Still Pictures Aerial Photography in Record Group 378: Records of the Economic Development Administration,
Miscellaneous Views Relating to Indian Economic Development, 9/1974 (378-PI)
2"x2" slides taken by the Commerce Department showing efforts of the Economic Development Administration assisting in Indian economic development, among the White Mountain Apache (Arizona); Mescalero (New Mexico); Lummi (Washington); and Unitah and Ouray (Utah). The slides depict training centers; construction; fish and oyster hatcheries; street scenes; cattle ranches; lakes, rivers and creeks; ski resorts; interior and exterior views of the Ute Research Lab; reservations; camp grounds; harbor, pier and coastal views; fishing boats; mountain scenes; committee meetings; timber mills; cabinet and furniture making; rock formations; recreation centers; aerial views of industrial parks; dance ceremonies; fish processing plants and other miscellaneous views. Also, included is a view of Richard Nixon in a meeting with the Navajo Economic Planning Committee. Some of the slides in Folder A are duplicated in other Folders. There is a 37 page bound typescript giving an overview of Indian economic development and the particular projects relating to slides for Folders A through E. There are cassette tapes for Folders F through I, but no written material. The accompanying cassette tapes for the typescript and Folders F through I, have been transferred to Motion Picture Branch. The finding aid for the series is available in the Still Pictures Research Room.
Photographs of EDA Projects, 1965 - 1971 (378-PS)
Full size prints and contact sheets of images taken throughout the United States and Puerto Rico of programs sponsored by the Economic Development Administration to stimulate private sector productivity and economic growth. Photographs depict municipal public works projects; historical restorations; housing rehabilitation plans; beautification projects; agricultural and industrial programs; health and social service programs and projects to develop the economies of Indian reservations; emergency programs; drought conditions and exhibits. The photographs are filed by state, thereunder, city. Included are Indian reservations and activities in different cities; activities at the Brooklyn Navy Yard; ports of authority; fish processing plants; ski resorts; recreational facilities; factories; training centers; mountains; a Chinese cooking school in San Francisco; coal miners; senators and mayors at dedication ceremonies and other miscellaneous views. There are also views of Congressman Edward Kennedy at the opening of the New England Commission official office opening ceremony, August 1967. For a more detailed description, see finding aid folder. Many of the photographs are captioned. Many of the photographs were taken by the Commerce Department photographers, although some of them are credited to individuals. There are a few corresponding negatives which are filed at the end of the 378-PR negative. For similar views see 378-PR. Some of the images may be duplicated in 378-PR. The finding aid for the series is available in the Still Pictures Research Room.
Photographs Selected for Publication, 1970 - 1980 (378-PP)
Photographic prints taken throughout the United States of programs sponsored by the Economic Development Administration to stimulate private sector productivity and economic growth. The photographs were used in brochures, pamphlets, books and newspapers. The photographs depict municipal public works projects; historical restorations; housing rehabilitation plans; beautification projects; agricultural programs; industrial parks; the conversion of Fort Holabird to an industrial park; Indian industrial programs; EDA conferences; ports; fish processing plants; food processing plants; Mt. Saint Helen; youth summer job programs in different cities throughout the U.S.; factories; training centers and other miscellaneous views. There is written material and/or some type of publication for most of the photographs, which is filed in a separate folder in the box with the prints. There is also some written material with no corresponding prints, which is filed in box 4 and may correspond with photographs in 378-PR and PS. For a more detailed description, see finding aid folder. The majority of the photographs are captioned. Many of the photographs are credited to Black Star photographers. Most of the prints have corresponding negatives. There are a few negatives with no prints. The few 4"x5" negatives are filed at the end of 378-PR. Some of the photographs are duplicated in other 378-series. The finding aid for the series is available in the Still Pictures Research Room.