Records of the Shipbuilding Stabilization Committee
(Record Group 254)
53 cu. ft.
Table of Contents
Established: In the Office for Emergency Management (OEM) by order of the Commissioner of the Labor Division, Advisory Commission to the Council of National Defense, November 27, 1940, pursuant to Advisory Commission directive, September 25, 1940.
Transfers: To newly established Office of Production Management, OEM, by EO 8629, January 7, 1941; to newly established War Production Board, OEM, by EO 9024, January 16, 1942; to newly established Civilian Production Administration, OEM, by EO 9638, October 4, 1945; to the Office of the Secretary of Labor by EO 9656, November 15, 1945.
Functions: Promoted employment stabilization in the shipbuilding industry.
Abolished: Informally dissolved by Secretary of Labor letter, December 19, 1947.
Finding Aids: Leo Pascal, comp., Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Shipbuilding Stabilization Committee, PI 121 (1959).
Related Records:
Record copies of publications of the Shipbuilding Stabilization Committee in
RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government. Records of the United States Shipping
Board, RG 32.
General Records of the Department of Labor, RG 174. Records of the War Production
Board, RG 179.
Records of the National War Labor Board (World War II), RG 202.
Records of the Wage and Salary Stabilization Boards of the Economic Stabilization
Agency, RG 293.
Subject Access Terms: World War II agency.
64 lin. ft.
Textual Records: Subject-classified central file, 1940-47, with an index to letters received. Letters, memorandums, and telegrams sent by the chairman, deputy chairman, and staff aides, 1942-47. General office records, 1940-45. Orders, rulings, and other issuances of the Shipbuilding Commission, National War Labor Board, 1940-45. Records of the chairman relating to matters other than shipbuilding, 1941-43. Reference material, consisting of published issuances of the committee and other federal agencies, 1941-46.
Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.
This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.