Research Our Records

Mexican Border Crossing Records, ca. 1903–ca. 1955

This page is a short overview of different record sets relevant to researching Mexican border crossing records at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For additional information about the individual series, follow the given links to the more detailed record-specific pages.

Keeping statistics on alien arrivals at U.S. land borders was not required by early immigration acts. Statistical treatment of Canadian and Mexican border immigrants at times has differed from that of other immigrants. When immigration authorities began keeping records of arrivals at the Canadian border in 1895 and the Mexican border, ca. 1903, they found it impractical to collect arrival information on lists as they did for ship passengers. Therefore, separate cards or "card manifests" for each person were used instead. These cards contained the same information as that collected on traditional ship passenger arrival lists, such as full name, age, sex, marital status, occupation, point of arrival in the United States, and final destination.

Please note the records discussed do not include the immigration records of persons crossing the U.S.-Mexican land border after 1955. If you have questions regarding post-1955 border crossing records please contact us.

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1882 and Prior

Early records relating to immigration originated in regional custom houses. The U.S. Customs Service conducted its business by designating collection districts. Each district had a headquarters port with a custom house and a chief officer of the district (collector of customs). An act of March 2, 1819 (3 Stat. 489), required the captain or master of a vessel arriving at a port in the United States or any of its territories from a foreign country to submit a list of passengers to the collector of customs. The act also required that the collector submit a quarterly report or abstract, consisting of copies of these passenger lists, to the Secretary of State, who was required to submit such information at each session of Congress. After 1874, collectors forwarded only statistical reports to the Treasury Department. The lists themselves were retained by the collector of customs. Customs records were maintained primarily for statistical purposes.


On August 3, 1882, Congress passed the first federal law regulating immigration (22 Stat. 214–215); the Secretary of the Treasury had general supervision over it between 1882 and 1891. The Office of Superintendent of Immigration in the Department of the Treasury was established under an act of March 3, 1891 (26 Stat. 1085), and was later designated a bureau in 1895 with responsibility for administering the alien contract-labor laws. In 1900, administration of the Chinese exclusion laws was added. Initially, the Bureau retained the same administrative structure of ports of entry that the Customs Service had used. By the turn of the century, it began to designate its own immigration districts. These numbers and boundaries changed over the years. In 1903, the Bureau became part of the Department of Commerce and Labor; its name was changed to the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization when functions relating to naturalization were added in 1906. 


In 1933, the functions were transferred to the Department of Labor and became the responsibility of the newly formed Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). Under President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Reorganization Plan V of 1940, the INS was moved to the Department of Justice. 

2003 and After

The INS was abolished in 2003, and its immigration and naturalization recordkeeping functions were transferred to the new Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services within the new Department of Homeland Security, established on January 24, 2003, by the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107–296, § 471, 107th Cong., 2nd sess., November 25, 2002, 116 Stat. 2135, 2205).

Definitions of Statistical and Nonstatistical Immigrants

Beginning in 1895, immigrants who arrived at Canadian seaports with the declared intention of proceeding to the United States were recorded and included in immigration statistics. Other alien arrivals at land borders were reported starting in 1906, and reporting was fully established in 1908 under the authority of an act of February 20, 1907 (34 Stat. 898).

Not all aliens entering via the Canadian and Mexican borders were necessarily counted for inclusion in immigration statistics. Before approximately 1930, no count was made of residents of Canada, Newfoundland, or Mexico who had lived in those countries for a year or more if they planned to enter the United States for less than six months. However, from about 1930 to 1945, the following classes of aliens entering via land borders were included in immigration statistics:

  1. Those who had not been in the United States within six months, who came to stay more than six months;
  2. Those for whom straight head tax was a prerequisite to admission, or for whom head tax was specially deposited and subsequently converted to a straight head tax account;
  3. Those required by law or regulation to present an immigration visa or reentry permit, and those who surrendered either, regardless of whether they were required by law or regulation to do so;
  4. Those announcing an intention to depart from a seaport in the United States for Hawaii or other insular possession of the United States or for a foreign country, except arrivals from Canada intending to return there by water; and
  5. Those announcing an intention to depart across the other land boundary.

These classes were revised in 1945 so that the statistics of arriving aliens at land border ports of entry for 1945 to 1952 included arriving aliens who came into the United States for 30 days or more, and returning alien residents who had been out of the country more than six months. Arriving aliens who came into the United States for 29 days or less were not counted except for those who were either certified by public health officials, held for a board of special inquiry, excluded and deported, or were individuals in transit who announced an intention to depart across another land boundary or by sea.

From 1953 to at least 1957, all aliens arriving at land border ports of entry were counted for statistical purposes except Canadian citizens and British subjects resident in Canada who were admitted for six months or less; Mexican citizens who were admitted for 72 hours or less; and returning U.S. residents who had been out of the country for more than six months. Beginning in February 1956, residents returning from stays of less than six months in Western Hemisphere countries were also not counted. Because of regulation changes in 1957, returning residents without reentry permits or visas who had been abroad for one year or less were not counted.

Summary: Statistical arrivals were immigrants or nonimmigrants who were subject to the head tax and generally not from the Western Hemisphere. By contrast, nonstatistical arrivals were immigrants or nonimmigrants who usually were natives of the Western Hemisphere and not subject to the head tax. Although arrival of the latter was not included in immigration statistics, a record of that arrival may have been made. It cannot be said with certainty that the definitions of statistical and nonstatistical arrivals were applied uniformly at any particular port on the Canadian or Mexican borders.

Definitions of Immigrants (Permanent) and Nonimmigrants (Temporary)

Since 1906, arriving aliens were divided into two classes: (1) immigrants, or those who intended to settle in the United States; and (2) nonimmigrants, who were admitted aliens who declared an intention not to settle in the United States, and all aliens returning to resume domiciles formerly acquired in the United States. 

Since 1924, aliens arriving to settle in the United States were further classified as quota or nonquota immigrants. Quota immigrants were those admitted under quotas established for countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Pacific Basin, and the colonies, dependencies, and protectorates belonging to those nations. Nonquota immigrants were spouses and unmarried children of U.S. citizens; natives from the independent countries of the Western Hemisphere, their spouses, and unmarried children under 18 years of age; and members of the clergy who entered with their families to carry on their profession. From 1933 to 1952, professors and their spouses and children were also classified as nonquota immigrants. Nonimmigrants were alien residents of the United States returning from a temporary visit abroad, or nonresident aliens admitted to the United States for a temporary period, such as tourists, students, foreign government officials, those engaged in business, people representing international organizations, the spouses and unmarried children of all these individuals, and agricultural laborers from the West Indies.

Who's in the Records?

As would be expected, Mexican nationals comprised the vast majority of alien arrivals at the U.S.-Mexico land border. However, Europeans also entered the United States through these ports, as well as aliens from elsewhere in the world. For example, Syrians and large numbers of Japanese entered the country at Eagle Pass, TX, in 1906 and 1907. Japanese, Turkish, Syrian, Guatemalan, and Korean citizens, in addition to many Europeans, entered at Laredo, TX, 1903–1907. Citizens of Japan, Palestine, Syria, Canada, and the Philippine Islands are among those who entered at Brownsville, TX. A scattering of U.S. citizen arrivals are also found in these records.


Many of the records are arranged alphabetically. Others are arranged chronologically, then by manifest number. Chronologically-arranged records usually have a related alphabetical index.

Alphabetically-arranged records are filed by surname, then by first name, and subject to special rules. Double names are filed without the second part of the double name. For example, Jiminez De San Miguel, Petra is filed among other persons named Jimenez, Petra; Castro, Maria de los Angeles is filed among other persons named Castro, Maria; and Montalvo-Hernandez, Jose is filed among other persons named Montalvo, Jose. Surnames like De La Huerta are filed under Huerta.

Additional "special rules" may also govern arrangement of particular record series. For example, M1756, Applications for Nonresident Alien's Border Crossing Identification Cards Made at El Paso, Texas, ca. July 1945–December 1952 (62 rolls) (NAID 4529421), shows some alphabetical disarrangement due to human error as well as three variations in the filing scheme: (1) similar-sounding surnames may be filed together; (2) within a surname, first names that start with the same letter may be filed together; and (3) within a surname, there may have been no attempt to alphabetize by first name. There are numerous instances of similar-sounding names being filed together. For example, Spanish surnames containing the letter "s" may be filed as if the letter were "z." Thus, persons surnamed Dias might be filed among those named Diaz, and those surnamed Espinosa might be filed among those named Espinoza. Other names, such as Arreola and Arriola; Anima and Animas; Cordova and Corboda; and Luevan, Luevano, Luevanos, and Luevand may be filed together. Also, within a particular surname, first names like Antonia and Antonio may be filed together.

Alphabetical disarrangement of the records is common, particularly in larger record series, and may cause overlap within or between microfilm rolls. On this page, see Available Microfilm Publications.

The descriptive material (reproduced at the beginning of each roll) alerts researchers to special rules or problems concerning arrangement noticed during processing.

The Forms Used

When records of arrivals began being kept at U.S.-Mexican land border ports (i.e., towns at the border), ca. 1903, U.S. immigration authorities found it impractical to collect arrival information on lists as they did for ship passengers. Therefore, a separate "card manifest" for each person was used instead. These cards largely contained the same information as that collected on the traditional ship passenger arrival lists. However, different types of card manifests were used for different purposes; this web page describes the most common ones.

All the forms described below included the person's name, age or date of birth, gender, date of entry into the United States, and the country of which they were a citizen ("nationality") and/or "race" (i.e., Mexican, Japanese, et cetera.).

If the person's physical description is given, this usually includes height, complexion, hair color, eye color, and identifying marks. The reverse side of some cards includes instructions for the form's use, annotations noting dates of subsequent entries into the United States, or, in some cases, an attached individual or family photograph.


The most common "card manifest" was the Form 548, 548-B, or Form I-448, Manifest. It generally includes the person's marital status, place of birth, physical description, occupation, ability to read and write and in what language, place of last permanent residence, destination, purpose for entering the United States, the intention of becoming a U.S. citizen or of returning to the country of previous residence, head tax status, and previous citizenships. It also includes the name and address of the friend or relative whom the alien intended to join, persons accompanying the alien, and the name and address of the alien's nearest relative or friend in the country from which they came. If the alien had previously been in the United States, the dates and places of such residence or visitation are indicated. Additional information may be recorded if the alien appealed a decision deporting or barring them from entering the United States. Form 548 or I-448 is generally a card manifest. However, during some periods at some ports, the INS used an entire sheet of paper for the Form 548 manifest. Both sizes of manifest generally include the same information. The reverse side of the card manifest Form 548 sometimes includes the alien's photograph, sometimes with spouse and minor children.

Form 502 (unnamed) or Form 1502F (unnamed) was a form intended for ship passenger arrivals, as indicated by its use of the terms, "steamer," "line" (as in steamship line), "Group" number (page number for a ship manifest), and "List" (line number on a ship manifest). This form was adapted to be used with land border arrivals. It includes the person's name, age, sex, "steamer" (annotated to indicate name of railroad), "line" (annotated to indicate destination), date and port of arrival, "Group" (Manifest No.), and "List" (changed to indicate Serial No.). The serial number and date of arrival are used to locate a corresponding sheet manifest. The "Group"/Manifest No. can usually be disregarded.

Form 621, Statistical, includes the person's marital status, occupation, ability to read and write, last place of residence, future place of residence, place of birth, and physical description. These cards also indicate who paid the immigrant's passage, the amount of money the person brought, and names of persons accompanying them.

Form 622, Statistical, includes the person's name, age, sex, marital status, occupation, ability to read or write, race, place of last residence, place of future residence, amount of money, manifest number, and physical description. It also includes the names of persons accompanying them and the name of the person whom they will join in the United States. It may also indicate the date, port, and cause of being debarred from the United States.

Form 629, Nonstatistical, includes the person's name, age, sex, marital status, race, occupation, ability to read and write, last place of residence, destination, and port and date of admission. It also indicates the names of persons and the amount of money they were carrying. This card may contain all available entry information.

Form 629A (untitled; some show no number), includes the person's name, age, sex, nationality, race, physical description, last residence, destination, and the date, port, and cause for being debarred from the United States. The cause is often LPC (likely to become a public charge) or no visa.

Form 657, Record of Registry, includes the alien's date of arrival: name, age, occupation, place of last residence before entry, and means (ship, railway, et cetera.) of arrival in the United States. This form also includes the following information about the alien as of the alien's date of registry: name, age, occupation, physical description, place of residence, and place of birth. The form also includes the alien's photograph, date of approval of registry, certificate of registry number, district file number, and bureau file number. Sometimes, "homemade" typewritten versions of this official INS form were used (these do not indicate the form number). "Registry" refers to a procedure authorized by an act of March 2, 1929 (45 Stat. 1512), which became effective July 1, 1929, and was amended on August 7, 1939 (53 Stat. 1243), that allowed a record of lawful arrival—called a "record of registry"—to be made for certain aliens who had lawfully entered the United States at an earlier time but for whom the INS could find no record of arrival. In particular, if an alien had entered the United States before July 1, 1924, resided in the country continuously since that entry, was of good moral character, and was not subject to deportation, they could obtain a record of registry by making application to the INS and paying the requisite fee. The registry program was reauthorized by the Nationality Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 1137) under the name "Lawful Entry." Sometimes the Record of Registry was simply typewritten on a blank card.

Form Spl. 125, Alien Laborer's Identification Card, includes the date and port of issuance of the card, card number, and the alien's name, age, marital status, height, physical marks, last residence, and whether able to read. It also includes their photograph, destination, and employer's name, and this text: "The bearer, a native and citizen of Mexico, has this day been granted the privilege of temporarily entering the United States in accordance with and under the conditions of Department [of Labor] circular of June 12, 1918, as amended."

Form Spl. 222, Departure, includes the following information about each person: marital status, occupation, ability to read and write, country of future permanent residence, country of birth, the country where the person lived before coming to the United States, town and state of last residence in the United States, and the date and port of departure. If the person was a native-born U.S. citizen, the person's birthplace was to be noted. If the person was a naturalized U.S. citizen, the date and place of naturalization was to be noted.

Form Spl. 259, "statistical", is an index card containing each person's name, age, sex, citizenship ("nationality"), race, last place of residence, destination, port and date of admission, and status as immigrant or nonimmigrant. The number annotated to the right of the person's name or gender is generally the "real" manifest number that is used, along with the date of arrival, to locate the person's statistical manifest—which contains additional information—in a separate series of card manifests. Sometimes, information was simply typewritten onto a blank card instead of Form Spl. 259.

Form Spl. 442, Nonstatistical, includes the person's marital status, occupation, ability to read and write, place of last permanent residence, and destination. It also indicates persons accompanying the alien, the amount of money the alien carried, and if they had ever been in the United States in the past. The reverse side of some cards may be annotated with dates of subsequent admissions to the United States, destination, and purpose for visiting, such as "6 days to Mission, TX, visiting."

Form I-94, Record of Alien Admitted for Temporary Stay, includes the person's home address, place of birth, marital status, occupation, physical description, name and address of nearest relative at home, date of previous entry into the United States, name and address of the friend or relative whom the alien intended to join, purpose and length of intended stay in the United States, identification of the alien's travel documents, and whether the alien was accompanied by an alien child under age 14.

Form I-94F, Examination Record, includes the person's name, date and place of birth, gender, marital status, occupation, physical description, names of accompanying alien children under age 14, name and address of nearest relative at home, name and address of the person to whom destined, purpose and intended length of U.S. visit, and port and date of arrival. The purpose of the U.S. visit may be described in English (such as "pleasure 1 month") or as the section of U.S. immigration law (such as "B-2 72 hours" or "P1/3/2/3/8 days").

Form I-189, Application for Resident Alien's Border Crossing Identification Card, includes the person's permanent U.S. address, place of birth, marital status, occupation, ability to read and write, physical description, and the date, place, and means of lawful entry into the United States for permanent residence. It also includes the alien's signature and fingerprint or photograph. Also included are the border crossing identification card number and its date of issuance.

Form I-190, Application for Nonresident Alien's Border Crossing Identification Card, includes the alien's place of birth, marital status, occupation, ability to read and write, place of residence, physical description, purpose of U.S. visit, and fingerprint or photograph. The number, date of issuance, and place of issuance of the person's passport may also be noted. Also included are the border crossing identification card number and its date of issuance.

Form I-407, Land Border Departure Record, records an alien's abandonment of lawful domicile in the United States. The form includes the person's marital status, occupation, ability to read and write, country of residence before coming to the United States, place of last permanent residence in the United States, place of intended permanent residence (U.S. or foreign city), alien registration number, port, date, and means (auto, railroad, et cetera) of departure, date and port of last (most recent) arrival in the United States, and place, date, and certificate number of naturalization. For aliens, certain "facts of last recorded admission for permanent residence" were to be noted, including the person's name and the port, date, and means (auto, railroad, et cetera) of arrival. Other arrival dates and places or visa numbers may also be noted.

P(A), Application for Border Permit Card, includes the date and port of issuance of the card, card number, and the alien's name, citizenship, birthplace, permanent residence, business address, age, marital status, occupation, gender, height, weight, eye color, hair color, physical marks, ability to read, signature, and photograph.

Available Microfilm Publications

Immigration records ("manifests") of persons crossing the U.S.-Mexico land border are now available for 24 land border ports (described below). The terms "statistical" and "nonstatistical" are defined above. "Temporary" refers to alien visitors to the United States; "permanent" refers to aliens intending to permanently stay in the United States. You should also check all record series (type or kind of record) of the port at which the alien is thought to have arrived, since the person's record may not appear in the expected record series.
Some microfilm publications cover multiple cities and states. These publications will be denoted with an asterisk (*) and are duplicated within the lists as appropriate.


Ajo, Arizona.

A3377*, Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Ajo, Lukeville, and Sonoyta (Sonoita), Arizona, Jan. 1919-Dec. 1952, and at Los Ebanos, Texas, Dec. 1950-May 1955 (2 rolls), contains over 6,400 alien arrivals at these Arizona ports of entry. Arrivals at Ajo are interfiled with those from Lukeville and Sonoyta (Sonoita) on rolls 1 and 2 in four record series: (1) index to manifests of aliens admitted for permanent residence, Jan. 1919-June 1924; (2) manifests of aliens admitted for permanent residence, Jan. 1919-June 1924; (3) manifests of aliens admitted for permanent residence and aliens readmitted as returning U.S. residents, July 1924-ca. Dec. 1952; and (4) manifests of aliens admitted temporarily, July 1924-ca. Dec. 1952. Series 1, 3, and 4 are alphabetically arranged. Series 2 is chronologically arranged, but is indexed by Series 1.


Aros Ranch, Arizona.

A3365*, Lists of Aliens Arriving at Brownsville, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, El Paso, Laredo, Presidio, Rio Grande City, and Roma, Texas, May 1903-June 1909, and at Aros Ranch, Douglas, Lochiel, Naco, and Nogales, Arizona, July 1906-December 1910 (5 rolls), contains lists arranged chronologically by quarter-year, then by port of arrival. Arrivals at Aros Ranch, Feb.-Sept. 1908 and Jan.-Mar. 1909, are on rolls 3 and 4.


Douglas, Arizona.

M1759, Nonstatistical Manifests and Statistical Index Cards of Aliens Arriving at Douglas, Arizona, July 1908-December 1952 (4 rolls), contains over 43,000 alphabetically-arranged records.


Lochiel, Arizona.

A3365*, Lists of Aliens Arriving at Brownsville, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, El Paso, Laredo, Presidio, Rio Grande City, and Roma, Texas, May 1903-June 1909, and at Aros Ranch, Douglas, Lochiel, Naco, and Nogales, Arizona, July 1906-December 1910 (5 rolls), contains lists arranged chronologically by quarter-year, then by port of arrival. Arrivals at Lochiel, July-Dec. 1908, are on rolls 3 and 4.


Lukeville, Arizona.

A3377*, Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Ajo, Lukeville, and Sonoyta (Sonoita), Arizona, Jan. 1919-Dec. 1952, and at Los Ebanos, Texas, Dec. 1950-May 1955 (2 rolls), contains over 6,400 alien arrivals at these Arizona ports of entry. Arrivals at Lukeville are interfiled with those from Ajo and Sonoyta (Sonoita) on rolls 1 and 2 in four record series: (1) index to manifests of aliens admitted for permanent residence, Jan. 1919-June 1924; (2) manifests of aliens admitted for permanent residence, Jan. 1919-June 1924; (3) manifests of aliens admitted for permanent residence and aliens readmitted as returning U.S. residents, July 1924-ca. Dec. 1952; and (4) manifests of aliens admitted temporarily, July 1924-ca. Dec. 1952. Series 1, 3, and 4 are alphabetically arranged. Series 2 is chronologically arranged, but is indexed by Series 1.


Naco, Arizona.

A3365*, Lists of Aliens Arriving at Brownsville, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, El Paso, Laredo, Presidio, Rio Grande City, and Roma, Texas, May 1903-June 1909, and at Aros Ranch, Douglas, Lochiel, Naco, and Nogales, Arizona, July 1906-December 1910 (5 rolls), contains lists arranged chronologically by quarter-year, then by port of arrival. Arrivals at Naco, July 1906-June 1909, are on rolls 1 through 5.

A3372, Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Naco, Arizona, 1908-1952 (18 rolls), reproduces over 105,000 index cards and related manifests in four record series: (1) index to statistical manifests, nonstatistical manifests, and agricultural laborer manifests (all interfiled), 1908-1924; (2) statistical manifests, May 1908-June 1924; (3) manifests of aliens admitted for permanent residence, July 1924-ca. Dec. 1952; and (4) manifests of aliens admitted temporarily, July 1924-ca. Dec. 1952. Series 1, 3, and 4 are alphabetically arranged. Series 2 is chronologically arranged but is indexed by Series 1.


Nogales, Arizona.

A3365*, Lists of Aliens Arriving at Brownsville, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, El Paso, Laredo, Presidio, Rio Grande City, and Roma, Texas, May 1903-June 1909, and at Aros Ranch, Douglas, Lochiel, Naco, and Nogales, Arizona, July 1906-December 1910 (5 rolls), contains lists arranged chronologically by quarter-year, then by port of arrival. Arrivals at Nogales, Sept. 1906-June 1909, are on rolls 1 through 5.

M1769, Index and Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Nogales, Arizona, 1905-1952 (74 rolls), reproduces over 455,000 manifests and related index cards of alien arrivals in four record series: (1) index to statistical manifests interfiled with nonstatistical manifests, ca. 1905-ca. 1926; (2) statistical manifests, July 5, 1905-Oct. 1924; (3) aliens admitted for permanent residence and applications for resident alien border crossing identification cards, July 1924-1952; and (4) aliens admitted for temporary visits, 1927-1952. Series 1, 3, and 4 are alphabetically arranged. Series 2 is chronologically arranged but is indexed by Series 1.


San Luis, Arizona.

M1504, Manifests and Alien Arrivals at San Luis, Arizona, July 24, 1929-December 1952 (2 rolls), reproduces over 7,900 records of arrival manifests in two alphabetically-arranged record series: (1) aliens admitted for permanent residence and (2) aliens admitted for temporary visits.


Sasabe/San Fernando, Arizona.

M1850, Index and Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Sasabe/San Fernando, Arizona, 1919-1952 (3 rolls), contains over 7,500 arrivals in five record series: (1) index to statistical manifests, Jan. 1, 1919-June 30, 1924; (2) statistical and permanent manifests, Jan. 1, 1919-June 30, 1924; (3) manifests of aliens readmitted as returning U.S. residents, July 1, 1924-1952; (4) nonstatistical and temporary manifests, 1927-1952; and (5) statistical and permanent manifests, 1919. Series 1, 3, and 4 are alphabetically-arranged; series 2 is chronologically-arranged but indexed by series 1; and series 5 is unarranged.


Sonoyta (Sonoita), Arizona.

A3377*, Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Ajo, Lukeville, and Sonoyta (Sonoita), Arizona, Jan. 1919-Dec. 1952, and at Los Ebanos, Texas, Dec. 1950-May 1955 (2 rolls), contains over 6,400 alien arrivals at these Arizona ports of entry. Arrivals at Sonoyta (Sonoita) are interfiled with those from Ajo and Lukeville on rolls 1 and 2 in four record series: (1) index to manifests of aliens admitted for permanent residence, Jan. 1919-June 1924; (2) manifests of aliens admitted for permanent residence, Jan. 1919-June 1924; (3) manifests of aliens admitted for permanent residence and aliens readmitted as returning U.S. residents, July 1924-ca. Dec. 1952; and (4) manifests of aliens admitted temporarily, July 1924-ca. Dec. 1952. Series 1, 3, and 4 are alphabetically arranged. Series 2 is chronologically arranged, but is indexed by Series 1.

Andrade and Campo/Tecate, California.

M2030, Statistical and Nonstatistical Manifests, and Related Indexes, of Aliens Arriving at Andrade and Campo (Tecate), California, 1910-1952 (5 rolls), contains over 20,000 arrivals in eight record series. Andrade: (1) statistical and nonstatistical index cards, Aug. 30, 1911-June 30, 1924; (2) statistical and nonstatistical manifests, Aug. 30, 1911-July 6, 1924; and (3) statistical and nonstatistical manifests, July 1, 1924-Dec. 24, 1952. Andrade series 1 and 3 are alphabetically-arranged; series 2 is chronologically-arranged but indexed by series 1. Campo/Tecate: (1) statistical and nonstatistical index cards, ca. May 1911-July 7, 1924; (2) temporary manifests, ca. Sept. 2, 1912-July 1, 1924; (3) statistical and nonstatistical manifests, Sept. 2. 1910-Dec. 24, 1952; (4)applications for nonresident alien's border crossing identification cards, July 1, 1946-Dec. 24, 1952; and (5) statistical and nonstatistical manifests, July 2, 1912-July 7, 1924. Campo/Tecate series 1, 2, 3, and 4, are alphabetically-arranged; series 5 is chronologically-arranged but indexed by series 1.


San Ysidro/Tia Juana, California.

M1767, Manifests of Alien Arrivals at San Ysidro (Tia Juana), California, April 21, 1908-December 1952 (20 rolls), contains over 152,000 arrivals in three record series: (1) statistical and nonstatistical manifests interfiled alphabetically, April 21, 1908-December 1952; (2) statistical and nonstatistical manifests interfiled chronologically, Apr. 21, 1908-June 30, 1924; and (3) a small series of certain nonstatistical manifests, Dec. 7, 1923-June 30, 1924, upon which head tax was paid or refunded.

Columbus, New Mexico.

A3370, Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Columbus, New Mexico, 1917-1954 (7 rolls), contains over 15,000 arrivals in ten record series: (1) statistical manifests, ca. July 1, 1924-ca. July 27, 1952, on roll 1; (2) statistical index cards and statistical manifests, ca. 1917-ca. 1944, on roll 2; (3) nonstatistical manifests, ca. 1917-1926, on rolls 2 and 6; (4) statistical manifests, Feb. 2-4, 1917, on roll 3; (5) sheet manifests, 1919, on roll 3; (6) sheet manifests, 1921-1924, on roll 3; (7) aliens admitted for temporary visits, 1924-1954, on rolls 4, 5, and 6; (8) permanent and temporary alien admissions, 1953-1954, on roll 6; (9) U.S. citizen admissions, 1924-1954, on roll 6; and (10) applications for nonresident alien's border crossing identification cards, ca. 1945-ca. 1952, on rolls 8 and 9.

Brownsville, Texas.

M1502, Statistical and Nonstatistical Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Brownsville, Texas, February 1905-June 1953, and Related Indexes (40 rolls), contains over 217,000 arrivals in four record series: (1) index to statistical manifests interfiled with nonstatistical manifests, Feb. 1905-Nov. 1929; (2) index to statistical manifests, Dec. 1929-Mar. 1952; (3) statistical manifests, Feb. 1905-Mar. 1952; and (4) nonstatistical manifests, Feb. 1929-June 1953. Series 1, 2, and 4 are alphabetically-arranged. Series 3 is chronologically arranged but is indexed by series 1 and 2.

A3365*, Lists of Aliens Arriving at Brownsville, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, El Paso, Laredo, Presidio, Rio Grande City, and Roma, Texas, May 1903-June 1909, and at Aros Ranch, Douglas, Lochiel, Naco, and Nogales, Arizona, July 1906-December 1910 (5 rolls), contains lists arranged chronologically by quarter-year, then by port of arrival. Arrivals at Brownsville, July 1906-June 1909, are on rolls 1 through 4.

M1774, Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels (March 1931-March 1957) and Airplanes (December 1954-March 1957) Arriving at Brownsville, Texas (25 rolls) contains chronologically-arranged manifests of passengers and crew arriving by ship or plane.


Del Rio, Texas.

A3365*, Lists of Aliens Arriving at Brownsville, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, El Paso, Laredo, Presidio, Rio Grande City, and Roma, Texas, May 1903-June 1909, and at Aros Ranch, Douglas, Lochiel, Naco, and Nogales, Arizona, July 1906-December 1910 (5 rolls), contains lists arranged chronologically by quarter-year, then by port of arrival. Arrivals at Del Rio, July-Sept. 1906 and July 1907-June 1909, are on rolls 1 through 4.

A3395, Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Del Rio, Texas, June 1906-July 1953 (15 rolls), contains over 105,000 manifests in five record series: (1) Permanent, Statistical, and Nonstatistical Index Cards Interfiled, June 1906-July 1928; (2) Statistical Manifests, June 24, 1906-May 13, 1953; (3) Index to Permanent and Statistical Manifests, Aug. 10, 1925-May 13, 1953; (4) Temporary Admission Manifests, July 1928-1939; and (5) Temporary Admission Manifests, 1939-July 1953. Series 1, 3, 4, and 5 are alphabetically-arranged. Series 2 is chronologically-arranged but is indexed by Series 1.


Eagle Pass, Texas.

M1754, Nonstatistical Manifests and Statistical Index Cards of Aliens Arriving at Eagle Pass, Texas, June 1905-November 1929 (27 rolls), contains over 150,000 alphabetically-arranged records. The statistical index cards serve as a finding aid to statistical manifests in M1755, rolls 1-27.

M2040, Index to Manifests of Permanent and Statistical Arrivals at Eagle Pass, Texas, December 1, 1929-June 1953 (2 rolls), contains over 9,300 alphabetically-arranged index cards that serve as a finding aid to statistical manifests in M1755, rolls 27-30.

A3365*, Lists of Aliens Arriving at Brownsville, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, El Paso, Laredo, Presidio, Rio Grande City, and Roma, Texas, May 1903-June 1909, and at Aros Ranch, Douglas, Lochiel, Naco, and Nogales, Arizona, July 1906-December 1910 (5 rolls), contains lists arranged chronologically by quarter-year, then by port of arrival. Arrivals at Eagle Pass, July 1906-June 1909, are on rolls 1 through 5.

M1755, Permanent and Statistical Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Eagle Pass, Texas, June 1905-June 1953 (30 rolls), is chronologically-arranged but is indexed by M1754 (for June 1905-Nov. 1929) and by M2040 (for Dec. 1929-June 1953).

M2041, Temporary and Nonstatistical Manifests of Aliens Arriving at Eagle Pass, Texas, July 1928-June 1953 (14 rolls), contains over 111,000 arrivals in three record series: (1) July 1, 1928-Mar. 21, 1929; (2) Mar. 22, 1929-June 30, 1940; and (3) July 1, 1940-June 1953. Series 1 is chronologically-arranged; series 2 and 3 are alphabetically-arranged.


El Paso, Texas.

A3365*, Lists of Aliens Arriving at Brownsville, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, El Paso, Laredo, Presidio, Rio Grande City, and Roma, Texas, May 1903-June 1909, and at Aros Ranch, Douglas, Lochiel, Naco, and Nogales, Arizona, July 1906-December 1910 (5 rolls), contains lists arranged chronologically by quarter-year, then by port of arrival. Arrivals at El Paso, May 1903-June 1909, are on rolls 1 through 5.

A3406, Nonstatistical Manifests and Statistical Index Cards of Aliens Arriving at El Paso, Texas, 1905-1927 (119 rolls), contains over 575,000 alphabetically-arranged manifests and index cards. This publication includes both (1) index cards that serve as finding aids to arrival records in A3365, and manifests in A3412 and A3455, and (2) nonstatistical arrival manifests.

A3412, Manifests of Statistical Alien Arrivals at El Paso, Texas, May 1909-October 1924 (96 rolls) contains over 200,000 chronologically-arranged alien arrivals which are indexed by A3406.

A3455, Permanent and Statistical Manifests of Alien Arrivals at El Paso, Texas, April 1924-September 1954 (85 rolls) contains over chronologically-arranged 210,000 manifests which are indexed by A3406 and A3396.

A3396, Index to Manifests of Permanent and Statistical Alien Arrivals at El Paso, Texas, July 1924-July 1952 (19 rolls), contains over 81,000 alphabetically-arranged cards that serve as a finding aid to manifests in A3455.

M1757, Manifests of Aliens Granted Temporary Admission at El Paso, Texas, ca. July 1924-1954 (97 rolls), contains more than 245,000 alphabetically-arranged manifests.

M1756, Applications for Nonresident Alien's Border Crossing Identification Cards Made at El Paso, Texas, ca. July 1945-December 1952 (62 rolls), contains over 150,000 alphabetically-arranged applications, made primarily between 1948 and 1952, with some dating as early as 1945.


Fabens, Texas.

M1768, Alphabetical Card Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Fabens, Texas, July 1924-1954 (7 rolls), contains over 13,000 arrivals in three alphabetically-arranged record series: (1) aliens admitted for temporary visits, July 1, 1924-1954; (2) aliens admitted for permanent residence, July 1, 1924-July 27, 1952; and (3) applications for nonresident alien's border crossing identification cards, ca. 1945-Dec. 24, 1952.


Fort Hancock, Texas.

M1766, Alphabetical Card Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Fort Hancock, Texas, 1924-1954 (2 rolls), contains over 4,400 arrivals in two alphabetically-arranged record series: (1) aliens admitted for temporary visits, 1924-1954, with most arrivals during 1931-1944, and (2) applications for nonresident alien's border crossing identification cards, ca. 1945-Dec. 24, 1952.


Laredo, Texas.

A3379, Nonstatistical Manifests and Statistical Index Cards of Aliens Arriving at Laredo, Texas, May 1903-November 1929 (112 rolls), contains over 610,000 alphabetically-arranged cards providing information about permanent and temporary alien arrivals. This serves as an index to M2008, A3365, and A3431. "Nonstatistical" cards sometimes contain all available entry information.

M2008, Lists of Aliens Arriving at Laredo, Texas, from July 1903 to June 1907, via the Mexican National Railroad or the Laredo Foot Bridge (1 roll), contains chronologically-arranged records that are indexed by A3379.

A3437, Manifests of Statistical and Some Nonstatistical Alien Arrivals at Laredo, Texas, May 1903-April 1955 (119 rolls), contains over 520,000 chronologically- and numerically-arranged sheet and card manifests that are indexed by A3379 and by A3393. Some July 1906-June 1909 arrivals are also in A3365.

A3431, Nonstatistical Manifests of Temporary Alien Arrivals at Laredo, Texas, July 1908-February 1912 (3 rolls), contains over 4,300 chronologically- and numerically-arranged sheet manifests that are indexed by A3379.

A3365*, Lists of Aliens Arriving at Brownsville, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, El Paso, Laredo, Presidio, Rio Grande City, and Roma, Texas, May 1903-June 1909, and at Aros Ranch, Douglas, Lochiel, Naco, and Nogales, Arizona, July 1906-December 1910 (5 rolls), contains lists arranged chronologically by quarter-year, then by port of arrival. Arrivals at Laredo, July 1906-June 1909, are on rolls 1 through 4. Laredo arrivals are indexed by A3379. Some of the Laredo arrivals in this publication are also in A3437.

A3393, Index to Manifests of Permanent and Statistical Alien Arrivals at Laredo, Texas, December 1929-April 1955 (9 rolls), contains over 49,367 alphabetically-arranged index cards providing information about permanent and statistical alien arrivals at Laredo, Texas, December 1, 1929-April 29, 1955.

M1771, Alphabetical Manifests of Non-Mexican Aliens Granted Temporary Admission at Laredo, Texas, December 1, 1929-April 8, 1955 (5 rolls), contains over 31,000 alphabetically-arranged manifests.

M1772, Manifests of Aliens Granted Temporary Admission at Laredo, Texas, December 1, 1929-April 8, 1955 (66 rolls), contains more than 550,000 alphabetically-arranged card manifests. Some U.S. citizen arrivals and some records of exclusion of aliens are also included.


Los Ebanos, Texas.

A3377*, Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Ajo, Lukeville, and Sonoyta (Sonoita), Arizona, Jan. 1919-Dec. 1952, and at Los Ebanos, Texas, Dec. 1950-May 1955 (2 rolls), contains over 2,200 alien arrivals at Los Ebanos, Dec. 6, 1950-May 26, 1955. Arrivals at Los Ebanos are on roll 2 in one alphabetically arranged record series containing applications for nonresident alien's border crossing identification cards.


Presidio, Texas.

A3365*, Lists of Aliens Arriving at Brownsville, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, El Paso, Laredo, Presidio, Rio Grande City, and Roma, Texas, May 1903-June 1909, and at Aros Ranch, Douglas, Lochiel, Naco, and Nogales, Arizona, July 1906-December 1910 (5 rolls), contains lists arranged chronologically by quarter-year, then by port of arrival. Arrivals at Presidio, Mar.-Sept. 1908 and Jan.-April 1909, are on rolls 3 through 5.

A3466, Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Presidio, Texas, ca. 1911-1955 (10 rolls), contains over 24,000 manifests in six alphabetically-arranged subseries: (1) permanent admission manifests, July 1, 1924-July 27, 1952; (2) U.S. citizen admission manifests, ca. 1947-ca. 1955 (and some exclusions); (3) nonstatistical (temporary) admissions, ca. 1911-ca. 1927; (4) statistical (permanent) admissions, ca. 1914-ca. 1924; (5) "long form" manifests of statistical and nonstatistical admissions, July 1911-Oct. 1924; and (6) temporary admission manifests, 1924-1954.


Progreso/Thayer, Texas.

M1851, Index and Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Progreso/Thayer, Texas, October 1928-May 1955 (6 rolls), contains over 29,000 arrivals in three record series: (1) index to statistical manifests, Oct. 6, 1928-Nov. 19, 1952; (2) statistical manifests, Oct. 6, 1928-Nov. 19, 1952; and (3) nonstatistical and temporary manifests, Oct. 1928-May 27, 1955. Series 1 and 3 are alphabetically-arranged. Series 2 is chronologically-arranged but indexed by series 1.


Rio Grande City, Texas.

A3365*, Lists of Aliens Arriving at Brownsville, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, El Paso, Laredo, Presidio, Rio Grande City, and Roma, Texas, May 1903-June 1909, and at Aros Ranch, Douglas, Lochiel, Naco, and Nogales, Arizona, July 1906-December 1910 (5 rolls), contains lists arranged chronologically by quarter-year, then by port of arrival. Arrivals at Rio Grande City, Nov. 1908 and June 1909, are on rolls 3 and 4.

M1770, Indexes and Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Rio Grande City, Texas, November 1908-May 1955 (6 rolls), contains over 28,000 arrivals in seven record series: (1) index to statistical manifests, Nov. 16, 1908-Nov. 30, 1929; (2) index to statistical manifests, Dec. 1, 1929-Jan. 15, 1952; (3) statistical manifests, Nov. 16, 1908-June 28, 1926; (4) statistical manifests, July 1, 1926-Jan. 15, 1952; (5) nonstatistical manifests, Mar. 22, 1916-Dec. 31, 1928; (6) nonstatistical manifests, Jan. 1, 1929-June 30, 1940; and (7) nonstatistical manifests, July 1, 1940-May 30, 1955. Series 1, 2, 5, 6, and 7 are alphabetically-arranged. Series 3 and 4 are chronologically-arranged but indexed by series 1 and 2.


Roma, Texas.

A3365*, Lists of Aliens Arriving at Brownsville, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, El Paso, Laredo, Presidio, Rio Grande City, and Roma, Texas, May 1903-June 1909, and at Aros Ranch, Douglas, Lochiel, Naco, and Nogales, Arizona, July 1906-December 1910 (5 rolls), contains lists arranged chronologically by quarter-year, then by port of arrival. Arrivals at Roma, Nov. 1907 and Feb. 1908, are on roll 2.

M1503, Index and Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Roma, Texas, March 1928-May 1955 (5 rolls), contains over 30,000 alien arrivals in five record series: (1) index to statistical manifests, Aug. 13, 1929-Aug. 19, 1954; (2) statistical and nonstatistical manifests, Mar. 1, 1928-Nov. 30, 1929; (3) statistical manifests, Aug. 13, 1929-Aug. 19, 1954; (4) nonstatistical and temporary manifests, Mar. 1, 1928-Oct. 1, 1929; and (5) nonstatistical and temporary manifests, Mar. 1, 1928-May 30, 1955. Series 1, 2, 4, and 5 are alphabetically-arranged, while series 3 is chronologically-arranged and is indexed by series 1.


San Antonio, Texas.

M1973, Statistical Manifests of Alien Arrivals by Airplane at San Antonio, Texas, May 17, 1944-March 1952 (1 roll), contains over 3,100 alphabetically-arranged records.


Yseleta, Texas.

M1849, Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Yseleta, Texas, 1924-1954 (7 rolls), contains over 13,000 arrivals in three alphabetically-arranged record series: (1)statistical and permanent manifests, July 1, 1924-July 27, 1952; (2) temporary manifests, 1924-1954; (3) applications for nonresident alien's border crossing identification cards, ca. 1945-Dec. 24, 1952.


Zapata, Texas.

M2024, Indexes and Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Zapata, Texas, August 1923-September 1953 (2 rolls), contains six record series: (1) index to statistical manifests, Dec. 1, 1929-June 7, 1950; (2) statistical manifests, Aug. 18, 1923-Mar. 27, 1926; (3) statistical manifests, Mar. 28, 1926-June 7, 1950; (4) nonstatistical and statistical manifests, Aug. 18,1923-Nov. 30, 1929; (5) nonstatistical and temporary manifests, Apr. 25, 1929-Sept. 10, 1952; and (6) applications for nonresident alien's border crossing identification cards, Apr. 29, 1945-Sept. 15, 1953. Series 1, 4, 5, and 6 are alphabetically-arranged. Series 2 and 3 are chronologically-arranged, but most of series 3 is indexed by series 1.
