AC 05.2012
January 05, 2012
MEMORANDUM TO FEDERAL AGENCY CONTACTS: Designation of Senior Agency Official required by Presidential Memorandum - Managing Government Records
As a reminder, the Presidential Memorandum - Managing Government Records was issued on November 28, 2011. Under this Memorandum, agencies had 30 days to designate a senior agency official for records management. AC03.2012 further directed agencies to send this to the Archivist of the United States, David S. Ferriero, preferably by email to
Agency represented, name of senior official, position title, office address, e-mail address, and telephone number.
The deadline for the submission was December 28, 2011. Possibly because the designation was to occur at the height of the holiday season, some agencies have not yet responded. If your agency has not yet done so, please send this information to the above email address as soon as possible.
The designation of the senior agency official is the first step in your agency's opportunity to contribute to the Records Management Directive to be issued by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget and the Archivist this summer. Pursuant to the President's Memorandum, agencies, under the supervision of the senior agency official, have 120 days (i.e., until March 27, 2012) to submit reports to the Archivist and the Office of Management and Budget.
If your agency already has provided the name of a senior official, please accept our thanks. For additional information about the Presidential Memorandum and NARA's response, please continue to visit our Records Express blog (
Chief Records Officer for the
U.S. Government