Still Pictures Aerial Photography in Record Group 220: Records of Temporary Committees, Commissions, and Boards
Color Slides of Pennsylvania Ave. Development Corp. Sites and Activities, 1968 - 1995 (220-PAC)
These color slides, produced by the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation (PADC), document the transformation of Pennsylvania Avenue, the "Avenue of Presidents," from a run-down mercantile thoroughfare to a vibrant avenue bustling with upscale commercial and governmental activity. Included among these slides are aerial views (folder 1), buildings along Pennsylvania Avenue before their renovation or demolition (folders 3 and 43 to 57), historical views (folder 15), sculpture and other artwork in and around the buildings along the avenue (folder 41), and "street furniture" such as benches, lampposts, and vendors' stalls (folders 59 and 61). The finding aid for the series is available in the Still Pictures Research Room.
Color Slides of Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Sites and Activities, 1983 (220-PAS)
The color slides in this series, a combination of master and duplicate slides, document the changing face of Pennsylvania Avenue from the mid-1960s to the early 1980s. Included are block-by-block surveys of the buildings along the avenue, from the Treasury Building east to the Capitol. There are also views of artists' renderings and models of proposed construction on the avenue, including the National Square plan of 1966 (divider V), aerial views of the avenue and the Mall area (divider VII), and street furniture such as lampposts, benches, and signs (divider VIII). The slides are arranged by subjects devised by the e Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation (PADC). Captions for each slide are found on the cards dividing each group of slides. The finding aid for the series is available in the Still Pictures Research Room.
Photographs of Pennsylvania Ave. Development Corp. Sites and Activities, ca. 1965 - 1995 (220-PA)
This series of photographic prints contains many views of buildings along Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. Included are views of buildings before their demolition, construction of the J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building, historical views of the avenue, aerial views, street furniture such as lamps and benches, and artists' renderings of proposed construction. Of interest in this series are copies of portraits of persons important to the development of the nation's capital, including George Washington, Alexander "Boss" Shepherd, and Daniel Burnham (folder 13), and Generals Montgomery Meigs and William T. Sherman, as well as architect Adolph Cluss (folder 41). Also in this series are views of the renovation of the Willard Hotel (folders 47 and 48), and inaugural parades along the Avenue (folder 18). The finding aid for the series is available in the Still Pictures Research Room. This series is partially digitized.
President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island, March 29 - April 30, 1979, 3/29/1979 - 4/30/1979 (220-TMI)
The color photographs in this series cover the period between March 29 and April 30, 1979, and were acquired by the Department of Energy through a contract with EG and G, a photographic services company. There are no negatives in this series. Of the 47 binders in this series, one contains aerial photographs of the Three Mile Island (TMI) plant, facilities and surrounding countryside, while the other 46 contain photographs of the post accident activities. Included in this latter group are photographs of Nuclear Regulatory Commission personnel and activities, the Department of Energy Command Post and staff and the Environmental Protection Agency's tour and briefing. The finding aid for the series is available in the Still Pictures Research Room. This series is partially digitized.
Proof Sheets and Negatives of Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation. Sites and Activities, 1968 - 1993 (220-PAD)
These black and white and color proof sheets and corresponding negatives contain views of buildings in the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Area in Washington, D.C., and include aerial views of the corridor, demolition and construction of buildings along the avenue, and dedication ceremonies for the avenue's new buildings and parks. Of interest are views of Lady Bird Johnson at the 1968 dedication ceremonies for the Presidential Building (220-PAD-16), President Nixon touring Pennsylvania Avenue in 1970 (220-PAD-19), views of architectural details on the Willard Hotel before its renovation (220-PAD-75 to -81), renovation of the National Theatre (220-PAD-88 and -89), and the interior of Loew's Palace Theater (220-PAD-136 and 137).