Townhouse Investigation
Folder Title List
Volume: 3.6 Feet
Go to the background on the Watergate Special Prosecution Force records.
Go to the introduction to the records of Special Prosecutors and Independent Counsels in NARA.
For questions about these records or copying information, please write to the Special Access and FOIA Staff at the National Archives at College Park, Room 5500, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, call at (301) 837-3190 or e-mail:
Box 1:
- Attorney File: Gleason (Canter) [43 pages]
- Attorney File: Dent (Best and Rogers) [60 pages]
- James H. O'Connor [115 pages]
- Townhouse 10.11 [312 pages]
- Special Prosecutor Jurisdiction [6 pages]
- Attorney File: Kalmbach (O'Connor) [2 pages]
- Special Prosecutor Memoranda [84 pages]
- Townhouse [8 pages]
- Correspondence [15 pages]
- Federal Bureau of Investigation [6 pages-- currently referred to the FBI for further review]
- Freedom of Information Act Material from the Townhouse File [13 pages]
- Internal Revenue Service [3 pages]
- Kalmbach: Pre-Sentence Report [13 pages]
- Gleason: Pre-Sentence Report [4 pages]
- White House Requests [127 pages]
Box 2:
- Agent Letters [191 pages]
- AS&T Records [440 pages]
- Contributors [54 pages]
- Correspondence [136 pages]
- Correspondence [200 pages]
- Correspondence: Outgoing [191 pages]
- Gleason Records [168 pages]
- Gleason Records: Riggs Bank [44 pages]
Box 3:
- I Notes [53 pages]
- II Notes [29 pages]
- 3 Notes [46 pages]
- 4 Notes [17 pages]
- '70 Reports [40 pages]
- Reports: Draft and Closeout [30 pages]
- '70 Memorandums [135 pages]
- Reports [73 pages]
- Reports (758-759) [25 pages]
- Reports (1,058-1,092) [106 pages]
- Reports (1,093-1,098) [146 pages]
- '70 Office Records [92 pages]
- Black Binder of State Reports [129 pages]
Box 4:
- Simplified Weekly Bookkeeping Record [52 pages]
- Summary Notebook [11 pages]
- Kalmbach: Townhouse xeroxed copies [127 pages]
- Press Clips [44 pages]
- Contributors: Interviews and Documents [23 pages]
- Alaska [15 pages]
- Arizona [1 page]
- California [22 pages]
- Connecticut [30 pages]
- Delaware [3 pages]
- Florida [29 pages]
- Georgia [16 pages]
- Indiana [87 pages]
- Maine [22 pages]
- Maryland [34 pages]
- Massachusetts [13 pages]
- Minnesota [36 pages]
- Missouri [12 pages]
- Montana [54 pages]
- Nebraska [2 pages]
Box 5:
- Nevada [101 pages]
- New Hampshire [7 pages]
- New Jersey [47 pages]
- New Mexico [100 pages]
- New York [1 page]
- North Carolina [2 pages]
- North Dakota [99 pages]
- Ohio [22 pages]
- Oklahoma [2 pages]
- Pennsylvania [37 pages]
- Rhode Island [30 pages]
- South Carolina [5 pages]
- South Dakota [25 pages]
Box 6:
- Utah [56 pages]
- Vermont [66 pages]
- Virginia [14 pages]
- Wyoming [80 pages]
- Townhouse Records from the White House [216 pages]
- Townhouse Documents: Copies of White House Documents [152 pages]
- Anderson, R.O. [12 pages]
- Bighinatti, Millie [1 page]
- Chotiner, Murray [4 pages]
- Bush, George [18 pages]
- Chotiner Diaries [4 pages]
- Colson, Charles [8 pages]
- Davis, W.R. [12 pages]
- Dent, Harry [76 pages-- 69 of the pages are withheld under Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure relating to grand jury information]
- Duncan, Carol [5 pages]
- Evans, Thomas W. [26 pages-- 21 of the pages are withheld under Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure]
- Fielding, Fred [6 pages]
- Finch, Robert [2 pages]
- Gleason, Jack [149 pages-- 99 of the pages are withheld under Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure]
- Gordon, Albert F. [11 pages]
Box 7:
- Hirsch, Clement [62 pages]
- Haldeman, H.R. [1 pages]
- Hofgren, Daniel [6 pages]
- Kalmbach, Herb [175 pages-- 111 of the pages are withheld under Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure]
- Kalmbach Materials [137 pages]
- Keith, Willard [19 pages]
- Lankler, Alexander [7 pages]
- Lasdon, William S. [1 page]
- Lias, Tom [4 pages]
- Luckman, Chas. [12 pages]
- McGaw, Foster [48 pages]
- Middendorf, J. William II [5 pages]
- Milbank, Jeremiah, Jr. [57-- 47 of the pages are withheld under Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure]
- Mitchell, John [6 pages]
- Mulcahy, John [46 pages-- 33 of the pages are withheld under Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure]
- Mulcahy Documents [15 pages released. Approximately 100 pages of bank statements withheld under 5 U.S.C. 552 (b)(6)]
Box 8:
- Nielson, A.C. [18 pages]
- O'Dell, Robert [2 pages]
- Rollins, John [54 pages-- 34 of the pages are withheld under Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure]
- Russell, Fred [13 pages]
- Stone, Clement [18 pages]
- Watson, Arthur K. [9 pages]
- Willard, Henry K. II [10 pages-- 3 of the pages are withheld under Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure]
- Rumsfeld, Donald [3 pages]
- Legislative History [159 pages]
- Desuetude [305 pages]
Box 9:
- Nader v. Mitchell [165 pages]
- Repeal [9 pages]
- Extra Copies of Townhouse Materials [300 pages]
- Pros Memo [50 pages]
- Kalmbach Plea Transcript [18 pages]
- Information(s): Dent, Gleason, Kalmbach [20 pages]
Special Prosecutors/Independent Counsels Main Page