Still Pictures Aerial Photography in Record Group 306: Records of the U.S. Information Agency
Color photographs of Various Subjects used in the Overseas Programs of the U.S. Information Agency, ca. 1948 - ca. 1977 (306-SUB)
Included in the pictures are scenes of the agricultural industry, cattle ranching, and scientific research used to improve different types of crops. The images show methods used in harvesting crops such as laborers picking various types of vegetables and fruit; workers packaging produce for the market; and different types of machinery used in harvesting crops. There are images showing cattle roundups; veterinarian inspection of cattle and sheep; and aerial views of stockyards. The finding aid for the series is available in the Still Pictures Research Room.
Master File Photographs of U.S. and Foreign Personalities, World Events, and American Economic, Social, and Cultural Life, ca. 1953 - ca. 1994 (306-PS)
This series consists of photographs that reflect the diversity of photographic sources tapped by the United States Information Agency (USIA) in its efforts to define and propagate American values. In addition to the material from USIA staff camera people and USIA sources abroad, images come from such picture services as Associated Press and Black Star; magazines and newspapers ranging from "Life" to the "Des Moines Register"; the military services as well as civilian government agencies; private organizations ranging from the Red Cross to Standard Oil; and such well-known photo studios as Harris and Ewing of Washington, D.C. Some aerial photographs are included. The finding aid for the series is available in the Still Pictures Research Room. This series is partially digitized.
Miscellaneous Subjects, Staff and Stringer Photographs, 1961 - 1974 (306-SSM)
This series consists of photographs documenting subjects relating to nations with United States Information Service (USIS) field offices and other events and subjects considered to be useful for informing and influencing foreign opinion regarding the United States. Photographs in this series include John F. Kennedy's visit to Vienna to confer with Khrushchev in 1961; advanced research conducted at the National Institutes of Health; the 1963 Civil Rights March on Washington; the signing of the historic Nuclear Test Ban Treasury of 1963; views of the Kennedy Space Flight Center in 1966; Lyndon Johnson's 1966 trip to confer with Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) leaders and his 1967 Guam meeting with South Vietnamese leaders; and Gerald Ford's assumption of the presidency after Nixon's resignation. The finding aid for the series is available in the Still Pictures Research Room. This series is partially digitized.
Photo File Photographs, ca. 1989 - ca. 1992 (306-PF)
This series consists of groupings of photographs, identified by the agency as the Photo File, documenting personalities and significant or newsworthy events that occurred in the United States and other countries during 1989. Also included are a few photographs by Wide World Photos of athletes and performances during the Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain in 1992. Among the people in this series are President George H. W. Bush and members of his Cabinet; Vice President Dan Quayle, several members of the United States Congress, General Colin Powell upon assuming the chairmanship of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S.S.R. President Mikhail S. Gorbachev, Ronald Brown, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Mayor David N. Dinkins, Governor L. Douglas Wilder, astronaut Mae Jemison; and athletes Earvin "Magic" Johnson, Carl Lewis, and Jackie Joyner-Kersee. Noteworthy events represented in this series include the Magellan spacecraft and its mission to Venus, the planet Neptune as seen from the Voyager 2 spacecraft, the fabrication and inspection of the Hubble Space Telescope, a Chinese demonstrator facing down a tank in Tiananmen Square, the launch of the Galileo satellite, Polish union organizer Lech Walesa addressing the U.S. Congress, and cyclist Greg LeMond winning the Tour de France. Included is an aerial photograph of the White House. The finding aid for the series is available in the Still Pictures Research Room.
Photographic File of the Paris Bureau of the New York Times, ca. 1900 - ca. 1950 (306-NT)
These photographs comprised the N.Y. Times photo morgue for the Paris Bureau of the newspaper. A large range of subjects and personalities are covered including- U.S. and foreign statesman; scientists; entertainers; authors; military and religious leaders; foreign and domestic agricultural, industrial, educational and recreational subjects; sports events and activities; people, cities, buildings, festivities, industries and institutions relevant to specific geographic locations; World War I; World War II, including the liberation of Europe; and post-World War II incidents. The glass negatives were reproduced on microfilm by the National Archives so that the images could be accessed by using the index in the research room (see 306-NTX). The finding aid for the series is available in the Still Pictures Research Room. This series is partially digitized.
Photographic Negatives taken at the US Pavilion at Expo '70, 1970 (306-EXN)
This series consists primarily of black-and-white photographic negatives showing exhibitions, ceremonies, visitors and other activities at the US Pavilion at Expo '70, the Japan World Exposition. Included are aerial views of the pavilion (for example, 306-EXN-3229).
Photographic Prints Taken at the US Pavilion at Expo '70, 1/1970 - 9/1970 (306-EXB)
This series consists primarily of black-and-white photographs (proof sheets) of exhibitions, ceremonies, visitors, and other activities at the US Pavilion at Expo '70, the Japan World Exposition, in Osaka, Japan. Included are aerial views of the pavilion (306-EXB-4-3229).
Photographs of the Hemisfair Exposition, San Antonio, Texas, 1968 (306-HF)
These black and white and color photographs were taken by United States Information Agency (USIA) photographer Joseph Pinto and document the Hemisfair Exposition held in San Antonio, Texas in 1968. Included are general exterior and interior views of the pavilions (306-HF-5-5) and photographs of exhibits depicting "slices of life" from the countries represented at the fair. Countries featured include Canada, France, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Panama, China, Spain, Thailand, and the United States. Noteworthy are photographs of Mrs. Claudia "Lady Bird" Johnson at opening day ceremonies on April 6, 1968 (306-HF-2-HE-1-12), and those of Governor and Mrs. John Connally of Texas at the ribbon cutting for the opening of the Spanish Pavilion (306-HF-1-HC-10). Shown also with Governor and Mrs. John Connally are dignitaries visiting during Spain's National Day. Several views show exhibit visitors (especially families) engaged in photographing or filming scenes at the exposition (306-HF-4-1); the Kodak carousel building (306-HF-11-1); aerial shots of the exposition; crowd scenes; and night views of the Hemisfair Exposition. The finding aid for the series is available in the Still Pictures Research Room.
Photographs of Pavilions and Exhibits at Expo '67, Montreal, Canada, 1967 (306-MEX)
This series consists of photographs showing interior views of pavilions at the Universal and International Exposition of 1967 (Expo '67). Among the pavilions shown are the U.S. Pavilion (306-MEX-1-14); the Tunisian Pavilion (306-MEX-9-14); the Indian Pavilion (306-MEX-25-2-14); and the Senegalese Pavilion (306-MEX-67-1-1). Also included are aerial views and general exterior scenes of the fairgrounds (306-MEX-5-27). Photographs taken inside the U.S. Pavilion include views of the "Space Exploration" (306-MEX-1-16) and the "United States Cinema" (306-MEX-8-44) exhibits. In addition, President Lyndon Baines Johnson is shown touring the grounds and the U.S. Pavilion (306-MEX-71-1-5). Most of these photographs were taken by U.S. Information Agency (USIA) staff photographer George Szabo.
Photographs Relating to World War II, the Cold War, and U.S. - West German Diplomatic, Economic, and Military Contacts, ca. 1951 - 1994 (306-BN)
This series consists of photographs documenting U.S. - West German relations (and to a lesser extent relations with the reunified Germany). Included are images documenting events held at the U.S. Embassy in Bonn, visits of U.S. Presidents Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton and other dignitaries, various Amerika Hauser reading room programs in cities throughout the country (including exhibits, lectures, and educational activities), and other aspects of U.S. - West German relations during the Cold War period. Among the U.S. political and cultural dignitaries shown visiting are Secretaries of State John Foster Dulles and Henry Kissinger, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, astronaut John Glenn, and civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. There is coverage of the Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift in 1948, construction of the Berlin Wall, and Berlin border closure and enforcement. Also featured are German political officials, including Chancellors Konrad Adenauer, Ludwig Erhard, Kurt Georg Kiesinger, Willy Brandt, Helmut Schmidt, and Helmut Kohl, involved in a variety of speaking, meeting, and day-to-day governing contexts. In addition, there are numerous photographs documenting World War II and its aftermath (including extensive coverage of returning German prisoners of war) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration projects such as Pioneer 10 (the first man-made object designed to leave our solar system that carried a pictorial greeting from Earth) and the Viking I probe that transmitted data and images from the surface of Mars. Aerial views are included. The finding aid for the series is available in the Still Pictures Research Room. This series is partially digitized.
Photographs Used as Illustrations in Issues of the Journal "Problems of Communism", 1989 - 1992 (306-CP)
This series consists of photographs that were used as illustrations in issues of the United States Information Agency journal, "Problems of Communism". The photographs document political, economic, and social occurrences in the waning months of the Cold War, and immediately following the collapse and breakup of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. While most of the photography concerns China and the Soviet Union, events relating to other communist and totalitarian regimes in Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Asia are covered. Occurrences in the former Soviet republics are also documented. Many of the key figures in world politics of the time are also captured in the photographs. Also included are a few photographs relating to the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 that were published in a special edition of the journal. Shown are President John F. Kennedy, Premier Nikita Khrushchev, the naval blockade of Cuba, and aerial reconnaissance views of Soviet weaponry in Cuba (306-CP-1992-SE).