Search Census Records Online and Other Resources
Federal Census records have been digitized by several of NARA's partners, and will eventually be available as well through the National Archives Catalog.
Click on a Census year to start your search. Tip: Begin with the most current census year and work backwards to find people in earlier generations.
Search the 1940 Census Online
Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, (Microfilm Publication T627, Record Group 29)
- (free with account creation)
- 1940 Census website (free) - Search by street
- Please note: Occasionally there are issues when trying to scroll through the images. If this happens to you, you can note the E.D. (enumeration district) from this site, then go to the National Archives Catalog to find the images; search on county and E.D.
- 1940 Census in National Archives Catalog (NAID 1660414) (free) - Search by county and E.D. (enumeration district)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
Enumeration District Maps for the Twelfth Through Sixteenth Censuses of the United States, 1900-1940 (Microfilm Publication A3378, Record Group 29)
- (free with account creation)
Other Resources
- 1940 Census Records
- Blank 1940 Census form
- Clues in Census Records, 1850-1940
- Use the search utilities at, including tool to find the E.D.
- Population and Housing Reports (1940 Census) published by Bureau of the Census
- 1940 Census: An Invitational Workshop with the U.S. Census Bureau, the National Science Foundation, National Archives and Records Administration, and the University of Maryland
- Monday, September 13, 2010, National Archives at College Park, Maryland - Blog posts on NARAtions
- Search the 1940 Census maps in the National Archives Catalog
- Search the 1940 Census enumeration district descriptions
- Frequently Asked Questions about the 1940 Census
Search the 1930s Censuses Online
Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930 (Microfilm Publication T626, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
- (free with account creation)
- (free from NARA computers)
1930 Census of Merchant Seamen (Microfilm Publication M1932, Record Group 41)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
- (free with account creation)
Enumeration District Maps for the Twelfth Through Sixteenth Censuses of the United States, 1900-1940 (Microfilm Publication A3378, Record Group 29)
- (free with account creation)
Schedules of the 1935 Special Census of Puerto Rico: The Social and Population Schedules, 1935-1936 (Microfilm Publication M1881, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
Schedules of the 1935 Special Censuses of Puerto Rico: The Agricultural Schedules, 1935 (Microfilm Publication M1882, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
Other Resources
- 1930 Census Resources
- Blank 1930 Census form
- Circa 1930 City Directories Available at NARA
- How the 1930 Census Enumerators were Appointed, by Joseph A. Hill
- Clues in Census Records, 1850-1940
- " The WPA Census Soundexing Projects," Prologue, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 72-77 (Spring 2002)
- " 'Plans of Division': Describing the Enumeration Districts of the 1930 Census", Prologue, Vol. 35, No. 3 (Fall 2003)
- 1880-1940 Enumeration District Definitions
- Population and Housing Reports (1930 Census) published by Bureau of the Census
- 1935 Business Census
Search 1920 Census Online
Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920, (Microfilm Publication T625, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
- (free with account creation)
- (free from NARA computers)
Enumeration District Maps for the Twelfth Through Sixteenth Censuses of the United States, 1900-1940 (Microfilm Publication A3378, Record Group 29)
- (free with account creation)
Other Resources
- 1920 Federal Population Census Catalog
- Blank 1920 Census form
- Clues in Census Records, 1850-1940
- "The WPA Census Soundexing Projects," Prologue, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 72-77 (Spring 2002)
- 1880-1940 Enumeration District Definitions
- Population and Housing Reports (1920 Census) published by Bureau of the Census
The 1910 census schedules record the following information for each person:
- name
- relationship to head of household
- sex
- color or race
- age at last birthday
- marital status
- length of present marriage
- if a mother, number of children and number of living children
- place of birth
- place of birth of parents
- if foreign born, year of immigration and citizenship status
- language spoken
- occupation
- type of industry employed in
- if employer, employee, or self-employed
- if unemployed
- number of weeks unemployed in 1909
- ability to read and write
- if attended daytime school since September 1, 1909
- if home is rented or owned
- if home is owned, free, or mortgaged
- if home is a house or a farm
- if a survivor of Union or Confederate Army or Navy
- if blind in both eyes
- if deaf and dumb
- The forms used to survey Indians also recorded the tribe and/or band.
Search the 1910 Census Online
Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910 (Microfilm Publication T624, Record Group 29)
- National Archives Catalog (NAID 2353588) (free)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
- (free with account creation)
- (free from NARA computers)
Enumeration District Maps for the Twelfth Through Sixteenth Censuses of the United States, 1900-1940 (Microfilm Publication A3378, Record Group 29)
- (free with account creation)
Other Resources
Search the 1900 Census Online
Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900, (Microfilm Publication T623, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
- (free with account creation)
- (free from NARA computers)
Enumeration District Maps for the Twelfth Through Sixteenth Censuses of the United States, 1900-1940 (Microfilm Publication A3378, Record Group 29)
- (free with account creation)
Oklahoma, Territorial Census, 1890 and 1907 (Microfilm Publication M814, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
Other Resources
- Blank Census Forms
- 1900 Federal Population Census Catalog
- Clues in Census Records, 1850-1940
- "The WPA Census Soundexing Projects," Prologue, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 72-77 (Spring 2002)
- 1880-1940 Enumeration District Definitions
- Population and Housing Reports (1900 Census) published by Bureau of the Census
Most of the 1890 population schedules were badly damaged by a fire in the Commerce Department Building in January 1921. You can learn about which records are available on the microfilm roll lists.
Search Online
Eleventh Census of the United States, 1890 (Microfilm Publication M407)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
1890 Census Fragments
- Logbook of Frank Lowell, Special Agent, Alaska District No. 2, 1890 Census (NAID 202288465) includes information on 18 families
- List of Selected African Americans from the 1890 and 1900 Federal Population Censuses of Delaware (Microfilm Publication M1919, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
Special Schedules of the Eleventh Census (1890) Enumerating Union Veterans and Widows of Union Veterans of the Civil War (Microfilm Publication M123, Record Group 15)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
- (free with account creation)
Territorial Census for Oklahoma, 1890 (Microfilm Publication M1811, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
Other Resources
- Learn about the 1890 Census Records
- 1890 Federal Population Census Microfilm Catalog
- The Fate of the 1890 Census, article from Spring 1996 issue of Prologue magazine.
- Population and Housing Reports (1890 Census) published by Bureau of the Census
Search Online
Tenth Census of the United States, 1880 (Microfilm Publication T9, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
- (free with account creation)
Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885 (Microfilm Publication T655, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
U.S. Federal Census - 1880 Schedules of Defective, Dependent, and Delinquent Classes
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
1880 Census Records for City of Pittsburgh
Other Resources
- 1880 Federal Population Census Catalog, Soundex, Census
- Blank 1880 Census form
- Clues in Census Records, 1850-1940
- "The WPA Census Soundexing Projects," Prologue, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 72-77 (Spring 2002)
- Use the search utilities at
- Population and Housing Reports (1880 Census) published by Bureau of the Census
Search Online
Ninth Census of the United States, 1870, (Microfilm Publication M593, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
- (free with account creation)
Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885 (Microfilm Publication T655, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
1870 Census Records for City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
Other Resources
- 1870 Census FAQs
- Blank 1870 Census form
- 1870 Federal Population Census Catalog
- Clues in Census Records, 1850-1940
- "Who Talked to the Census Taker? [1790-1870]," NGS NewsMagazine, Vol. 31, No. 4 (Oct.-Dec. 2005): 32-35.
- Population and Housing Reports (1870 Census) published by Bureau of the Census
Search Online
Eighth Census of the United States, 1860 (Microfilm Publication M653, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
- (free with account creation)
- (free from NARA computers)
Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850-1885 (Microfilm Publication T655, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
1860 Census Records for City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
Other Resources
- 1860 Census FAQs
- Blank 1860 Census Forms
- 1860 Federal Population Census Catalog
- Clues in Census Records, 1850-1940
- "Who Talked to the Census Taker? [1790-1870]," NGS NewsMagazine, Vol. 31, No. 4 (Oct.-Dec. 2005): 32-35.
- Population and Housing Reports (1860 Census) published by Bureau of the Census
Search Online
Seventh Census of the United States, 1850 (Microfilm Publication M432, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
- (free with account creation)
Seventh Census of the United States, 1850 (Slave Schedule) (Microfilm Publication M432, Record Group 29)
- (free with account creation)
Federal Mortality Census Schedules, 1850-1885 (Microfilm Publication T655, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
- (free with account creation)
1850 Census Records for City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
Other Resources
- FAQs about the 1850 Census
- Blank 1850 Census forms
- 1850 Federal Population Census Catalog
- Clues in Census Records, 1850-1940
- "Who Talked to the Census Taker? [1790-1870]," NGS NewsMagazine, Vol. 31, No. 4 (Oct.-Dec. 2005): 32-35.
- Population and Housing Reports (1850 Census) published by Bureau of the Census
Search the 1840 Census Online
Sixth Census of the United States, 1840 (Microfilm Publication M704, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA Computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
- (free with account creation)
Other 1840 Census Resources
- FAQs about the 1840 Census
- 1840 Federal Population Census Microfilm Catalog
- Blank 1840 Federal Census form
- Clues in Census Records, 1790-1840
- "Who Talked to the Census Taker? [1790-1870]," NGS NewsMagazine, Vol. 31, No. 4 (Oct.-Dec. 2005): 32-35.
- Population and Housing Reports (1840 Census) published by Bureau of the Census
Search the 1830 Census Online
Fifth Census of the United States, 1830 (Microfilm Publication M19, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
- (free with account creation)
Other 1830 Census Resources
- FAQs about the 1830 Census
- 1830 Federal Population Census Catalog
- Blank 1830 Federal Census form
- Clues in Census Records, 1790-1840
- "Who Talked to the Census Taker? [1790-1870]," NGS NewsMagazine, Vol. 31, No. 4 (Oct.-Dec. 2005): 32-35.
- Population and Housing Reports (1830 Census) published by Bureau of the Census
Search the 1820 Census Online
Fourth Census of the United States, 1820 (Microfilm Publication M33, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
- (free with account creation)
Other 1820 Census Resources
- FAQs about the 1820 Census
- 1820 Federal Population Census Catalog
- Blank 1820 Federal Census form
- Clues in Census Records, 1790-1840
- "Who Talked to the Census Taker? [1790-1870]," NGS NewsMagazine, Vol. 31, No. 4 (Oct.-Dec. 2005): 32-35.
- Population and Housing Reports (1820 Census) published by Bureau of the Census
Search the 1810 Census Online
Third Census of the United States, 1810 (Microfilm Publication M252, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA Computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
- (free with account creation)
1810 Census of Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts (NAID 205601220) (free)
Other 1810 Census Resources
- FAQs about the 1810 Census
- 1810 Federal Population Census Catalog
- Blank 1810 Federal Census form
- Clues in Census Records, 1790-1840
- "Who Talked to the Census Taker? [1790-1870]," NGS NewsMagazine, Vol. 31, No. 4 (Oct.-Dec. 2005): 32-35.
- Population and Housing Reports (1810 Census) published by Bureau of the Census
Search the 1800 Census Online
Second Census of the United States, 1800 (Microfilm Publication M32, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA Computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
- (free with account creation)
Second Census of the United States, 1800: Population Schedules, Washington County, Territory Northwest of the River Ohio; and Population Census, 1803: Washington County, Ohio (Microfilm Publication #M1804, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA Computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
Other 1800 Census Resources
- FAQs about the 1800 Census
- 1800 Federal Population Census Microfilm Catalog
- Blank 1800 Federal Census form
- Clues in Census Records, 1790-1840
- "Who Talked to the Census Taker? [1790-1870]," NGS NewsMagazine, Vol. 31, No. 4 (Oct.-Dec. 2005): 32-35.
- Population and Housing Reports (1800 Census) published by Bureau of the Census
Search the 1790 Census Online
First Census of the United States, 1790, (Microfilm Publication M637, Record Group 29)
- (free from NARA computers)
- ($ - by subscription)
- (free with account creation)
Other 1790 Census Resources
- FAQs about the 1790 Census
- Blank 1790 Federal Census form
- 1790 Federal Population Census Microfilm Catalog
- Clues in Census Records, 1790-1840
- "Who Talked to the Census Taker? [1790-1870]," NGS NewsMagazine, Vol. 31, No. 4 (Oct.-Dec. 2005): 32-35.
- Population and Housing Reports (1790 Census) published by Bureau of the Census
- Video, Genealogy Introduction - Census Records
- Genealogical CD-ROMs in the Archives Library Information Center, in the National Archives Building, Washington, DC
- Nonpopulation Census Records, about researching in agriculture, mortality, business, and social statistics schedules
- Order copies of Census Records online or with NATF Form 82
- The Soundex Indexing System
- How to Use NARA's Census Microfilm Catalogs
- African Americans in the Federal Census, 1790-1930, a Powerpoint slideshow
- Population and Housing Reports (Special Reports, 1790s-1980s) published by Bureau of the Census
- Official U.S. Census Bureau News and Information About the 2010 Census
- "Myths and Realities about the 1960 Census," Prologue, Vol. 32, No. 4 (Winter 2000)
Other Census Resources Online:
Using the U.S. Federal Census 1790-1940, Tricks, Tips & Hidden Gems, by the New England Historic Genealogical Society
Informative Articles
Americans Overseas in U.S. Censuses by Karen M. Mills, U.S. Census Bureau Technical Paper No. 62 (issued November 1993) describes which components of the U.S. population living abroad were enumerated in the 1930 and earlier and later censuses.
Historical Census Statistics on the Foreign-born Population of the United States, 1850-1990 by Campbell J. Gibson and Emily Lennon, U.S. Census Bureau Population Division Working Paper No. 29 (February 1999)
Index of Questions, by year
Census Instructions by year
Online Data
- Statistical Census Data for the Year 1930
Availability of Census Records About Individuals
- 1790-1930 United States: homepage of a free database of the USGenWeb Census Project.
- 1790-1930 Census Records: homepage of a fee-for-search database from
- 1790-1960 Historical Census Data Browser
- Census Online: Links to Online Census Records
- 1885 Dakota Territory Census: project of the Institute for Regional Studies, North Dakota State University Libraries, Fargo, ND
What are people asking on History Hub about Census Records?
- Catherine Brennen Vibert
- Where can i find information about Asian American women who worked as clerical workers in California in the 1940-1950s?
- I am searching for census records of my great-grandfather Tomasso (AKA Thomas) Iezzi from the 1930's or 40's. He lived in New Haven, CT. His wife's name was Rosaria.
- WI census records from 1940
- In the 1810 Census for Schenectady, First Ward many entries show incomplete cells and in some cases, the information appears to be shared with the line before or after. Why?