Archives Library Information Center (ALIC)

Pathfinder for Women’s History Research

by Carol Faulkner, Compiler

This list is supplemented by an updated list of bibliographic resources available at Archives Library and Information Center created in 2001 entitled the Bibliography of Women’s Resources in ALIC.


The subdiscipline of women’s history began in the 1960s. Both the feminist movement and the new study of social history contributed to the development of women’s history. Because of these connections, women’s history generally expounds a certain political viewpoint and focuses on a specific type of history (social history is "history from below").

The women’s history collection in the library of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is small and concentrates on works that are relevant to NARA's record holdings. In fact, many of the works cite NARA record groups as sources (specifically the records of the Census Bureau, the Women’s Bureau, the Children’s Bureau, the Works Projects Administration, and the Freedman’s Bureau).

This pathfinder is organized into seven categories: Bibliographies, Reference Works/Biographical Sources, Journals, Collections of Primary Material, Monographs and Anthologies, Archival Research, and Guides to Archives. Monographs and Anthologies is further subdivided thematically. In my descriptions of the works, especially the monographs, I have tried to convey some of the major themes and problems in women’s history.


Haber, Barbara. Women in America: a guide to books, 1963-1975. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1978. xiii, 202 p.
Includes index. Organized topically with a brief introduction at the beginning of each chapter and abstracts for each book.
Z 7964 U49 H3

Harrison, Cynthia Ellen. Women in American history: a bibliography. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio, 1979. xi, 374 p.
Includes index. Primarily divided by time period with chapters on research and teaching, general, regional, and Canada. Contains books and journal articles with abstracts. Subject and author index.
Z 7962 H3

Huls, Mary Ellen. United States government documents on women, 1800-1990: a comprehensive bibliography. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1993. 2 v.
Two volumes. Volume I covers social issues and volume II covers labor. The author organized Volume I into thematic chapter headings (examples: Suffrage and Political Participation, Education of Women). Within each chapter, the documents are arranged chronologically and then by agency. Volume II is divided thematically and by type of work, including one chapter on the Women’s Bureau of the Department of Labor. There is a subject and personal author index at the end of each volume.
Z 7964 U49 H85

Reference Works/Biographical Sources

The biographical cyclopaedia of American women. New York, The Halvord Publishing Company, 1924-1928. 3 v.
CT 3260 B5

Notable American women: a biographical dictionary. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1971-1980. 4 v.
CT 3260 N57

Women in Congress. [Printed for the use of the Joint Committee on Arrangements for Commemoration of the Bicentennial]. Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1976. iii, 112 p.
Alphabetical. Contains biographical information on past and present female members of Congress.
HQ 1391 U5 W6

Women in Congress, 1917-1990, by the Office of the Historian, U.S. House of Representatives. Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1991. v, 266 p.
JK 1030 A2

Ireland, Norma Olin. Index to women of the world from ancient to modern times: biographies and portraits. Westwood, MA: F. W. Faxon Co, 1970. xxcviii, 573 p.
Organized by topic and then alphabetically. Topics include pioneers, religion, literature, science.
Z 7963 B6 I73


The National Archives Library subscribes to a number of American history journals, including Journal of American History, American Historical Review, William and Mary Quarterly, Labor History, Journal of Social History, Journal of American Ethnic History, Journal of Negro History, and Journal of Interdisciplinary History. There are guides to periodical literature available in print, including The Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature and the Humanities Index. A librarian can also help you search for articles on the online databases. The Article1st and HumanitiesIn databases on OCLC’s FirstSearch are the most helpful. However, the Article1st database begins in January 1990 and the HumanitiesIn begins in January 1984 (the printed indexes should be used for older articles).

Daedalus: The Woman in America. Cambridge, MA: American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1964. 579-808 p.
Early, primarily theoretical, articles on women. Topics include working women, sexual equality, and the changing status of women in America as well as articles on Jane Addams and Eleanor Roosevelt.
HQ 1420 D2

Collections of Primary Documents

The right to vote. Washington: National Archives, 1987. 26, [1] p.
Introduction by Nancy E. Allyn. Covers both black and woman suffrage. Reproductions of documents from the General Records of the United States Government (RG 11).
KF 4891 R54

Women in industry World War II. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. 1991. 48 p.
Produced by the Education Branch, Office of Public Programs, National Archives and Records Administration in cooperation with American Historical Association, Community College Humanities Association, Organization of American Historians. Photographs, letters, and government publications relating to women’s work during World War II.
D 810 W7 W6

Ladd-Taylor, Molly. Raising a baby the government way: mothers’ letters to the Children’s Bureau, 1915-1932. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1986. x, 212 p.
Introduction includes a brief history of the Children’s Bureau and its influence on childbearing and childrearing practices and child- related legislation in the first half of the 20th century, as well as a discussion of the transformation of the Bureau’s personnel from mothers and reformers to doctors and other professionals. The body of the book contains letters found by the author in the Children’s Bureau records at NARA (file numbers and record groups are located in the appendix).
HQ 769 R3

Monographs and Anthologies


Evans, Sara M. Born for liberty: a history of women in America. New York: Free Press Collier Macmillan, 1989. xii, 386 p.
Broad overview of the history of American women from early America to the 1980s. More focus on Native-American, African-American, and immigrant women (excluding Asian immigrants) than other overviews.
HQ 1410 E83

Flexner, Eleanor. Century of struggle: the woman’s rights movement in the United States. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1959. xiii, 405 p.
Early overview of American women’s history from the colonists to suffrage, focusing primarily on the fight for suffrage. Contains extensive biographical information on famous women.
HQ 1410 F6

O’Neill, William. Everyone was brave: a history of feminism in America. New York: Quadrangle/The New York Times Book Co., c1969, 1971. xi, 379 p.
Covers the history of American women from the 19th century woman’s rights movement to the mid-20th century. An early work in the history of women, but important for the historiography. O’Neill considers his work an inquiry into the failure of feminism.
HQ 1410 O6

Ruiz, Vicki L. and Ellen Carol Dubois. Unequal sisters: a multicultural reader in U.S. women’s history. 2nd Edition. New York: Routledge, 1994. xvi, 620 p.
A collection of articles focusing on American-Indian, working-class, African-American, and Asian- American women in a variety of time periods.
HQ 1410 U54 1994

African-American Women

The black women in the Middle West Project: a comprehensive resource guide. Indianapolis: National Endowment for the Humanities, Division of General Programs, 1986. xi, 288 p.
Includes indexes, historical essays, oral histories, biographical profiles, and document collections.
E 185.86 B53

Genovese, Eugene D. Roll, Jordan, roll: the world the slaves made. New York: Pantheon, 1972. xxii, 823 p.
E 443 G4

Giddings, Paula. When and where I enter: the impact of black women on race and sex in America. New York: William Morrow, 1984. 408 p.
Thorough overview of African-American women’s history. Covers slavery, the club women’s movement, anti-lynching, the northern migration, work, and other issues.
E 185.86 G49 1984

Family and Children

Degler, Carl N. At odds: women and the family in America from the Revolution to the present. New York: Oxford University Press, 1980. xiv, 527 p.
Discusses the interrelationship of the history of the family and the history of women. Title based on the fact that the equality of women and the institution of the family have long been "at odds." Primarily the history of the white middle-class family but includes some information on black and immigrant families.
HQ 1418 D4

Kennedy, David M. Birth control in America: the career of Margaret Sanger. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1970. xi, 320 p.
A biography and a history of the birth control movement of the early 20th century. In Women in America: a guide to books, Barbara Haber criticizes Kennedy for his limited analysis of Sanger’s life (he stops at 1940) and for being too critical of Sanger.
HQ 764 S3 K45

Leavitt, Judith Walzer. Brought to bed: childbearing in America, 1750 to 1950. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. ix, 284 p.
Includes index. Traces the changes in birthing practices of doctors, midwives, and mothers. The author focuses on middle- and upper-class women. Includes chronology and glossary.
RG 518 U5 L4

Revolutionary Women

Kerber, Linda K. Women of the republic: intellect and ideology in Revolutionary America. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1980. xiv, 304 p.
Kerber argues that women created a new social role for themselves in the early republic: the "Republican Mother," a woman excluded from the political process but with a crucial role in the new republic, raising republican sons. Kerber discusses aspects of republican motherhood, in addition to marriage, divorce, reading, and education.
HQ 1418 K47

Laska, Vera. "Remember the ladies": outstanding women of the American Revolution. Boston: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Bicentennial Commission, 1976. 100 p.
Biographical sketches of Abigail Adams, Mercy Otis Warren, and Deborah Sampson Gannett.
E 276 L2

Nagel, Paul C. The Adams women: Abigail and Louisa Adams, their sisters and daughters. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. viii, 310 p.
Includes index. Biographical information on two prominent early American women and their families. Good for the historical context and status of women in society before and after the Revolution.
E 322.1 A38 N34


Catt, Carrie Chapman. Woman suffrage and politics: the inner story of the suffrage movement. New York: C. Scribner’s Sons, 1923. xii, 504 p.
JK 1896 C3

DuBois, Ellen Carol. Feminism and suffrage: the emergence of an independent women’s movement in America, 1848-1869. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1978. 220 p.
Includes index. Discusses women’s suffrage as a social movement (as opposed to a political movement) and as part of the history of feminism. Traces the transformation of the suffrage movement from its connection to the abolition movement before the Civil War to an independent movement after the war. Since its publication, Feminism and suffrage has provided an important framework for the history of suffrage within women's history.
HQ 1423 D8

Kraditor, Aileen S. The ideas of the woman suffrage movement, 1890-1920. New York: Columbia University Press, 1965. xii, 313 p.
Intellectual history of the women’s suffrage movement, focusing on the National American Women’s Suffrage Association and the Woman’s Party. Gives some history of the early suffrage movement and the transformation to more "conservative" leadership, the change in the types of women who joined the movement, and the shifting arguments for the enfranchisement of women. Chapters on religion, the home, immigration, race, labor, the South, and political parties.
JK 1896 K7

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. History of woman suffrage. New York: Fowler & Wells, 1881-1922. 6 v.
The history of women’s suffrage written by the suffragists themselves.
JK 1896 S8


Bordin, Ruth Birgitta Anderson. Frances Willard: a biography. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1986. xv, 294 p.
Biography of the founder of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU). Willard was also connected to the labor movement. Temperance was only one of the reform activities that Willard and the members of the WCTU engaged in.
HV 5232 W6 B6


Recent United States scholarship on the history of women. A report presented at the XV International Congress of Historical Sciences, Bucharest, Romania, 1980. Washington: American Historical Association, 1980. iv, 53, [3] p.
HQ 1181 U5 R42

Carroll, Berenice A., ed. Liberating women’s history: theoretical and critical essays. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1976. xiv, 434 p.
HQ 1121 L5

Chafe, William Henry. Women and equality: changing patterns in American culture. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977. xiii, 207 p.
A short study of the major themes in American women’s history through the mid-20th century. Begins with an overview of American women’s history then moves to a discussion of the relationship between sex, race, and the modern feminist movement (and feminist historians). Primarily a theoretical work but may be useful for problematic areas in the history of women.
HQ 1410 C4

Deutrich, Mabel E. and Virginia C. Purdy, eds. Clio was a woman: studies in the history of American women. National Archives Conference 16, 1976. Washington: Howard University, 1980. xviii, 352 p.
Conference papers. Contains a section on women’s history resources and a chapter on how to research in NARA. Divided by time period with sections on Edith Wilson and Eleanor Roosevelt. Appendix includes a list of the numbered bulletins of the Women's Bureau, 1919-1963.
HQ 1410 C6

Lerner, Gerda. Teaching women’s history. Washington: American Historical Association, 1981. iii, 88 p.
Discussion of the field and its history. Contains important conceptual ideas about studying women. Primarily focuses on teaching methods but is useful for themes and problems in women's history.
HQ 1181 U5 L4

Women and Labor

Abbott, Edith. Women in industry: a study in American economic history. New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1910. xxii, 408 p.
The author worked with Hull House and the Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy. She was chief of the Children’s Bureau from 1921-1934 and lobbied for the establishment of the Women’s Bureau of the Department of Labor. In this study, she focuses on the history of working women as well as contemporary employment in textiles, cigars, printing, and wages.
HD 6095 A6

Aron, Cindy Sondik. Ladies and gentlemen of the civil service: middle-class workers in Victorian America. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. viii, 234 p.
Describes the beginning of middle-class white collar work at the end of the nineteenth century and the entrance of growing numbers of women in this type of work. Based on materials in NARA, primarily job applications to the Department of the Interior and the Department of the Treasury.
JK 691 A7

Bird, Caroline. Enterprising women. New York: Norton, 1976. 256 p.
Focuses on women and economics from the Revolution to the 1970s. Each chapter covers the lives of one or more women including Eliza Pinckney, Abigail Adams, Catherine Beecher, Dorthea Dix, Clara Barton, Elizabeth Blackwell, and Eleanor Holmes Norton.
HQ 1410 B52

Blackwelder, Julia Kirk. Women of the Depression: caste and culture in San Antonio, 1929-1939. College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 1984. xviii, 279 p.
Includes index. Focuses on the lives of Anglo-, Mexican-, and African-American women during the Great Depression in San Antonio, Texas. Blackwelder uses the records of the Works Progress Administration (RG 69) and the records of the Women’s Bureau (RG 86).
HQ 1439 S2 B4

Boris, Eileen and Cynthia R. Daniels. Homework: historical and contemporary perspectives on paid labor at home. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1989. x, 299 p.
Collection of articles divided into five sections: historical perspectives, images of homework: a pictoral essay, the persistence of homework, the new clerical and professional homework, and the politics of homework. Some articles use NARA records, including the records of the Women’s Bureau (RG 86) and the Census Bureau (RG 29).
HD 2336 U5 H66

Greenwald, Maurine Weiner. Women, war, and work: the impact of World War I on women workers in the United States. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1980. xxvii, 309 p.
Includes index. Based on War Department, Signal Corps, Women’s Bureau, and Census Bureau records. During World War I black and white women moved into non-traditional jobs and the federal government became more involved in industry. Greenwald argues that the war reinforced the gendered organization of work and brought men and women workers into conflict. Focuses on the development of labor policy toward women workers, the daily experience of working women, and specific types of work.
HD 6095 G7

Harris, Barbara J. Beyond her sphere: women and the professions in American history. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1978. x, 212 p.
Includes index. Based on a series of lectures given at Pace University on the history of professional women in America. Topics include the heritage of European ideology, the cult of domesticity, nineteenth-century women’s activism, the suffrage movement, women after World War II, and feminism in the 1960s and 1970s.
HQ 1410 H3

Kessler-Harris, Alice. Out to work: a history of wage-earning women in the United States. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982. xvi, 400 p.
The history of women workers from colonial America to the present. Traces the transformation of women’s work from unpaid to wage labor. Important work in the historiography of women’s labor history because of its concentration on the importance of equality vs. difference.
HD 6095 K4

Murphy, Teresa Ann. Ten hours labor: religion, reform, and gender in early New England. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1992. xii, 231 p.
Murphy discusses the role of evangelical reform in the lives of working women and the early labor movement. She argues that working-class women, as well as middle-class women, had an interest in evangelical reform.
HD 8083 A11 M87 1992

Scharf, Lois. To work and to wed: female employment, feminism, and the Great Depression. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1980. xiii, 240 p.
Includes index. Women, the family, and labor in the 1930s. Focuses primarily on the movement of white middle-class women into the workforce, especially professional employment. In a chapter titled "The Forgotten Woman," there is some information on working class women and the New Deal.
HD 6095 S3

Sealander, Judith. As minority becomes majority: Federal reaction to the phenomenon of women in the work force, 1920-1963. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1983. xiii, 201 p.
Includes index. Begins with the founding of the Women’s Bureau in 1920 and focuses on the women who worked for the Bureau. Also discusses the connections of the Women's Bureau to progressive women reformers. Ends with the passage of the Equal Pay Act of 1963.
HD 6095 S4

Weber, Gustavus Adolphus. The women’s bureau: its history, activities, and organization. Service Monographs of the United States Government. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1923. x p., 1 l. 31 p.
General history published by the government. Helpful for basic facts to 1923.
HD 6095.2 W4

Weiner, Lynn Y. From working girl to working mother: the female labor force in the United States, 1820-1980. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina, 1985. xii, 187 p.
Includes index. Focuses on the effects of changing economic and social behavior on women workers and the ideological debate over women workers. Traces shift from single women workers in the nineteenth century to married women and mothers in the twentieth century. Uses records from the Census Bureau (RG 29).
HD 6095 W39

Women and Reform

Hewitt, Nancy A. Women’s activism and social change. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1984. 281 p.
An important work in the historiography of women’s history, Hewitt’s work discusses three different levels of women’s reform work in Rochester, New York in the antebellum period.
HQ 1439 R62 H48 1984

Lemons, J. Stanley. The woman citizen: social feminism in the 1920’s. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1973. xiii, 266 p.
Lemons argues that women are an important link in the survival of progressivism in the 1920s and 1930s. Progressivism in the 1920s manifested itself as social feminism, a term first coined by William O’Neill. Social feminists were women "who wanted to use their newly won citizenship to advance their reform efforts." Discusses the reform activities of these women in the 1920s and their conflict with "hardcore" feminists.
HQ 1426 L45

Women and Society

Women, the law, and the Constitution: major historical interpretations. New York: Garland, 1987. xiv, 527 p.
Collection of articles on women’s legal status from colonial times through the 1920s. Topics include suffrage, protective legislation, married women’s rights, the status of Dakota Indian women, and prostitution.
KF 478 A5 W6

Hartman, Mary S. and Lois W. Banner. Clio’s consciousness raised: new perspectives on the history of women. New York: Octagon Books, 1976. xii, 253 p.
Collection of articles on American and European women’s history. Topics include sexuality, health, family, religion, and women's work.
HQ 1121 C66

Vicinus, Martha. Suffer and be still: women in the Victorian Age. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1972. xv, 239 p.
Collection of articles focusing primarily on British women with some comparative discussion of American women. Topics include representation, sexuality, and work. Last chapter is a bibliography of sources for studying Victorian women.
HQ 1596 V5

Women and War

Anderson, Karen. Wartime women: sex roles, family relations, and the status of women during World War II. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1981. 198 p.
HQ 1420 A6

Campbell, D’Ann. Women at war with America: private lives in a patriotic era. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1984. xiv, 304 p.
Includes index. Campbell uses Census Bureau, Women’s Bureau, Army, and Office of War Information records to study the lives of women as workers, housewives, and volunteers during World War II.
HQ 1420 C3

Rupp, Leila J. Mobilizing women for war: German and American propaganda, 1939-1945. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1978. xii, 243 p.
Includes index.
D 810 W7 R8

Stephenson, Jill. Women in Nazi society. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1975. 223 p.
Originally presented as the author’s thesis, Edinburgh University. Includes index. Women in German society during the 1920s and 1930s. Focusing on suffrage, marriage, family life, employment, education, and professions.
HQ 1623 S7

Wiley, Bell Irvin. Confederate women. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1975. xiv, 204 p.
Uses the diaries of three southern women to demonstrate the changes in women’s lives and southern society caused by the Civil War.
E 467 W48

Women and the West

Faragher, John Mack, Women and men on the Overland Trail. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1979. xiii, 281 p.
Includes index. The experience of the families who emigrated to California and Oregon by wagon train from 1840-1870. Faragher uses diaries, journals and memoirs to analyze the emigration and the previous lifestyle of the midwestern farming families who migrated. He argues that the segregated work and social life of nineteenth-century married women continued on the Overland Trail.
HQ 553 F3

Luchetti, Cathy and Carol Olwell. Women of the west. St. George, UT: Antelope Island Press, 1982. 240 p.
Based on census material and the original accounts of western women. Primarily individual accounts but the introduction contains some general information about women in the west. Includes a section on "minority" women. Two pages of chronology and a bibliography in the back.
HQ 1438 W45 L8

Time-Life Books. The women. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1978. 240 p.
Text and illustrations present a portrait of the women who helped settle the West. Includes index.
HQ 1418 T55


Rossiter, Margaret W. Women scientists in America: struggles and strategies to 1940. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982. xviii, 439 p.
Includes index. Begins with the founding of women’s colleges in the nineteenth century, with some information about women and science before the nineteenth century. Argues that women scientists were deliberately "camouflaged" in the late nineteenth century with the professionalization of science. Chapter on government employment of women scientists. Includes bibliography.
Q 130 R8

Weber, Sandra. Women’s Rights National Historical Park, Seneca Falls, New York. Washington: United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1985. v, 178 p.
Special history study.
HQ 1438 N57 W43 or GovDoc I 29.2 W 84/2

Archival Research

A librarian can help you find these and other articles relating to archival research on women.

Adams, Margaret O. "Electronic records at the National Archives: resources for women studies." NWSA journal: a publication of the National Women’s Studies Association. 2: 2 (Spring 1990): 269-272.

Beattie, Diane L. "An archival user study: researchers in the field of women’s history." Archivaria (Canada). 29 (Winter 1989-90): 33-50.

Goggin, Jacqueline. "The indirect approach: a study of scholarly users of black and women’s organizational records in the Library of Congress Manuscript Division." Midwestern archivist. 19:2 (Summer 1987): 71-83.

Schultz, Jane E. "Archival research on women." Public history news. 12:3 (Spring 1992): 12.

Guides to Archives

American women and the U.S. Armed Forces: a guide to the records of military agencies in the National Archives relating to American women. Washington: National Archives and Records Administration, 1992. xii, 355 p.
U 21.75 S44 1992

Archival and manuscript resources for the study of women’s history: a beginning. Minneapolis: Social Welfare History Archives Center, University of Minnesota Libraries, 1972. 42 p.
From a meeting of the Organization of American Historians, April 1972. Organized by state and library or archive. Contains sections on West Coast and Southern archives.
Z 7965 A7 1972BR

Guide to the women’s history sources in the Oberlin College Archives. Oberlin, Ohio: Gertrude F. Jacob Archival Publications Fund, 1990. 119 p.
Oberlin was the first interracial and coeducational college. The collection contains the records of the university, college organizations, the Oberlin, Ohio community, the YWCA, and missionaries. Famous graduates include Lucy Stone, Antoinette Brown Blackwell, and Mary Church Terrell.
Z 7964 05 G85

Guide to women’s collections, Western Historical Manuscript Collection, State Historical Society of Missouri. Columbia, MO: Western Historical Manuscript Collection, 1989. iii, 78 p.
Contains primarily records of Missouri women and organizations. Includes: ERA papers 1972-1984, papers of Missouri Association of Colored Women's Clubs 1932-86, Missouri Equal Rights Amendment Coalition, Missouri WCTU, and the St. Louis YWCA 1905-1972.
Z 6611 W6 G8

A guide to women’s history resources in the East Carolina Manuscript Collection. Greenville, NC: East Carolina Manuscript Collection, J.Y. Joyner Library, East Carolina University, 1982. vi, 39 leaves
Includes index. Collections first listed alphabetically and then by type of material (manuscript, oral history, or microfilm).
Z 7964 N8 Y6 1982

Women and Texas history: an archival bibliography. Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 1990. ii, 150 p.
Organized by library and then alphabetically. Also includes a list of addresses and phone numbers for archives in Texas.
Z 7964 T4 W65 1990

Women religious history sources: a guide to repositories in the United States. New York: R.R. Bowker, 1983. xxvii, 329 p.
Includes index. Focuses on Catholic, Orthodox, Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist, and Mennonite religions. Divided into four main sections. The first part lists collections by state and religious organization. The second part is a bibliography, organized alphabetically by key words. The third section contains founding dates of organizations and the final section is a biographical register.
Z 7839 W6

Women’s collections: libraries, archives, and consciousness. New York: Haworth Press, 1986. xiv, 194 p.
Organized by collection and access. Includes Library of Congress, New York Public Library, Bethune Museum, Smith College, Schlesinger Library at Radcliffe, Texas Women’s University Library, and the University of Waterloo Library. Hildenbrand also includes references on minority women.
Z 688 W65 W6

Women’s history sources: a guide to archives and manuscript collections in the United States. New York: Bowker, 1979. 2 v.
Collections are listed alphabetically by state, city and collection. Also lists whether or not collection is open, has a guide, the number of items in the collection, the dates covered by the collection, type of material, and a brief description of the material. There is a name, subject, and geographic index.
Z7964 U49 W64

Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America. The Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America: Report.
Seven reports from the 1960s and 1970s. Some details of this very large collection.
Z 6611 W6 R3

Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America. The manuscript inventories and the catalogs of manuscripts, books and pictures, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1973. 10 v.
Ten volumes. Reproductions of the card catalogs.
Z 7965 A7

Cantrell, Andrea E. Manuscript resources for women’s studies. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Libraries, 1989. x, 37 p.
Special collections of the University of Arkansas Libraries. Includes index.
HQ 1438 A8 C36

Chmielewski, Wendy E. Guide to sources on women in the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Swarthmore, PA: W.E. Chmielewski, 1988. x, 118, [36] p.
Includes index. Organized into major document groups, minor collections, and materials from other countries. Major document groups are listed alphabetically and include the papers of Jane Addams and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.
HQ 1154 C47

Dryden, Jean E. Some sources for women’s history at the Provincial Archives of Alberta. Edmonton: Alberta Culture, Historical Resources Division, 1980. viii, 198 p.
Includes index. Organized into three sections: personal and family papers, organizations, and churches.
HQ 1453 D79 1988

General Federation of Women's Clubs. Guide to the Archives of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. Washington: The Federation, 1992. vii, 109 p.
The GFWC was founded in 1890. Collection includes records of the Board of Directors, the Presidents, general records of the organization, local clubs, and the founding documents.
Z 6611 W6 G45

Georgia Dept. of Archives and History. Women’s records, a preliminary guide. Atlanta, GA: Dept. of Archives and History, 1978. xiii, 70 p.
Includes index. Organized into three sections: individuals, families, and organizations.
Z 7964 U49 G46 1978

Harvard University. Library. A guide to Afro-American and African primary sources at Harvard University and Radcliffe College. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University and Radcliffe Library, 1992. viii, 227 leaves.
Enormous collection listed alphabetically with an index. Papers (many on microfilm) are included.
Z 6611 B63 H37 1992

Henry, Linda J. Guide to the records of the National Council of Negro Women, 1935-1978. Washington, D.C.: National Archives for Black Women’s History, 1980. 118 leaves.
Z 6611 B63 H4 1980

L’Esperance, Jeanne. The widening sphere: women in Canada, 1870-1940. Canada: Public Archives, National Library of Canada, 1982. 63 p.
English and French. Catalog of an exhibition held Sept. 27, 1982-Jan. 4, 1983. Organized alphabetically with index. Papers in the National Archives of Canada.
Z 7964 C36 L4

Library of Congress. Manuscript Division. The Blackwell Family, Carrie Chapman Catt, and the National American Woman Suffrage Association: a register of their papers in the Library of Congress, Revised Edition. Washington: Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, 1985. ix, 121 p.
Registers of papers in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress. Includes index.
LC 4.10 44

Medical College of Pennsylvania. Records of the American Women’s Hospitals, 1917-1982: an inventory to the American Women’s Hospitals records in the Archives and Special Collections on Women in Medicine at the Medical College of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA: The Archives, c1987. 51 leaves.
Z 6611 M5 M43 1987b

Medical College of Pennsylvania Archives and Special Collections on Women in Medicine. Guide to collections in the Archives and Special Collections on women in medicine at the Medical College of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Medical College of Pennsylvania, 1987. 69 leaves.
Includes index. Divided into records of the medical college since 1850, manuscripts of individual women physicians, organizations, hospitals, and additional holdings.
Z 6611 M5 M43 1987

Missouri Historical Society. In her own write: women’s history resources in the Library and Archives of the Missouri Historical Society. St. Louis: Missouri Historical Society, 1983. xi, 90 p.
Includes geographical, occupational, and alternative name indexes. This guide to resources is organized primarily by name. Collection includes letters from Susan B. Anthony, Alice Stone Blackwell, Carrie Chapman Catt, Kate Chopin, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Carrie A. Nation, Sacagawea, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lucy Stone.
Z 7961 I5

Mitterling, Doris. A guide to the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom papers. Boulder: Norlin Library, University of Colorado, Boulder, Western Historical Collections, 1982. vii, ; 88 p.
Includes index. Collection acquired from the organizations headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
JK 1965 W46 M57 1982

Morgan, Jennifer. Retrieving African-American women’s history: a methodological guide to sources in the Perkins Library Manuscript Department. Durham, NC: Duke University, 1989. 30 p.
Includes index. Organized by African- American perspective, Anglo-American perspective, organizational records, lists and ledgers, and images.
Z 6611 B63 M37

National Archives of Canada. Women’s archives guide: manuscript sources for the history of women. Ottawa, Ontario: National Archives of Canada, 1991. v, 110, 118 p.
English and French. Includes index. The papers in the National Archives of Canada, organized alphabetically.
Z 7964 C36 N37 1991

New York State Archives. Selected records in the State Archives relating to women: a descriptive list. Albany: Office of Cultural Education, New York State Education Dept., 1985. 41 p.
Organized by executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. Detailed.
Z 7964 N7 N49 1985

Radcliffe College. Henry A. Murray Research Center. A guide to the data resources of the Radcliffe Data Resource and Research Center, Radcliffe College. Cambridge, MA: The Center, 1979. 89 p.
Social science archive on women’s lives and social change.
Z 7961 R33 1979

Rutgers University Libraries Special Collections and Archives. A guide to the Women’s History Archives at Rutgers. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Libraries, 1990.
Especially good for New Jersey history. 42 p.
Z 7964 U5 R88 1990

Sophia Smith Collection. Catalog of the Sophia Smith Collection, Women’s History Archive, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts. Northampton, MA: Smith College, 1976. 78 p.
Detailed list of holdings. Very large collection.
Z 7965 S65 1976

Sophia Smith Collection. Catalogs of the Sophia Smith Collection. Women’s History Archive, Smith College, Northampton, MA. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1975. 7 v.
Seven volumes. Reproduction of the card catalogs.
Z 7965 S65

State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Women’s history: resources at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Madison: The Society, 1976. 29 p.
Includes index. Two sections: the library and archives and manuscripts. Written in prose, no detailed list of holdings.
Z 7961 A1 W57 1975

Stowe-Day Memorial Library. The papers of Harriet Beecher Stowe. Hartford, CT: Stowe-Day Foundation, 1977. 74 p.
A bibliography of the papers in the Stowe-Day Memorial Library. Contains chronology, alphabetical list of recipients, and correspondence.
Z 6616 S769 S7 1977

Thomas, Roy R. Women in American history, 1896-1920: their manuscripts in the Library of Congress. Bowie, MD: Bowie State College, 1972.
Organized alphabetically and by type of material.
Z 7963 H5 T6

Thompson, Catherine E. A selective guide to women-related records in the North Carolina State Archives. Raleigh, NC: Division of Archives and History, 1977. 77 p.
Includes index. Organized into the following categories: organizations, military collections, miscellaneous, photographs, private collections named for women, and iconographic records.
Z 764 U49 T48

Utah State Historical Society Library. Guide to the women’s history holdings at the Utah State Historical Society Library. Salt Lake City, UT: The Library, 1985. 75 p.
Listed alphabetically, the collection is primarily personal accounts and diaries of individuals. No index.
Z 7964 U5 U88 1985

Young Women’s Christian Association of the U.S.A. National Board. Inventory to the records files collection of the National Board of the Young Women’s Christian Associations. New York: Archives Data Center, National Board, YWCA, 1978. xv, 327 p.
Errata sheet included.
Z5814.R3 Y6 1978
