Records of International Conferences, Commissions, and Expositions (RG 43)
This record group is divided into the several subgroups of records. Many of the records were created by U.S. delegations overseas and deposited in the Department of State at the end of the conference, commission, or exposition to which they relate.
- Records of International Conferences, including records of World War II and postwar conferences of heads of state and meetings of foreign ministers
- Records relating to International Commissions, Committees, and Councils
- Records of participation in international expositions and exhibitions held outside the United States
- Records of participation in international exhibitions and expositions held in the United States
After 1953, records on many international expositions are found in RG 306: Records of the United States Information Agency.
Records of the World War I American Commission to Negotiate Peace are found in RG 256.
A consolidated alphabetical listing of the records on various international conferences, commissions, and expositions maintained in this record group as of October 1, 2021 is found here. Additional finding aids are available in the Research Room. You can also search the National Archives Catalog for entries from RG 43 or see a description in the Guide to Federal Records.