Help the National Archives Recover Lost and Stolen Documents
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Archival Recovery Program (ARP):
- Searches for missing holdings.
- Works with individuals or entities contacting NARA about possible missing holdings.
- Helps determine if items belong in NARA’s holdings.
We need your help to ensure that United States government documents (federal, congressional, and presidential records) that have been lost or stolen are returned safely and securely to the National Archives, where they will be preserved, described, and made available to all citizens and scholars.
At times U.S. government documents, which record our shared national experience, are removed from our buildings. When such records are stolen, our shared history is lost and our ability to maintain accountability in our government is lessened. Removing government documents is illegal theft, prosecutable by law. The consequences for perpetrators of such theft can be significant.
Missing items on this website may not include all items missing from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) holdings. If you have questions or concerns please contact the Archival Recovery Program.