C [Part 1 of 2]
o Calafatis, Antonia
o Camatta, Mr. and Mrs. Romeo
o Camincian, Gabriel
o Camporelli, Arnaldo
o Carter, Cyril
o Cary, Irene T.
o Castro, Victor
o Cathay Export and Import Company
o Chadwick, Galina
o Chain, Alla
o Chaikin, Malcolm
o Chako, Daniel
o Chan, Shun-Chow
o Chan, Wing-Sheung
o Chang, Shih-Chang
o Chang, Gunda Hack
o Chanturay, Vladimir
o Charig, Wilhelm Siegfried
o Chekalina, Galina Konstantinovna
o Chelmis, Anneta
o Chemlis, G.D.
o Chen, Bernard A.
o Chen, Chi-Ching
o Chen, Chjen
o Chen, Hung
o Chen, Mildred Lolei
o Chen, Percy
o Chen, Wei-Sin
o Chen, Yolanda
o Cheng, Yukiko Tashima (AKA Lucy or Lucille Tseng or Chung)
o Cherniavsky, Nadejda Vasilna
o Chialing Development Corp.
C [Part 2 of 2]
o Chow, Fu-Hai (and Scott, Catherine)
o Chirskoff/Chriskoff, Vladin N.
o Chu, Pei-Yu
o Chu, Tsing Chun
o Chu, Tseng-Chun
o Chu, Valentin
o Churakoovsky, Eudoxie Ivanova
o Church, Dorothy J.
o Cittermann, Julius and Frieda
o Clark, Edward
o Clements, Alexandra
o Cohen, Bernard
o Cohn, Dr. A. J.
o Cohn, Albrecht Bruno
o Cohn, Dr. Egon
o Cohn, Erich and wife Martha
o Cohn, Gerda
o Cohn, Gerhard Isbert
o Cohn, Heinz
o Collaco, E. M.
o Colomer, Joaquin
o Commercial Express and Storage Company
o Comus, Estaban
o Continental Oil Mill and Refining (See Gourievidis, David)
o Costa, George
o Cowan, William
o Craig, D.D.
o Crank, T. Reginald
o Crews, Cyril
o Crichton, Andrew
o Cukier, Majer
o Czollek, Walter and Raphael Kurt
Chan, Chung Hing
Chesneaux, Jean
Chilikin, Vassily Vassilievitch
Chin, George B.
Chisholm, Robert Donald
Comtesse, Jean Jacques
Costa, da, Louis Fernando Emilo
Crouch, Mary
Cuba Entries
Curacao Visas
o Bent, Arkady M. and wife Maria F. (nee Tolokonsky)
o Kamieniecki, Saweli and wife Rachel Theresia (nee Rosenfeld)
o Karpovich, Nicholas N.
o Ossipoff, George Michaelovich
o Rajchman, Chaskeil and family
o Schlosser, Salomon and wife Rachela (nee Goatz)
o Daltotat
o Dam, FNU
o Dammers, Arnold
o DAndria, Stefano
o Delbuch, Eugenia P.
o Dellinghauser, Nikolai
o Den, Dr.
o Diaksnis, Anna M.
o Dikenko, Val.
o Dilowa, Gegan
o Dimitrieff, Nikolai I. and wife Ekaterina, daughter Maria
o Dimoff, FNU
o Disdier, Father
o Dobal, Jan
o Dobrin, Hans and Irma
o Dolgopolsky, Sifra nee Slonimsky
o Dolinin, Eugene
o Dombrower, Gerhard and wife Ruth
o Dombrowski, Hermann
o Donadio, Matteo
o Donat, Walter, Maria
o Dorofeev, Andrei M.
o dos Remedios, Gertrudes
o Drake, Darrell
o Drake, Wm. Waldo
o Drucker, Ewald
o Dubiovskis, Girske
o Dubrovo, Boris A.
o Dudley, Ellen, nee Rosenmyer
o Dvoskin, Abraham Lazarevitch
Dammron, Rene
David, Henry Heinrich (See Heyman, Kurt)
Box 2 (Dialovitskaya thru Fraiberger)
Diatlovitskaya, Sulamif
Dinaburg, David and Liza
Displaced Persons
Dobrin, Fritz
Droesse, Werner
o Economou, George Nicolas
o Edginton, Olga (Nee Kanaoff)
o Edwards, Doris F.
o Efron, George A. and wife Anna S. (nee Sorkova)
o Ehrlich, Jozef H.
o Eifer, Joachim
o Eiffler, Wilhelm and Gertrud
o Eisner, Nachman
o Emelianoff, A.F. and Mrs. Olga E.
o Emilianoff, Nicholas
o Eng, Howard W.
o Engelsberg, Simcha
o Engle, FNU (see Sulke, Alfred)
o Ennock, Marie
o Erben, Hermann Frederic (Dr.)
o Ershova, Alexandra
o Erwin-Schneider (Tenebrugge)
Eggers, Major (CIC)
Egoroff, Maxim, wife Taisie nee Petineva (Soviet)
Efimovna, Claudia (nee Katchan)
Elkinson, Natalie
Engbolm, Vera Josephine (nee Bein)
o Faerber, Max
o Faessler, Ruth Mrs.
o Fainberg, Chaim and wife Pesa nee Fain-Feldman and son Emmanuel
o Farafontoff, Alexis N.
o Feder, Moric
o Feder, Simon
o Fedoroff, Alex Alexander
o Fedoseeff, Nadejda Ivanovna and Lubov
o Fedoulenko, Valentin
o Fein, Solomon
o Feldevary, Thomas Damjanovith
o Feldman, David Joseph Isayes
o Feldman, Munio
o Fellner, Ferry
o Fillunger, Dr.
o Finkenstein,Walter
o Fischer, Werner
o Koppius, Dirk
o Fitz-Randolph, Theodore
o Fleisher, Walter Leon
o Flicksteger, Carl
o Fockler, Robert Sanford
o Fradkin, Usher Jacob, wife Zlata nee Bakhnoff
o Fraenkel, Guenther
o Franco, Manuel
o Frank, Harry
o Frankel, Heinz
o Frenkel, Raul
o Freundlich, Fritz Sally
o Freundlich, Dr. Hans Norbert and wife, Margarete
o Friedlaender, Arnold Pavlovich and Friedlander, Otto J.
o Friedlaendor, FNU
o Friedman, Walter
o Friend, Jacob Lion
o Friman, Erik Wilhem
o Fritsch, Hans H.
o Froimoff-Goutman, Dolly
o Froloff, Antonin Metrofanovich and wife Natalia
o Fuchs, Berta
o Fuss, George
Federmann, Erwin and Elfriede
Feldman, Ida
Fraiberger, Ester and Lia
Box 3 (Frensdorff thru Gumpert)
Frensdorff, Hubert and son Walter
Friedlaender, Fritz
Fuerst, R.L.
G [Part 1 of 2]
o Galatis, Dionissios
o Galichanina, Anna M.
o Galkin, Gallia V.
o Gallardo, Perlita (Louis L. Dixon)
o Gallatzer, Norbert and wife Margot
o Garin, Alexander Nicholas
o Garramiola, Felix
o Gath, Elsi Berta
o Gath, Gustavo
o Gava, Rodica
o Gearhart
o Gentleman, Rae
o German Repatriation
o Gersh, Myron D.
o Gershevich, Norman
o Gerstein, Semen Lazar and wife Haya
o Getchll, Eugenia
o Gigaut, FNU
o Gimpel, Hans J.
o Gingeroff, Nina
o Girand, Tatiana
o Glaser, Rudi
o Glaser-Ganther, Heinz
o Glattstein, Julius and wife Regina
o Goldberg, Adolphe;
o Goldberg (stowaway)
o Goldman, Alfred (or Goldmann, Leopold Israel)
o Goldmann, Israel
o Goldmann, Takob
o Goldschmidt, Fritz
o Golstoff, Gennady F.
o Goltzman, Meer and Elizabeth
o Gonda, Harry
o Gonzalez, Juan Osa
o Goodheim, James
o Goodrich, Mr. Leon and wife, Ludmilla (nee Trachtenburg)
o Gorstein, Solomon;
o Goshal, H.N.
o Gottschalk, Ernst
o Gouchovsky, Helen Paula
G [Part 2 of 2]
o Gourevidis, David (Dourevich)
o Grabovsky, FNU
o Granate, Alexander
o Grann, Frantisek
o Gray, Adeline
o Gray, James
o Greshner, Oleg
o Gribanosky, Paul and wife Galina N.
o Griffiths, Raissa Nicholevna
o Grigorieff, Ekaterina I.
o Grooshana, Mrs. AGA
o Gross, Arthur
o Grossmann, Arthur
o Grumberger, Herbert
o Gumpert, Hans
o Grundmann, F.J.W.
o Guridi, Juan Cruz
o Gurfinkel, R.B.
Garrett, Ted
German List
Gigante, Giuseppe
Goldsztejn, Jan
Golovatsky, Tatiana
Gordo, Waldo Vicente
Goudasheff, Nicholas
Grinblat, Israel-Ber
Grosse, Lev Victorvitch
Grossmann, Alexey and Valeria
Gumpert, Karl
Box 4 (H [Part 1 of 2] thru Joseph)
H [Part 1 of 2]
o Haenish, Willy
o Halas, S.
o Halpern, Irene
o Hammerschiag, Hermann (Israel)
o Hannach, FNU (see Sulke, Alfred; Brahn, Curt)
o Hansen, Tung
o Hardy, Claude Camille Marcel
o Harris, Harold Edgar
o Harting, Hans and wife Dagmar (nee Glade)
o Hartman, Aaki
o Hassel, Michele
o Hasselmann, Dr. C. M.
o Haube, Bruno
o Havsky, Serge
o Healey, LeRoy
o Heft, FNU
o Heilborn, Edith
o Heiman, Wilhem
o Heinmann, Heinz-Egan
o Henkin, William
o Herczka, Arpad Richard
o Hermandorena, Toribio y Barandiaran
o Herzberg, Ludwig
o Heymann, Hans
o Heymann, Kurt
o Hinton, William
o Hirsch, Cal
o Ho, Wen Jen (Mrs.)
o Hochstaedt, Josef and wife Amalia
o Hoebich, Margarete nee Brettner, and son Christian Konrad
o Hoffman, George (Uffner George)
o Hoffmark, Gleb Wilhelm
o Holzberger, E. A.
o Homeak [Homejk], Pavel V.
H [Part 2 of 2]
o Honigstock, Efroim I.
o Hopper, Vera A.
o Horn, Fern Winifred Mrs. (see Faessler, Ruth)
o Harvath, Dimitri and family
o Horvath, Camillia
o Horwitz, Denny
o Howard, Jack
o Index Cards: Boellhoff; Dohose, Wilhelm; Fraco; Boekenkamp, Manfred)
o Hreschatitskaya, Maria Pavlovna
o Hsu, Chih-Kia
o Hsu, En-ts-eng
o Hsu, Ming-Cheng
o Hu, Shih
o Huang, Jamson
o Hugo, E.K.O.
o Hull, Ludmila P.
o Hung, T. Ling
o Hwa Mei Company: Jacob Wallach, Natan Sapojnikoff, Moses E. Kaptzan, Mark Kaptzan, Miron Zaron, and Mrs. Linbov Zaron
o Hwang, Chi-med
o Hwei, John (alias Hwei, Shing; alias Ivan Wei)
Hamburger, Otto Max
Hamel, Gergard
Hammerstein, Leopold
Harrington, Eugenia nee Melnik
Hellmuth, Osmar Albert and Otto Carlos
Hennig, R. A.
Herrero, Mrs. R. Merlens
Hormaechea, y Urrunaga Jose Maria
Hramzoff, Victor D. (or Hramtsov)
o Iachvidoff, Jacob
o Ignatenko, B.F. (see Boortezeff, A.G.)
o Ikeda, Kenji
o Ikeda, Terry
o Illies, Herbert August
o Ilynikh, Olga
o Incontraera, Ferruccio
o Interculture, Inc. (see Bandler, Wyllis)
o International Labor Conference
o International Student Service
o Inoshita, Day Hiroshi
o Inwood, Al
o Ionis, Mark
o Iosselevich, Sophie [Ioselevich, Samuel]
o Iritz, I. (or Istvan Iritz or Stephen Iritz)
o Irxmayer, Friedolin, Earl, Edmond
o Irxmayer, Ingeberg
o Isaack, Kurt
o Ivanoff, Serge F.
Ilchook, Leo John
Ivanoff, Maria nee Koskova
o Jacob, Dorit
o Japan Entry
o Jauregui, Ignacio
o Jauregui, Teodoro
o Javroisky, Andrew John
o Jebsen and Company
o Jensen, George
o Joel, Walter
o Joffe
o Joffe, Joseph Abraham and wife Henrietta nee Lifshitz
o Joffe, Micheal
o Jofe, Ruvim
o Joh, Vanda
o Johansen, Richard
o Josephson, Herbert
o Jourovick, Anatoly
o Judah, Ezra
o Jugoslav Seaman (Paunovic, Trifun; Mojsilovic, Blasojo; Filipovic, Jovica; Nikezic, Dragutin; Vracar, Aleksander)
o Jungerman, Wolf
Jensen, Frederick A.
Jonas, Fritz Edward
Joseph, Luise nee Maas
Box 5 (K thru KIW thru Kohlauser)
K thru KIW
o Kac, Jacob
o Kacee, Anna Karlovna
o Kahane, Marcel
o Kahn, Erich and wife Mimi
o Kamieniecki, Mary S.
o Kantor, Yakoff B. (Jack)
o Kao, Lindberg
o Kapelman, Boris
o Kaplan, Hersz
o Kapstan, Irene
o Kapustin, G.I.
o Kapustine, Grigory I.
o Kapustine, Vladimin G.
o Kasakoff, Olga
o Kashin, Adrian
o Kaspar, Arnold and Rosa
o Kardysh, Matfey
o Katemoupoulos, Katerine
o Katyll, Wladyslaw;
o Katz, Isaac Boris
o Katz, Lazar A. and Heinrich
o Katz, Louis M. and wife, Pana; Shelia, Jack
o Katz, Michail M.
o Kauf, Anastasy
o Kaufman, Alfred
o Kaufman, Elizabeth A. nee Chernysheff
o Kaufmann, Friedrich
o Kazakoff, Michail Petrovich
o Kazakoff, Vladimir V.
o Keil, Mr.
o Kekessy, Emericus
o Kempe, Karl and wife, Erna nee Schlesinger
o Khootin, Vladimir
o Kiehn, Arnold M.
o Kim, Jimmy (alias Joshua King, alias Jimmy King, alias Kazuma Mijushima)
o Kim, Peter
o Kimitriades, Kyriaco
o King, Alla
o King, Jimmy
o Kirzner, Joseph A.
o Kitzis, Minna C.
o Kiwit, Gerhard
K Kle, etc. [Part 1 of 2]
o Klebanoff, Nahim M.
o Klee, Hermann
o Kleinberger, Solomon and Blima
o Klepetar, Harry and Alzbeta
o Klicker, Kurt (Klige, Dr.)
o Klinger, Alfred and Olga
o Klobertanz, Boris, Leo, Zinaida
o Klobertanz, Theodore Altmeyer
o Knipper, Paul
o Kobritz, Henry
o Koch, Martin and Nanda
o Kocher, Erich and Gerta
o Kochmann, Manfred [and Kochmann, Rudolf]
o Koeben, Heinz
o Kogan, Itzhok Wolf and wife Keila
o Kogan, Samual
K Kle, etc. [Part 2 of 2]
o Kohlruss, Oswald
o Kohn, Kalman
o Kohtenko, Valentin
o Kole or Kolle
o Kolontaevskya, Margarita I. (see Arcady S. Segal)
o Kolotosachvili, Iracly Vassiliovitch
o Komarnitsky, F.A. and V. Komarnitsky
o Kopelman, Rudalph
o Koreischa, Alexey and wife, Helen Vladimirovna
o Korff, Anna Maria
o Korostovzoff, Lydia
o Kourigina, Tamara
o Kovacs, Mr. and Mrs.
o Kozlovsky, Konstantin S.
o Kracejs, Ansis (alias Feierabend, Freeman, Krietz, Szpokas)
o Kraemer, Herbert and wife Fanny
o Kraemer, Margot Ruth
o Krieg, Wenzel and Fanny Eries
o Kriloff, Konstantin Paul
o Krivass, Brois and Mrs. (see Alcone, Sol)
o Krogh, Anna Fasl and Haube, Bruno
o Kronert, Joseph
o Kruk, Symcha Binem
o Kryloff, Hope
o Kubota
o Kuhn [Kuhm], Karla
o Kung, Dr.
o Kusin
o Kutt
o Kwan, Maria Maraguita Oliver-Scott
o Kwok, Chen Wu Fong and Liang May
o Kwok, Clifford, Donald
o Kwok-to, Lo
Kask, Evald-Ferdinand
Kasstan, Ferdinand and wife, Klara
Kauffmann, Fritz
Kedrolivansky, Vladimir Mihailovich
Kiff, Samuel
Kirichek, Joseph
Kirlian, Gabriel, wife Maria and daughter Anna
Kohlauser, Erich
Box 6 (L Up to Levi [Part 1 of 2] thru LY)
L Up to Levi [Part 1 of 2]
o Labenski (see Btesh, Eddie)
o Labunskaya, Alexandra
o Lacker, Egon
o Lacketha, Nina Miss
o Ladd, James
o Lamm, Grigory Leontievitch
o Lan, Andre and Dassier, Maggy
o Landau, Arthur
o Landeck, Heinz Guenther
o Landsberg, Siegfried and wife Margot, son Guenther, daughter Evelyn
o Lanuzel, L.
o Larcina, Jose Maria
o Largent, Olga P.
o Larnie, John L. (see Paraguayan Consulate)
o Laser, Joseph Matthew (Priest)
o Lasus, Eric and Tilde
o Lauen, Kurt
o Laufer, Hermann
o Laughlin, David
o Egan
o Laur, Hertha
L Up to Levi [Part 2 of 2]
o Lawler, Fay H.
o Lee, Albert
o Lee, Albert Jeong
o Lee, Buck-goon
o Lee, Chong-Shih
o Lee, Heng;
o Lee, Wei-Ming (Alias Li, Wei-min, also Lee, Wei-mun)
o Lee, William Yinson
o Leechodzaevsky, Mrs. Olegga [Olega] and V.A. (daughter)
o Leibson, Sarah
o Leiboshetz, Ida Efraim
o Leibu, Joseph
o Leider, Ruth
o Lellig, Guenther
o Lembich, Olga
o Lemken, Emil; wife Taman Lissner
o Leowe, Ilse Cohn, alias Weissman, alias McMahan
o LePak, Carl C.
o Leroy, Michel (see Michel, Jean H.)
o Lesser, Hugo Harry
o Levitaky, Oleg Eugene
o Levitan, David Zalmanovich and wife Anna nee Dinaburg
o Levitin, Bruno
o Levitin, Henry
o Levitin, N.
o Levitt, Myron Moses
L Levo, etc. [Part 1 of 2]
o Levoff, Zalek Ossyif
o Levy : Levy, Hansi Louis; Levy, Hans; Levy, Arnold
o Levy, Flora Elias (see Abraham, David)
o Lew, Victor
o Lewin, Herbert
o Lewis, Tamara B.
o Leyser, Leo
o Li, Hsias-Chao
o Li, Hua
o Li, Kung-Tien
o Li, Shou-Pao
o Liahoff, Nicholas
o Liddell, J.H.
o Liebermann-Waelchli and Co.
o Liebes, Fritz, Ella
o Lieser, Johanna (nee Lammers) and Zurak, Ivan
o Lifschitz, Isac
o Lifschitz, Lazar
o Lifschitz, Mark J.
o Lillig, Guenther
o Lim, Dr. Robert King S.
o Lind, Erik Wentzel
o Linderstrom, Folke Johnny
o Ling, Chen-Ping
o Lipkovsky, Moses
o Lipshitz, S. M.
o Lipsman, Geo S
o Lissner, Klaus
L Levo, etc. [Part 2 of 2]
o Liu, Henry Victor
o Liu, Wallace and Beatrice
o Lizzaraga, Jose
o Llado, Margarita
o Lo, Kwong to (Vincent Lo) see Jerome Law file
o Locke, Joseph Patrick
o Locke, Patrick
o Lockshina, Maria
o Loewe-Levi, Michael V.
o Loewenstein, Karl and Martha
o Loewy, Adolf
o Lohmus, Alexander
o Lomballot
o Lommatzsch, Ernst
o Lootsy, M.N.
o Lorant, Walter
o Lorentz, Hans Achim and wife Ilse
o Louie, Helen (see also: Molovstoff, Andrews and George)
o Loureiro, Victor Harris
o Lowe, Florence
o Lowig, K.
o Lu, Jen-Chi.
Lai, Dou-Yen (Daniel)
Laur, Hertha
Lee, Ellen-Miss
Lee, Helen
Lesters, Muriel
Levin, Gersh (Harry) Naum
Leverton, Jose Arnold
Lipkovsky, Boris
Lipkovsky, Eva
Lipsman, Jean George
Lustig, Otto, wife Ilse Juliette nee Bleier, and daughter, Alena Eva
Lustig, Schulim, Gottesman
Luthy, Ernst
Box 7 (M up to Melnik [Part 1 of 2] thru Merrick)
M up to Melnik [Part 1 of 2]
o Ma, Kin Yuen
o Mainzer, Wilhelm and wife, Se-ling nee Li or Lee
o Makhova, Alexandra
o Malchinksy-Tukachinsky, Jacob
o Maldonado, Alvaro
o Malinovsky, Nicholas N.
o Manchu-American Corp.
o Mantovani, Walfredo
o Mayer, Hans Siegmund
o Topaz, Joseph
o Mao, Chien Wu
o Marasanoff, George
o Marcal, F. L.
o Marcs, Jerome
o Marcus, Gert and wife Ruth Paula, Klaus, Max
o Marcusi, Dr.
o Maresch
o Margel, Simon
o Mariano, Jose
o Mark, S.
M up to Melnik [Part 2 of 2]
o Marsoullies, Mme du Pac
o Martel, Emile
o Martin, Alescandre, Fernand
o Martin, Mrs. Fenton A. (nee Vera Shetina)
o Masson, Maria
o Matrai, Bela
o May, Marie/Helene
o Mayer, Ludwig
o Mayer, Siegfried
o Mazimovitch, Boris
o McClusky, Zelda
o McDonald, Wyn (miss)[sic]
o McHahan
o McIntyre, Sydney W.
o Mecklenburg, Gertud [Gertrud] Erna
o Medical Exam 811.11 X-ray exams of visa applicants
o Medvedyev, Mikhail V.
o Mehnert, Enid K. (Mrs.)
o Meisinger, Col.
o Melashich, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
o Melcer, Philip F. J.
o Melchers, Carl Gerhard
o Melchers, Hans H.P.
o Melkay, Almo
o Melnik, Jeanette
Von Maltzan, Berhard
Matkovsky, Oleg
McLachlan, Raissa
Melchoir, Hans Otto
Melgunow, Michael Alexis
Melinchenko, Nina
M Merport, etc.
o Merport, B.E.
o Messelier, Louis (wife Irene, nee Braikossky and daughter, Rene)
o Metcalff Mrs.
o Mewa, Singh
o Mexis, G. L.
o Meyer, A.F.
o Meyer, Edward
o Meyer, Hellmut, wife Inge and son George
o Michel, Jean Henri [Muzard, R.P.P.C.; LeRoy, Michel L.; Porry, Jacques]
o Midler, Wolf and Raissa
o Migdalovsky, C.B. [Carla Boleslava]
o Milner, Malka (nee Ashkenazi), daughter Zipora and son, Wolf
o Mills, Hal P.
o Mindlin, Dr. Genady
o Minkoffs (or Markoffs) - Finance and Investment Co. Weikersheimer, Felix
o Mir, Hisquia Alafi
o Mironoff, Olga
o Misevich, Milailovna
o Mizushima, Kazuma
o Molostvoff, Andrew and George
o De Monet, Joaquin
o Mongolian Students
o Monnot, R.
o Moore, Hanley
o Morais-Moshevich, Lazar D.
o Morguleff, Mark A.
o Morochnick, Abraham
o Morosoff, Boris (wife, Alexandra, nee Koteleveth)
o Morse, Frank
o Moshkovick, Pearl H.
o Moy, Wong Shee
o Mueller, Michael
o Murray, Valentina V.
o Muther, Anita F.
o Mysberg, Frederik
o Mysberg, F.
o Muzard, Robert P.P.C.
Merrick, Roland D.
Box 8 (Miura thru P [Part 2 of 2])
Miura, Kay Kiyoshi
Mokrensky, George U.
Mousastikoff (Mousastioushvili), Boris P.
Musso, Ferdinando Pasquale
Muttart, Tamara nee Crawford
o Nacht, Max
o Naparstek, Helene
o Nasser, Joseph
o Nathan, Alice
o Naumoff, Vladimir
o Nefedoff-Kassianoff, Natalia
o Nehmad, Victor and Paula
o Nehoroshkoff, Alexander
o Nemes, Americo
o Nemtschenko, Th. J.
o Nepominaschy, Boris
o Neubourg, Dennis
o Neumann, Dr. Leo [and Haas, Sibilla]
o Newman, C. (Mis)[sic]
o Neyrone, Luigi
o Nickells, Mrs. Vera nee Eftychious
o Nicolau, Rodica Mrs.
o Niedermais, Johan Edbert
o Nikolashina, Evdokia
o Nowomiast, Mojzesz and Nina
o Nugent, Tatiana
o Offersen, Carl Emil
o Ogilve, Constantin Nicolaevich
o Okun, Abraham J.
o Oleaga, Mrs. (see Lechodzaevsky, V.)
o Oleinikoff, Nicolas
o Oleinikowski J.
o Osa, Juan
o Osborne, Tamara V. Morozova
o Ostazeivitch
o Ostrovsky-Pereira, Walter Gregorio
o Ovaralda, Maurilio Domenic
o Ozorio, Charlos [Carlos]
Ollenstein, Neiman V.
Orlovsky, Katerine (Mrs. V. Katthee)
Ovsiannikoff, Valery Ignatius, wife Valentina
P [Part 1 of 2]
o Paensan, Elias A.
o Palma, Jose
o PAn, Jean Poei-Siang
o Pandelis, Jean D.
o Pantaleoni, Adelehi
o Panteleiff, Dimitry
o Pappadopulo, Stephen
o Passport Requirements
o Patrikeeff, Paul R.
o Pavel, Irene
o Pavich, Anna Mary
o Pavlov, D. I.
o Pecheniuk, Eugene A.
o Peltz, Wihely Konrad
o Perelmuter, Sulim and wife Zislea
o Peretz, Arthur
o Perme, Bruno
o Peterfy, Klara
o Petersen, Alexandra
o Petersen, Knud Vlademar
o Petina, Lydia
o Petranker, Baruch
o Philassey, Tatiana
o Piankovsky
o Picciotto, John
o Pickersgill, Eudoxia
o Pirard, Roger Felix
o Pishalinikove, Ludmila
o Pisk, Ernest
o Poignand, Sophie
o Poliansky, Henry
P [Part 2 of 2]
o Pollak, William
o Pollack, Margarethe
o Ponamarenko, Vladimir
o Pontovich, Valentina
o Popoff
o Popper, Erwin
o Popper, Hedy Mrs.
o Popper, Karl
o Popper, Oskar
o Porry, Jacques
o Prager, Fritz and Gertrude and Karin
o Prerauer, Fritz and wife Liselotte
o Preusser
o Primoff, Bertram
o Probst, Matilde
o Prommik, Lilly
o Protova, Olga
o Proudkovsky, Eugen Nicolaevich
o Pulkowinik, Antoni
o Von Puttkamer, Baron Jesco and Romain
Box 9 (Palestine thru Riggio)
Panama Affairs
Peritz, Robert
Plotkin, George
Plotnikoff, Nicolai Alexandrovich
Pridi Banomyong
Pulkownik, Antoni
Quock, May Ying
R thru RIZ (1) [Part 1 of 2]
o Radjeff, Nicholai
o Radomski, Erna Helen
o Rager, Bruno
o Rance, Stanley
o Ransom, Richard D.
o Raphael, Kurt (alias Rafael; see also Czollek, Walter)
o Raquiza, Lily
o Raskin, Albert
o Rathje, Erich T.
o Razon, Ilford R.
o Regalado, Jose Ligaya aka Marcos
o Reichbaum, Alexander
o Reiniger, Emil Adolf [Adolph]
R thru RIZ (1) [Part 2 of 2]
o Reid, Pearl Mildred
o Reierstad, Leo
o Reiss, Gerhard
o Reitler-Ova, Zuzana Katerina
o Renner, Alexander
o Reskinow, Leo and Dora
o Reyer, Anna V.
o Reynolds, Milton J.
o Richards, Owen
o Riszowe, Mr.
Rabinovich, David
R thru RO (2)
o Robertson, Ella Marie
o Robinson, Nina
o da Rocha, Gus
o Rochold, Ferdinand
o Rodovsky
o Rogojin, Mihail
o Rojdesvensky, Boris
o Rollman, Ernst and Heinz
o Romain, Alfred
o Rondon, Louis
o Rondon, Yvonne H.
o Ronnel, Eliot A.
o Roosevelt, Quentin (servant)
o Rose, Alexander
o Rosenbaum
o Rosenbaum, Albert
o Rosenberg, Sally
o Rosenberg, Wilhelm (see also Hilde)
o Rosenblatt, Martin Stern
o Rosenstein, Osher
o Rosenthal, Simon
o Rosling, Mrs. Galina Pavolvna
o Rosner, Leo L.
o Roth, M (of Dairen)
o Roussakoff, Marie
o Rubin, Leo Morris
o Ruechker, Lina Emma Elisabeth
o Russakoff, V.B.
o Russel, Vera
o Rybina, Anna A.
Riggio, Eleanora
Riggio, Luciano
Box 10 (Robitscher thru Shmeleff)
Robitscher, Magdalene
Rochlin, Arnold Markovich and wife Lubov nee Hollandsky
Roman, E.
Rosenthal, Elivra
Rott, George and wife
Rozenbau, Adrienne
Rudakoff, George
Ruffe, Selina dAuxion
Runes, Berndt
Russian Emigrants Assoc.
Russian Movement to S. America
Ryukus, Okinawa, Guam
S thru SCHO (1)
o Sagai, Masaji
o Saharoff, Nichola
o Salinger, Kate nee Gottschalk
o Salomon, Ernst
o Samsonovich, Alexander
o Samuel, Hans
o Santos, Ivan
o Sanz, Carolina A. (also see Raquiza, Lily)
o Sapiro, Boris
o Sapper, Joseph
o Sarly, R.
o Sasoon (sic) [Sassoon], Sir Victor
o Saucken, Hans von
o Saunders, S.S.
o Savitzky, Helen Ilyinishna nee Koorkovsky
o Scharman, [August Wilhelm]
o Schatroff, N.S.
o Schaz, Frida
o Schedrovitch, Samuel
o Scheel, Whilhelm
o Schetelig, Willy
o Schick, Erwin
o Schick, Fritz
o Schiller, Jacob M. and Anna
o Schiller, Wladimir
o Schimek, Elfriede nee Hoffman (Schimechek)
o Schinderler, Irma
o Schindler, Konrad
o Schindler, FNU (see Sulke, Alred)
o Schkolnikow, Samuel
o Schlager, Franz
o Schmidt, Charles
o Schmidt, David Iseaelevich
o Schmitz, Carmen Maria Helena
o Schmitz, Irmgard Mercedes Weyers
o Schneider, Efim A.
o Schneider, Horst A.
o Schneider, Paul (Paulo) Franz (nee Kusiah)
o Schnur, Pinkus [Pincas]
o Schoen, Ilse
o Schott (see Steigerwald, Welhelm)
o Schoutov, Alexander E. and wife Helen
o Schowitz, Anto.
S SCHU to SIR (2) [Part 1 of 2]
o Schuck, Irene
o Schueftan, Max
o Schueler, Dr.
o Schulz, Paul
o Schuman, Herman (see Heymann, Kurt)
o Schuman, Valentina
o Schwabe, Dr. Gerard Helmut
o Schwarz, FNU [Guenter]
o Schwarz, Hans
o Schwartz, Hans and wife Lotte nee Cohn
o Schwartz, Hans, wife Minnie, daughter Gitta
o Schwarz, Hermann and Grete
o Schwarz, Hugo and wife, Nelly
o Seepol, Oscar
o Segall, Aron G.
o Segers, George and Christine
o Selector, M.
o Sepmann, Eduard
o Serecusoff, FNU
o Sergievsky, Valeria and Seward, Wm. A.
o Shamansky (Shimansky)
o Shamray, Tatiana
o Shamray, Vladimir N.
o Shamshurin, Dimitri Alexander
o Shanazarian, Rosie
o Sharkey, Charles F and Mrs. (Lydia Ivanovna Bowern)
o Shatonin, Victor George and Olga nee Repas
o Shelohvostoff, Peter and family
o Shevchenko, Valya (refer Rogojn)
o Shima Den (Yosiko)
o Shima, Raiko (Mrs.)
o Shimansky
o Shishkin, Alexander
o Shkolnik, Nahman
o Shliapin (see Boortezeff, A.G.)
o Shmeleff, Marina Nikolaevna
Box 11 (S SCHU to SIR (2) [Part 2 of 2] thru Slobodchikoff)
S SCHU to SIR (2) [Part 2 of 2]
o Shmeleff, Nicholas Pavlovitch
o Shornik, Alex
o Shornik, Simmy
o Shornik, Vladimir [and wife Bessie Naumovna nee Rosenstein]
o Shvetz, Betty
o Shviriansky, Bernard
o Sierra, Father Leonica
o Silberstein, Paul
o Silgalw, Edward
o Silin, Boris Ivanovich
o Simon, Frank A. aka Frank Snieder, Tonway Trading Co.
o Simon, George
o Simon, Leo
o Simon, Pierre
o Simonis, Suzanna
o Singaus, Anatole
o Singer, Otto
o Singh, Narain
o Sipina, Tania
o Sirota, FNU
S SKI (3)
o Skiotis, N.
o Skorohod, Raissa
o Smoliansky, Oleg
o Sniejko, Anna M.
o Sokolovsky, Nicola G.
o Soliman, Herbert Ali
o Solitilova, Alexandra Mihailovna (nee Mankoff)
o Solovieff
o Solovieff, Emilian (refe to Rogojin)
o Solle, Gisela
o Someck, Renee Weinman
o Sommer, Ludwig
o Sommer, Rufolf
o Sommers, Tamara
o Sorensen, Mary D.
o Sosnin, V.C.
o Splater, Joseph
o Sparacino, Carlo
o Spieldoch, Emma Mrs.
o Spielmann, Bedrich;
o Stam, Grigory Joseph
o Steger, Max
o Steigerwald, Wilhelm
o Stein, Hans
o Stein, Kurt Egon
o Steinau, Auguste Emmy
o Steinberg, Gennady Henry M.
o Steinberg, Jack
o Steinberg, Nathan [Steinbergs and Wertheims]
o Steinberg, Robert and Mack and Feodosia (Fanny)
o Steinbrecher, Tatiana N.
o Steiner, Adolf
o Steinhardt, Edgar
o Stepanoff, Alexeis I.
o Stoeri, Ernst
o Strakaty Peterson, Eugenia
o Streimer, Ludwig and Bettina
o Stuart, Ernest Gilbert
o Stux, Adolf
o Sung, Heilien
o Sung, William Lu Siang
o Surh, Olga
o Sutin, Mrs. Geda Neimanovah nee Ollenstein
o Sutter, Kolson and wife Cessy Sutter
o Sviridenko, Ludmila
Salomon, Felix
Salsamendi, Fernando
Scharff, Siegbert and wife, Frieda
Schmalfuss, Walter and wife, Elisa Isidora Juana de la Vina
Schwarz, George Joseph
Sekisova-Everinova, Ludmila
Shapitric, Sheina
Shvetz, Ida and Alexander
Silbererg, Walter Felix
Singer, Edgar
Slobodchikoff, N.
Box 12 (Solomonik thru Uyeshima)
Solomonik, Boris
Soulevich, Mouris I., and Olina
Returned Soviet Passports
Stankevich, Klavdia I., nee Pavlushkin
Stein, Kurt (see Alcone)
Steinberg, Henry and _________ (Shantung Traders)
Stigemants, Emils
Strijevsky, Vassa
Sumair, Rajkumari (Princess)
Szymerski, Henry
o Taboada, Enrique y Uria
o Takami, Mori
o Tamburg, Arthur R. [and Mrs. Natlie Tamburg (nee Damishkan)]
o Tan, Gwat Yong (Gary Tan)
o Tanaka, Mitsue Leatrice, Miss
o Tarasenko, V.
o Tarnowski, Kurt Richard, wife, Olga
o Taussig, Willy
o Tchakalian, Arusik
o Tchakalian, Paul and Vera
o Tchakalian, Victor G., and wife, Nina nee Babalantz
o Tchorbadjian, Apisoghon and wife, Zevarte
o Teleshoff, Galyna
o Thoemmes, Ralph J.
o Thompson, Selina
o Tichy, Herbert Dr.
o Ting, Dr. W.Y. (Ting Wei-fen CNAC Pelot)
o Tippin, Ekaterina A.
o Tippolt, Nicola (Baron)
o Tirinnanzi, D.
o Titoff, Victor D.
o Tobolik, Anna
o Tokeris, Berelis
o Topas, Joseph
o Torcheff (FNU)
o Torgovitsky, I.G.
o Tormaehlen, FNU (see Sulke, Alfred)
o Tourenin, V.A.
o Trachtenburg, Maria
o Transit Visas
o Traube, Eugenie-Anna
o Treguboff, Matvey Leontievitch [and wife, Elena O.]
o Tribe, Mrs. Paulina Diatlovitsky
o Trigouboff, Abraham, wife Fanny Gueda, daughter Claire Shara and son, Alain Leo
o Troitzky, Michael A.
o Trybuch, Isidor
o Tsounias, Janis J.
o Tucker, Charles F.
o Tumanoff, Constantine
o Turner, John Henry
Terni, Piero V.E.
Thieme, Anna (nee Alksne)
Thordsen, Albert
Toeg, Edmund
Toeg, Ezekiel Farat and wife, Winifred
Triguboff, Noisei M.
Tugendhaft, Josef
Tukaczynski, Josef and Marek
Tukaczynski, Szewel [and wife, Dwojra]
o Uhlmann, Karl
o Ullmann, Sally
o Ullstein, Theodore Marc and Ullstein, Vladimir Mark
o Umnoff, Daniel P.
o Ungewitter, G.
o Unkel, H.J. (see Joaquin Colomer)
o USOFF, Constantin Ivanovich
o Uspensky, Margaret
Uyeshima, Ray Moria (AmCit)
Box 13 (V thru Zeltzer)
o Vaganoff, Stepan (refer to Rogojin)
o Vajda, Geza
o Valentine, Edward
o Vamos, Dr. Geya
o Vankoff, Boris M. and Ludmila
o Van Stellingwerff, Rodney
o Vasserman, David Ykovlevich
o Vassilieff, Ivan
o Vassilief, T.K.
o Vatican [Travel] Documents [Frs Trzeciak and Zekarciszewski]
o Vaugh, Kenneth L.
o Vaxca, John (Vasca)
o Velikanoff, Maria Gregorevna
o Verhovsky, Olga
o Verstak, Vladimir
o Viazmitinoff, Alexander Michael; wife, Ekaterina N., son Konstantine (se Valdimiroff, M.M.)
o Vinogradoff, Nicolas Sergius and wife Jacob nee Kousnetzoff (see Viazmitinoff, Alex M.)
o Vlachos, Tzanis
o Vladimiroff, Nikolai Nikolaevich
o Vogel, Edith
o Vokhmianin, Gabriel
o Volfson, Josip
o Volikoff
o Volinkoff
o Volodkevitch, Anna
o Volokhovich [Wolochowicz], Roma
o Von Beck, George (see Meyer, George)
o Von Feldmahn, Olga F.
Verbich, George
Vernaudou Emile and daughter, Odette
Vertinsky, Irene
Vigdortschik, Julius
Vitlin, John (alias, A. Shiro)
Von Toms, Raoul
Voss, Georg Albert
o Wahamaki, Anna
o Waikovsky, Moisei A. and Victoria
o Watatake, Clyde
o Wallach, Jakub [Jacob H.]
o Wallenstein, Gerd D.
o Wang, Anna
o Wang, Jen-hsien
o Wang, Lotti (nee Haupt)
o Wang, Te-Liang
o Webb, Helen
o Wechsler, Ernst and wife Edith and baby Daisy
o Wedekind, A.V.
o Wegsmann, Max
o Wei, Chao Jun
o Weikersheimer, Felix
o Weikovsky, Sima A.
o Weinbach, Berthold and Mina
o Weissman (See Leowe)
o Wengrzik, Wilhelm, wife Rosa and son, Wenscheck, Kurt
o Wenscheck, Kurt
o Wenzel, Kurt
o Weyers, Irmgard Mercedes Schmitz
o Whitaker, Gerald King
o Widler, Louise Frederica
o Wiehl, Frederick Anton
o Wieruszowski, Paul
o Wigdorchik, Samuel
o Wilhelm, Fredrich
o Wilhelm, Wendelgard and Wilhelm, Frederick (Mrs.)
o Will, Erna
o Williams, Mrs. W.G. nee Wang
o Wilzig, Jacob and Rebecca - also Moritz, W.
o Wing On, Fed., Inc., USA
o Winship, John Lewis
o Woerman, Dr. Ernst
o Wolff, Albert H.
o Wolff, Lotte (see Charig, Wilhelm)
o Wong, Chi-way
o Wong, Peter and Healey, Ernest LeRoy
o Wong, Raymond
o Woo, Kyatang
o Wu, B. Y.
o Wu, Ning-Kun
o Wundt, Mirdza
Wallerstein, Heinz
Wenzel, Kurt
Wertheim, Helmuth Kurt and Annie
Weyens, Carmen Helena Schmitz
Wiehl, Emil
Winter, Gertrude
Woetzel, Kurt Emil
Wollenberg, Kurt and wife, Erna (nee Stendel)
Woo, Chien-Chang;
o Yakovlev, Boria
o Yamada, George
o Yannoulatos, Emanuel P.
o Yannoulatos, Paul
o Yee, Frank
o Yen, Teng-Chie
o Yik, Yun Chih (Orchid Yik)
o Ying, Chia Pin
o Yong, Wan
o Yoshida, Jim Katsumi
o Yosilevich, Samuil Markovich and son Samuilovich
o Yu, Robert TY (Clarice and His Yao)
o Yuen, Kwei Foo
o Zadi, Mahmed Ali
o Zaionchkovsky, Alexei
o Zarnowsky, Z.
o Zaron, Miron
o Zavialoff, Igor P.
o Zee, Mrs. Loretta
o Zenchkovsky, FNU
o Zimmerman, Eleanora (Helen)
o Zimmerman, Wm. Isaac
o Zinkower, Alfons
o Zolovich, Efim J.
o Zoobrilin (Zubrilin), Leonid
o Zoolingen, Van, Johannes A. and wife Anna
o Zunterstein, Alfred
o Zyrianova, Maria P.
Xavier, Michel H.
Yuschenkoff, Anna and Olga
Zeltser, Daniel Abramovitch and wife, Relly and son, Robert
Zeltzer, Mina