island, IL, District
- 77.10.50 Records of the Sacramento, CA, District
- 77.10.51 Records of the St. Lawrence River District (Massena, NY)
- 77.10.52 Records of the St. Louis, MO, District
- 77.10.53 Records of the St. Paul, MN, District
- 77.10.54 Records of the Salt Lake City, UT, District
- 77.10.55 Records of the San Francisco, CA, District
- 77.10.56 Records of the Savannah, GA, District
- 77.10.57 Records of the Seattle, WA, District
- 77.10.58 Records of the Sioux City, IA, District
- 77.10.59 Records of the Syracuse, NY, District
- 77.10.60 Records of the Tullahoma, TN, District
- 77.10.61 Records of the Tulsa, OK, District
- 77.10.62 Records of the Vicksburg, MS, District
- 77.10.63 Records of the Walla Walla, WA, District
- 77.10.64 Records of the Washington, DC, District
- 77.10.65 Records of the Wheeling, WV, District
- 77.10.66 Records of the Wilmington, NC, District
- 77.10.67 Records of overseas districts
- 77.10.68 Other records of districts
- 77.11 Records of Manhattan Project (MP) Organizations 1940-61 (bulk 1942-46)
- 77.12 Records of the Army Map Service and its Successors, the U.S. Army Topographic Command and the U.S. Army Topographic Center 1895-1972 (bulk 1918-72)
- 77.13 Records of Engineer Activities at Fort Belvoir, VA 1906-65
- 77.14 Records of Research Facilities 1940-73
- 77.15 Records of Purchase and Supply Offices 1917-23, 1946-50
- 77.16 Records of Depots 1917-19, 1941-67
- 77.17 Records of Other Engineer Organizations 1942-71
- 77.18 Textual Records (General) 1941-53
- 77.19 Cartographic Records (General) 1820-1948, 1961
- 77.20 Motion Pictures (General)
- 77.21 Sound Recordings (General)
- 77.22 Machine-Readable Records (General) 1970
- 77.23 Still Pictures (General) 1892-1941
Established: In the War Department by a letter of Secretary of War John C. Calhoun to the Chief of Engineers, Brig. Gen. Jonathan G. Swift, April 3, 1818, transmitting President Monroe's directive that a headquarters office be established in Washington, DC, for the Corps of Engineers, which had been separately established as an element of the U.S. Army by an act of March 16, 1802 (2 Stat. 132).
Of the Corps of Engineers, War Department:
- Corps of Artillerists and Engineers (1794-1802)
- Commandant, Corps of Artillerists and Engineers (1794-1802)
- Chief of Engineers (also known as Commandant of the Corps of Engineers, Principal Engineer, and Chief Engineer, 1802-18)
Transfers: To Services of Supply (SOS), effective March 9, 1942, by Circular 59, War Department, March 2, 1942, as part of a War Department reorganization authorized by EO 9082, February 28, 1942; to Army Service Forces (ASF, formerly SOS) by General Order 14, War Department, March 12, 1943; to Director of Service, Supply, and Procurement (DSSP), War Department General Staff (WDGS), as a technical service, effective June 11, 1946, upon abolishment of ASF by Circular 138, War Department, May 14, 1946, as part of a War Department reorganization authorized by EO 9722, May 13, 1946; with WDGS (redesignated Army Staff) to Department of the Army (DA) by Circular 1, DA, September 18, 1947, implementing Circular 225, War Department, August 16, 1947, issued pursuant to a reorganization of the armed services under the National Security Act of 1947 (61 Stat. 495), July 26, 1947; to Director of Logistics (DL, formerly DSSP), Army Staff, by Circular 57, DA, March 4, 1948; to Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4 Logistics (ACS, G-4, formerly DL), Army Staff, by Special Regulations 10-5-1, DA, April 11, 1950; to Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (DCSLOG, formerly ACS, G-4), Army Staff, by General Order 66, DA, September 8, 1954; to special staff status under DCSLOG, by Army Regulations 10-5, DA, January 2, 1963; to Chief of Staff, Army Staff, effective August 1, 1969, by Army Regulations 10-5, May 23, 1969.
For civil works functions, from Secretary of War to Secretary of the Army pursuant to establishment of Department of the Army, effective September 18, 1947; to Under Secretary of the Army, by General Order 27, DA, June 27, 1972; to Chief of the Office of Civil Functions (COCF), in Office of the Under Secretary of the Army, by General Order 14, DA, May 27, 1974; to Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), formerly COCF, by General Order 9, DA, April 1, 1975.
Functions: Supervises the activities of the Corps of Engineers. Provides advice and assistance to the Secretary of the Army, the Chief of Staff and other members of the Army Staff, and other Department of the Army organizations. Provides general and specialized engineering services for the army, the Department of Defense, and other government agencies. Administers the civil works program, a comprehensive federal program for water resources development, including river and harbor improvements, flood control, and hydroelectric power. Supervised the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY, 1802-66.
Finding Aids: Elizabeth Bethel, comp., and Maizie H. Johnson, rev., "Preliminary Inventory of the Textual Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers, Part I, Central Office, Subordinate Offices, Engineer Boards and Commissions, Field Offices, and Detached Engineer Officers," NM 19 (ca. 1964); Maizie H. Johnson, comp., "Preliminary Inventory of the Textual Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers, Part II, Engineer Divisions and Districts," NM 45 (1965); Maizie H. Johnson, comp., "Supplement to Preliminary Inventory No. NM-19, Textual Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers, Part I," NM 78 (1967); Maizie H. Johnson, comp., "Supplement to Preliminary Inventory No. NM-45, Textual Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers, Part II," NM 79 (1967); supplement in National Archives microfiche edition of preliminary inventories.
Security-Classified Records: This record group may include material that is security-classified.
Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Office of
the Chief of Engineers in RG 287, Publications of the U.S.
Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1780's-1917, RG 94.
Records of U.S. Army Commands, 1784-1821, RG 98.
Records of the Office of the Secretary of War, RG 107.
Records of the Headquarters of the Army, RG 108.
Records of the American Expeditionary Forces (World War I), RG
Records of Headquarters Army Service Forces, RG 160.
Records of the War Department General and Special Staffs, RG 165.
Records of the Army Staff, RG 319.
Records of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, RG 330.
Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Army, RG 335.
Records of U.S. Army Commands, 1942- , RG 338.
Records of U.S. Army Continental Commands, 1821-1920, RG 393.
Records of U.S. Army Continental Commands, 1920-1942, RG 394.
Records of U.S. Army Overseas Operations and Commands, 1898-1942,
RG 395.
Records of the U.S. Military Academy, RG 404.
Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1917- , RG 407.
Records of the Defense Mapping Agency, RG 456.
77.2 General Records of the Headquarters Office
History: Corps of Artillerists and Engineers authorized for three years by an act of May 9, 1794 (1 Stat. 366), and continued indefinitely by an act of March 3, 1795 (1 Stat. 430). Abolished by an act of March 16, 1802 (2 Stat. 132), with artillerists organized as the Regiment of Artillerists, and engineers separately organized as the Corps of Engineers. By same act, Corps of Engineers designated the faculty and staff of the U.S. Military Academy, with headquarters in West Point, NY. The Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Military Academy were collectively designated the Engineer Department, with headquarters transferred to New York City, 1815. Commandant of the Corps of Engineers, variously styled Principal Engineer, Chief Engineer, and lastly, Chief of Engineers, transferred his headquarters to Washington, DC, and established OCE, 1818. See 77.1.
77.2.1 Letters sent and received, 1789-1889
Textual Records: Letters sent, 1812-89, with indexes. Letters received, 1789-1886, with registers and indexes. Summaries of letters received and forwarded to other government organizations ("Papers Referred"), 1839-70, with a register, 1867-70, and indexes, 1856-64, 1867-70. Letters sent and received relating to fortifications, 1866-87, with registers and indexes. Letters sent and received relating to explorations and surveys, mapping, and rivers and harbors, 1865-70, with registers and indexes. Letters sent and received relating to rivers and harbors, 1871-86, with indexes. Letters sent and received relating to accounts and returns, 1866-89, with registers and indexes. Letters sent and received relating to claims, 1865-70, with registers and indexes. Letters received relating to administration, 1886-87, with registers and indexes; rivers and harbors, and public works, 1886-89, with registers and indexes; explorations and surveys, and claims, 1886-87, with registers and indexes; and fortifications, administration, and explorations and surveys, 1888-89, with registers and indexes.
Microfilm Publications: M1113.
77.2.2 Correspondence relating to civil functions, 1890-1947
Textual Records: General correspondence, 1890-1923, with record cards and indexes. General correspondence, 1923-42, with record cards and an index. Decimal correspondence, 1942-47, with separate project file. Correspondence with engineer districts and other field offices, 1923-42, with index and record cards. Decimal correspondence with engineer divisions and districts, 1942-47. Correspondence with other agencies and organizations ("Miscellaneous File"), 1923-42, with record cards and index. Correspondence relating to rivers and harbors, bridge construction, boats, and construction permits, 1923-42, with record cards and index.
77.2.3 Other records relating to civil functions
Textual Records: Register books and card indexes to the Civil Works Map File described below, 1800-1947.
Maps and Charts: Main civil works map collection ("Civil Works Map File"), 1800-1947, consisting both of manuscript maps sent to OCE by Corps of Topographical Engineers and Corps of Engineers surveyors and cartographers in the field and of published editions of selected maps, and containing information on surveys of Mississippi River, Great Lakes, and other water bodies; harbors, canals, national roads, railroads, and other internal improvements; western exploration and terrain surveys; locations of army posts, Indian tribes, and settlements in the western territories; military roads and routes between army posts; campaigns and battlefields of the Seminole War in Florida, Indian wars in the West, Mexican War, and Civil War (documented on Union Army maps and on Confederate Army maps acquired by Union forces); surveys of boundaries between states and territories; and foreign areas (50,438 items). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans: "Construction" portion and other portions of the Civil Works Map File, showing canals, bridges, dams, piers, and jetties built along U.S. coasts and major rivers, and types of dredge boats used, ca. 1840-1947 (7,000 items). See Also 77.18.
Photographic Prints: River and harbor improvement activities, from Civil Works Map File, 1863-1927 (H, 2,000 images). Equipment and techniques used in river and harbor improvement work, 1897-1948 (RF, RHEO; 2,300 images). Views showing progress on various river and harbor construction projects, published in Corps of Engineers numbered pamphlets, 1938-41 (PR, 475 images). Flood control activities in urban and rural areas nationwide, in albums, 1913-47 (FC, 500 images). Various civil works projects in the United States, 1936-40 (HI, 20 images). Various civil works projects in South America, mainly Brazil, in album, 1933 (BE, 109 images). Dam and underwater tunnel construction at an unidentified site, 1904-6 (D, 22 images). See Also 77.22.
77.2.4 Correspondence relating to military functions, 1890-1955
Textual Records: General correspondence, 1890-1917, included in general correspondence, 1890-1923, described Under 77.2.2; with record cards and indexes. Security-classified and unclassified decimal correspondence, 1917-45. Decimal correspondence relating to the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF), 1917-21, with separate project files arranged by AEF engineer unit, geographic location, and type of service, 1917-19. Decimal correspondence, 1918-23, with separate project file, 1918-23, and partial index, 1920-23. Correspondence concerning personnel, fiscal, and other administrative matters, 1917-27. Formerly security-classified correspondence relating to mobilization planning, 1921-42. Correspondence with geographical departments and successor corps areas, 1918-42, and service commands, 1942-46. Correspondence with engineer divisions and districts, 1941-45. Correspondence with engineer units and other organizations ("Correspondence with Units"), 1918-46. Security-classified subject correspondence, 1940-45. Security-classified, formerly security-classified, and unclassified correspondence concerning harbor defenses, 1918-45; real estate ("Military Real Estate Files"), 1946-55; airfields and related facilities, 1940-45; and bridges, 1942-47. Security- classified and formerly security-classified decimal correspondence relating to overseas leased bases, 1940-42, with separate project file.
77.2.5 Other records relating to military functions
Textual Records: Register books and card indexes to the Fortifications Map File described below, 1800- 1941.
Maps and Charts (4 items): World War II overlay maps made by the Geological Survey for the Corps of Engineers, ca. 1943. See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans: Main military works collection ("Fortifications Map File"), 1790-1941 (57,000 items), including coastal and harbor defense fortifications along the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Pacific coasts of the United States as well as the coasts of the Philippine Islands, the Panama Canal Zone, and other U.S. territories and occupied areas; standard equipment for forts; and guns, floating batteries, pontoon bridges, barracks, officers' quarters, channel obstructions, construction equipment, and torpedoes. Plans of military posts, mainly in the western United States ("Miscellaneous Forts File"), ca. 1840-1920 (7,000 items), originally compiled by army quartermasters at each site before drawings were transferred to the custody of the Corps of Engineers, including detailed architectural plans, elevations, and views of buildings. Harbor fortification, fort, and army airfield plans, and blueprints of the Kankakee, IL, Ordnance Works, produced during World War II ("Fortifications--WWII Military Files"), 1939-45 (3,810 items). See Also 77.18.
Photographic Prints: Civil War fortifications on the Potomac River, south of Alexandria, VA; at Fort Putnam, TN; and in the vicinity of Petersburg, VA, and Atlanta, GA, ca. 1864 (MF, 7 images). Equipment used to mount Rodman guns on casemates at Fort Foote, MD, 1864 (MC, 4 images). Maneuvers at Manassas, VA, n.d. (MM, 102 images). Scenes of the China Relief Expedition following the Boxer Rebellion (1900-1), and of the Philippine Islands, taken by Capt. C.F. O'Keefe, 36th U.S. Volunteer Infantry, 1899-1901 (CR, CR-P; 114 images). Reports by Majs. (later, Maj. Gens.) William Murray Black and Harry F. Hodges concerning coast batteries defending Havana, Cuba, 1901 (SF, 136 images). Coastal defense searchlights and related equipment, 1917-31 (SE, 400 images). AEF operations in Siberia, 1918-20 (VE, 350 images). Aerial views of selected army and air corps installations in the United States, in album, 1934 (AFF, 154 images). See Also 77.22.
Photographic Negatives: Miscellaneous subjects, including various types of basic training drills, 1917 (ED, 192 images). See Also 77.22.
Photographic Prints, Lithographs, Sketches, and Engravings: Fortifications, coastal defenses, camps, and military operations, from Fortifications Map File, ca. 1830-1920 (F, 2,500 images). See Also 77.22.
Textual Records: General and special orders, and circulars, 1811- 1916, with gaps. Administrative issuances, 1861-71, 1920, 1936- 42. Orders and other issuances of engineer offices, units, and installations, 1913-22. War Department general and special orders, 1840-64.
Textual Records: Annual reports to the Secretary of War, 1842-67. Monthly returns, 1832-1918. Recruitment returns, 1855, 1860-65. Monthly returns received from the 1st, 2d, and 3d Engineer Battalions, 1861-1916; and the engineer detachment at the U.S. Military Academy, 1902-12. Monthly returns received from engineer posts at Washington Barracks, DC; Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, MO; Yerba Buena Island, CA; and Willetts Point, NY, 1866-1915.
77.2.8 Records of engineer officers and other engineers
Textual Records: Letters and reports of Col. Joseph G. Totten, Chief of Engineers (1838-64), 1803-64. Journal of engineer operations during the siege of Charleston, SC, maintained by Capt. (later, Col.) Charles Russell Suter, 1863-64. Letters and other records of the following engineer officers: Capt. (later, Maj.) William Henry Chase, 1829-36; Gen. George W. Cullum, 1850- 90; Maj. George Dutton, 1853-54; Brig. Gen. Quincy A. Gillmore, 1861-63; Col. John N. Macomb, 1857-77; Capt. (later, Brig. Gen.) Daniel P. Woodbury, 1855-56; and Lt. Col. Horatio G. Wright, 1879. Personal diary of Capt. (later, Maj.) Richard Morton Venable, Chief of the Topographical Bureau for the District of West Louisiana and Arkansas, Confederate States Army, 1863-64. Papers of Baltimore, MD, civil engineer John C. Wrenshall, 1858- 1907, relating mainly to railroad construction.
Photographic Prints: Portraits of chiefs of engineers and other prominent engineer officers (1789-1884), n.d. (PC, 28 images). Various engineer officers, 1927-38 (P, 250 images). Views of Corpus Christi, TX, in album, ca. 1930, attributed to Maj. Gen. Lansing H. Beach, Chief of Engineers (1920-24) and, following his retirement in 1924, engineering consultant to municipalities (CCT, 29 images). See Also 77.22.
Textual Records: General information index ("De Grange Index," 1789-1889), compiled by OCE clerk J. William De Grange, n.d. Document collection ("Buell's Collection of Engineer Historical Papers," 1801-19), compiled by OCE clerk Herbert L. Buell, 1905. Unregistered letters, reports, histories, regulations, and other records ("Case and Drawer File," "Miscellaneous Bulky Package File"), 1817-1914. Historical reference file concerning electric power, 1917-20. Subject index to U.S. House of Representatives documents on electric power, 1917-20. Records of field surveys, 1793-1916, with indexes. Letters, reports, and other records relating to military lands, 1790-1916; government roads, 1806-43; fortifications and other defenses, 1810-1920; and internal improvements, 1818-39. Records concerning property and procurement, 1816-56, 1921-23; contracts, 1817-1932; claims, 1862-92; general fiscal matters, 1819-1933; military appropriations, 1930-34; and personnel, 1820-1918. Records dealing with engineer responsibilities for public works in Washington, DC, 1852-1919. Records relating to the construction of the defenses of Washington, DC, 1861-66. Records of the Power Section of the War Industries Board, 1917-20, relating mainly to hydroelectric power derived from Niagara Falls, NY.
Microfilm Publications: M65, M417.
Related Records: Records of the Power Section of the War Industries Board in the Consolidated Technical or Commodity Files, 1916-23, in RG 61, Records of the War Industries Board.
77.3 Records of Subordinate Organizations of the Headquarters
77.3.1 Records of the Construction Division
History: For a history of the Construction Division of the Office of the Quartermaster General (OQMG), 1864-1941, See RG 92, Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General. Pursuant to an act of December 1, 1941 (55 Stat. 787), transferring all army construction and real estate functions and personnel from the Quartermaster Corps to the Corps of Engineers, Construction Division of OQMG transferred to OCE, effective December 16, 1941, by Circular 248, War Department, December 4, 1941. New Construction Division established in a general reorganization of OCE, by General Order 8, OCE, November 11, 1941, merging the former Construction Section of the Military Division of OCE with the former Construction Division of OQMG. Construction Division assigned, with all other OCE organizations, to Services of Supply (SOS), effective March 9, 1942; reassigned to Army Service Forces (formerly SOS), March 12, 1943. Pursuant to a general reorganization of OCE, effective December 1, 1943, Construction Division abolished, with functions divided among newly established Military Construction, Civil Works, and Real Estate Divisions. Respectively redesignated Office of the Director of Military Construction, Office of the Director of Civil Works, and Office of the Director of Real Estate, April 1945.
Textual Records: Annual construction, maintenance, and repair reports, 1924-38. Field survey notes relating to army camps, cemeteries, and forts, 1907-39. Descriptions of buildings and equipment at active army posts, 1905-42, with related record cards; and at abandoned army posts, 1905-24. Descriptions of buildings formerly under Construction Division control, 1905-36. Descriptions of Civilian Conservation Corps camp buildings, 1935- 40. Reports on completed projects ("Completion Reports"), 1917- 43. Official histories of the Construction Division, 1919, and its Hospital Section, 1919. Records of the Real Estate Branch relating to sales, including correspondence, 1921-42; texts of agreements, 1917-44; and certificates, 1919-24.
Architectural and Engineering Plans: Standard army post buildings, on linen, 1890-1918 (3,500 items). Standard army post buildings, 1903-10 (225 items). Army forts in the United States, 1904-10 (301 items). Utilities and buildings at the army supply base in Boston, MA, 1919 (150 items). See Also 77.18.
Photographic Prints: Army posts and government steamers, in album, 1871-1910 (CA, 200 images). Installations in the Southern Department, in album, 1920 (SD, 800 images). Fortifications under repair at various locations in the Philippine Islands, in album, 1920-21 (PIA, 250 images). Albrook Field (now Albrook Air Force Station), Panama, under construction, in albums, 1931 (CZ, 195 images). Military housing projects, in albums, 1927-36 (CC, 1,500 images). See Also 77.22.
Photographic Prints, Negatives, Drawings, and Blueprints (700 images): Searchlights and other types of coastal defense equipment in the United States, Puerto Rico, the Philippine Islands, and the Canal Zone, 1912-35 (CD). See Also 77.22.
77.3.2 Records of the Special Service Division
Textual Records: Decimal correspondence, 1917-19. Correspondence with the War Trade and War Industries Boards, 1917-19. Minutes of the War Industries Board and of various sections of the Commodities Committee, 1918-19. Records relating to priorities, 1918; and to contracts, allotments, and appropriations, 1918-19.
77.3.3 Records of the Office of the Director General of Military
Textual Records: Decimal correspondence, 1917-19, with partial name index. Records relating to the raising of railroad engineer regiments, 1917-19. Correspondence and other records concerning the transfer to other firms of railroad equipment purchased in the United States by Russia, but never delivered, 1917-19.
77.3.4 Records of the Historical Division
Textual Records: Reports, issuances, interfiled photographs, and other historical records relating to engineering activities in the various World War II theaters of operations, 1939-46, particularly the European and Africa-Middle East Theaters, 1941- 46, and the Southwest Pacific Area, 1942-45.
77.3.5 Records of other subordinate organizations
Maps and Charts: Records of the Intelligence Section, including site plans of army forts and airfields, ca. 1918-37 (66 items); and strategic engineering studies, prepared by the Beach Erosion Board, the Military Intelligence Division, and the Corps of Engineers, containing maps and aerial photo mosaics relating to terrain and landing beach zones in strategically important foreign areas during World War II, 1943- 45 (1,800 items). Records of the Real Estate Division, including site plans of army forts and airfields, ca. 1890-1944 (2,500 items); a real estate atlas of military lands in the United States, 1943 (150 items); site plans of military land holdings in Panama, 1956 (9 items); site plans of disposed Civilian Conservation Corps camps in NY, NJ, and MI, ca. 1946 (24 items); and land ownership and progress maps of U.S. dam and reservoir projects, 1948-52 (1,400 items). See Also 77.18.
Photographic Prints: Views of beach and coastal areas in the United States and Bermuda, 1935-59 (ca. 9,600 images).
Lantern Slides: Views of engineer civil and military activities, and basic military procedures, used by the Operations and Training Section in engineering classes, 1917-25 (OT, 1,100 images). See Also 77.22.
77.4 Records of the Topographical Bureau
History: Topographical engineers authorized for War Department duty by an act of March 3, 1813 (2 Stat. 819), to conduct engineering surveys for military purposes and to explore routes for the passage of troops. Not authorized in an act of March 3, 1815 (3 Stat. 224), establishing the army's size and composition. Reauthorized by an act of April 24, 1816 (3 Stat. 297). Assigned to the Engineer Department by a War Department general order, July 2, 1818, and made directly responsible to Chief of Engineers. Topographical Bureau established in OCE, August 1818, pursuant to an OCE order, August 1, 1818, designating Maj. Isaac Roberdeau as Topographical Engineer to the Engineer Department and assigning him to OCE. By General Order 26, War Department, June 22, 1831, Topographical Bureau separated from OCE and designated an independent War Department staff organization, with direct supervision of topographical engineers remaining with Chief of Engineers. Topographical engineers, having acquired civil works improvement functions in addition to military functions, were organized into a separate Corps of Topographical Engineers (CTE) and placed under supervision of Chief of the Topographical Bureau, by an act of July 5, 1838 (5 Stat. 257). By an order of the Secretary of War, August 1, 1838, all Federal Government civil engineering projects were transferred to CTE. Military functions performed by CTE were transferred to Corps of Engineers, 1839. Topographical Bureau and CTE abolished by an act of March 3, 1863 (12 Stat. 743), with functions transferred to OCE and Corps of Engineers, respectively.
Textual Records: Letters sent and received, 1818-26. Letters sent relating to internal improvements, 1824-27. Letters sent, 1829- 67, with indexes. Letters sent to the Secretary of War, 1843-67, with indexes. Register of letters received, 1824-31. Letters received, 1832-65, with registers and partial indexes. Monthly returns of topographical engineer officers, 1831-63. Special orders of various commands relating to topographical engineer officers, 1850-62. Records, 1832-58, of Col. John J. Abert, chief of the Topographical Bureau (1829-61) and of the CTE (1838-61), consisting of letters sent and received concerning the forced emigration of Indians from OH to MO under his direction, 1832-33; and other letters sent and received, 1846-58. Monthly returns of topographical engineer officers, 1831-63. Special orders of various commands relating to topographical engineer officers, 1850-62.
Microfilm Publications: M66, M505, M506.
77.4.2 Records of the Board of Engineers for the Improvement of
Lake Harbors and Western Rivers
Textual Records: Proceedings, December 6, 1852-August 3, 1853.
77.4.3 Records relating to field activities
Textual Records: Letters sent and received, reports, orders, and other records concerning the Mississippi Delta survey, 1850-61. Letterbook containing copies of letters sent and received relating to construction of the Chicago harbor, 1833-43. Records of the Office of Harbor and Lighthouse Improvements on Lake Erie, Buffalo, NY, 1835-46, consisting of letters sent by Lt. Thompson S. Brown, superintending engineer based in Erie, PA, and Dunkirk, NY, 1835-38; and quarterly property returns, 1835-36, 1838-46. Records of the Office of Ohio River Improvements, Pittsburgh, PA, 1835-45, including summaries of letters received, 1835-40, 1843- 45; copies of contracts, 1843; and quarterly disbursement records, 1835-40, 1843-45. Letterbooks containing copies of letters, reports, and instructions sent, and some letters received, by the Office of Western River Improvements, Cincinnati, OH, 1843-44, and Louisville, KY, 1844-56, 1858-61. Letters sent and received, 1853, by Maj. William Turnbull, in charge of harbor improvements in Lakes Champlain and Ontario, and the eastern portion of Lake Erie, with headquarters in Oswego, NY. Records of the Office of Military Roads, Pacific Coast, 1855- 61, consisting of letters sent by the headquarters office in San Francisco, CA, 1855-58; letters received by the headquarters and field offices, 1855-61; letters sent by officers in charge of military road construction in the Washington and Oregon Territories, 1855-61; and an account book showing road construction expenses in the Washington and Oregon Territories, 1858. Records of the Office of U.S. Government Roads, St. Paul, MN, 1856-58, including a letterbook containing copies of letters sent and received, 1856-58, and account books, 1856-58.
77.5 Records of Surveys and Survey Organizations
77.5.1 Records of the U.S. Lake Survey
History: Also known as the Survey of Northern and Northwestern Lakes. Established as an activity of the Corps of Topographical Engineers (CTE; See 77.4) by an act of March 3, 1841 (5 Stat. 431), appropriating $15,000 for a survey of the Great Lakes and their connecting waterways for the purpose of making accurate maps and charts available to navigators. Survey administered by the Office of Harbor and Lighthouse Improvements on Lake Erie, headquartered in Buffalo, NY, 1841-45, and in Detroit, MI, 1845- 63. Survey transferred to Corps of Engineers upon abolition of CTE, 1863, with administration assigned to Detroit District Office. Survey terminated, 1882. Reauthorized by an act of March 2, 1889 (25 Stat. 970). Removed as an activity of the Detroit District Office and assigned, with certain Great Lakes harbor and river improvement projects, to Maj. Walter L. Fisk, by Special Orders 250, Headquarters Corps of Engineers, October 24, 1900. Maj. Fisk became head of newly established Lake Survey Office, Detroit, MI, January 1901, administered as the equivalent of a district office. Lake survey activity extended to the New York canal system by an appropriations act of March 4, 1911 (36 Stat. 1407); further extended to Lake Champlain, with supervision transferred from Coast and Geodetic Survey, by an appropriations act of June 23, 1913 (38 Stat. 38); and further extended to Lake of the Woods and connecting waters to Lake Superior, by an act of August 1, 1914 (38 Stat. 637). By Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1970, effective October 3, 1970, Lake Survey Office transferred to newly established National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), where it was redesignated the Lake Survey Center and assigned to the National Ocean Survey. Various activities of the Lake Survey Center transferred to other NOAA organizations, 1974-76. Lake Survey Center abolished, June 30, 1976.
Textual Records (in Chicago, except as noted): Letters sent, 1839-45; 1856-82, with indexes; 1908-13. Letters received, 1856- 64, with indexes. Name index to letters received, 1879-82. Monthly reports of personnel changes, 1901-9. Accounting records, 1845-80, 1902-3. Catalog of lake survey charts, n.d. Historical files, 1861-1970. Survey notebooks accompanying charts described below, 1892-1950 (in College Park).
Charts: Manuscript survey charts, 1834-1940 (2,400 items). Published charts of Great Lakes harbors and coastlines, 1850-1971 (4,200 items). See Also 77.18.
Engineering Plans: Blueprints relating to a proposed warhouse/garage and several ships (5 items).
Photographic Prints and Negatives: Mostly black and white and color views of miscellaneous Lake Survey subjects, ca. 1943-75 (LB, LSB, L, LM, LS, ca. 3,612 images).
Glass Negatives: Techniques and equipment used in making water-level observations, 1898-1902 (LS, 21 images). Niagara Falls cataracts and rapids, showing comparative effects of flow volume, 1906 (NSD, 54 images). Techniques used in taking discharge measurements on the Niagara River, 1906-11 (NHD, 17 images). See Also 77.22.
Lantern Slides: Portions of Niagara River, showing comparative effects of water diversion by power companies, 1906, 1917, 1926-27 (BW, 36 images). See Also 77.22.
77.5.2 Records of the Office of U.S. Geographical Surveys West of
the 100th Meridian ("Wheeler Survey")
Textual Records: Letters sent, 1874-83, with index. Letters sent by survey chief Capt. George M. Wheeler, 1874-83, with gaps; and survey surgeon and naturalist Harry Crecy Yarrow, 1874-75. Letters received, 1876-79, with registers and digests, 1874, 1876-82, and an index, 1874-82. Issuances, 1871-80. Meteorological records, including general records, 1871-79; fieldbooks, 1869-78; and a register of general records and fieldbooks, 1869-80. Topographical records, including fieldbooks, 1869-78; triangulation records, 1869-78; and a register of fieldbooks, triangulation records, and preliminary plots, 1869- 79. Astronomical fieldbooks, 1869-78. Reports on camps and distances of various features from camps, 1872-77. Records relating to the eastern boundary of California survey, 1873, 1876. Miscellaneous records, 1869-82.
Photographic Prints, Stereographic Prints, and Stereographic Glass Negatives: Views taken by Timothy O'Sullivan and William Bell, showing geological features, flora and fauna, and native inhabitants of areas in AZ, CA, CO, NV, NM, and UT (1871-74), 1873-76 (WA, WB, WC, WD, WE, WF, 277 images). See Also 77.22.
Stereographic Prints, in Los Angeles): Views taken by Timothy O'Sullivan and William Bell, showing geological features, flora and fauna, and native inhabitants of areas in AZ, CO, NM, and ID (1871-74), n.d.(26 images). See Also 77.22.
Related Records: Wheeler Survey atlas described Under 77.18. Records of the Wheeler Survey in RG 57, Records of the U.S. Geological Survey.
77.5.3 Records of other surveys and survey organizations
Textual Records: Letters sent and received by the Office of Explorations and Surveys, 1857-61. Records of a barge canal and highway survey in Nicaragua, authorized by an act of August 9, 1939 (53 Stat. 1328), 1928-40.
Maps: Made by the Inter-American Geodetic Survey (IAGS), 1947 (3 items). See Also 77.18.
Aerial Photographs: Inter-American Highway, 1932 (1,346 items). See Also 77.18.
Photographs: Portions of the Orinoco, Casiquiare, and Negro Rivers in Venezuela, Colombia, and Brazil, surveyed by Corps of Engineers, 1943 (OCN, 1,595 images). See Also 77.22.
Photographic Prints, Glass Negatives, and Stereographic Glass Negatives: Views taken by Timothy O'Sullivan, showing physical features of areas in CA, CO, ID, NV, UT, and WY that were surveyed by the expedition known as the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, under leadership of Clarence King ("King Survey"), 1867-72 (KN, KS, KS-LCV, KSP, KW, 637 images). See Also 77.22.
Related Records: King Survey atlas described Under 77.18. Records of the King Survey in RG 57, Records of the U.S. Geological Survey.
77.6 Records of Boards
77.6.1 Records of the Board on Internal Improvements
Textual Records: Letters sent, 1826-28. Letters received, 1824- 31. Letters received relating to the proposed national road from Washington, DC, to New Orleans, LA, 1825-26. Report by civil engineer James Shriver of a survey made for the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, January 30, 1826. Miscellaneous letters, reports, and instructions, 1824-26.
77.6.2 Records of the Board of Engineers
Textual Records: Letters sent, 1867-87. Letters sent by the board president, 1882-84, 1886-87. Letters sent relating to supplies and accounts, 1901-6. Letters received, 1864-1900, with partial register, 1867-79. General correspondence, 1907-20, with record cards and index. Proceedings, 1866-82, 1887-1905, 1917-20. Records relating to fortifications and defense ("Safe File"), 1896-1919, 1923. Record of disbursements, 1884-95. Report, by board member Henry L. Abbot, on experiments to develop a harbor mine system, December 1880.
77.6.3 Records of the New York Harbor Line Board, New York, NY
Textual Records (in New York): Letters sent, 1888-1917. Letters, reports, and records of hearings received, 1888-94, 1901-6, with register of letters received, 1888-1901. General correspondence, 1907-33, with indexes. Correspondence concerning estimates, allotments, and supplies, 1907-20. Proceedings, 1888-97, 1917-36. Records concerning collisions, quarantines, hydroplane landings, and maps, 1929-31. Transcript of a hearing on construction of a trunk outlet sewer beneath the waters of Newark and New York Bays, December 9-10, 1908.
77.6.4 Records of the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors
Textual Records: Letters sent, July 7-December 30, 1903, with index. Letters sent concerning examinations and surveys, 1902-3, 1907-14, with indexes. Miscellaneous letters sent, 1904-5. Endorsements relating to board reviews of district engineers' preliminary reports, 1918-20. Minutes, 1902-42. Monthly and annual reports, 1921-43. Project file, 1902-54, containing reports and studies. Miscellaneous records relating to flood control, 1927-28. Vouchers and receipts, 1903-5, 1914-20.
Maps and Charts: Published maps of ports and port facilities at Philadelphia and in the Great Lakes, and maps from studies of shipping, 1940-49 (10 items). See Also 77.18.
77.6.5 Records of the Engineer Claims Board
Textual Records: Correspondence relating to payments resulting from claim settlements, 1919-21. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1919. Case file, 1919-20. Minutes, 1919-21. Minutes of special meetings, 1918-20. Daily and weekly contract settlement reports, 1918-20. Copies of War Department Claims Board records, consisting of weekly contract settlement reports, 1919-20, and board resolutions, 1919.
77.6.6 Records of the Interoceanic Canal Board
Textual Records: General correspondence, 1929-31. Records relating to accounts ("Accounts Current"), 1929-31.
Maps: Showing proposed canal routes across Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Isthmus of Darien (Colombia), 1929-31 (75 items). See Also 77.18.
77.6.7 Records of the Beach Erosion Board
Textual Records: Beach erosion studies and reports, 1930-47. Correspondence and reports regarding riparian rights, storm damage, instruments, concrete, and hydrology, 1930-42. Records, 1950-52.
Maps: Published maps from studies of strategically located beaches in Sicily, 1943 (35 items). See Also 77.18.
77.6.8 Records of engineer officer examining boards
Textual Records: Letters sent by the Examining Board for Promotions in the Corps of Engineers, 1882-1901. Proceedings of the Engineers Examining Board, 1894-1900; the Board of Officers for Examining Officers to Determine Their Fitness for Promotion, 1898-99; and the Examining Board for Transfers to the Corps of Engineers, 1901-2. Records of the Examining Board of Engineers, 1916-20, arranged according to a subject-numeric scheme. Miscellaneous records of the Examining Board of Engineers, 1919- 20.
77.6.9 Records of other boards
Textual Records: Letters received by the Board of Engineers for Fortifications, 1825-30. Records of the Board on River and Harbor Improvements, 1851-53, consisting of letters and reports sent to the Chief of Engineers, and miscellaneous records. Correspondence and other records of the Board of Engineers for the Pacific Coast, 1851-58. Proceedings of the Board of Engineers on the Washington City Canal, 1866. Miscellaneous records of the Board on Fortifications or Other Defenses ("Endicott Board"), 1885-87. Field survey notebooks and computation books of the Board of Engineers on Deep Waterways, 1897-99. Correspondence of the Board on Engineer Equipment relating to searchlight research and development, 1911-41. Reports of the Board of Flood Control concerning various projects, 1928-29.
77.7 Records of the Mississippi River Commission (MRC)
History: Established by an act of June 28, 1879 (21 Stat. 37), to direct surveys and improvements on the Mississippi River from its headwaters to its mouth. Members, appointed by the President, to consist of three Corps of Engineers officers, one of whom would serve as MRC president; one official of the Coast and Geodetic Survey; and two private citizens, one of whom would be a civil engineer. Headquarters office located, 1879-1906, wherever MRC president was stationed (usually in St. Louis, MO); in St. Louis, 1906-29; and in Vicksburg, MS, 1929- . MRC functioned independently of the divisions and districts of the Engineer Department, 1879-1929, establishing its own administrative districts, 1882. Pursuant to a reorganization of the Engineer Department effected by General Order 15, OCE, October 7, 1929, MRC districts were abolished, with MRC-planned projects thenceforth executed by organizations within the regular division and district structure.
Textual Records (in Kansas City, except as noted): Letters sent, 1871-82, 1885-93, with indexes. Letters received, 1871-95, with partial indexes, 1885-87, 1890-91, 1893-95. General correspondence, 1918-29, some with record cards. "Special Subject File," 1874-1928, a miscellaneous document file that includes records of Mississippi River improvement activities antedating establishment of MRC in 1879. Copy of "Special Report of the Mississippi River Commission on Revision of Plans for the Improvement of Navigation and Flood Control of the Mississippi River," September 28, 1927. Field survey notebooks accompanying maps and charts described below, 1876-1929 (in College Park), including some maintained by U.S. Lake Survey engineers assigned to the Mississippi River, 1876-79. Organization planning records, 1951-59. Operating program progress files, 1959. Publications record set, 1953-58.
Maps and Charts: Manuscript sectional charts of Mississippi River surveys, 1876-1927 (1,091 items). Published general and sectional charts of the Mississippi River and its tributaries and deltas, 1876-1954 (2,500 items), showing alluvial areas, changes in stream channels between 1765 and 1932, soundings, aids and dangers to navigation, and settlements along the shores. Topographic quadrangles of areas in LA, MS, AR, TN, and MO adjacent to the Mississippi River, published by the MRC in cooperation with the Geological Survey, 1932-84 (650 items). See Also 77.18.
Photographic Prints: Civil works in the Memphis, TN, Vicksburg, MS, and New Orleans, LA, Districts, 1922-39 (MRC, 1,000 images). Views of damage done by Mississippi River flood (1927), in albums, 1927 (IC, MRF; 750 images). See Also 77.22.
77.7.2 Consolidated records of the Mississippi River Commission
and the Lower Mississippi Valley Division
History: In an Engineer Department reorganization effected by General Order 15, OCE, October 7, 1929, jurisdiction over engineering activities in Lower Mississippi Valley was transferred from Western Division, with headquarters in St. Louis, to newly established Lower Mississippi Valley Division, with headquarters in Vicksburg; and Western Division was redesignated Upper Mississippi Valley Division. By same order, the Memphis, Second New Orleans, and Vicksburg Districts were assigned to Lower Mississippi Valley Division. By Special Order 68, OCE, October 7, 1929, Brig. Gen. Thomas H. Jackson, MRC president since June 12, 1928, was named division engineer of Lower Mississippi Valley Division, and was ordered, by a letter of the Chief of Engineers of the same date, to move MRC headquarters to Vicksburg. Lower Mississippi Valley Division thenceforth acted as supervising office for MRC-planned projects, with the division's districts carrying out the actual works.
Textual Records (in Kansas City): General correspondence, 1918- 42, consisting of records created by the MRC, 1918-29, to which have been added records created by the combined jurisdiction of the MRC and the Lower Mississippi Valley Division, 1929-42; with record cards.
Related Records: Additional records of the Lower Mississippi Valley Division Under 77.9.15.
77.7.3 Records of the Third Mississippi River District
History: Pursuant to an act of August 2, 1882 (22 Stat. 191), appropriating funds for improvements on the Mississippi River from its junction with the Ohio River at Cairo, IL, to its mouth, Chief of Engineers established four districts to perform the work under general supervision of MRC: First, with headquarters in Cairo (later, Memphis, TN); Second, with headquarters in Memphis; Third, with headquarters in Vicksburg; and Fourth, with headquarters in New Orleans. Third Mississippi River District headquarters moved to Memphis, 1885; and back to Vicksburg, 1906. Pursuant to General Order 15, OCE, October 7, 1929, Third Mississippi River District abolished, with functions transferred to Vicksburg District, which had been functioning as a district under Western Division since 1908 and which was transferred, by same general order, to newly established Lower Mississippi Valley Division (See 77.7.2).
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Letters sent, 1882-87, 1889-91, 1893-94. Registers of letters received, 1893-1905. Annual reports of MRC districts, 1906-24, with gaps. Miscellaneous financial and other records, 1881-1928.
77.8 Records of Other Commissions
77.8.1 Records of the Missouri River Commission
Textual Records (in Kansas City): General correspondence, 1900-2. Navigable waterway files, 1878-1904.
Maps and Charts: Large-scale published and blueprint maps of the Missouri River, 1889-96, showing the channel, aids and dangers to navigation, and soundings, as well as vegetation, crops, roads, and railroads on adjacent shores (286 items). Index map of the Missouri River, 1892-95 (1 item). See Also 77.18.
77.8.2 Records of the California Debris Commission (CDC)
Textual Records (in San Francisco): General records, 1906-41. Subject files, 1934-54. Commingled general files of the CDC and the Sacramento District, arranged alpha-numerically, 1906-43, and according to a decimal scheme, 1936-43.
Related Records: Additional records of the Sacramento District Under 77.10.50.
77.9 Records of Divisions
77.9.1 Records of the Northeast Division (New York, NY)
Textual Records (in New York): Letters sent, 1888-1912, with index. Letters sent by Maj. Gen. George L. Gillespie, member of the Lighthouse Board, 1898-1901, with index. Letters received, 1888-1904, with partial register, 1897-1906.
77.9.2 Records of the Eastern Division (New York, NY)
Textual Records (in New York, except as noted): Letters sent, 1901-13, with index. Letters received, 1901-5. Register of letters received, 1907-9. Project files relating to civil works in Puerto Rico, 1907-14 (in Atlanta).
77.9.3 Records of the Chesapeake Division (Baltimore, MD)
Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Letters sent relating to Baltimore, MD, District activities, 1903-5. Letters and endorsements sent relating to Norfolk, VA, District activities, 1903-6. Publications record sets, 1952-65.
77.9.4 Records of the New England Division (Boston, MA)
Textual Records (in Boston): Records relating to the Cape Cod Canal ("Cape Cod Canal Case"), 1890-1940. Reports and studies, 1921-43, mostly relating to electric power surveys and Connecticut River flood control projects. Construction project files, 1943-48. Issuances, 1962-66. Program, operations, and progress reports, 1968-69. Correspondence, reports, and other records relating to hurricanes that struck the lower New England States (1954-55), 1955-64. Records relating to the Passamaquoddy Tidal Power Project (PTPP, 1935-36) and subsequent proposed projects in the Passamaquoddy Bay area, consisting of correspondence of the PTPP originator, Dexter P. Cooper, 1920-29; decimal correspondence, 1930-39; cost estimates, 1935-36; field notebooks, 1924-36; news clippings, 1925-30; studies relating to salt water corrosion, 1935-40; and reports, 1935-61, including reports made to the International Passamaquoddy Engineering Board, 1956-61. Records, 1942-51.
Maps and Charts: Basin maps for rivers in the New England States and New York, and in bordering Canadian provinces, 1950-52 (13 items). New York oil and gas fields and gas transmission lines, 1951 (1 item). PTPP maps of northern Maine, and of Nova Scotia and southern New Brunswick, Canada, 1927-36 (84 items, in Boston). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans (in Boston): Cape Cod Canal, and watersheds and flood control on various New England rivers, 1909-46 (ca. 1,450 items). PTPP plans of dams, locks, power houses, and buildings for project employees ("Quoddy Village"), 1923-36 (1,000 items). See Also 77.18.
Photographic Prints and Negatives (in Boston): PTPP engineering activities, 1920-36 (2,820 images). Civil works construction projects, including flood control systems, airports, and veterans' hospitals, 1935-50 (12,000 images). See Also 77.22.
77.9.5 Records of the North Atlantic Division (New York, NY)
Textual Records (in New York): Records, 1942-51.
77.9.6 Records of the South Atlantic Division (Atlanta, GA)
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Organization planning files, 1955- 67. Operating program files, 1962-64. Issuances, 1953-67. Publications record set, 1953-66.
77.9.7 Records of the Huntsville Division (Huntsville, AL)
History: Established, October 9, 1967, to design and construct facilities for the Sentinel Ballistic Missile Defense System. Currently functions as a specialized entity of the Corps of Engineers, without geographic boundaries or subordinate districts. Is engaged with highly technical programs requiring centralized management, including the design, construction, and equipping of plants to demilitarize the nation's stockpile of chemical weapons.
Textual Records (in Atlanta): General orders, 1967-69. Operating program progress reports, 1967-69. Organization planning files, 1968-72.
77.9.8 Records of the Northwest Division (Chicago, IL)
Textual Records (in Chicago): Letters and endorsements sent, 1888-1906. Letters and endorsements sent to district offices in Cleveland, OH, Detroit, MI, Milwaukee, WI, and Duluth, MN, 1901- 7. Letters sent relating to a survey of the Illinois and Des Plaines Rivers, IL, 1902-6; and to improvements of the Calumet River, IL, 1901-6, and Indiana Harbor, IN, 1905-6. Registers of letters received, 1895-1906; and letters received relating to the Fox River, WI, 1875-1906.
77.9.9 Records of the Lakes Division (Detroit, MI)
Textual Records (in Chicago): Letters and endorsements sent, 1908-13. Correspondence, reports, and other records relating to an investigation of water diversion from the Great Lakes and the Niagara River, NY, 1917-21. Correspondence and statistical reports concerning a Niagara Falls Power Administration survey of electric power users, 1918. Records concerning an electric power survey, 1923-24, including copies of related Federal Power Commission records.
Maps: Niagara River and vicinity, NY, 1919 (2 items). See Also 77.18.
Glass Negatives: Niagara Falls and portions of the Niagara River, surveyed by Col. James Goold Warren, Division Engineer, for a water diversion and preservation project, 1917 (CW, 55 images). See Also 77.22.
77.9.10 Records of the North Central Division (Chicago, IL)
Textual Records (in Chicago): Records, 1942-51. Organization planning files, 1956-59. Navigable water way files, 1956-69.
Map: Division and district boundaries, 1987 (1 item). See Also 77.18.
77.9.11 Records of the Central Division (Cincinnati, OH)
Architectural and Engineering Plans (in Chicago): Blueprints of various construction projects connected with the Ohio River lock and dam system, 1922-23 (109 items). See Also 77.18.
77.9.12 Records of the Ohio River Division (Cincinnati, OH)
Textual Records (in Chicago): Correspondence and other records concerning Corps of Engineers projects carried out in collaboration with the Public Works Administration and the Works Progress Administration, 1935-43. Correspondence, reports, and studies relating to a proposed canal connecting Lake Erie and the Ohio River, 1918-42. Work plans for watershed projects, with related correspondence, 1967-69. Correspondence, reports, and other records of the Ohio River Board, 1907-24; and the Ohio Valley Flood Board, 1913-16. General orders, 1972-74. Investigation project files, 1944-73. Congressional budget justifications, 1955-75. Records relating to real estate acquisition and disposal, 1934-39. Monthly statistical reports of Ohio River cargo and passenger traffic, 1935. Field survey notebooks for Kentucky rivers, 1889-1920, and Ohio rivers, 1920-24. Organization planning files, 1969-71. Operating reports, 1970. Correspondence and other records relating to personnel, 1914-45. Records, 1940-50.
Maps and Charts: Ohio River surveys, harbor lines, and channel maps, 1871-1917 (233 items). Ohio River locks and dams location maps, special surveys, river profiles, and cross sections, 1867-1916 (80 items). Kentucky River, 1829 (1 item). Newport Military Barracks, KY, 1871-72 (2 items). Cairo, IL, 1888-1902 (2 items). Division and district boundaries, 1934 (1 item). Ohio River basin reservoirs and stream gauging stations, 1936-39 (4 items). Property boundaries along Ohio streams, Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District, 1935-36 (130 items). See Also 77.18.
Engineering Plans: Dikes near Mound City, IL, 1902-8 (8 items). Ohio River locks and dams, 1906-9 (124 items). See Also 77.18.
77.9.13 Records of the Western Division (St. Louis, MO)
Textual Records (in Kansas City): Correspondence relating to organization planning, flood control, repairs, and salaries, 1914-29. Records concerning improvements of Mississippi River tributaries, 1907-28. Reports and other records concerning the Mississippi River and its channel at St. Paul, MN, ca. 1915-16.
77.9.14 Records of the Upper Mississippi Valley Division (St.
Louis, MO)
Textual Records: Civil works construction project files, including correspondence, reports, and interfiled engineering maps and plans, 1912-42 (in Chicago). Partial decimal file containing correspondence relating to conferences, aids to navigation, leases, and levees, 1929-40 (in Kansas City). Correspondence and reports concerning budgetary matters, 1929-40 (in Kansas City). Structural permit files, including applications, records of hearings, and interfiled engineering maps and plans, 1913-42 (in Chicago). Reports and studies relating to civil works in the Upper Mississippi River Valley, 1930-42 (in Chicago). Records relating to personnel, 1929-40 (in Kansas City). Records, 1940-54 (in Kansas City).
Maps and Charts: Lock and dam no. 15 project, 1931 (4 items). Middle and upper Mississippi River navigation charts, 1949 (62 items). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans: Mississippi River lock and dam no. 15, 1931 (84 items). Lock keeper's dwelling, 1937 (1 item). See Also 77.18.
Photographic Prints (in Kansas City): From civil works construction project files, 1912-42 (71 images). See Also 77.22.
77.9.15 Records of the Lower Mississippi Valley Division
(Vicksburg, MS)
History: See 77.7.2 for a history of this division in relationship to that of the Mississippi River Commission.
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Issuances, 1943-50, 1953-58. Records concerning flood control, 1948-50. Records relating to boards of consulting engineers, 1949-50. Civil works project files, 1923-73. Organization planning files, 1951-59. Operating program progress reports, 1959.
Related Records: Additional records of the Lower Mississippi Valley Division Under 77.7.2.
77.9.16 Records of the Missouri River Division (Kansas City, MO;
later, Omaha, NE)
Textual Records (in Kansas City): General correspondence, 1942- 63. Survey report files, 1935-72. Civil works project files, ca. 1944-69. Design computation file, 1947-64. Tests and investigations files, 1959-63, 1960-68. Files containing hydraulic and hydrological data, 1957. Project files concerning investigations, 1938-71. Field notebooks, 1956-65. Organization planning files, 1964, 1967-72. Post action reporting files, 1972.
Maps: Missouri River basin landforms, conservation areas, and weather and stream gauging stations, 1944-49 (3 items). See Also 77.18.
Aerial Photographs (in Kansas City): From civil works project files, ca. 1944-69 (4,680 items). See Also 77.18.
Photographs (in Kansas City): Civil works improvements, mainly on the Missouri, Platte, and South Platte Rivers, 1946-63 (ca. 17,000 images). See Also 77.22.
77.9.17 Records of the Gulf of Mexico Division (New Orleans, LA)
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Correspondence relating to a proposed Tennessee-Tombigbee-Warrior River canal system, 1934-35.
77.9.18 Records of the Southwestern Division (Little Rock, AR;
after 1941, Dallas, TX)
Textual Records (in Fort Worth): General correspondence ("TAFFS" arrangement), 1951-68. Correspondence, reports, studies, and other records relating to waterways ("Engineering Files"), 1920- 40. Civil works project files, including reports and studies on waterways, 1935-43; and natural resources conservation files, 1950-64. Records containing geological and soil data, including general files, 1950-61; and airfield runway evaluations, 1944. Records relating to reservoir sedimentation, 1951-64. Administrative records, 1937-52. Records, 1937-52. Survey reports, 1937-65. Subject files, 1967-69.
Map: Flood control and navigation projects, 1942 (1 item). See Also 77.18.
77.9.19 Records of the North Pacific Division (Portland, OR)
Textual Records (in Seattle): Letters and endorsements sent, 1907-8. General correspondence, 1917-40. Miscellaneous reports, 1907-8. Structural permit files, 1916-50. Management improvement projects, 1942. Comprehensive reports and studies, 1949-50. Operating program progress reports, 1959-67. Operating procedures file, 1952-56. Records, 1943-50. Organization planning files, 1947-73. Mobilization planning files, 1965-68.
77.9.20 Records of the Pacific Division (San Francisco, CA)
Textual Records (in San Francisco): Partial decimal correspondence file, 1913-19, containing correspondence relating to organization, personnel, duties, and professional library. Letters sent by Col. George H. Mendell, Division Engineer, 1884- 89. Correspondence relating to the Yosemite National Park Commission, 1899-1900.
Related Records: Additional records of the Pacific Division in general administrative files, 1913-42, of the South Pacific Division Under 77.9.21.
77.9.21 Records of the South Pacific Division (San Francisco, CA)
Textual Records (in San Francisco): General administrative files, 1913-42, including records of the Pacific Division, ca. 1913-29. Administrative files, 1942-54. Issuances, 1951-62. Civil works project files, 1934-58. Military project construction files, 1953. Organization planning files, 1966-71. Test files of the Engineering Branch of the division laboratory, 1953.
Related Records: Records of the Pacific Division Under 77.9.20.
77.9.22 Records of the Western Ocean Division (Sausalito, CA)
Textual Records (in San Francisco): Administrative files, 1946- 50.
77.9.23 Records of the Pacific Ocean Division
Textual Records (in San Francisco): Civil works project files, 1950-68. Civil works survey files, 1946-70. Issuances, 1957-70. Organization planning files, 1957-72.
77.10 Records of Districts
77.10.1 Records of the Alaska District (Anchorage, AK)
Textual Records (in Anchorage): General administrative files, 1946-51. Civil works project files, 1902-40, 1951-70. Installation historical files, ca. 1971. Management survey files, ca. 1969. Operating program files, 1958-63, 1966-67, and progress reports, 1966-70. Organization planning files, 1953, 1958, 1966, 1968. Organization plans, ca. 1961-66. Progress analysis files, 1949-53. Issuances, 1946-61, 1966-73.
Maps: Military posts, 1943-54 (143 items). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans (in Anchorage): Installations, ca. 1942-45 (ca. 9,000 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.2 Records of the Albuquerque, NM, District
Textual Records (in Denver): Decimal correspondence, 1935-64. Issuances, 1939-66. Field survey notebooks, 1949-64. Civil works project files, 1936-50. Organization planning files, 1961-68. General records, including correspondence, circulars, and reports, 1935-51.
Maps: John Martin Reservoir, CO, 1940-42 (51 items). Flood forecast, Pueblo, CO, ca. 1980 (1 item). Conchas Dam, NM, 1938 (10 items). Recreational facilities, Cochiti Lake, NM, ca. 1985 (1 item). See Also 77.18.
Engineering Plans: Conchas Dam, NM, 1938 (12 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.3 Records of the Atlantic District (New York, NY)
Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Records, September-December 1951.
77.10.4 Records of the Baltimore, MD, District
Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Records of the District Office, including letters sent and received, 1847-78, 1907-15, with partial index, 1847-63; telegrams sent, 1881-1906; letters sent relating to rivers and harbors, 1870-1906, fortifications, 1872-1906, and administrative matters, 1870-1915; correspondence and other records concerning Works Progress Administration projects, 1937-41; civil works project files, 1941-45; reports on waterway and fortification improvements, 1872-1931; historical records, 1928-73; fiscal records, 1847-1913; property and equipment records, 1847-66; records relating to personnel, 1847- 1914; and records, 1943-51. Letters sent and received by the Hinton and Charleston, WV, Engineer Offices concerning improvements on the New River, 1878-83. Records of the Wilmington, DE, Engineer Office, consisting of letters sent relating to rivers and harbors, 1884-1906; and letters received, 1884-1904.
Maps and Charts: Miscellaneous, ca. 1850-1920, including Baltimore, MD; other cities in MD and NC; counties in MD and WV; an atlas of DE (1868); coastal charts of offshore soundings and channels; and hydrographic and dredging surveys of harbors including those of Chesapeake Bay, Baltimore, Crisfield, and Cambridge, and of rivers including the Patapsco, Elk, Choptank, Chester, Pocomoke, and Susquehanna (1,200 items). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans: Plans, ca. 1850- 1920, of batteries, seawalls, buildings, and improvements, including those at Forts Carroll, Holabird, Howard, McHenry, Meade, and Smallwood; of the Rodman artillery gun; and of Fort Monroe, VA, showing architectural damage caused by experimental cannon firings (800 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.5 Records of the Boston, MA, District
Textual Records (in Boston): Correspondence relating to fortifications, 1906-35.
Maps and Charts: Compiled by the District Office, showing New England military posts and harbor defenses, 1819-1920 (152 items); ME and MA harbor and channel surveys, 1922-47 (6 items); electric power survey, New England Zone, 1928 (4 items); and Nantasket Beach, MA, ca. 1900 (1 item). Charts compiled by the Portland, ME, Engineer Office (formerly Portland, ME, District Office), showing surveys of the Kennebec and Saco Rivers, ME, and of Newburyport Harbor, MA, 1909-26 (4 items). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans: Compiled by the District Office, of New England military posts and harbor defenses, 1846-1939 (127 items); and of the Cape Cod Pilgrim Memorial, Provincetown, MA, 1906 (2 items). Plans of military posts in Portland Harbor, ME, compiled by the Portland, ME, Engineer Office (formerly Portland, ME, District Office), 1850-67 (7 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.6 Records of the Buffalo, NY, District
Textual Records (in New York): Records of the District Office, including letters sent, 1871-74, 1887-89; letters sent to the Chief of Engineers, 1892-95; letters sent concerning rivers and harbors, 1888-1906, bridges and obstructions, 1898-1906, examinations and surveys, 1903-6, and administrative matters, 1890-1906; letters sent, 1905-14, by Col. James Goold Warren, District Engineer (1910-12); letters received, 1896-1906; letters received relating to rivers and harbors, 1890-92; letters received concerning Oswego, NY, and its fortifications, 1911-30; civil works project files, 1898-1949; studies and reports relating to various projects, 1884-1943; weekly reports on Lake Erie water levels, 1886-1919; reports concerning water diversion and hydroelectric power, 1940-44; Niagara Falls, NY, field survey notebooks, 1917; histories of NY, PA, and OH rivers and harbors connected with the Great Lakes, n.d.; and records, 1938-51. Records of the Cleveland, OH, Engineer Office, consisting of general correspondence, 1907-23; civil works projects files, 1907-14, 1940-53; letters sent relating to Fairport and Black River Harbors, 1892-1903; and records of the Lake Erie-Lake Michigan waterway survey, 1913-15, including field notebooks. Records of engineers in Michigan City, IN, relating to improvements at the mouth of the St. Joseph River on Lake Michigan, 1836-46.
Maps and Charts: Electric power survey, Buffalo Zone, 1933 (1 item). Dunkirk Harbor, NY, survey, 1946 (1 item). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans: New York State Barge Canal and Fort Ontario, NY, 1877-1931 (473 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.7 Records of the Canaveral District
History: Established, May 1, 1963, with headquarters at Cape Kennedy, FL, to complete works at the John F. Kennedy Space Center. Abolished as a district, redesignated Florida Area Office, and placed under jurisdiction of Mobile, AL, District (See 77.10.31), March 22, 1971.
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Issuances, 1963-66. General orders, 1967-69. Quarterly progress reports, 1966. Operating program progress files, 1964. Records relating to the annual operating budget, 1966-67. Organization planning files, 1963-64, 1966.
77.10.8 Records of the Charleston, SC, District
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Letters sent and received relating to SC projects supervised from the New York, NY, District by Col. Quincy A. Gillmore, 1870-88. Letters sent, 1872-94, 1901-18, with indexes. Letters sent relating to administrative matters, 1897- 1901. Letters received concerning rivers and harbors, 1873-87; fortifications, 1872-88; and administrative matters, 1872-87. Letters received from Fort Moultrie, GA, and Fort Sumter, SC, 1872-76. Correspondence and reports concerning SC coastal defenses, 1908-20. Issuances, 1941-66, 1968. Monthly operations reports, 1897-1917. Reports concerning Charleston, SC, harbor improvement projects, 1878-87. Progress reports on various projects, 1903-4. Reports on storms, with related correspondence, 1959-67. Reports relating to money accounts and funding, 1907-12; and to personnel changes, 1904-17. Organization planning files, 1944-63, 1965-67. Operating program progress files, 1957-62.
Maps and Charts: Military posts and Charleston Harbor defenses, 1847-1917 (20 items). SC and GA coast and Charleston Harbor surveys, 1863-1907 (4 items). Yadkin and Pee Dee Rivers, 1942 (36 items). Reservoirs on the Wateree River, 1942 (49 items). Electric power survey, Southeastern Zone, 1932 (9 items). See Also 77.18.
Architectural Plans: Military posts, 1898 (2 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.9 Records of the Chicago, IL, District
Textual Records (in Chicago): Records of the District Office, including letters sent, 1874-1914; letters sent by various engineer officers, 1887-1916; letters sent regarding rivers and harbors, 1877-1906, and the Illinois and Mississippi Canal, 1893- 1909; letters received, 1878-82; letters received from the Chief of Engineers, 1883-87; subject correspondence, 1902-43; project files concerning rivers and harbors in IL and northern IN, 1904- 47; reports, studies, and surveys relating to proposed projects, 1887-1928; field notebooks, 1868-1940; records relating to appropriations and expenditures, 1864-99; administrative records, 1947-59, including issuances and organization planning records; and records, 1920-50. Operating budget files, 1960-68. Operating program progress reports, 1954-64, 1967-73. Survey report files, 1865-73. Civil works project files, 1889-76. Operation and maintenance files, 1883-67. Management improvement project files, 1960-62. Publications record set, 1967. Conservation of natural resources files, 1963-70. Historical files, 1859-1920. Records of the following engineer offices: Grand Rapids, MI, 1884-1906; Indianapolis, IN, 1878-84; Keokuk, IA, 1866-70; Milwaukee, WI, 1884-88, 1895; Minneapolis, MN, 1872- 73; and Vicksburg, MS, 1882-84. Records of the Office of the Superintendent of Public Works, Chicago, IL, regarding harbor projects, 1832-64. Records of temporary offices in charge of improvements to the Calumet River and Harbor, 1870-99; the Chicago River and Harbor, 1884-97; the Illinois and Des Plaines Rivers, 1883-1905; and the harbor at Michigan City, IN, 1867- 1904. Correspondence, reports, journals, and field notes of topographical engineers stationed at western posts and forts, 1854-1918. Records, 1920-50.
Maps and Charts: Kankakee River, 1939 (3 items). Illinois and Des Plaines Rivers, 1929-40 (4 items). The Illinois Waterway, 1974 (81 items). Portions of the Illinois, Chicago, and Little Calumet Rivers, and of the Illinois-Michigan Canal, 1863-89 (10 items, in Chicago). Portions of the Mississippi River from St. Anthony Falls, Minneapolis, MN, to the Illinois River junction, in album, 1887-88 (1 item, in Chicago). See Also 77.18.
Photographic Prints (in Chicago): Improvements of the Mississippi River between the Illinois and the Ohio River junctions, in album, 1882 (21 images). Improvements of the Illinois and Des Plaines Rivers, in album, 1890-1900 (226 images). Construction and use of the Illinois-Mississippi Canal, in albums, 1896-1909 (501 images). See Also 77.22.
77.10.10 Records of the Cincinnati, OH, District (First
Cincinnati District, 1880-1922)
History: Established 1866. Redesignated First Cincinnati District, 1880, and made responsible for Ohio River civil works, with newly established Second Cincinnati District assuming responsibility for civil works on Ohio River tributaries (See 77.10.11). Transferred responsibility for upper Ohio River works to newly established Wheeling, WV, District, November 1901 (See 77.10.65). Reverted to original name of Cincinnati District, July 1922, pursuant to abolition of Second Cincinnati District, June 30, 1922, and transfer of its functions to newly established Huntington, WV, District (See 77.10.21). Abolished 1947, with functions and records divided between Huntington, WV, District and Louisville, KY, District (See 77.10.26).
Textual Records (in Chicago): Records of the District Office, including correspondence, reports, and other records of Ohio River dam works at Grant, KY, and Florence, IN, 1914-25; logbooks, field notebooks, and other records concerning other Ohio River dams, 1882-1937; and logs of boats passing through Ohio River locks, 1919-21. Records of the Frankfort, KY, Engineer Office, 1883-1938, consisting mainly of Kentucky River vessel traffic reports. Correspondence, reports, issuances, and vessel traffic reports of Ohio River dam offices in Maysville, KY, 1918- 35; Thatcher, KY, 1913-44; Cold Springs, KY, 1910-43; Grant, KY, 1919-36; and Florence, IN, 1913-25.
Maps: Cairo, IL, levee systems, 1912-14 (16 items). Flood control projects, 1937 (1 item). Local flood protection and topography, 1938-41 (22 items). Dam sites, Scioto River watershed, 1939-40 (8 items). Reservoirs, 1939-43 (39 items). Toledo, OH, and New York, NY, harbors, 1901 (2 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.11 Records of the Second Cincinnati, OH, District
History: Established 1880, to direct civil works on Ohio River tributaries, leaving original Cincinnati District, redesignated First Cincinnati District, with responsibility for civil works on Ohio River (See 77.10.10). Abolished June 30, 1922, with functions and records, along with those of the Wheeling, WV, District (See 77.10.65), transferred to newly established Huntington, WV, District (See 77.10.21).
Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Records of the District Office (1 ft.), consisting of letters sent relating to improvements on Ohio River tributaries in OH, KY, VA, and WV, 1902; and correspondence relating to the Big Sandy River in KY and WV, 1889-1905. Letters sent and received by the Charleston, WV, Engineer Office, 1873-1915 (14 ft.); and the Louisa, KY, Engineer Office, 1883-1913 (15 ft.).
77.10.12 Records of the Denison, TX, District
Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Civil works project construction files, 1939-45. Administrative records, 1939-45. Records, 1938- 45.
77.10.13 Records of the Detroit, MI, District
Textual Records (in Chicago): Records of the District Office, including letters sent by various engineer officers, 1899-1913; letters and reports sent and received relating to projects, 1859- 1906, examinations and surveys, 1871-93, administrative matters, 1868-1913, and miscellaneous subjects, 1868-1913; a subject file, 1903-46; construction works project files, 1902-43; reports of engineer officers, 1879-1908; monthly operations reports, 1906-7; daily and monthly narrative accounts of operations at various project sites, 1857-1909; field survey notebooks, 1873-75; miscellaneous financial records, 1849-1913; and records, 1942-53. Records of the Sault Ste. Marie, MI, Engineer Office, 1881-1938, relating to the administration of the St. Marys Falls ship canals.
Maps and Charts: Electric power survey, Detroit Zone, 1933 (1 item). Reno Beach, OH, flood protection, 1946 (4 items). Channel improvement, Red Run, MI, 1947 (1 item). See Also 77.18.
Engineering Plans: Poe Lock gate engines, St. Marys Falls Canal, 1922 (3 items). See Also 77.18.
Photographic Prints (in Chicago): Hydraulic works at Sault Ste. Marie, MI, 1902 (15 images). See Also 77.22.
77.10.14 Records of the Duluth, MN, District
Textual Records: Correspondence relating to the Warroad Harbor and River, MN, 1927-41 (in Kansas City). Records, 1910-51 (in Chicago).
Charts: Harbor surveys at Duluth, MN, and Superior, WI, 1899-1903 (3 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.15 Records of the Edmonton, Alberta, Canada District
History: Functioned, 1942-45, as a district of the Northwest Division, which was established, effective December 1, 1942, by General Order 42, OCE, November 14, 1942. Responsible for executing the project to develop the oil resources of the Mackenzie River, Northwest Territories, Canada ("Canadian Oil Line Project," shortened to "Canol Project"). Abolished upon abolition of the Northwest Division, effective June 30, 1945, by General Order 50, War Department, June 28, 1945, with functions transferred to Great Lakes Division.
Textual Records: Project file, 1942-46. Progress and production reports, 1942-45. Geological reports on projects in Canadian river and basin areas, 1943-45.
Maps: Canol Project, 1942-45 (140 items), including general maps of the Norman Wells oil producing area in Canada; geological surveys; and site plans in Alaska and Canada for camps, airfields, oil refineries, and pump houses. Transportation and defense construction in Alaska and Canada, including the Alcan Highway, 1942-44 (3 items). Gas, oil, and coal fields and facilities in western Asia, 1943-44 (4 items). See Also 77.18.
Architectural Plans: Canol Project installations, 1942-44 (70 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.16 Records of the Fort Peck, MT, District
Textual Records (in Denver): Records relating to construction of the Fort Peck Dam, 1934-40. Civil works project construction and contract files, 1896-1953. Records, 1943-50.
77.10.17 Records of the Fort Worth, TX, District
Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Records of the District Office, consisting of general correspondence ("TAFFS" arrangement), 1953- 64; administrative records, 1943-54; issuances, 1955-70; civil works project files, 1934-61; military construction files, 1952- 68; survey report files, 1951-68; project files containing economic data, 1948-79, topographical data, 1946-64, climatological data, 1951-52, and geological, soil, and hydrological data, 1951-64; field survey notebooks, 1941-62; records concerning the work of the U.S. River Basin Study Commission, 1958-60; a real estate acquisition and disposal file, 1945-62; a cost accounting file, 1950-57; operating budget files, 1951-69; and records, 1949-54. Records of the Mineral Wells, TX, Engineer Office, 1936-37; and the Dallas, TX, Engineer Office, 1905-22.
Aerial Photographic Prints: Waterways, dam sites, and major flood areas within the district, 1934-57 (64,000 items). Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX; and Killeen, Fort Hood, and Sheppard Air Force Base, TX, 1959-61 (ca. 1,000 items). See Also 77.18.
Aerial Photographic Negatives: Rivers, lakes, and reservoirs within the district, 1950-61 (21,000 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.18 Records of the Galveston, TX, District
Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Decimal correspondence, 1941-52. General correspondence ("TAFFS" arrangement), 1944-61. Issuances, 1951-68. Civil works project files, 1936-53. Selected project files, 1933-53. Navigable waterways files, 1931-62. Examination and survey files, 1908-48. Files containing hydrological and hydraulic data, 1903-61; and geological and soil data, 1941-60. Soils laboratory reports, 1941-47. Real estate acquisition and disposal files, 1928-55. Structural permit files, 1897-1943. Harbor line approval files, 1904-48. Operating budget files, 1940-47, 1961-62. Organization planning files, 1953-63. Records, 1940-52.
Maps and Charts: Compiled by the District Office, showing results of river watershed and channel studies, 1934-39 (60 items); and improvements to Galveston Harbor-Houston Ship Channel and to Port Aransas-Corpus Christi Waterway, 1946 (8 items). Map of north Camp Hood, TX, compiled by the San Antonio, TX, Engineer Office, 1947 (1 item). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans (in Fort Worth): Various civil construction projects, 1940-60 (1,000 items). See Also 77.18.
Photographic Prints (in Fort Worth): Galveston sea wall, 1900-25, 1951-53; and Forts Crockett, San Jacinto, and Travis, 1900-53 (268 images). See Also 77.22.
77.10.19 Records of the Garrison/Bismarck, ND, District
Textual Records (in Denver): Civil works project construction files, 1896-1953. Records, 1946-50.
Maps: Jamestown Reservoir, ND, 1948 (12 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.20 Records of the Honolulu, HI, District
Textual Records (in San Francisco): General administrative files, 1912-66. Issuances, 1953-59. General records relating to Hawaiian harbors, 1913-42. General files, 1915-41. Civil works and military construction final reports, 1934-38. Records relating to rivers and harbors of Midway and Wake Islands, 1937-42. Records concerning flood control, 1940. Historical review covering World War II operations in the Pacific Ocean area, 1946-47.
Related Records: Records of the Honolulu Area Office, 1949-54, in records of the San Francisco, CA, District Under 77.10.55.
77.10.21 Records of the Huntington, WV, District
History: Established July 1, 1922, consolidating functions and records of the abolished Second Cincinnati, OH, and Wheeling, WV, Districts (See 77.10.11 and 77.10.65, respectively). With Louisville, KY, District (See 77.10.26), divided functions and records of abolished Cincinnati, OH, District, 1947 (See 77.10.10).
Textual Records (in Philadelphia, except as noted): Records of the District Office, including decimal correspondence, 1881-1939; correspondence concerning engineering projects funded by the National Industrial Recovery Act (1933) and the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, 1933-42; correspondence relating to river and harbor projects, 1897-1935, navigable waterways, 1899- 1941, real estate management, 1901-43, site appraisals, 1913-43, construction, 1912-43, and permits, 1900-54; civil works project files, 1907-50; issuances, 1900-43; annual and other reports, 1935-42; files containing geological and soil data, 1934-48; field notebooks, 1856-1950; daily temperature and weather reports, prepared for the U.S. Weather Bureau station in Ashland, KY, 1925-43; records relating to budgets, 1899-1943, fiscal accounting, 1945-50, and organization planning, 1922-43; and records, 1943-53. Records (in Chicago) of the Zanesville, OH, Engineer Office (District Office, 1934-38), consisting of correspondence, 1901-43; and records concerning construction of dams and reservoirs in the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District, 1934-49. Correspondence, reports, and other records of the Ashland, KY, Engineer Office, 1918-43. General correspondence of the Greenup, KY, Engineer Office, 1923-30.
Maps and Charts: Surveys of Kanawha and Big Sandy Rivers, 1938-44 (208 items). Reservoirs in KY, OH, and WV, 1938- 47, 1961 (182 items). Environmental analysis of reservoirs on Little Kanawha River, 1973 (56 items). Ohio River flood plain, Racine Pool Reach, OH and WV, 1966 (17 items). Local flood protection in OH and WV towns, 1939-46 (14 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.22 Records of the Jacksonville, FL, District
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Records of the District Office, including letters sent and received, 1887-1922; letters sent and received relating to rivers and harbors, 1880-1923, fortifications, 1833-1931, and other projects, 1885-1916; decimal correspondence, 1909-43; civil works project files, 1906-64; military works project files, 1943-52; issuances, 1954-69; reports, 1875-1920; reports and studies relating to major projects, 1912-53, and minor projects, 1928-48; logs of work performed, 1898-1918; monthly operations and maintenance reports, 1938-48; records relating to conservation of natural resources, 1927-61; records regarding intracoastal navigation, 1940-60; files containing geological test data, 1932-50; statistics and other records concerning tides and other water levels, 1935-46; field survey notebooks, 1914-53; records relating to the annual budget, 1960-68; organization planning files, 1954-67; operating program progress reports, 1962, 1963, 1965, and 1966; records relating to management improvement, 1962-71; and records, 1940- 53. Letters and reports sent and received by the Key West, FL, Engineer Office, 1845-1923. Records of the Tampa, FL, Engineer Office, consisting of letters sent and received, 1899-1915; reports on seacoast defenses, 1909-10; and field survey notes, 1876-1902. Letters received by the engineer post at Fort Clinch, Amelia Island, FL, 1865-66. Issuances of the Caribbean Area Office, San Juan, PR, 1951-52. Records of the engineer post at Fort Taylor, Key West, FL, including letters sent and received, 1845-1908; letters received concerning sunken vessels, 1896-1906; monthly reports, 1885-92; and miscellaneous financial records, 1845-68. Navigable waterway records, 1943-59.
Maps and Charts: Compiled by the District Office, showing flood control projects in central and southern Florida, 1947-61 (7 items), jetties at St. John's River Bar, FL, 1879-1935 (9 items), and military posts, 1903-22 (22 items); and, on mechanical instrument recording strips, rain runoff levels around Lake Okeechobee, FL, 1946-47 (300 items, in Atlanta). Military posts, compiled by the Tampa, FL, Engineer Office, 1898-1910 (38 items). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans: Military posts, compiled by the District Office, 1903-22 (116 items); and by the Tampa, FL, Engineer Office, 1898-1907 (150 items). See Also 77.18.
Aerial Photographic Prints (in Atlanta): Kissimee River Valley, FL, 1950-51 (100 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.23 Records of the Kansas City, MO, District
Textual Records (in Kansas City): Subject correspondence ("General Administrative Files"), 1884-1972 (bulk 1907-69). Issuances, 1960-67. Civil works project files, 1907-74. General operations and maintenance files, 1891-1985. Operations and maintenance files of the Hydrology Section, 1944-51. Studies relating to flood plain management, 1900-74. Flood control project files, 1956-74. Records relating to storm studies, 1935, 1946-50. Investigative project files, 1936-75. Navigable waterway files, 1878-1947, 1968-87. Survey report files of the Field Engineering Division, 1940-50. Records of the Water Control Section, consisting of navigation studies, 1928-55; and files containing hydrological and hydraulic data, 1877-1967. Organization planning files, 1960-61, 1964. Management improvement files, 1955-61, 1964. Records, 1920-52.
Maps: Missouri River flood plain, 1923-47 (150 items). Missouri River aerial photographic survey control, 1940- 41 (39 items). Local flood protection, Kansas City, MO, and Kansas City, KS, 1932 (9 items). Yellowstone River irrigation projects, 1932 (4 items). Military post field surveys, 1942-59 (149 items). Recreational facilities, 1986-88 (3 items). See Also 77.18.
Aerial Photographic Negatives: Missouri River, from Sioux City, IA, to Mississippi River junction above St. Louis, MO, 1926-40, with partial line plot indexes (6,000 items). See Also 77.18.
Photographic Prints (in Kansas City): From civil works project files, 1907-71 (266 images). See Also 77.22.
77.10.24 Records of the Little Rock, AR, District
Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Subject correspondence, 1908-66. Decimal correspondence, 1937-50. Issuances, 1951-66. Civil works project files, 1940-59. Military works project files, 1941-43. Examination and survey report files, 1937-58. Reports and studies on projects and surveys, 1922-48. Files containing topographical data, 1928-60; geological and soil data, 1942-70; climatological data, 1935-60; hydrological data, 1937-50; and economic data, 1943-59. Records concerning management, consisting of studies and related records, 1953-63; and case files, 1958-63. Records, 1935- 50.
Maps and Charts: Surveys of the Arkansas and White Rivers, 1887-89 (159 items). Reservoirs in Arkansas, 1938-40 (41 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.25 Records of the Los Angeles, CA, District
Textual Records (in Los Angeles): General correspondence ("Project Administration Records"), 1899-1935. Decimal correspondence ("General Administrative Files"), 1935-66. Issuances, 1964-70. Records relating to engineering projects accomplished under various federal and state public works and emergency relief agencies ("Work Program Project Records"), 1933- 37. Project operation manuals and regulations, 1957-70. Civil works project files, 1870-1981; specification files, 1951-70; Edwards AFB project specifications, 1962-74; and map indexes, 1934-72. Records relating to military works, consisting of project files, 1948-70; survey books, 1960; and logs, 1960. Records of projects affecting mineral resources, 1944-57. Survey reports, with related records, 1920-96. Flood plain information reports and brochures, 1962-77. Publications record set, 1972-85. Monthly reports on rivers and harbors, 1912-40. Monthly and annual reports on fortifications, 1912-35. Beach erosion studies and reports, 1934- 63. Records relating to the acquisition and disposal of property ("Realty Historical Files"), 1868-1991. Organization planning files, 1966-67, 1969. Records concerning management surveys, 1965-80. Project files of the Hydraulics Section, 1959-67. Hydrology and hydraulic data files, 1972. Historian's files, 1930-96. Records, 1935-52. California framework and San Diego model studies, 1974.
Maps: Los Angeles River cross sections, 1936-38 (32 items). Flood control plans for California rivers, 1940-45 (8 items). San Carlos Reservoir, AZ, 1947 (11 items). Plats of Rancho San Pedro, 1858-59 (2 items). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans (in Los Angeles): Reservoir and dam projects on the Santa Maria, Santa Ana, and Gila Rivers, 1957-63 (170 items). Plans from civil works project files, 1935-72 (17,191 items). See Also 77.18.
Photographic Prints: Construction of flood control works on the Los Angeles River, ca. 1920 (50 images, LA). Views of damage caused by Los Angeles River flood (March 2, 1938), in album, 1938 (50 images, CF). See Also 77.22.
77.10.26 Records of the Louisville, KY, District
Textual Records (in Atlanta, except as noted): General records of the District Office, consisting of issuances, 1952-73; standard permit files, 1907-43; survey report files, 1931-74; engineering studies, 1837-1945; comprehensive reports and studies, 1911-55; basic topographical data, 1911-52; hydrological and hydraulic data, 1938-50; and records, 1940-51. Records of the Construction Division, consisting of civil works operations and maintenance files, 1873-1950; civil works construction files, 1936, 1939-52, 1958-70; and field notebooks, 1935-48. Daily vessel traffic logs for locks on the Green, Barren, and Rough Rivers, compiled by the Owensboro, KY, Engineer Office, 1896-1944 (in Chicago).
Maps and Charts: Reconnaissance of Ohio River above the falls, in album, 1819 (112 items). Ohio River survey atlas, 1914 and 1938 (560 items). Surveys and flood plain maps of the Ohio and Wabash Rivers, and other rivers in IN, IL, and KY, 1899- 1946 (340 items). Ohio River flood plain, Cannelton Pool Reach, KY and IN, 1965 (63 items). Rough River Reservoir, KY, 1941 (16 items). Property boundaries of Nolin Reservoir, KY, and Markland locks and dam, IN, 1960 (4 items). Savanna Army Depot, IL, 1986 (57 items). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans: Locks and dams, and lock tenders' dwellings, on the Green and Barren Rivers, 1890-1952 (3,011 items). Plans from civil works project files of the Construction Division, 1958-70 (200 items, in Atlanta). Civil works project files, 1959-75. See Also 77.18.
Photographs (in Atlanta): District engineering activities and works, mainly on the Ohio and Kentucky Rivers, 1881-1962 (3,500 images). See Also 77.22.
77.10.27 Records of the Manila District
Textual Records: General records, 1944-50.
77.10.28 Records of the Memphis, TN, District
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Correspondence concerning a Civil War defense chain and cannon on the Mississippi River at Columbus, KY, 1926-35. Administrative records, 1948-59. Civil works operation and maintenance files, 1902-44, and project files, 1925-73. Issuances, 1934-43, 1964-66. Publications record set, 1963-72. Basic topographical data, 1882-1952. Organization planning files, 1952-58, 1965. Field survey notebooks, 1935-42.
Maps and Charts: Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers survey, 1939 (121 items). Mississippi River photocharts, 1951 (30 items). Flood control plans for Mississippi, St. Francis, White, and L'Anguille Rivers, 1928-46 (36 items). Arkansas River basin, 1932 (1 item). Wappapello Reservoir, MO, 1944 (1 item). Transportation maps, 1933-51 (4 items). District boundaries, 1932 (1 item). Maps from civil works project files, 1931-74 (295 items, in Atlanta). Depth of the Mississippi River at various points, as determined by soundings ("Dredging Survey Sheets," "Hydrographic Survey Sheets"), 1970-75 (333 items, in Atlanta). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans (in Atlanta): Plans made during surveys of the Mississippi River channel and the St. Francis River basin, 1930-67 (1,530 items). Plans from civil works project files, 1960-71 (260 items). Plans and surveys made in connection with Mississippi River channel improvements, 1925-66 (274 items). See Also 77.18.
Motion Pictures: Security-classified and unclassified motion picture films and videotapes, 1938-86 (50 reels).
Photographs: Photographs relating to flood control projects on the Mississippi River, 1933-53 (ca. 8,000 images).
77.10.29 Records of the Miami, FL, District
Note: The records described below are candidates for transfer to regional archives. Please consult the National Archives to determine current location.
Textual Records: Security-classified and unclassified general correspondence, 1940-48. Project and geographic files, 1940-48. Airport development contracts and subcontracts, 1940-48. Organizational history files, 1940-48.
77.10.30 Records of the Milwaukee, WI, District
Textual Records (in Chicago): Records of the District Office, including general correspondence, 1907-43; correspondence concerning Wisconsin rivers and harbors, 1870-1906, with a register of letters received; records concerning Fox River projects, 1875-1906, including correspondence and damage claim case files; administrative records, 1909-39; and records, 1940- 55. Correspondence and other records of the Grand Rapids, MI, Engineer Office relating to Michigan rivers and harbors, 1867- 1932.
Maps and Charts: River and dam site surveys, 1929-32 (48 items). Survey of Grand Traverse Bay, MI, 1947 (1 item). See Also 77.18.
77.10.31 Records of Mobile, AL, District
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Records of the District Office, including correspondence and reports relating to engineer activities at Fort Morgan, AL, 1821-1904, with gaps, and Fort Gaines, GA, 1857-1904, with gaps; letters sent and received, 1884-1914; general correspondence, 1913-39; correspondence relating to fortifications, 1915-33; issuances, 1951-73; civil works project files, 1907-70; records relating to navigable waterways, 1932-71; mobilization planning files, 1959-67; survey reports and studies, 1917-42; issuances, 1951-74; monthly operations reports, 1916-28; operating program progress reports, 1960-72; records relating to real property acquisition and management, 1908-29; miscellaneous financial records, 1819-1906; annual operating budget files, 1959-72; organization planning files, 1956-72; records relating to management improvement, 1956-64; records relating to conservation of natural resources, 1959-72; published materials on the history and organization of engineer districts, 1953-60; and records, 1940- 50. Letters and reports sent by the Pascagoula, MS, Engineer Office, 1884-98, and the Tuscaloosa, AL, Engineer Office, 1897.
Maps and Charts: Military posts, 1832-1946 (226 items). River and waterway surveys, 1911-45 (292 items). Reservoirs, 1930-43 (61 items). District boundaries, 1916 (1 item). Alabama environmental study, 1981 (300 items). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans: Military posts, 1847-1937 (628 items). Plans from civil works project files, 1907-67 (45 items, in Atlanta). Plans of locks for the Black Warrior-Tombigbee River system, 1969 (135 items, in Atlanta). See Also 77.18.
77.10.32 Records of the Montgomery, AL, District
Textual Records (in Atlanta): General correspondence, 1907-33. Civil works project files, 1907-34. Records relating to fortifications, 1906-30. Survey reports and studies, 1907-33. Annual reports to the Federal Power Commission, 1921-31.
Architectural and Engineering Plans (in Atlanta): Fortifications, 1870-1919 (59 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.33 Records of the Nashville, TN, District
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Records of the District Office, consisting of issuances, 1910-15, 1952-65; civil works project files, 1876-1969, and on aperture cards, 1941-48 (680 items); real property acquisition and disposal files, 1885-1918; examination and survey reports, with related correspondence, 1960-67; engineering studies, 1893-1949; comprehensive reports and studies, 1942-51; basic topographical data, 1940-48; waterway traffic data, 1939-45; records relating to conservation of natural resources, 1956-59; operating program files, 1954-61, and progress reports, 1962-71; organization planning files, 1948-65, 1970-71; organization charts, 1962-69; and records, 1912-51. Letters sent by the Chattanooga, TN, Engineer Office relating to surveys, 1881-90. Publications record set, 1952-65.
Maps and Charts: Surveys of the Cumberland River and its tributaries, 1930 (292 items). Cumberland River navigation charts, 1984 (63 items). Reservoirs in Cumberland River watershed, 1942-62 (463 items). Lake Cumberland land use plan, ca. 1980 (2 items). Muscle Shoals, AL, canal survey, 1830 (1 item). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans (in Atlanta): Plans from civil works project files, 1941-69 (100 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.34 Records of the New London, CT, District
History: Established as a district, ca. 1874. Abolished, 1920, with functions and records transferred, along with those of the Newport, RI, District (See 77.10.36), to newly established Providence, RI, District (See 77.10.47).
Textual Records (in Boston): Records of the District Office, including letters sent and received concerning projects, 1830- 1923; letters sent and received relating to ordnance and national defense, 1897-1906, with indexes; letters sent and received regarding projects, fortifications, and miscellaneous matters, 1886-1906, with indexes; correspondence relating to fortifications, 1907-20, seacoast defenses, 1907-14, and Long Island Sound defenses, 1907-22; issuances, 1896-1918; reports, 1899-1915, including inspectors' daily progress reports on work under contract, 1902-13; miscellaneous financial records, 1886- 1923; and field survey notebooks, 1866-1915. Records of the New Haven, CT, Engineer Office, consisting of inspectors' daily progress reports on work under contract, 1913-17; and field survey notebooks, 1871-1907.
77.10.35 Records of the New Orleans, LA, District
Textual Records (in Fort Worth): General correspondence, 1841- 1927. Press copies of letters sent, 1897. Decimal correspondence, 1929-64. Letters received relating to Fort Jackson, Fort St. Philip, and other fortifications, 1900-6. Reports, including Fort Morgan inspection reports, 1865; and board of engineers reports concerning Fort Jefferson, FL, and the practicability of a ship canal near Fort St. Philip, 1871-90. Records relating to the Mississippi River Delta, including reports on the South Pass, 1870-93; records relating to a survey of the South Pass and the Bar Channel, 1875; a daily log from the Southwest Pass, 1872-79; and records concerning river mouth improvements, 1837-73. Correspondence relating to veterans' hospital construction in Alexandria, New Orleans, and Shreveport, LA, 1946-54. Issuances, 1943-64. Civil works project files, 1884-1954. Survey report files, 1951-70. Files containing topographical data, 1929-45; hydrological and hydraulic data, 1900-61; and data on storms of major flood-producing potential, 1909-41. Field survey notebooks, 1937-51. Records of wind and weather conditions at Port Eads, LA, 1878-1915. Case files concerning permits, 1925-67. Budget estimates, 1946-48, 1963-67. Management improvement project files, 1958-64. Records, 1943-51.
Maps and Charts: Mississippi River surveys, 1938, 1952 (152 items). Ouachita and Black Rivers, 1949 (30 items). Texarkana Reservoir, 1949 (2 items). District, field office, and administrative boundaries, 1915, 1952 (6 items). Proposed national military park at Chalmette, LA, commemorating the Battle of New Orleans (1815), 1919-22 (7 items). Military posts, 1817- 1942 (34 items). See Also 77.18.
Architectural Plans: Military posts, 1824-1914 (13 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.36 Records of the Newport, RI, District
History: Established as a district, ca. 1887. Abolished 1920, with functions and records transferred, along with those of the New London, CT, District (See 77.10.34), to newly established Providence, RI, District (See 77.10.47).
Textual Records (in Boston): Letters sent and received, 1824- 1920. Letters sent and received concerning individual projects, 1824-91. Letters sent and received relating to rivers and harbors, 1907-22. Letters sent and received, 1866-82, by Col. (later, Gen.) Gouverneur K. Warren, District Engineer (1870-82), relating to western river projects under his charge. Daily and monthly reports, 1893-1918. Journals of operations at various sites, 1871-1911. Field survey notes and notebooks, 1870-1919. News clippings, 1865-74.
77.10.37 Records of the New York, NY, District
Textual Records (in New York): Records of the District Office, including letters sent by Col. Quincy A. Gillmore relating to his work as supervisor of New York City Harbor fortifications, 1857- 58, and of southeastern U.S. coastal defenses, 1871-86; correspondence of other engineer officers and of civil engineers, 1851-54, 1873, 1882-1913; letters sent concerning river and harbor projects, and fortifications, 1870-89; letters sent and received concerning river and harbor projects in NY, NJ, CT, RI, and the Lake Champlain area, 1866-1913; correspondence regarding fortifications, 1855-70; correspondence dealing with various forts in the district, 1859-1930; letters sent and received concerning sunken vessels, 1887-1906; miscellaneous letters sent and received, 1886-1905; civil works project files, 1884-1943; studies and reports, 1907-54; monthly and annual reports, 1886- 1913; journals of operations, 1846-1935; miscellaneous financial record books, 1833-1913; field notebooks, 1909-33; records of water level readings at various locations, 1918-35; records relating to permits, 1907-42; and records, 1942-52. Correspondence, reports, and other records of the Albany, NY, Engineer Office, 1877-79, 1913-17; and the Burlington, VT, Engineer Office, 1882-97, 1904-6. Letters sent and received, reports, and other records of engineer posts at Fort Montgomery, Rouses Point, NY, 1844-66; Fort Wadsworth, NY, 1892-95; and Willetts Point, NY, 1857-1901. Letters sent, reports, and other records of the Board of Engineer Officers for the Work of Raising or Removing the Wreck of the Battleship Maine from the Harbor at Havana, Cuba, 1910-14.
Maps and Charts: Surveys of Hudson River, Lake Champlain, New York Harbor, East River, Harlem River, Bronx River, and New York harbors off Long Island Sound, 1831-1942 (300 items). Electric power survey, New York Zone, 1933 (1 item). Tidal charts, 1920-39 (1,375 items, in New York). See Also 77.18.
Engineering Plans: Dredge boats, quarterboats, tugboats, and other related river and harbor improvement boats, 1908-39 (275 items). See Also 77.18.
Photographic Prints and Glass Negatives: Views of damage to the U.S.S. Maine, and equipment and procedures used to raise it from Havana Harbor, Cuba, ca. 1910-12 (RM, RMN, RMP, 1,504 images). See Also 77.22.
77.10.38 Records of the Norfolk, VA, District
Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Records of the District Office, including letters and reports sent, 1884-89, 1911, 1917- 19; letters sent relating to rivers and harbors, 1878-84; decimal correspondence relating to civil works, 1905-54, and fortifications, 1916-42; issuances, 1933-39; field survey notebooks, 1938-45; fiscal accounting records, 1945; publications record sets, 1952-66; emergency planning records, 1945; and records, 1940-51. Records of the Richmond, VA, Engineer Office concerning James River and Jamestown Island, VA, improvements, 1870-1911. Records of the engineer post at Fort Monroe, VA, including a register of orders and of letters sent and received, 1815-22; letters sent and received, 1819-1917; daily and other reports of engineer operations at Fort Monroe, VA, 1832-35, 1838-1913, Fort Calhoun, VA, 1832-66, and Fort Wool, VA, 1858-64, 1904-7; and miscellaneous financial, property, and personnel records, 1817- 1916.
Maps and Charts: River basin surveys, 1932-47 (98 items). Reservoir surveys, 1940-53 (133 items). Proposed national parks at Yorktown and Appomattox, VA, 1923-31 (4 items). Military posts at Cape Henry, VA, 1904-14 (19 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.39 Records of the Northeast District (New York, NY)
Textual Records: Records, 1951-52.
77.10.40 Records of the Okinawa District
Textual Records: General correspondence, 1957-58. Issuances, 1956-57. Reports of staff visits, 1958-59. Program progress reports, 1956. Records relating to planning, 1959. Records concerning organization and administration, 1955-58. Records relating to management surveys, 1952-58. Performance reports, 1956-59. Records, 1946-52.
77.10.41 Records of the Omaha, NE, District
Textual Records (in Kansas City, except as noted): Decimal correspondence, 1934-41. Subject correspondence ("General Administrative Files"), 1943-58, 1975-79. Civil works project files, 1929-75. Records relating to Fort Randall Dam, 1946-70. Files containing topographical data, 1878-1965; hydrological and hydraulic data, 1936-77; geological and soil data, 1950-72; and economic data, 1881-1954. Records relating to investigations, 1932-79. Special studies, 1941-57. Survey reports, with related records, 1916-74. Historical files, 1954. Committee files, 1970-71. Field notebooks of surveys of the Missouri River and its tributaries, with related records, 1879-92 and (in Denver) 1877- 1940. Correspondence and reports relating to fiscal matters, 1934-40. Issuances, 1933-41. News clippings, 1932-39. Basic topographic data files, 1937, 1959. Installation history files, 1935-75. Organizational planning files, 1952-72. Records, 1940-54.
Maps and Charts: Upper Missouri River manuscript survey sheets, 1878-92 (136 items). Upper Missouri River flood plain, 1940-49 (297 items). Garrison Reservoir, ND, 1943 (178 items). Property boundaries on reservoir sites in NE and SD, 1947-54 (23 items). See Also 77.18.
Photographic Prints: Civil works on Missouri River and tributaries, in albums, ca. 1928-32 (OED, 1,242 images). Missouri River construction projects, issued as photographic reports, 1934-39 (QR, 249 images). Views from civil works project files, 1929-71 (3,750 images, in Kansas City). See Also 77.22.
77.10.42 Records of the Oswego, NY, District
Textual Records (in New York): Records of the District Office, including letters sent, 1905-13; letters received, 1901-3; letters received from the Chief of Engineers, 1831-38; letters and reports sent and received relating to rivers and harbors, 1833-1901, fortifications, 1895-1901, and various forts in the district, 1870-95; reports of operations at Fort Niagara, NY, 1871-74, 1889-93, at Fort Ontario, NY, 1871-74, 1894-95, and in New York harbors on Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River, 1869-75; and miscellaneous financial and property accounting records, 1838-50, 1869-1920. Letters sent and received by the Burlington, VT, Engineer Office, 1886-98. Records of engineer posts at Fort Niagara, NY, 1838-51, 1863-64; Fort Ontario, NY, 1839-49, 1861-69; and Fort Porter, NY, 1840-64.
77.10.43 Records of the Panama District
History: Established by General Order 15, OCE, June 25, 1946, with headquarters in Ancon, Canal Zone. Effective April 1, 1948, by General Order 2, OCE, February 18, 1948, acquired territorial jurisdiction and responsibilities of the Antilles District (formerly Puerto Rico District; See 77.10.48), abolished by same order. Panama District abolished, effective June 30, 1950, by General Order 2, OCE, February 17, 1950, as amended by General Order 3, OCE, February 27, 1950, with civil works functions transferred to Jacksonville, FL, District (See 77.10.22), and military works functions transferred to direct supervision of South Atlantic Division, headquartered in Atlanta, GA (See 77.9.6). By Organization Order 1-5, South Atlantic Division, January 1, 1951, military works functions transferred to Jacksonville, FL, District.
Textual Records: Records, 1946-49.
77.10.44 Records of the Philadelphia, PA, District
Textual Records (in Philadelphia): General records of the District Office, including letters sent, 1833-82; letters sent and received regarding work on forts and fortifications, 1885- 1906; correspondence relating to civil works projects, 1907-43, with record cards; correspondence concerning portions of navigable waterways set aside for commercial fishing with poles and nets ("Correspondence Relating to Fishponds"), 1910-43, with record cards; correspondence regarding examinations and surveys, 1907-42, with record cards; correspondence dealing with leases, licenses, and permits, 1907-43, with record cards; administrative correspondence ("Miscellaneous Correspondence"), 1907-43, with record cards; correspondence concerning marine construction, 1939-43; formerly security-classified and unclassified decimal correspondence relating to Delaware River harbor defenses, 1933- 44; issuances, 1953-70; reports, 1848-1917; and records, 1943- 50. Records of the Engineering Division, consisting of civil works project files, 1905-71, 1976-77; and records of the Valley Report Group, 1954-68. Records of the Navigation and Maintenance Branch, consisting of waterway project files, 1953-60; and survey reports, 1965-70. Real estate and planning files, 1956-65. Operational field books, 1957-67. Correspondence of the Wilmington, DE, Engineer Office relating to rivers and harbors, examinations and surveys, and administration, 1907-33, each file with record cards. Records of the Assistant Engineer at Fort Delaware and Delaware City, DE, including letters sent, 1892-1908; letters sent concerning civil works projects, 1914-15; and letters sent and received, reports, and journals of operations relating to fortification projects, 1859-1921. Records of engineer posts at Fort Delaware, DE, 1833- 70; Fort Dupont, DE, 1940-43; and Fort Miles, DE, 1940-43. Records of the engineer officer in charge of the Delaware River breakwater construction project, 1828-39.
Maps and Charts: Christiana River, Absecon Inlet, Lewes and Rehoboth Canal, Mantua Creek, fish ponds, and other waterways in DE, NJ, and PA, 1877-1938 (2,300 items). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans: Gun batteries, magazines, towers, buildings, shops, and other structures on military reservations at Cape May Coast Artillery Battery, NJ; and at Fort Miles, Bethany Beach Aircraft Warning Site, Newark Ammunition Storage Yard, New Castle Army Air Force Base, and Cape Henlopen submarine mine site, DE, 1941-44 (900 items). Civil works project drawings, 1955-70 (296,880 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.45 Records of the Pittsburgh, PA, District
Textual Records (in Philadelphia): General records, including letters sent and received, 1873-1906; decimal correspondence, 1907-39; correspondence relating to Ohio River dams, 1902-30, the Tygart River Dam, WV, 1933-46, and the Youghiogheny Reservoir Dam, PA, 1935-46, with record cards; correspondence concerning the Pittsburgh harbor, 1907-29; correspondence regarding river projects, 1906-33; correspondence with the Bureau of Lighthouses of the Department of Commerce, 1910-16; records of engineer boards concerned with raising Allegheny River bridge elevations in Pittsburgh, 1897-1917; correspondence regarding projects completed under the Works Progress Administration and its successor, the Work Projects Administration, 1935-41; civil works project files, 1897-1965; files containing hydrological and hydraulic data, 1918-19; issuances, 1897-1940, 1956-61; annual reports, 1911-42; monthly reports, 1897-1906, 1932-41; reports detailing national emergency procedures, 1962-67; organization planning files, 1946-55, 1964-75; program review analysis files, 1963-71; and records, 1926-52. Records of the Operations and Maintenance Division, consisting of lockmasters' monthly reports, 1942-45, and accident and safety reports, 1932-37; and lockmasters' daily log and gauge books, 1884-1945. Subsistence and quarters reports, 1938-66. Survey reports, 1926-64. Survey reports for the Ohio and Allegheny Rivers, 1935-83, and the Beaver, Shenango, and Mahoning Rivers, 1933-54. Field survey books, 1956-66. Records of the Engineering Division, consisting of field notes relating to reservoir construction, dredging projects, and repair of Allegheny River revetments, 1930-45; and a record of daily water discharges of each reservoir under the district's supervision (1913-30), 1933. Records of the Construction Division, including a project file, 1933-38; records relating to projects, 1922-65; case files relating to repair of locks and dams on the Ohio, Allegheny, and Monongahela Rivers, 1935-38; Monongahela River lock and dam repair and maintenance estimates, 1931-36; and final reports of work parties, 1935-38.
Maps and Charts: Plats showing land to be acquired for development of reservoirs along the Ohio, Mahoning, Allegheny, and Tygart Rivers, 1935-42 (3,300 items). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans: Locks and dams on the Ohio, Allegheny, and Monongahela Rivers, with accompanying designs of survey boats, 1877-1938 (1,300 items). Cross-section plans from the Big Run (Jefferson County, PA) flood protection case file, from civil works project files, 1963-64 (37 items, in Philadelphia). Monongahela River soundings, from hydrological and hydraulic data files, 1918-19 (14 items, in Philadelphia). See Also 77.18.
77.10.46 Records of the Portland, OR, District
History: Established as a single district, 1871. Functioned as two divisions, 1884-87; three divisions, 1887-89; two districts, 1889-97; two divisions, 1897-1907; and two districts, 1907-26, 1935-38. Second Portland District redesignated Bonneville, OR, District, May 10, 1938.
Textual Records (in Seattle): General records, including letters sent, 1875-88; records of the First Portland District, including letters sent, 1907-26, and general correspondence, 1910-42; records of the Second Portland District, including letters sent, 1907-13, and correspondence, 1928-38; letters sent to OCE, 1888- 96; letters sent and received by individual engineer officers, 1884-1919; letters sent and received relating to rivers and harbors, 1871-1904, and defenses, including those on the Columbia River, 1863-1906; navigable waterways files, 1871-1964; letters sent and received concerning personnel, financial, and other administrative matters, 1875-1916; examinations and surveys, 1873-1906; monthly operations reports, 1907-13, 1918-20; reports on river and harbor projects, 1876-97; reports and logs of dredges and snagboats, 1890-1904; civil works project files, 1899-1968, 1971-75; civil works projects cost estimates, 1954-74; management improvement projects, 1972; agency history, 1974, and installation history files, 1980-84; mobilization planning files, 1969-70; topographical data files, 1910-54; organization planning files, 1947-69; publications record set, 1980-92; and various types of issuances, 1947-82. Records of the Bonneville, OR, Engineer Office, 1934-40; the Florence, OR, Engineer Office, 1899-1917; and engineer posts at Fort Canby, WA, 1904-21, Fort Columbia, WA, 1908-10, and Fort Stevens, OR, 1885-1921. Records of the Columbia River Board, meeting in New York, NY, 1902-3.
Maps and Charts: Point Adams Military Reservation, OR, 1874-85 (5 items). Surveys of Columbia River, Cascades Canal, and other rivers and bays in Oregon, 1862-1947 (32 items). Electric power plants and transmission lines for Pacific Northwest, 1934 (1 item). River flood plains in OR, WA, and ID, 1935-47 (77 items). Reservoirs in OR, WA, ID, and WY, 1939-47 (109 items). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans: Fort Stevens at Point Adams, OR, 1867-1908 (8 items). See Also 77.18.
Photographic Prints (in Seattle): Civil works projects, 1925-55, and views showing historical development of dams and other sites along the Columbia River, 1902-63 (32,000 images). See Also 77.22.
77.10.47 Records of the Providence, RI, District
History: Established 1920, consolidating functions and records of the New London, CT, and Newport, RI, Districts (See 77.10.34 and 77.10.36, respectively). Abolished, along with Boston, MA, District (See 77.10.5), effective October 1, 1946, by General Order 20, OCE, September 5, 1946, with functions transferred to New England Division (See 77.9.4), resulting in the division's exercising both administrative and operational responsibilities.
Textual Records (in Boston): Correspondence concerning river and harbor projects, 1907-24; forts and fortifications, 1907-22; Narragansett Bay coastal defenses, 1892-1902, 1907-19; electric power surveys, 1920-32; plants and property, 1922-34; and administrative matters ("Miscellaneous File"), 1914-22. Comprehensive reports and studies relating to Connecticut River electric power surveys and flood control projects, 1917-44. Industrial war plans file, 1923-25. Annual, monthly, and daily reports, 1906-37. Field survey notebooks and related records, 1870-1922. Completed questionnaires from a survey of commodity shipments and receipts in the Connecticut Valley, 1935-36.
Maps and Charts: Survey of Falmouth Harbor, MA, 1946 (1 item). Reservoirs in CT, MA, NH, and VT, 1939-46 (32 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.48 Records of the Puerto Rico District
History: Pursuant to the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1907 (34 Stat. 1110), appropriating funds for the improvement of San Juan, PR, harbor, engineering activities in San Juan were supervised, 1907-10, by Maj. Charles L. Potter, on detail in Tompkinsville, Staten Island, NY, with the Third Lighthouse District of the Lighthouse Board, an agency of the Department of Commerce and Labor. Supervision of San Juan works transferred to Col. Solomon W. Roessler, appointed, August 19, 1910, to head both the Second New York District and the Porto Rico (later, Puerto Rico) District, both districts headquartered in New York, NY. Puerto Rico District headquarters transferred to San Juan, PR, 1942. By General Order 46, Headquarters Antilles Department, July 3, 1946, Puerto Rico District redesignated Antilles District, with geographical territory expanded to include U.S. Virgin Islands and neighboring islands. Antilles District abolished, effective April 1, 1948, by General Order 2, OCE, February 18, 1948, with territory and corresponding functions transferred to Panama District, headquartered in Ancon, Canal Zone (See 77.10.43). By same general order, the former Antilles District headquarters office in San Juan was redesignated the San Juan Engineer Office and made a component of the Panama District.
Textual Records (in New York, except as noted): Letters sent, 1906-13. Records of engineer officers stationed in San Juan, PR, consisting of letters sent, 1899-1901, with a register, 1898-99; a register of letters received, 1898-99; and a storage facility ledger containing information, in Spanish, on incoming and outgoing construction materials, 1896-98. Civil works project files, 1899-1951 and (in Atlanta) 1908-49. Correspondence and other records concerning military works, 1941-50. Studies and reports, with related correspondence, dealing with harbors, rivers, building facilities, and flood control procedures, 1913- 49. Studies and reports, with related correspondence, concerning the harbors at St. Thomas and St. Croix, VI, and Ponce, PR, 1920- 47. Files containing geological, topographical, and hydrological data, 1909-53.
Photographic Prints: Military installations in PR and scenic views of San Juan, in albums, 1939 (TPR, 165 images). See Also 77.22.
77.10.49 Records of the Rock Island, IL, District
Textual Records (in Chicago): Records of the District Office, including letters sent relating to improvements of the upper Mississippi River, 1882-88, 1892-1918; miscellaneous letters sent, 1879-99, 1911-17, 1922-27; registers and summaries of letters received, 1881-1906; decimal correspondence, 1918-39; correspondence and reports concerning organization and planning, 1912-39, and personnel, 1920-39; monthly reports on the Des Moines Rapids improvement project, 1866-71; civil works project files, 1952-72; project operation and maintenance files, 1959-61; management improvement records, 1953-60; issuances, 1893-1939; records relating to the financial accounting of various upper Mississippi River projects, 1870-1934; records regarding contracts, 1889-1919, 1933-36; daily record of traffic under and over the Rock Island Bridge, 1872-1922; news clippings, 1868-79; formerly security-classified records, 1940-50; and correspondence of the Land Section of the General Engineering Division, 1937-42. Letters sent by Edward Hanson Connor, resident engineer in charge of construction of the bridge from Rock Island, IL, to Davenport, IA, 1896. Letters and reports sent by the Keokuk, IA, Engineer Office relating to Des Moines Rapids improvements, 1866-70.
Textual Records (in Kansas City): Letters received, 1878-96. Letters and reports received regarding the Rock Island Rapids, 1836-66. Annual and special reports, 1877-95. Annual summaries of commerce, 1885-91. Records relating to various types of work vessel, 1877-95. News clippings, 1884-96.
Maps and Charts: Compiled by the District Office, showing upper Mississippi River improvement surveys, 1857-1939 (428 items), lock and dam sites, 1931-38 (48 items), the results of a pool operation study, 1936 (64 items), and the flood plain, 1937-43 (276 items); a Galena River survey, 1913-40 (29 items); a Davenport, IA, harbor survey, 1946 (1 item); Coralville Reservoir on the Iowa River, 1949 (9 items); Des Moines River recreational area, 1987 (75 items); and the Illinois Waterway, 1987 (2 items). Upper Mississippi River improvement survey charts, compiled by the Dubuque, IA, Engineer Office, 1920 (2 items). Maps and charts compiled by the Keokuk, IA, Engineer Office, 1877-1932 (1,500 items), consisting of hydrographic surveys, dredging works, harbors, and levees of the Mississippi and Des Moines Rivers; Keokuk city plans; and miscellaneous maps. See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans: Compiled by the District Office, showing upper Mississippi River locks and dams, 1909-41 (107 items); Mississippi River bridges, 1911-21 (5 items); dredge boats, towboats, and quarterboats, 1909-39 (33 items); and Mississippi River locks and dams, May 1937 (1,875 items, in Chicago). Plans of dredge boats, quarterboats, locks, buoys, drydocks, cribs, booms, pumps, and electrical machinery used in surveys and dredging of the Mississippi and Des Moines Rivers, compiled by the Keokuk, IA, Engineer Office, 1877-1932 (3,000 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.50 Records of the Sacramento, CA, District
Textual Records (in San Francisco): Decimal correspondence, 1946- 56. Issuances, 1942-66. Civil works project files, 1938-72, and survey files, 1946-70. Military cost reports and final detail cost statements, 1954-57. Operating budget files, 1968-70. Records, 1942-50.
Maps: Sacramento and San Joaquin River basins water supply, flood control, and irrigation, 1939-45 (17 items). Humboldt River, NV, flood control, 1939 (1 item). Property boundaries of Farmington Reservoir, CA, 1952 (2 items). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans (in San Francisco): Plans, drawings, and cross-sections from civil works project files, 1934-71 (12,500 items). See Also 77.18.
Photographic Prints (in San Francisco): From civil works project files, 1938-55 (2,300 images). See Also 77.22.
Related Records: Additional records of the Sacramento District in records of the California Debris Commission Under 77.8.2.
77.10.51 Records of the St. Lawrence River District (Massena, NY)
Textual Records (in New York): Construction work project file, 1924-43. Financial reports, 1941. Records relating to the power transmission line project, consisting of studies, 1935-43, and civil works project files, 1942-45. Studies and reports, with related correspondence, 1924-44.
Architectural and Engineering Plans (in New York): Civil works plans, 1912-42 (100 items). Plans from construction files, 1924-43 (1,250 items). Plans relating to power and navigation facilities, 1924-44 (824 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.52 Records of the St. Louis, MO, District
Textual Records (in Kansas City): General correspondence, 1926- 40, 1946-58. Records relating mainly to the Mississippi River, consisting of letters received by the Rock Island, IL, Engineer Office concerning Maple Island, 1895; letters received, 1900-6; and correspondence, 1907-25. Civil works project files, 1918-75. Project files relating to Mississippi River flood protection works at Alton and Wood River, IL, and Cape Girardeau, MO, 1946- 63. Files containing topographical data, 1940-63, 1966; and hydrological and hydraulic data, 1842-1965. Project files relating to investigations, 1945-57. Cost sheets of levees, locks, dams, and similar works ("Feature Cost Sheets"), 1929-39. Miscellaneous financial records, 1928-38. Records concerning management improvement, 1953-63. Issues of Safety News, 1936-39. Records, 1925-50.
Maps and Charts: Middle Mississippi River surveys, including St. Louis Harbor, 1837-1908 (35 items). Mississippi River surveys completed by the Engineering Division, 1850-1940 (467 items). Maramec River, MO, 1840 (1 item). Recreational facilities, Lake Shelbyville, IL, 1988 (1 item). See Also 77.18.
Engineering Plans: Snag boat, 1872-93 (6 items). Crane plans, 1938 (92 items). See Also 77.18.
Photographic Prints (in Kansas City): Views from civil works project files, 1918-65 (98 images). See Also 77.22.
77.10.53 Records of the St. Paul, MN, District
Textual Records (in Kansas City, except as noted): Records of the District Office, including letters sent by individual engineer officers, 1878-1908; letters sent and received, 1889-1916; general correspondence ("Old Rock Island File"), 1907-19; correspondence relating to the Mississippi River in WI, and to reservoirs, 1911-33; a subject file, 1907-32; administrative correspondence, 1911-33; decimal correspondence, 1934-43; project files concerning construction of a Mississippi River channel from the mouth of the Missouri River to Minneapolis ("Nine Foot Channel Project"), 1931-43, and river and harbor improvements at Lake City and St. Paul, MN, 1935-37; correspondence and other records regarding improvements of the U.S. boatyard in Fountain City, WI, 1940-42; examination and survey files, 1907-46 (in Chicago); survey report files relating to various rivers, 1921-59 (in Chicago); Warroad River correspondence, 1901-06 (in Chicago); civil works project files, 1922-61 (in Chicago); project operation and maintenance files, 1932-59 (in Chicago); issuances, 1913-43; reports of operations at various sites, 1880-1914, with gaps; histories of various projects, 1933-38; field notebooks, 1866-1940; and news clippings, 1902-17. Records of the engineer office at Leech Lake Dam, Bena, MN, consisting of letters sent, 1883-85, 1901-16; and miscellaneous administrative records, 1900-31. Letters sent by the engineer office at Sandy Lake Dam, Libby, MN, 1891-1900.
Maps and Charts: Surveys of rivers and proposed dam and reservoir sites in MN and WI, 1866-1913 (320 items), several under the command of Maj. of Engineers F.U. Farquhar ("Farquhar Surveys"), covering upper Mississippi, Minnesota, and Crow Wing Rivers, Red River of the North, Leech Lake, and St. Anthony Falls, MN; and St. Croix, Chippewa, and Black Rivers, WI. Miscellaneous river, flood control, and reservoir surveys in MN and ND, 1931-51 (75 items). River and harbor works, 1933-39 (102 items, in Kansas City). Sandy Lake, Pine River, and Winnibigoshish Reservoir areas, MN, 1899-1905 (419 items, in Kansas City). See Also 77.18.
77.10.54 Records of the Salt Lake City, UT, District
Textual Records (in Denver): Records, 1942-50.
77.10.55 Records of the San Francisco, CA, District
Textual Records (in San Francisco): Records of the District Office, including letters sent, 1907-13, and correspondence, 1919-43, relating to fortifications; correspondence relating to land defense projects, 1907-12, 1914-17; decimal correspondence, 1927-53; correspondence concerning the steamer, General Alexander, 1906-15; general administrative files, 1907-37; issuances, 1957-71; civil works project files, 1925-73; records relating to fortifications on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay, 1853-86; journals of operations at the fort at Lime Point, CA, 1867-76; reports relating to fortifications, 1896-1902; reports sent and received regarding coastal defenses in the San Francisco area, 1907-19; special precipitation reports, 1897- 1946; records concerning storm studies, 1904-45; annual power survey report for Power District No. 12, 1941; ledgers containing a record of disbursements under various appropriations, 1906-28; organization planning files, 1966-71; management improvement files, 1952-53; and topographic field notebooks of the Hydrology Branch of the Engineering Division, 1936-45. Records of the engineer post at Fort Winfield Scott (formerly Fort Point), CA, consisting of letters and reports sent, 1858-64, 1904-7; letters and other documents received, 1896-1906; daily operations reports, 1854-64; employees' time rolls, 1853-64; a register of materials received, 1858-63; and accounts current and other financial records, 1855, of Lt. Col. (later, Gen.) Rene E. DeRussy, superintending engineer of defenses at the entrance of San Francisco Harbor. Decimal correspondence of the Honolulu Area Office, 1949-54.
Maps and Charts: Electric power survey, South Pacific and North Pacific Zones, 1932-33 (12 items). Harbor surveys, Halfmoon Bay and Noyo River, CA, 1946-47 (3 items). Beach surveys, CA, 1958 (28 items). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans (in San Francisco): From civil works project files, 1953-70 (2,500 items). See Also 77.18.
Photographic Prints: Construction work at The Presidio and Forts Mason, Winfield Scott, and Baker, CA, 1911-16 (150 images, SFA). Miscellaneous civil works, including harbor projects, 1913-46 (1,200 images, in San Francisco). See Also 77.22.
Related Records: Records of the Honolulu District Under 77.10.20.
77.10.56 Records of the Savannah, GA, District
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Civil works project files, 1910-70, 1972, 1975. Military works project files, 1952-59, 1962-71. Correspondence and other records relating to navigable waterways, 1927-71, with gaps. Examination and survey reports, with related correspondence, 1934-52. Records concerning conservation of natural resources, 1950-65, 1968, including records relating to reservoir fisheries at Hartwell, GA, and at Clarks Hill Lake on the Savannah River. Issuances, 1933-72. Reports on conferences and committee meetings, 1946-50. Operating program progress reports, 1954-72. Records concerning five-year programs, 1958-72. Organization planning files, 1953-72. Orders, 1966-71, 1975. Publications record set, 1954-66.
Maps and Charts: River and harbor surveys in FL and GA, 1886-1939 (17 items). Savannah River flood plain, 1942 (40 items). Local flood protection in Rome, GA, 1892 (22 items). Reservoirs, 1939-53 (140 items). Shade and perspective studies, 1878 (25 items). Maps from civil works project files, dealing with construction of Hartwell Dam, GA, 1959-63 (10 items, in Atlanta). Tybee Island and other projects (54 items, in Atlanta). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans: Military construction project files and drawings, 1962-63 (25 items). Military posts and coastal defenses, 1863-96 (18 items). Bridges, 1889-90 (26 items). Dry dock in Savannah, GA, 1890 (5 items). Snagboat and steamer boat plans, 1890 (6 items). Plans from civil works project files, 1927-70 (54 items, in Atlanta), and from military works project files, 1962-63 (25 items, in Atlanta). See Also 77.18.
Photographs (in Atlanta): District engineer activities promoting conservation of natural resources, 1950-65 (100 images). See Also 77.22.
77.10.57 Records of the Seattle, WA, District
Textual Records (in Seattle): Letters received concerning bridges and obstructions, 1895-1907. Letters and reports received concerning particular river and harbor improvements, 1892-1940. Correspondence relating to dredges, snagboats, and other floating plant, 1907-40. Correspondence, a subject file, and other records concerning forts and harbor defenses, 1896-1945. Records concerning civil works, including correspondence, 1908-58; operations and maintenance files, 1949-52; project reports, 1936- 50; projects and small projects files, 1967-72; and case files, 1967-72. Various reports and studies files, 1910-72. Survey report files, 1910-72. Issuances, 1955-71. Organization planning files, 1943- 56, 1966-69. Management improvement files, 1959-63. Operating program files, 1958-68, and progress reports, 1966-70. Publications record set, 1971. Historical documents, 1891-1922.
Maps and Charts: Military posts and reservations, 1862-1909 (13 items). Survey of Grays Harbor, WA, 1947 (2 items). Washington State environmental atlas, 1975 (24 items). Map of waterway connecting Puget Sound with Lakes Union and Washington, 1895 (1 item, in Seattle). See Also 77.18.
Motion Pictures: Military construction activities in Juneau and Whittier, AK, and on the Aleutian Islands, 1940-44 (12 reels). See Also 77.19.
Photographs (in Seattle): Civil works projects, 1900-52 (40,000 images). See Also 77.22.
77.10.58 Records of the Sioux City, IA, District
Textual Records (in Kansas City): Subject correspondence, 1884- 1906 (bulk 1903-6).
Photographic Prints (in Kansas City): Civil works, n.d.(3 images). See Also 77.22.
77.10.59 Records of the Syracuse, NY, District
Textual Records (in New York): Project files relating to flood control works in southern NY and eastern PA, 1935-44, 1946-52. Records, 1942.
Architectural and Engineering Plans (in New York): Southern NY flood control project, 1943-49 (3,776 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.60 Records of the Tullahoma, TN, District
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Issuances, 1953-57. Organization planning files, 1955-56. Organization charts, 1950. Historical records, 1949-53. Construction project files, 1949-50. Publications records set, 1949-50, 1953-57.
77.10.61 Records of the Tulsa, OK, District
Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Decimal correspondence, 1940-56. Civil works project files, 1939-71, and project administration files, 1937-64. Issuances, 1953-66. Correspondence, reports, and other records relating to storms and floods, 1951-53. Flood control project file ("Hydraulic Design Files"), 1939-69. Notes on waterway measurement activities ("Discharge Measurements Notes"), 1938-58. Stream gauge observation reports, 1926-45. Files containing topographical data, 1908-55; hydraulic data, 1946-57; and economic data, 1934-60. Records relating to real estate acquisition, 1941-42. Photostatic copies of surveyors' field notes, 1859-1908, made under direction of the General Land Office of the Department of the Interior. Records, 1940-49, relating to the relocation of family and village cemeteries (ca. 1850-1935). Organization planning files, 1951-62. Records, 1937- 53.
Maps: Neosho and Spring River basins, 1944-45 (2 items). Local flood protection in Carthage and Monett, MO, 1945 (1 item). See Also 77.18.
Aerial Photographic Prints: Selected locations in OK, KS, TX, CO, and MO, 1936-56 (15,000 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.62 Records of the Vicksburg, MS, District
History: Functioned as an engineer station, ca. 1873-78. Designated Vicksburg Engineer Office, ca. 1878. Performed all river and harbor works within the jurisdiction that were not under the purview of the Third Mississippi River District (See 77.7.3), an administrative entity of the Mississippi River Commission (MRC). By General Order 1, OCE, February 15, 1908, Vicksburg Engineer Office redesignated Vicksburg District Office and assigned to newly established Western Division, headquartered in St. Louis, MO (See 77.9.13). Pursuant to an Engineer Department reorganization effected by General Order 15, OCE, October 7, 1929, Vicksburg District transferred to newly established Lower Mississippi Valley Division, which had assumed general supervision of MRC-planned projects (See 77.7.2). Vicksburg District, in turn, assumed administrative and operational functions formerly exercised by abolished Third Mississippi River District of MRC.
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Letters sent and received, 1870- 1914, relating to improvements of rivers in AR, LA, and MS. Correspondence concerning structural permits, 1909-33. Civil works project files, 1943-75. Operation and maintenance files, 1930-75. Project specifications, 1959-71. Records relating to the conservation of natural resources, 1912-58. Issuances, 1913-43. Monthly river operations reports, 1890-98. Report of the Board on Experimental Towboats for the Mississippi River and Its Tributaries, 1929. Journals of operations, 1892-1903. Survey report files, 1962-66. Field notes and notebooks, 1871-1924. Economic data, 1970-73. Organization planning files, 1944-48, 1951-53. Issuances, 1951-53. Records relating to budget estimates, 1914-42. Miscellaneous financial records, 1929-32. Records, 1943-50. Publications record set, 1951-53. Annual reports, 1910-67.
Maps and Charts: Lower Mississippi River surveys, 1940-52 (229 items). River flood plains, 1928-47 (38 items). Yazoo River basin, 1947 (2 items). Reservoirs, 1931-60 (131 items). Transportation map, 1932 (1 item). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans (in Atlanta): From civil works project files, 1963-67 (80 items); and from operation and maintenance files, 1930-72 (165 items). See Also 77.18.
Aerial Photographs (in Atlanta): From civil works project files, 1968 (410 items). See Also 77.18.
Aerial Photographic Negatives: Lower Mississippi River, 1929-38 (51,300 items). See Also 77.18.
Motion Pictures: Security-classified and unclassified motion picture films and videotapes, 1938-86 (63 reels).
Color Slides: Floods, 1973-75 (3,880 images).
77.10.63 Records of the Walla Walla, WA, District
Textual Records (in Seattle): Civil works project files, 1939-76, 1985. Investigation project files, 1934-76. Navigable waterways files, 1942-49. Comprehensive reports and studies, 1941-53. Issuances, 1953-68, 1971.
Maps: Navigation right-of-way files, 1976 (2,240 items). Recreational facilities at Dworshak Reservoir, ID, 1987 (1 item). See Also 77.18.
Aerial Photographs (in Seattle): Civil works projects, 1936-59 (26,250 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.64 Records of the Washington, DC, District
Textual Records: Records of the District Office, consisting of letters sent and received, 1891-1906; a subject file, 1907-42; civil works project files, 1907-42; records relating to permits, 1911-42; and a daily record of Potomac River levels at Fort Washington, MD, March-May 1842. Reports and investigations, 1924-42. Records of a Washington, DC, suboffice concerned with river and creek projects in MD, VA, and NC, consisting of letters sent relating to dredging operations at Breton Bay, MD, and Nomini Creek, VA, 1887-89. Engineering studies, 1920-45. Records relating to the Savage River Dam, MD, 1941-51.
Maps and Charts: Washington Channel in the Potomac River, 1932-40 (726 items). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans: Gun batteries and searchlights at Fort Washington, MD, 1890-1911 (121 items), and Fort Hunt, VA, 1902-19 (9 items). "As-built" construction plans of facilities at Andrews Air Force Base, MD, 1942-47 (36 items), Bolling Field, DC, 1941-42 (39 items), Fort Belvoir, VA, 1938-46 (10 items), Detrick Field (Frederick Airport), MD, 1941- 42 (3 items), the Quartermaster Depot at Front Royal, VA, 1942-43 (3 items), Savage River Dam, MD, 1949-50 (74 items), U.S. Soldiers Home, DC, 1942-48 (91 items), Washington National Airport, DC, 1932-42 (26 items), and other installations, ca. 1932-52 (1,029 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.65 Records of the Wheeling, WV, District
History: Established November 16, 1901, assuming responsibility for upper Ohio River civil works transferred from First Cincinnati District (See 77.10.10). Abolished June 30, 1922, with functions and records, along with those of Second Cincinnati, OH, District (See 77.10.11), transferred to newly established Huntington, WV, District (See 77.10.21).
Textual Records (in Philadelphia): Letters sent, 1912-13. Letters sent by the assistant engineer in Parkersburg, WV, 1909. Letters sent and received by the Catlettsburg, KY, Engineer Office, 1900- 3. Records of the Ohio River Board, 1911-12, consisting of letters sent and minutes.
77.10.66 Records of the Wilmington, NC, District
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Letters sent and received relating to river and harbor projects, 1884-1906; fortifications, 1892- 1905; and administrative matters, 1892-1906. Correspondence concerning examinations and surveys, 1907-38. Correspondence, studies, and other records relating mainly to water resource conservation, 1903-34. Engineering studies, 1907-43. Reports, 1893-97. Reports and property accounts concerning the Cape Fear River below Wilmington, 1891-1907. Military construction project files, 1948-52. Civil works operations and maintenance files, 1942-49. Field notebooks, 1903-34. Records relating to the conservation of natural resources, 1964. Organization planning files, 1954-60. Operating program planning files, 1960, and progress reports, 1959-60. Navigable waterways files, 1960. Issuances, 1953-62. Administrative records, 1907-43. Records, 1941-52. Publications record set, 1953-62.
Maps and Charts: Fort Caswell and Cape Fear River defenses, 1886-1920 (140 items). South Carolina coast and towns, 1856-1929 (17 items). Beaufort Inlet and Harbor, NC, 1899-1909 (7 items). Cape Fear River basin and reservoirs, 1930-31 (42 items). New Hope Reservoir, NC, 1964 (39 items). See Also 77.18.
Architectural and Engineering Plans: Fort Caswell and Cape Fear River defenses, 1898-1916 (467 items). Lighthouses of Charleston Harbor, SC, 1855-56 (44 items). Typical fortifications and architectural studies, 1832-64 (20 items). Attachments to army mimeographs, showing specific details relating to military posts throughout the United States, 1864- 1923 (469 items). See Also 77.18.
77.10.67 Records of overseas districts
Textual Records: Records of the Manila, PHL, Engineer District, 1944-50. Records of the Okinawa, JPN, Engineer District, 1946-57.
77.10.68 Other records of districts
Photographic Prints: Views of civil works and natural disasters, arranged by name of waterway, 1900-46 (RH, ca. 70,000 images). Construction activities in various engineer districts, in albums, 1934-41 (CP, 900 images). Views, arranged by district office, of river and harbor improvement works ("District Navigation Projects"), 1900-48 (DP, 1,500 images). See Also 77.22.
77.11 Records of Manhattan Project (MP) Organizations
1940-61 (bulk 1942-46)
History: Manhattan Engineer District (MED) established, effective August 16, 1942, by General Order 33, OCE, August 13, 1942, as a district without territorial limit and with the announced mission of executing special projects as assigned by Chief of Engineers. Unannounced, sole mission of MED was to develop and test an atomic bomb. By a memorandum of the Commanding General, Services of Supply, to the Chief of Engineers, September 17, 1942, Col. Leslie R. Groves, Jr., at the time serving as Deputy Chief of Construction, OCE, was relieved of that assignment and placed in charge of the project, which acquired the name Manhattan Project (MP) from location of MED headquarters in New York, NY. Groves assumed command of MP, September 27, 1942, following his temporary promotion to rank of brigadier general. Gen. Groves, stationed in Washington, DC, exercised general supervision of MP with support of a small staff. Day-to-day administration exercised by MED staff, under command of Col. (later, Brig. Gen.) James C. Marshall, August 1942-August 1943, and Col. (later, Maj. Gen.) Kenneth D. Nichols, August 1943-December 1946. MED headquarters located in New York, NY, August 1942-August 1943, and in Oak Ridge, TN, August 1943-December 1946. Atomic bomb successfully tested in Alamogordo, NM, July 16, 1945; dropped on Japanese cities of Hiroshima, August 6, 1945, and Nagasaki, August 9, 1945.
MP organizations abolished by EO 9816, December 31, 1946, issued pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 (60 Stat. 755), August 1, 1946, which established the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), a civilian agency, as the sole agency responsible for development and use of atomic energy, and which ordered MP personnel and property transferred to AEC. By a joint letter of the Secretaries of War and the Navy, January 29, 1947, the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (AFSWP) was established, effective December 31, 1946, with responsibility for discharging all military functions relating to atomic energy, in coordination with AEC. Gen. Groves appointed AFSWP chief, February 28, 1947. MED, its property and facilities having been transferred to AEC, effective December 31, 1946, and its personnel reassigned either to AEC or to another army organization, was officially abolished, effective August 15, 1947, by General Order 14, OCE, August 8, 1947.
77.11.1 Records of the Office of the Commanding General,
Manhattan Project
Textual Records: Top secret and formerly top secret correspondence of the Commanding General, 1942-46, with security- classified microfilm copy of index (1 roll). Top secret and formerly security-classified decimal correspondence, 1942-48, including some AFSWP correspondence, 1947-48. Correspondence, messages, and reports of the Foreign Intelligence Section of the Special Liaison Branch, 1944-46, with security-classified microfilm copy of index (1 roll). Reports on the effects of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, 1945-46. Correspondence and other records relating to atomic bomb delivery preparations on Tinian Island of the Mariana Islands ("Tinian Files"), April- December 1945. Correspondence and other records relating to atomic tests conducted on Bikini Atoll ("Operation Crossroads Files"), 1945-46. Fiscal and audit records, 1943-48. Correspondence concerning investigations of individual MP employees, 1943-47. Top secret and formerly security-classified commingled official files, with index, of George L. Harrison and Harvey H. Bundy, special assistants to the Secretary of War ("Harrison-Bundy Files"), 1942-46, acquired by Gen. Groves, dealing with the army's role in atomic energy research and development. Copies of MED issuances, 1944-46. Completed questionnaires of individuals employed in MED field offices, detailing their contributions to the project, July 1945. Unclassified version of a security-classified manuscript history of MP ("Manhattan District History," 1942-46), compiled 1947-49, consisting of a paper original and a microfilm copy (10 rolls, of which 4 have been declassified), with supporting materials. Formerly security-classified manuscript, "Diplomatic History of the Manhattan Project," (1942-46), with annexes, compiled by the MP staff, 1947. Formerly security-classified typescript diary, February 1, 1943-December 31, 1945, of Col. Franklin T. Matthias, commander of the Hanford Engineer Works, Richland, WA.
Microfilm Publications: M1108, M1109.
Motion Pictures: Preparations for, and first test (July 16, 1945) of, an atomic bomb (Project Trinity), at Alamogordo, NM, 1945 (5 reels). See Also 77.19.
Note: One reel is security-classified.
Sound Recordings (in Washington Area): Radio broadcast ("Atomic Forum"), July 23, 1946 (3 items).
Photographs: Views of atomic bomb damage to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1945, used to illustrate "Manhattan District History" (MDH, 44 images). See Also 77.22.
Photographic Prints: Formerly security-classified black and white photographs documenting the loading of the first two atomic bombs on Tinian Island, 1945 (ca. 170 images). Aerial and ground views of Hiroshima, 1945, comprising two volumes of a three-volume unpublished report entitled, "Report by Major Noland Varley, Manhattan District Corps of Engineers, on the Physical Damage, Hiroshima, Japan" (VH, 210 images). See Also 77.22.
Photographic Prints and Negatives: Atomic bomb detonation over, and subsequent damage to, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1945 (AEC, 79 images). See Also 77.22.
Lantern Slides (in Washington Area): Views of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, showing extent of atomic bomb damage, ca. 1945-46 (37 images). Security-classified atomic theory and production flow diagrams, photographs of maps, views of various MP installations, and views of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, ca. 1942-46 (417 images). See Also 77.22.
Related Records: Papers of Lt. Gen. Leslie R. Groves, Jr., 1906- 70, in National Archives collection of donated materials.
77.11.2 Records of field offices of the Office of the Commanding
General, Manhattan Project
Textual Records: Subject files of the London, England, office ("Foreign Intelligence Files"), 1944-47. Records of the Santa Fe, NM, Engineer Office, and its successor under the AEC, the Office of Santa Fe Directed Operations, consisting of decimal correspondence relating to the Los Alamos Laboratory, 1942-48.
77.11.3 Records of the Manhattan Engineer District Headquarters
Textual Records: Security-classified and formerly security- classified records relating to production techniques, 1942-46. Security-classified and formerly security-classified contract case files, 1940-61 (bulk 1940-47).
Related Records: Main body of MED records in RG 326, Records of the Atomic Energy Commission. Additional MED records and records of the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project in RG 374, Records of the Defense Nuclear Agency. Records of the Section S-1 Executive Committee and its predecessors in RG 227, Records of the Office of Scientific Research and Development. Photographs of facilities and community life in Oak Ridge, TN, in RG 434, Records of the Department of Energy.
77.11.4 Records of Manhattan Engineer District field offices
Textual Records: Records of the Madison Square Area Office, New York, NY, 1942-47, consisting of a reading file; formerly security-classified correspondence; and miscellaneous records, some relating to the preparation of a MP history. General correspondence of the Boston (MA) Area Office, 1942-46 (in Boston). Records of the Richland (WA) Branch Office concerning Japanese balloon bombs, 1944-45 (in Seattle).
77.12 Records of the Army Map Service and its Successors, the
U.S. Army Topographic Command and the U.S. Army Topographic
1895-1972 (bulk 1918-72)
History: The Army Map Service (AMS) and its successors were under the jurisdiction of the Corps of Engineers from 1942 to 1972. For a history of the AMS, its predecessors, and its successors, See RG 456, Records of the Defense Mapping Agency, Under 456.2.
77.12.1 Records of the Engineer Reproduction Plant (ERP) and its
predecessor, the Central Map Reproduction Plant
Maps and Charts: Published maps arranged by ERP number, 1918-42, (later editions of which were frequently published as AMS maps beginning in 1942; See 77.12.3), including military reservation terrain and sectional maps; sheets of the Strategic Map of the United States; U.S. railroad and highway systems maps; Corps of Engineers activities maps; maps showing army district and division boundaries; aviation "airstrip" charts; maps containing World War I battle lines in France; and maps relating to Mexico, Cuba, the Canal Zone, South America, Greenland, and Australia (800 items). See Also 77.18.
77.12.2 War Department Map Collection
Maps and Charts: Core collection ("WDMC," formerly General Staff Map Collection), ca. 1895-1942 (4,500 items), consisting of manuscript and annotated maps, either compiled by army units or by military intelligence attaches and observers to accompany their reports, that are arranged by country, including plans of U.S. military reservations; maps of the United States showing army installations and territorial commands; maps of Latin American countries showing railroads and air routes; maps showing areas of labor unrest and communist activity in the 1920's in the United States and Eastern Europe; and maps used in the Spanish-American War in Cuba and the Philippine Islands, the Philippine Pacification, the Russo-Japanese War in China, World War I in France, the Mexican civil war, the Russian civil war, and other military engagements. Maps published under the WDMC imprint, 1939-41 (10 items), several of which are surveys of Latin American countries and islands. Progressive Military Map of the United States ("PMM"), 1909-48 (4,000 items), consisting of sectional topographic map quadrangles at various scales designed to cover progressively the entire United States, but unfinished, covering areas near military reservations, boundaries with Canada and Mexico, the Mississippi River, and other areas of military interest. See Also 77.18.
77.12.3 General records of the AMS and its successors
Textual Records: Manuals, bulletins, and other publications relating to mapping, 1942-48. Glossaries of mapping terms, 1943-46. Gazetteers of foreign place names, 1943-47. Records of the Divisions of Planning and Production, Geodesy, Map Analysis, and Cartography, and of other offices, relating to map planning, requirements, specifications, design, compilation, printing, and evaluation; geodesy; aerial photography and photogrammetry used in mapping; geographic intelligence; geographic names; procurement of source materials; field surveys in foreign countries; testing of materials to improve mapping and surveying techniques; liaison with U.S. and foreign mapping agencies; and cartographic conferences, 1942-71 (850 ft.).
Maps and Charts: Published record set of AMS maps, numbered according to a worldwide geographic scheme, 1942-72 (70,000 items), and including topographic sectional maps of most countries of the world at various scales, with related index maps; topographic maps, photomaps, and some aeronautical charts published for use by all army commands in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War; reprints of selected British and other foreign maps; maps of the United States, showing locations of army posts and activities, Corps of Engineers activities, and army district and division boundaries; and detailed sectional terrain maps of army forts and reservations. City plans in United States, published at time of urban riots, 1968 (150 items). Lunar and Mars maps, 1961-67 (24 items). Published and photographically processed maps and charts collected from various sources and arranged according to a worldwide geographic scheme ("Williams Number Map Collection"), ca. 1928-57 (5,941 items), including outline, topographic, and climatic maps and aeronautical charts; airfield plans; copies of foreign-made maps; World Wars I and II maps, including the Japanese Empire and air target charts of parts of Europe; and maps of U.S. Army posts in the Philippine Islands. See Also 77.18.
Related Records: Published record set of Defense Mapping Agency maps (1972- ), a continuation of the published record set of AMS maps, in RG 456, Records of the Defense Mapping Agency.
77.13 Records of Engineer Activities at Fort Belvoir, VA
77.13.1 Records of the Engineer Center and Fort Belvoir
History: Established at Fort Belvoir, VA, January, 1947, with jurisdiction over The Engineer School, The Engineer Board, and the Post of Fort Belvoir pursuant to OCE General Order 1, January 6, 1947, and confirmed by War Department General Order 53, June 11, 1947.
Textual Records: Correspondence and other records relating to the Belvoir estate, 1918-41; reports and other records relating to Camp A.A. Humphreys, 1918-40. Records of post headquarters, Fort Belvoir, including decimal files, 1942-45; general orders, 1941-46; diary, 1929-45, and administrative records, 1941-47.
77.13.2 Records of the Engineer School
History: Informally established under the Corps of Engineers at Fort Totten, NY, 1865. Formally recognized by the War Department on February 28, 1888. Formally established by War Department General Order 7 on February 10, 1921. Relocated to Washington Barracks, DC, October 1901; later to Camp A.A. Humphreys, VA June 18, 1919. Released from assignment to Office of the Chief of Engineers, 1955, and assigned to United States Continental Army Command.
Textual Records: General correspondence, 1907-17. Issuances, consisting of orders, 1906-18; general orders, 1921-39; and special orders, 1931-39. Decimal files, 1941-51; master lesson plans, 1949-50; annual reports, 1919-51; general correspondence, 1918-42; programs of instruction, 1945-53; memorandums, 1940-51. General records of the Engineer Officer Candidate School, 1951-54. Records of the Engineer Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Summer Camp, 1950. Other records, 1919-65.
77.13.3 Records of the Engineer Board
History: The Board on Engineer Equipment was established at Fort Humphreys in 1922; dissolved January 1933 with functions transferred to the Engineer Board pursuant to Army Regulation 100-30, "Corps of Engineers - Engineer Board." Research and development facilities of the Engineer Board were designated Engineer Research and Development Laboratories by War Department General Order 26, March 6, 1947. Engineer Board dissolved, October 20, 1947, by OCE letter ENGTY with functions and authority of the president of the board transferred to the Engineer Research and Development Laboratories. The Engineer Board was reconstituted on October 20, 1947, by authority of Army Regulation 400-5, War Department Memorandum 400-5-2, and OCE General Order 21. Inactivated June 1, 1951, by OCE General Order 12.
Textual Records: Research and development project records, 1929-47; records relating to searchlights, 1916-36; agendas and minutes of board meetings, 1948-51; and annual reports, 1923-42. Records of the Barrage Balloon Section including records relating to British balloons, 1941-46; blueprints and diagrams of German balloons, 1944; and research and development project records, 1940-46. Records of the Camouflage Section, 1941-43; research and development project records of the Desert Test Branch, Thermal, CA, 1942-44; general records of the A.P. Hill Military Reservation Field Station, 1942-46; project synopses of the Mountain Test Branch, Camp Hale, CO, 1943-44; and evaluation reports of the Foreign Material Branch, 1944-45.
77.13.4 Records of the Engineer Research and Development Laboratories
History: Established March 1, 1947, at Fort Belvoir, VA, pursuant to War Department General Order 26. All functions transferred from the Engineer Board to the Engineer Research and Development Laboratories, October 20, 1947, by OCE letter ENGTY. Released from assignment to OCE and transferred to the U.S. Army Materiel Command, August 1, 1962, pursuant to Department of the Army General Order 46.
Textual Records: Records of the main office, consisting of general files, 1924-53; and research and development case files, 1918-42. Research and development project records, 1945-53; decimal files, 1924-52; daily journals, 1946-51; memorandums, 1949-53; general reports, 1949-52; and weekly journals, 1952-53. Records of the Yuma, AZ, Test Branch, 1939-51, including research and development project records, 1943-49; semi-monthly engineering reports 1948-49; and decimal files, 1943-48. Records of the Electrical Engineering Branch, 1943-49. Test reports of the Arctic Research and Test Branch, 1943-49. Records of the Field Test Station, Fort Churchill, Manitoba, CAN, 1943-48.
77.13.5 Records of the Engineer Replacement Training Center
History: The Engineer Replacement Center was activated at Fort Belvoir, VA, March 25, 1941, pursuant to War Department letter AG 680.1 (10-25-41) M-C-M, October 25, 1940. Redesignated Engineer Replacement Training Center by War Department Circular 24, April 1, 1941. Redesignated as Army Service Forces Training Center and placed under the jurisdiction of the Headquarters, Military District of Washington by ASF Curcular 104, April 15, 1944. Released from assignment to MDW and placed under control of OCE, September 1, 1945, pursuant to War Department Circular 281. Redesignated the Engineer Training Center, Fort Belvoir, VA, by OCE letter ENGGY 323.3, June 11, 1946, and confirmed by War Department General Order 88, August 12, 1946.
Textual Records: Course outlines and lesson plans, 1943-47; histories, 1939-53; daily memorandums, 1943-46; training memorandums, 1944-53; and general orders, 1940-53. Records of the First, Second, and Third Engineer Training Groups, 1942-46.
Textual Records: Records of the post, 1912-51; the Engineer Board, 1916-51; the Engineer Replacement Training Center, 1940- 53; the Engineer Officer Candidate School, 1951-54; the Engineer Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) Summer Camp, 1933-50; the U.S. Army Hospital, 1948-51; and miscellaneous organizations, 1918-45.
77.14 Records of Research Facilities
77.14.1 Records of the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment
Station, Vicksburg, MS
History: Established 1929, under jurisdiction of the Mississippi River Commission. Effective August 10, 1949, by General Order 9, OCE, July 29, 1949, transferred to direct jurisdiction of the Chief of Engineers. Functions as a field operating agency of OCE under staff supervision of the Director of Research and Development.
Textual Records (in Atlanta): Correspondence, 1955-56. Infiltration project test data files, 1951-68. Civil works project files, 1966-73. Investigatory project files, 1953, 1964. Basic topographical data files, 1940-54. Hydrological and hydraulic data files, 1953. Geological and soil data files, 1951, 1953-54.
77.14.2 Records of the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and
Engineering Laboratory, Hanover, NH
History: Established by General Order 3, OCE, January 25, 1961, consolidating the Snow, Ice, and Permafrost Establishment and the Arctic Construction and Frost Effects Laboratory. Responsible for conducting experiments dealing with snow, ice, and frozen ground.
Motion Pictures: Research and development activities at Arctic sites, 1947-63, including Camps Century and Totu, located respectively at the edge of and underneath the Greenland Ice Cap (85 items). See Also 77.19.
77.15 Records of Purchase and Supply Offices
1917-23, 1946-50
77.15.1 Records of the Engineering Purchase Office, American
Expeditionary Forces (AEF)
Textual Records: Record cards to unlocated correspondence, 1917- 19. List of letters received, May 22, 1918-October 24, 1919. Extracts of cablegrams sent by General Headquarters, AEF, relating to engineer activities and personnel, 1917-19. Extracts of cablegrams sent by the War Department relating to engineer activities and personnel in France, 1918-19.
77.15.2 Records of other offices
Textual Records: Decimal correspondence of the Engineer Supply Office, Army Supply Base, Norfolk, VA, 1920-23 (in Philadelphia). Records of the Engineer Supply Control Office, Granite City, IL, 1946-50 (in Chicago).
77.16 Records of Depots
1917-19, 1941-67
77.16.1 Records of the General Engineer Depot, Washington, DC
Textual Records: General correspondence, 1917-19. Records relating to specifications for buildings and other types of construction, 1918-19. Register of purchase authorization requests and purchase orders received, 1918-19. List of principal articles shipped overseas, with estimated costs, December 31, 1918. Requirements Division register of orders and contracts, 1918-19.
Architectural and Engineering Plans: Blueprints of various types of depot shelter, 1918-19 (24 items). See Also 77.18.
77.16.2 Records of other depots
Textual Records: Records of the Marion, OH, Engineer Depot, 1944- 61 (in Chicago), including issuances; and organization planning, progress analysis, and historical files. Records of the Granite City, IL, Engineer Depot, 1949-67 (in Chicago), including organization and operations planning files, and progress reports. Administrative records of the Baton Rouge, LA, Engineer Depot, 1942-47, 1951-55 (in Fort Worth). Records of the Pasco, WA, Engineer Depot, 1950-54 (in Seattle), including memorandums, issuances, and organization planning files. Records of depots in San Bernardino, CA, 1942-50 (in Los Angeles); Casad, IN, 1948-55 (in Chicago); and Sharonville, OH, 1941-46 (in Chicago). Records (in Chicago) of depots in Chicago, IL, 1941-53; Decatur, IL, 1918-62; Savanna, IL, 1949-63; Columbus, OH, 1934-60; Port Clinton, OH, 1950-61; Lima, OH, 1951-54; Toledo, OH, 1943-63; Warren, OH, 1941-56; and Jeffersonville, IN, 1942-58.
77.17 Records of Other Engineer Organizations
Textual Records: Records of the Engineer Maintenance and Supply School, Granite City, IL, 1942-45 (in Chicago). Records of the Tooele (UT) Engineer Redistribution Center, 1944-47 (in Denver). Technical reports of the U.S. Army Facilities Engineering Support Agency relating to the Army Package Power Reactor at Fort Belvoir, VA, 1956-59. Technical reports of the Nuclear Cratering Group, located at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Livermore, CA, 1963-71 (in San Francisco). Records of the Engineer Amphibian Command, Camp Edwards, MA, 1942-43.
77.18 Textual Records (General)
Laboratory notebooks, reports, correspondence, contracts, and other scientific and technical records pertaining to atomic weapons research conducted for MED by the Johns Hopkins University, 1941-53.
77.19 Cartographic Records (General)
1820-1948, 1961
Maps and Charts: Published record set of maps issued by the Corps of Engineers, both individually and in atlases, 1820-1948 (2,000 items), including surveys west of the 100th Meridian under direction of Lt. George M. Wheeler ("Wheeler Atlas"); geological explorations of the 40th Parallel ("King Survey Atlas"); Civil War maps and atlases compiled primarily by Maj. Nathaniel Michler (1867); river and harbor surveys; and maps of the United States showing navigable waterways, railroad systems, and Corps of Engineers divisions and districts. Published lunar maps, 1961 (3 items).
See Maps and Charts Under 77.2.3, 77.2.5, 77.3.5, 77.6.4, 77.7.1, 77.8.1, 77.9.4, 77.9.12, 77.9.14, 77.10.4, 77.10.5, 77.10.6, 77.10.8, 77.10.9, 77.10.13, 77.10.18, 77.10.21, 77.10.22, 77.10.24, 77.10.26, 77.10.28, 77.10.30, 77.10.31, 77.10.33, 77.10.35, 77.10.37, 77.10.38, 77.10.41, 77.10.44, 77.10.45, 77.10.46, 77.10.47, 77.10.49, 77.10.52, 77.10.53, 77.10.55, 77.10.56, 77.10.57, 77.10.62, 77.10.64, 77.10.66, 77.12.1, 77.12.2, and 77.12.3.
See Maps Under 77.5.3, 77.6.6, 77.6.7, 77.9.9, 77.9.10, 77.9.16, 77.9.18, 77.10.1, 77.10.2, 77.10.10, 77.10.15, 77.10.19, 77.10.23, 77.10.25, 77.10.50, 77.10.61, and 77.10.63.
See Charts Under 77.5.1 and 77.10.14.
See Architectural and Engineering Plans Under 77.2.3, 77.2.5, 77.3.1, 77.9.4, 77.9.11, 77.9.14, 77.10.1, 77.10.4, 77.10.5, 77.10.6, 77.10.18, 77.10.22, 77.10.25, 77.10.26, 77.10.28, 77.10.31, 77.10.32, 77.10.33, 77.10.44, 77.10.45, 77.10.46, 77.10.49, 77.10.50, 77.10.51, 77.10.55, 77.10.56, 77.10.59, 77.10.62, 77.10.64, 77.10.66, and 77.16.1.
See Architectural Plans Under 77.10.8, 77.10.15, and 77.10.35.
See Engineering Plans Under 77.9.12, 77.10.2, 77.10.13, 77.10.37, and 77.10.52.
See Aerial Photographs Under 77.5.3, 77.9.16, 77.10.62, and 77.10.63.
See Aerial Photographic Prints Under 77.10.17, 77.10.22, and 77.10.61.
See Aerial Photographic Negatives Under 77.10.17, 77.10.23, and 77.10.62.
77.20 Motion Pictures (General)
See Under 77.10.57, 77.11.1, and 77.14.2.
77.21 Sound Recordings (General)
See Under 77.11.1.
77.22 Machine-Readable Records (General)
Results of a survey of domestic and international air and water transport of U.S. foreign trade, conducted by the Bureau of the Census under joint sponsorship of the Department of Transportation and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1970, with supporting documentation (1 data set).
77.23 Still Pictures (General)
Photographs: Engineer activities and equipment, 1918-41 (AQ, 450 images).
Photographic Prints: Boundary monuments and other views along the U.S. border with Mexico, in albums, 1892-94 (MB, OM; 551 images). Interior and exterior views of the White House, used in annual reports of the Chief of the Office of Public Buildings and Grounds to the Chief of Engineers, 1899-1900, 1903- 4, 1910 (WH, 34 images).
Panoramic Photographic Prints: President William Howard Taft in the company of naval officers and others, at an unidentified location, ca. 1908 (WT, 1 image). Views of and from travel lodges on Cape Cod, MA, and Tryon, NC, ca. 1920 (HT, 3 images).
Photographic Prints and Glass Negatives: General collection ("Activities File"), showing engineer civil and military functions; arms, equipment, and uniforms; training facilities; and participation in various military operations, (ca. 1830-1920), n.d. (A, AA through AL; 4,500 images). Miscellaneous views of shore batteries, power stations, portable electric lamps and blast meters, and gun emplacements, 1893-1906 (M, 46 images).
Lantern Slides: Miscellaneous subjects, mostly relating to engineer activities (1939-40), but also including German operations in the drive across Poland (September 1939), ca. 1939-40 (MLS, 88 images).
Lantern Slides and Contact Photographic Prints: Miscellaneous subjects, including portraits of Chiefs of Engineers and other prominent individuals (1783-1931), n.d. (CE, ca. 100 images).
Posters: Recruitment posters of the Engineer and Ordnance Departments, the Transportation Corps, and the Publication Department, 1918-20 (EP, 18 images).
See Photographs Under 77.5.3, 77.9.16, 77.10.26, 77.10.56, 77.10.57, and 77.11.1.
See Photographic Prints Under 77.2.3, 77.2.5, 77.2.8, 77.3.1, 77.7.1, 77.9.14, 77.10.9, 77.10.13, 77.10.18, 77.10.23, 77.10.25, 77.10.41, 77.10.46, 77.10.48, 77.10.50, 77.10.52, 77.10.55, 77.10.58, 77.10.67, and 77.11.1.
See Photographic Negatives Under 77.2.5.
See Photographic Prints and Negatives Under 77.9.4 and 77.11.1.
See Photographic Prints, Negatives, Drawings, and Blueprints Under 77.3.1.
See Photographic Prints and Glass Negatives Under 77.10.37.
See Photographic Prints, Glass Negatives, and Stereographic Glass Negatives Under 77.5.3.
See Photographic Prints, Stereographic Prints, and Stereographic Glass Negatives Under 77.5.2.
See Photographic Prints, Lithographs, Sketches, and Engravings Under 77.2.5.
See Glass Negatives Under 77.5.1 and 77.9.9.
See Stereographic Prints Under 77.5.2.
See Lantern Slides Under 77.3.5, 77.5.1, and 77.11.1.
Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.
This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.