Holocaust-Era Assets

Military Agency Records RG 165

The War Department and the Army Records

Records of the War Department General and Special Staffs (RG 165)

During World War II the War Department General and Special Staffs were concerned with policy-making and planning on the highest level and with supervising all aspects of the military establishment, including the intelligence system. General George C. Marshall was the Chief of Staff from September 1, 1939 until November 18, 1945. He was succeeded by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, who served until July 26, 1947.

Records of the Office of the Chief of Staff


Security-Classified General Correspondence 1942-1947 (Entry 13)

Arranged in four chronological subseries: 1) 1942-1943; 2) 1944-1945; 3) 1946; and, 4) 1947, and thereunder by the War Department decimal classification scheme. Included in the 1942-1943 records is a project series arranged alphabetically by geographic locations and areas, and thereunder by the War Department decimal classification scheme. Boxes 28-387

1942-1943 Project Series

Box # Country
106 Africa
107 Argentina
109 Germany
111 Italy
112 Portugal
113 South America

Top-Secret Card Index to Correspondence to the Top-Secret General Correspondence (Entry 14)

Arranged in four chronological subseries: 1) 1941-1943; 2) 1944-1945; 3) 1946; and, 4) 1947, and thereunder according to the War Department decimal classification scheme. Boxes 1-10

Top-Secret General Correspondence 1941-1947 (Entry 15)

Arranged in four chronological subseries: 1) 1941-1943; 2) 1944-1945; 3) 1946; and, 4) 1947, and thereunder according to the War Department decimal classification scheme. Included in the 1941-1943 records is a project series arranged alphabetically by geographic locations and areas, and thereunder by the War Department decimal classification scheme. Boxes 1-11; 1-16; 1-5; and 1-5


Box # Decimal # Country/Geographical Location
10 091 Africa
  091 Germany
11 091 Italy
  091 Portugal
  091 South America
  091 Turkey


Box # Decimal # Country/Geographical Location
2 091 France
  091 Germany
  091 Italy
  091 South America
  091 Sweden
  091 Switzerland


Box # Decimal # Country/Geographical Location
1 091 Argentina
  091 Germany
  091 Italy
  091 Turkey


Box # Decimal # Country/Geographical Location
1 091 Italy
  091 Latin America
  091 Turkey

Records of the Military Intelligence Division

The Military Intelligence Division (MID) was responsible for the collection, evaluation, and dissemination of military information, and among its major staff duties from 1939 to 1945, included the supervision of United States military attaches and military missions abroad (Note 2), liaison with military attaches and missions in Washington from accredited foreign countries, negative (or counterintelligence) as well as positive intelligence work, and participation in joint intelligence-collection activities with the Navy and with other agencies of the Federal Government.

The March 1942 reorganization of the War Department included a major overhaul of the MID. The Intelligence Branch was replaced by the Military Intelligence Service (MIS), which assumed principal responsibility for collecting, evaluating, and disseminating intelligence information. Additional changes followed during the war, so that by 1944 MIS consisted of the following major components: 1) Information Group 2) Intelligence Group; 3) Administrative Group; and, 4) Counterintelligence Group.

MID records for the interwar period largely consist of a central correspondence file, with associated indexes. The pre-1942 records, for the most part, are located in the Archives I Building (Note 3)

Formerly Security-Classified Intelligence Reference Publications ("Regional File") Received From U.S. Military Attaches, Military and Civilian Agencies of the United States, Foreign Governments, and Other Sources, 1922-1944 (Entry 77)

The records are arranged alphabetically by name or country or region and thereunder according to a numeric-subject filing scheme initially prepared by MID in 1920 as the Index Guide for Classification of Military Information. This index organized intelligence materials for a particular country or region into general and secondary subject categories, each of which was assigned four-digit numerical designations. In the 1940 edition of the index, information was organized into nine general categories: Geographic (1000-1320); Population and Social Conditions (2000-2950); Political (3000-3870); Economic (4000-5070); National Defense (5900-5990); Army (6000-6970); Navy (7000-7945); Air-Civil (8000-8290); and, Air-Military (9900-9960). For each country or region, additional miscellaneous subject files, correspondence, or memorandums are often appended to the end of the numeric-subject files. The Numerical Series of Intelligence Documents ("ID File"), which began in June 1944, was the successor to this series. See Records of the Army Staff (RG 319) for the "ID" File.

Boxes 1-3335

Box # Country and/or Subject
78-120 Argentina
146-149 Austria
150 Axis; folder entitled "Misc Axis Key Laws, Decrees and Regulations"contains a publication entitled "Key Laws Decrees and Regulations Issued by the Axis in Occupied Europe. It was produced by the Reoccupation Division of the Blockade, Branch of the Board of Economic Warfare, December 1942.
156-175 Belgium
320-334 Bulgaria
690-702 Czechoslovakia
704-715 Denmark
784-798 Finland
799-955 France
1051-1377 Germany
1600-1619 Hungary
1936-2040 Italy
2271-2371 Latin America
2406 Liechtenstein
2410-2411 Luxembourg
2601 Monaco
2607-2628 Netherlands
2676-2713 Norway
2798-2836 Poland
2837-2853 Portugal
2845 Portuguese External Commerce Military Attache Report
2833 December 3, 1943, Portuguese Foreign Trade During the War, March 13, 1944 Wolfram and the War, February 4, 1944, Iberian Exports of Minerals and Metals to Axis Europe- 1943, January 12, 1944 .
2861-2886 Rumania
2900-2945 Spain
2922 Trade Finance and Communications of Spain Portugal and their Possessions Board of Economic Warfare report January 20, 1943
2923 Spanish Foreign Trade October 14, 1943
2924 Analysis of Smuggling Activities of 70 Suspected Firms and Individuals in the United States French North Africa Neutral European Countries
2968-2997 Sweden
2998-3007 Switzerland
3035-3062 Turkey
3077-3210 USSR (Russia)

Formerly Security-Classified Intelligence Reference Publications ("P" File) Received From U.S. Military Attaches, Military and Civilian Agencies of the United States, Foreign Government and Other Sources, 1940-1945 (Entry 79)

This series includes intelligence report series issued by Allied, British, and U.S. operations commands; intelligence bulletins and reports periodically issued by specific Allied and U. S. organizations and agencies; and individual publications or special reports. The records are arranged in 24 alphabetical subseries (A-W), thereunder generally in alphabetical order by title, operational command (often by acronym), subject, country, or organization, and thereunder chronologically or numerically by report or publication number. A Continuation of the "P" File is located in Records of the Army Staff (RG 319). Boxes 1-2619

Box # File/Publication Title
776 Economic Intelligence Summaries-SHAEF [Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces] Nos 1-34 1944-1945 Summary Report #29, dated March 21, 1945 contains information on "Allied Economic Relations with Switzerland. Economic Intelligence Weekly produced by the Economic Advisory Branch of the British Foreign Office. Nos. 1-14. 1945
780 Economic Warfare-Blacklist Economic Warfare-Blockade
780-784 Economic Warfare Intelligence Reports-From the Economic Warfare Division, American Embassy, London location 390/34/2/01
784-787 Economic Warfare-Safehaven Reports-From the Economic Warfare Division, American Embassy, London
894-899 Federal Bureau of Investigation Reports regarding operations in Central and South America ca.1943-1945. Most of the records relate to Brazil, Costa Rica, Cuba, Guatemala, and Peru.
906 Finance Section Reports 1-8 Civil Affairs Branch HQ 12th Army Group June 6, 1944-September 28, 1944 Financial Bulletin (folder marked as such) contains "Credit Suisse Zurich Financial Bulletin 1944 which is an English language edition of the Bank's Financial Bulletin of December 1944.
924-948 May 1945 (Box 932); and, Report ES-7 "German Economic Interests in Chile. (Box 934) Most of the reports in Boxes 935 to 948 relate to economic warfare against Japan and industry in Germany.
958 Fortnightly Summary of General Political and Economic Situation in Europe, Far East, Americas, United Nations. (3 folders) 1944-1945
1066 G-5 Weekly Intelligence Summary and Weekly Journal of Information SHAEF February-May 1945
1082 German banking in 1944 prepared by Ministry of Economic Warfare May 5, 1945
1090 German Press on Portugal and Spain prepared by British Embassy, Lisbon June 15, 1944
1272-1274 Ministry of Economic Warfare Intelligence Weekly 1942-1945
1331 Jewish Problem and British Policy (75 pp., September 18, 1937) The Jewish Problem and the United States (69pp., Jan 18, 1939)
1335 La Suisse en Armes [1939-1945] written in French and published in 1945.
1350-1363 Justice Department-Economic Warfare Section Records 1942-1945 [included in boxes 1350-1351 are a Report on the Banque Nationale Pour Le Commerce et L'Industrie ("Laval's Bank) and a supplementary confidential report on the same subject.]
1604 Notes on Economic Intelligence prepared by Foreign Office and Ministry of Economic Warfare, 1943-1945 (4 folders)
1933 Proclaimed List of German Blocked Nationals and other proclaimed Lists of Certain Blocked Nationals prepared by Department of Justice 1941-1945
1935 Program for German Economic and Industrial Disarmament-Final Report with Appendices prepared by the Enemy Branch of the Foreign Economic Administration December 20, 1945
1989 Report on German Reparation to the President of the United States February-September 1945, a printed bound copy of the report prepared by the United States Representative and Associate Representative on the Allied Commission on Reparations September 20, 1945
2051 Safehaven Targets No. 1-21 (1945) and Safehaven Intercepts No. 8 1945 prepared by the Foreign Economic Administration
2052-2053 Scavenger Special Reports prepared by G-2 SHAEF 1945
2181 State Department Special Interrogation Mission, 3 folders of Interrogations September-November 1945
2237 Summary of Enemy Economic Developments prepared by the Ministry of Economic Warfare December 29, 1941. Contains a section entitled "German Economic Relations with European Neutrals.
2404 Copies of various Treasury-printed reports including is a copy of Census of Foreign-Owned Assets in the United States (88pp. 1945); Documents Relating to Foreign Funds Control (January 30, 1942); Documents Relating to Foreign Funds Control (June 15, 1945); Preliminary Study of Corporations and Other Forms of business Organizations in Nazi Germany: Concentration of Capital and Other Developments (June 13, 1944); Preliminary Study of German Clearing Agreements (July 27, 1944); and Articles of Agreements: Inter Monetary Fund and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, Bretton Woods, N.H. July 1-22, 1944.

Records of the Captured Personnel and Material Branch (Note 4)

Formerly Security-Classified Interrogation Reports and Correspondence on Prisoners of War (MIS-Y) 1943-1945 (Entry 179)

The records in this series constitutes a general reference collection of interrogations and intelligence reports received or collected by the Branch in Washington, DC. The series is organized into several subseries. Boxes 349-772

Reports - Combined Services Detailed Intelligence Center (CSDIC) Allied Forces HQ

Box # Folder/File # Subject
642 7 PWP33 German banking: Aspects of practice and notes on personalities(including Schacht, Funk, and Puhl). Information derived from 5 PW, all with banking experience in Germany, and includes details on the Reichsbank, the Deutsche Bau-undBodenbank AG, the Landesbank der Provinz Westfalen and personalities, 45 pp. November 17, 1944 Addendum to PWP33 includes comments on personalities (including Schacht, Funk, and Puhl). 3 pp. January 22, 1945
  7 PWP34 Regional fiscal administration in Germany. Details supplied by 3 PW who worked in regional banks. 22 pp. November13, 1944
  7 PWP48 Working of a regional clearing house for savings banks in Germany. Information supplied by PW who was head of statistics department in a Dusseldorf bank. 26 pp. December 29, 1944
  7 PWP52 Reichswirtschaftsministerium(RWM): Functions and organization (Reich Ministry of Economics). Information furnished by PW who worked in foreign trade area and covers development of RWM, its position in the economic organization, internal organization, personalities. 49 pp. January 23, 1945
  7 PWP56 Aspects of German banking and insurance business. Details supplied by PW who was employed by several insurance companies. 27 pp. February 19, 1945
  7 PWP61 Notes on German museums and evacuation of German art treasures provided by 4 PW, 5 pp. March 4, 1945
  7 PWP65 Notes on administration of enemy property in Germany; PW who was administrator of all enemy banks in France, 4 pp. March 9, 1945
  7 PWP67 Reichsbank and its relations with other institutions; details supplied by 2 PW, 49 pp. March 25, 1945
643 1 PWP71 Social insurance in Germany. Two PW furnished details about direct and indirect Reich administration of insurance institutions; the working of social insurance: health, accident, pension; personalities, 33 pp. April 3, 1945
  1 PWP73 Transfer of enemy assets in France to the Treuhandstelle of the German military commander; the German Aero-Bank in Paris, France. Details supplied by PW who was administrator of all enemy banks in France. 5 pp. April 4, 1945
  1 PWP76 German banking. Details provided by 3 PW, former banking officials. 28 pp. April 12, 1945
  1 PWP79 German purchases of foreign and German securities, Sperrmark, foreign currency and gold in Paris. Information provided by PW, administrator of bank in Paris, France. 8 pp. April 14, 1945
  1 PWP89 German purchases of gold, foreign currency, and securities in black markets of France, Belgium and Holland. Interviews with 2 PW. 10 pp. May 6, 1945
  1 PWP103 Organization and activities of Staatliche Kreditanstalt Oldenburg- Bremen and Bremer Landesbank. Details provided by PW, former employee of bank, 61 pp. June 23, 1945
644 1 PWP106 Personalities in the economic and statistical departments of the Reichsbank, 2 PW. 4 pp. June 5, 1945
  1 PWP110 I.G. Farben- organization, central financial and commercial offices, economic espionage, personalities. Details supplied by PW, former employee in chemicals branch, 29 pp. June 13, 1945
  1 PWP118 Organization and personalities of the Rechnungshof des Deutschen Reichs (State Accounts Department). 8 pp. June 27, 1945
  1 PWP127 Organization and activities of Deutsche Siedlungsbank, Berlin. 16 pp. July 13, 1945
  1 PWP131 Germany's financial policy in occupied and quasi-occupied territories (excluding Russia and Poland). Information provided by PW, former fiscal administrator, 29 pp. July 25, 1945
657 1 SIR10 Interrogation of foreign service official outlining his connections with SS and SD and contacts in Germany, Finland, Sweden, and Denmark, 12 pp. January 30, 1946
  1 SIR20 Amt VI activity in Switzerland, 3 pp. March 29, 1946
  1 SIR38 Interrogation of Gen Lt der Waffen SS Oswald Pohl. Details on Pohl's activities for past year, 21 pp. June 4, 1946
  2 PIR25 Major ig Heinrich Maximilien Golcher. Details on his relationship with the Japanese Intelligence Service and also in connection with arrangements made for smuggling of ball-bearings from Sweden to Germany, 5 pp. October 3, 1945
  2 PIR73 Werner Dankwort, head of Political Dept. in German Legation, Stockholm, Sweden 2 pp. January 2, 1946
  2 PIR94 Kurt Freiherr von Schroder, banker, 4 pp. January 24, 1946
  2 PIR111 Lt d R Franz Mammen, merchant marine officer, assistant to German Naval Attache, Buenos Aires, Argentina 5 pp. February 16, 1946
  2 PIR113 Wilhelm von Pochhammer, official at German Embassy, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2 pp. February 16, 1946
  2 PIR117 Krafft Friedrich Wilhelm Simmross, member of Abw I M, KO Spain, 4 pp. February 21, 1946
  2 PIR118 Gottfried Julius Brandt, import merchant and position in Press Dept. of German Embassy, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 7 pp. Feb. 20, 1946
  2 PIR119 Oblt d R Johann Martin Muller, merchant and asst. to German Naval Attache, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 5 pp. February 21, 1945
  2 PIR128 Franz Rudolf Schumann, salesman, assistant to German military attache, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 4 pp. Mar. 11, 1946
661 1 SIR931 Dachau concentration camp, 12 pp. September 9, 1944
662 1 SIR1185 Notes on Hitler, military hq, and special trains. Interrogation of confidential clerk to Luftwaffe general, 17 pp. November 13, 1944
  1 SIR1292 Insurance of French and German workers in France, 2 pp. December 3, 1944
665 2 SIR1728 Amt VI, RSHA. Organizationof central office, methods, agents, personalities, organizations with which Amt VI maintained liaison, foreign policy activities, etc. 88 pp. October 1, 1945
666 1 M1090 German social insurance. health, unemployment, and old age insurance, 7 pp. March 27, 1945
  1 M1110 Financial conditions in Germany. Financial assets in Argentina, business activities of Nazi Party, banking conditions during the war, currency questions, security dealings, effect of air raid damage on commercial insurance, tax payments, Hamburg banking institutions and personalities, etc., 7 pp. April 2, 1945
  1 M1122 Reich Ministry of Finance. Organization, future organization, recommendations for immediate action, financial activities, personalities, dispersal of the Ministry, etc. 16 pp. April 15, 1945
  1 M1128 Secret instructions to German bank, September 1944, 1 pp. April 14, 1945
  1 M1141 Notes on banking and finance in Germany, 11 pp. April 29, 1945 2 M1184 Taxation and confiscation of church property in Nazi Germany, 9 pp. June 25, 1945
667 1 M968 Miscellaneous information including Dachau concentration camp, 7 pp. November 22, 1944 location 390/35/14/02
668 1 M1065 Interrogation of PW who served with SS Guard Battalion at Oranienburg/SA concentration camp. Duties of individual guard companies, suitcase department (where PW was assigned), treatment of prisoners, types of inmates and personalities, layout of main camp, etc. 23 pp. March 11, 1945
  2 NOI532 Legations Finance Department of the German Foreign Office, 4 pp. March 12, 1945
  2 NOI548 SS economic enterprises, SS Arbeitslager, Leonberg, 5 pp. April 4, 1945
  2 NOI563 Personalities, German Foreign Office, 9 pp. April 14, 1945
669 1 NOI575 Dachau concentration camp, August 1944, 5 pp. April 24, 1944
  2 NOI610 Personalities of I.G. Farben, 13 pp. May 24, 1945
  2 NOI616 I.G. Farben personalities, 11 pp. June 4, 1945
  3 CI6 Descriptions of Nazi political personalities, listed by city of residence. 42 pp March 20, 1945


Box # File Title
743 Military Intelligence Service Report on Safehaven
745 State Department Special Interrogations (2 files) Person Interrogated:
Ernst Wilhem Bohle
Heinrich Franz Johannes Borchers
Hans Heinrich Dieckhoff
Herbert Von Dirksen
Heinz T. Von Falkenstein
Ulrich Von Gienanth
Hermann Goering
Ander Hencke
Andor Hencke
Ernst Adolf Hepp
Baron Oswald Von Hoyningen-Huene
Hans Thomsen
Wilhelm Keppler
Dr. Eugene Klee
Hans-Heinrich Lammers
Otto Meissner
Baron Joseph Hermann F.E.M. Von Mentzingen
Gerhard Johannes Georg Kleeberg
Hanna Feldtange
Freihere C.H.K. Von Neurath
Dr. Hermann Neubacher
Captain Dietrich Niebuhr
Dr. Theodor Paeffgen
Franz Von Pappen
Friedrich W. Von Prittwitz
Richard Von Kuehlmann
Carl Berthold Franz Rekowski
Joachim Von Ribbentrop
Karl Ritter
Paul Otto Gustave Schmidt
Franz Xaver Schwarz
Colonel Conrad Steinhaeuser
Dr. Karl Stroelin
Wilheim Ernst August Tannenberg
Fritz Ernst Adalbert van Twardowski
Dr. Edmund Veesenmayer

Records of the Central European Branch

Security-Classified General Correspondence 1919-1944 (Entry 181)
Boxes 932-956

Box # Country Subject
942 Germany Current Events
943 Germany Economics
944 Germany Foreign Policy
946 Germany Jews (1935)
951 Germany Trade
