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Records Move of Federal Communications Commission (RG 173)

Effective July 1, 2024, the following series from Record Group 173 (RG 173), Records of the Federal Communications Commission will be temporarily closed to prepare for relocation to the National Archives at Kansas City. Similar records are already located in the Kansas City area. The relocation will facilitate more efficient archival research and public access to these records.

Records to be relocated are:

Series Title National Archives Identifier Cubic Footage
Docketed Case Files 302043 12363.089
General Correspondence 594483 24885.708
Correspondence of the Chairman 599840 23.22
Minutes of Meetings and Hearings 599939 692.619
General Records 600051 106.488
General Correspondence 600057 59.976
Correspondence Relating to Applications for Broadcast Station Licenses 600070 30.192
Indexes to General Records  600176 5.192
Broadcast Station License Files 607294 4827.792
Deleted Broadcast Station License Files 607386 423.261
Records Concerning Meetings 626083 2.244
General Records 626093 0.204
General Orders 626095 0.204
Decisions 626097 0.204
Full Commission Orders 626103 0.204
Annual Financial Reports of Broadcast Stations 6214652 228.072
Valuation Reports On The MacKay Companies 6217234 0.504
Meeting Minutes 7456496 0.151
Telephone Contract Relations History 7456497 0.252
Valuation Records 7456498 5.03
Administrative Forms 7456499 1.008
Inventory Records 7456500 0.504
Depreciation Records 7456501 4.488
Common Carriers Financial Reports 7456502 19.584
Records Relating To Public Attitudes Concerning Television Programming 7456503 0.43
Confidential Meeting Minutes 7456504 5.04
Inter-Office Information Memorandums 7456505 9.576
Inter-Office Memorandums 7456506 2.016
Administrative Histories 7456507 0.408
Special Investigation Case File Number One Relating to the Special Investigation of the Bell System 7456508 39.518
Exhibits, Comments and Reports of Special Investigation Case File Number One Relating to the Special Investigation of the Bell System 7456509 7.344
Annual Financial Reports of Network Broadcast Stations 7456510 4.08
Supplemental Financial Records 7456511 11.016
Financial Communications Reports 7456512 71.112
Administrative Records 7456513 1.632
Administrative Records of the Division Chief 7456514 12.024
Intercepted Radio Transmissions 7456515 7.344
British Security Co-Ordination and Canadian Radio Intercepts 7456516 1.824
General and Merger Accounting Files 7456517 1.224
Statistical Compilations 7456518 0.408
Selected Financial and Operating Data from Annual Reports 7456519 1.512
Administrative Telephone Plant Records 7456520 1.224
Cost Accounting Ledgers and Related Correspondence 7456521 3.264
Correspondence Relating to Physical Plant Acquisitions 7456522 3.672
Issuances 7456523 12.24
Subject Files Relating to the Survey of Radio Use in the United States 7456524 0.504
Inventory Reports On The Western Union Telegraph Company 7456525 14.892
Records Relating to Broadcast Station History 7456526 26.444
History Cards of Call Signs 7456527 5.428
Correspondence Index Relating To Applications For Broadcast Stations Licences 7456528 0.118
Corporate Correspondence Index 7456529 0.118
Student Index of Corporate Correspondence 7456530 0.118
Bell System Publicity and Advertising Records Relating to Telephone Usage 7456531 1.25
Records Relating To Wire Communication Facilities 7456532 0.236
Steam Ship Log Books 7456533 0.708
Radio Broadcast Transcripts 7456534 1.008
Semi-Annual Reports 7542901 1.077
Annual Financial Reports 7542902 8.616
Meeting Agendas and Minutes 7542904 6.462
Records Relating to Standard Broadcast Stations and Seagoing Vessels 7542906 1.077
Subject Files of Commissioner Michael Copps 7586310 3.231
Subject Files of Commissioner Meredith Baker 7586311 0.38
Subject Files of Commissioner Robert McDowell 7586312 0.38
Accounting Records Relating to the Western Union Telegraph Company 7906526 0.504
Accounting Records Relating to the Mackay Company 7906527 1.512
Annual Financial Reports 7906528 3.264
Annual Financial Reports 7906529 3.672
Annual Financial Reports 7906530 3.672
Annual Financial Reports 7906531 3.672
Annual Financial Reports 7906532 5.304
Annual Financial Reports 7906533 11.832
Annual Financial Reports 7906534 4.896
Annual Financial Reports 7906535 5.304
Annual Financial Reports 7906536 5.304
Annual Financial Reports 7906537 4.896
Annual Financial Reports 7906538 5.304
Annual Financial Reports 7906539 6.12
Annual Financial Reports 7906540 5.712
Statistical Circular No. 1 7906541 1.224
Statistical Circular No. 2 7906542 2.856
Statistical Circular No. 3 7906543 0.816
Records Relating to Clandestine Radio Stations 7906544 3.672
General Correspondence Name Files 7906545 2.016
Memorandum, Floor Plan, and Chart 7906546 0.504
Records Relating to Rules and Regulations 7906547 1.224
Sample Disposal Records 7906548 0.252
Annual Financial Reports 7969914 8.616
Broadcast Station License Files 7969915 852.984
Correspondence of Chairman Julius Genachowski 7969917 2.406
Correspondence of Chairman Kevin Martin 7969918 2.154
Correspondence of Chairman Reed Hundt 7969919 1.077
Subject Files of Chairman Julius Genachowski 7969920 1.077
Subject Files of Chairman Kevin Martin 7969921 2.154
Correspondence and Speeches of Commissioner Deborah Tate 7969922 2.154
Subject Files of Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein 7969923 2.154
Inactive Broadcasting License Ownership Reports 12192341 74.313
Annual Financial Reports 12618594 501.552
Records Relating to International Affairs 12661164 222.939
Telegraph, Telephone and Cable Company Regulations 16357105 4.308
Docketed Case Files 16357107 11.847
Finance Case Files 16357114 29.079
Valuation Case Files 16357123 4.308
Corporate Histories 16357150 0.353
Minutes of Meetings 16369055 205.707
Records Relating to Civil Defense Activities 16437290 5.385
Card Files Relating to Deleted Broadcast Station Licenses 16437758 8.45
Speech Files 16437862 7.539
Records Relating to Budget Matters 16437901 8.616
Correspondence Files of the Commissioner 16438091 10.77
Broadcasting License Ownership Reports 16438431 128.979
Management Survey Records 16439033 1.077
Investigative Case Files 16464261 10.77
Records Relating to Emergency Broadcasting 16464507 4.308
Correspondence Files Relating to Satellite Communications 16465515 1.077
Records Relating to Technical Matters 16467306 5.385
General Records Relating to Television Network Activities  16467529 32.31
Broadcast Memoranda 16476765 0.504
Correspondence, Questionnaires, and Program Logs Concerning the Broadcast Network Study 16477496 19.656
Questionnaires for the Political Broadcasting Survey 16480735 5.544
Correspondence and Reports Concerning the Political Broadcasting Survey 16481230 13.104
International Telecommunication Union Frequency Lists 16494033 11.592
Records of Frequency Allocations for Radio Receiving Stations 16495271 3.162
Radio Technical Planning Board Meeting Records 16495529 1.29
Radio Technical Planning Board Panels Final Reports 16495923 0.86
Records of the McFarland and Sadowski Congressional Committees 16506354 2.12
Interference Case Files 16506873 0.504
Records Relating to the Development of FM Multiplex (Stereo) Broadcast Stations 16519316 0.504
Records Relating to the Synchronous Booster Transmitter Operation of Broadcast Stations  16519521 0.504
Reports and Correspondence Relating to Field Measurement Data for FM and Television Stations 16519992 1.008
Records Relating to Compatible Single-Sideband Broadcast Transmission Experimental Stations 16520566 0.504
Records Relating to Experimental Subscription Television Stations 16520724 0.504
Records Relating to the Development of Educational Television 16520915 0.504
Records Relating to the History of Color Television 16521357 2.268
Records Relating to the History of the Development of Television 16521960 4.536
Reports Relating to Stratovision Flight Tests 16522369 0.504
Records Relating to the History of Theater Television 16522567 0.504
Records Relating to Closed Experimental and Developmental Broadcast Stations 16522745 1.512
Records Relating to the Development of CATV, Translators, and UHF Boosters 16522900 1.512
Correspondence Relating to Annual Financial Reports of Broadcasting Stations 16546411 3.024
Index to Financial Reports 16546949 1.65
Telephone Company Annual Report Forms 23063387 8.616
Docket Correspondence Transcript Files 26309521 49.542
Central Files of the Executive Director 26335482 8.616
Records Relating to Special Investigation Case File Number 1 29915699 2.154
Speech Files 55316845 2.154
Minutes of Meetings 74616562 134.625
Meeting Files 102260393 2.154
Meeting Files, Charters, and Reports 102260394 3.231
Broadcasting License Ownership Reports 301957883 44.157
Committee Records 316251427 9.693
Committee Records 316943403 0.204
Committee Records 316954395 0.816
Deleted Station Ownership Reports 318274421 63.951

Estimated Closure Date at the National Archives at College Park: July 1, 2024
Estimated Date Available to Researchers at the National Archives at Kansas City: October 15, 2024

Please keep in mind that the dates listed above are an estimate. If there is a significant change to this schedule we will post it in the consultation areas at the National Archives at College Park and the National Archives at Kansas City.

You can check the status of the records by contacting the National Archives at Kansas City in one of the following ways:



Send a letter to:
National Archives at Kansas City 
400 West Pershing Road
Kansas City, MO 64108

Please contact the National Archives at Kansas City at least two business days in advance.
