English Translation from Spanish of the 1950 Census Alternate Form P93
Census of Population and Housing: 1950, Puerto Rico
Front of Form P93
Form Segment | English Translation |
a. Municipality b. Ward c. Enumeration District Number |
d. Hotel, Guest House, Institution, Military Post, Etc. Name Type Line No. _____ to _____ inclusive |
Confidential: This survey is authorized by an Act of the United States Congress (46 St. 21:13 U.S.C. 201-218), which requires this report. The information you provide is considered strictly confidential. The census report cannot be used for the purposes of taxation, investigation, or regulation. Form P93 United States Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census Census of Population and Housing: 1950 Puerto Rico |
e. The completion of this sheet started on the _______________ 1950 f. Enumerator’s signature _______________ g. Checked by _______(Group Leader)_____the_______, 1950 [right hand box] Sheet Number |
For the Head of Household Line Number Street, avenue, highway or road name House (and apartment) number Number of the dwelling in visited order |
FOR EVERY PERSON 4. NAME What is the name of the head of the family? What are the names of all the other people who live here? Write in the following order: Head 5. RELATIONSHIP Write the kinship, bond, or relationship of the person with the head of the family, as Head A. Leave blank 6. COLOR OR RACE White 7. GENDER Masculine 8. WHAT AGE ON YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY (If less than a year, write the birth month, like April, May, December, etc.) 9. IN WHICH MUNICIPALITY WERE YOU BORN? If born outside Puerto Rico, write the country |
B. Leave blank 10. MARITAL STATUS Married In consensual union Widow Divorced Single 11. Does this person know how to read and write? (Yes or No) 12. What is the highest grade this person has attended in school? (See key at bottom of sheet) 13. Was this grade approved? (Yes or No) 14. Has attended school for any period after February 1st? (Yes or No) 15. Does this person speak English? (Yes or No) |
For all persons 14 years of age or older 16. Principal activity- What was this person doing last week? (See key at the bottom of the sheet) 17. If item 16 is D or O- Also last week, did they do any work for pay or profit? (or unpaid work for a family member) (Yes or No) 18. If item 17 is No- Did they look for work last week? (Yes or No) 19. If item 18 is No- Did they have a job or business in which they did not work last week? (Yes or No) C. Leave blank 20. If item 16 is T or item 17 is Yes- How many hours did they work last week? (Include unpaid work for a family member) (Hours) 21. How many weeks did they work in 1949 (Ask this question to all persons 14 years of age or older) (Note the number or “O”) [Top right box:] 1. If they worked (T in item 16 or Yes in items 17 or 19), describe the job or business of last week 2. If they looked for work (Yes in item 18), describe their most recent job or business 3. If they worked in 1949 (one week or more in item 21), but did not work last week, describe the most recent job or business 4. For all others, leave blank 22a. What was their occupation? Examples: Repairing machinery English teacher Farmer Tobacco picker Armed forces Has never worked (Occupation) 22b. What business or industry did they work in? Examples: Sugar mill Public school Sugarcane plantation Tobacco plantation (Industry)
22c. Class of worker J (Private employer) G (Government) S (Self-employed) F (Unpaid family member) (J, G, S, F) D. Leave blank |
[Top left box:] Income in 1949 (Omit cents) 23a. How much money did they earn in wages or salary last year? (Note the total amount before withholdings for retirement, etc., or “O”) 23b. How much money did they earn in their own business, profession, or farm last year? (Note the net income or “O”) 23c. How much money did they receive in interest, dividends, veterans benefits, pensions, rents, or other income last year? (Note the amount or “O”) E. Leave blank [Top middle box:] For each man [Next box down:] Did he serve in the United States Armed Forces during- 24a. World War II (Yes or No) 24b. World War I (Yes or No) Other service? (Include current service) (Yes or No) F. Leave blank [Top right box:] For each woman 25. Number of live-born children that she has had (If none, note “O”) [Right side box:] Line number |
Enumeration of family continued on next page For office use [Bottom left box:] Number of lines on this sheet 40 - [Middle box:] Canceled lines on this sheet = [Bottom right box:] Persons enumerated on this sheet |
Complete Form Segment
Left Side
Right side |
Question 12. Key for Grade Attended Key None……………….0 Kindergarten……...K Elementary - High School Elementary school (8 grades)............E1 to E8 High school (4 years)...........E9, E10, E11, E12 [new column] Key Elementary - Middle - High School Elementary school (6 grades)............E1 to E6 Middle school (3 years)......................E7, E8, E9 High school (3 years).........................E10, E11, E12 University or College Key University (4 years)......................U1, U2, U3, U4 Post-graduate studies or professional school (1 year or more)...U5 [new column] Question 16 Key for Principal Activity Key Working for pay, profit, or unpaid work for a family member………………………T Permanently unable to work……….I Domestic labor at home…………...D Other (specify in footnote)..............O |
Back of Form P93
Form Segment | English Translation |
Questions about Housing For all types of housing Sheet number |
1. Number of dwelling in order visited 2. Type of building 1. Home (house, apartment, etc.) X. Non-residential unit, hotel lodging, guest house, institution, military post, etc. (For a non-residential unit, omit all of the following questions) 3. Number of units in this building 1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. Four 5. Five 6. Six or more units 4. Businesses in this building 1. Yes 2. No 5. Predominant exterior material 1. Wooden walls with a metal roof 2. Wooden walls with a thatched roof 3. Wooden walls with another type of roof 4. Concrete walls 5. Other material 6. Condition of the housing 1. Not dilapidated 2. Dilapidated |
7. I have listed (number) people in this home. Tell me if I have omitted anyone who is absent on vacation, traveling, etc. Note the number of people who live in this home. _______ (Total number) X. Home occupied by non-resident family V. Vacant 8. When was this building built? 1. 1945 to present 2. 1940-1944 3. 1930-1939 4. 1920-1929 5. 1919 or prior 9. How many rooms (living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, etc.) are there in this home? (Not including bathrooms) _________ (Number) 10. Water Supply 1. Piped, running water inside building from public water system 2. Piped running water inside building from a cistern or well (private)
3. Piped running water outside of building 4. Other (river, well, irrigation system, spring, etc.) [Box below 11/12]: Sanitary Services 11. 1. Toilet inside home 2. Toilet outside home 3. Latrine 4. No toilet or latrine 12. 1. For this home’s exclusive use 2. For use by various homes 3. No toilet or latrine
13. Does this home have a bath or shower with running water? 1. For this home’s exclusive use 2. For use by various homes 3. No bath or shower 14. Electric lighting in this home? 1. Yes 2. No 15. Icebox or mechanical refrigerator in the home? 1. Electric, gas, or other mechanical refrigerator 2. Icebox 3. No refrigerator 16. Is this home located on- 1. A parcel of land that is 3 or more Spanish acres? 2. A parcel of land that is a quarter acre but less than 3 acres? 3. Other parcel of land (less than a quarter acre)? |
Homes on parcels of land less than 3 acres 17. Questionnaire number for estate __________ (Number) 18a. Ownership Home and land owned by occupant Home owned by occupant, land not owned by occupant Home rented Occupied without paying rent Vacant 18b. Value or Rent Current value of home and land Current value of home $_______ Monthly rent for the land $_________ None Monthly rent $_____ For rent, monthly rent $______ For sale, price $________ Not for rent or for sale |