Military Records

Guided Research Topics for U.S. Navy Records

These topical pages provide introductions to researching different topics relating to the United States Navy. The information and advice provided for each topic will help you construct your research plan. These guides offer methods on how to utilize different record series or record collections. Within many of the guides, there are links to the National Archives Catalog that provide details on the related record series and any finding aids that are available. The categories of these topics include aspects of naval history, family history and needs for veterans.

How to use Archival Records from the National Archives for Navy History? Start by learning how to use the National Archives Catalog. Knowing how to use the National Archives Catalog can assist you on researching topics such as:

Naval Aviation History​

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Hydroplanes - Types - Miscellaneous Types - U.S.Hydroplane NC-4

Information for Veterans​

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U.S. Navy veterans of World War II, calling themselves "Tin Can Sailors", line up behind an identifying banner in front of the National Archives Building during the dedication ceremonies for the U.S. Navy Memorial

Ship’s History​

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Photograph of the USS Indianapolis (CA-35)

Naval Mysteries​

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Havana Harbor, Cuba, Wreck of U.S.S. Maine

Naval History Topics​

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An aerial view of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
