Records of Independent Counsel Kenneth W. Starr/Robert Ray/Julie Thomas
Volume: 3149 cubic feet
The Records of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, Robert Ray and Julie Thomas can be accessed by filing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for specific files with the Special Access and FOIA Program. A finding aid reference to the files has been reviewed and is available to the public. This folder-title list will assist researchers in narrowing their FOIA request to specific files.
For access to these records, contact the Special Access and FOIA Program:
Write: Special Access and FOIA Program, Room 5500
National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740
Customer Service telephone: (301) 837-3190
Fax: (301) 837-1864
For additional information about records of Independent Counsels in the National Archives and Records Administration, please visit the Special Prosecutors and Independent Counsels web page.