Still Pictures Aerial Photography in Record Group 169: Records of the Foreign Economic Administration
Aerial Prints of Forestry Plantations, ca. 1943 (169-AP)
Aerial photographs of forestry plantations taken abroad by Foreign Economic Administration at unidentified locations. Some countries involved in the Foreign Economic Administration's programs at that time were Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Haiti. (See also 169-GA, 169-GP, and 169-C).
Cinchona Production in Guatemala, 1943 - 1944 (169-C)
Miscellaneous size photographs taken by the Foreign Economic Administration (FEA) and by individuals to show the processes involved in the production of the cinchona plant. The bark of this plant yields quinine and some other alkaloids. Photographs show FEA advisors and equipment; fields, seed beds; construction of barracks; tents; workers; the living conditions of transient workers and a few aerial views. Most of the prints were taken at the Finca El Parvenir Plantation in Guatemala, where the largest-short term project for the production of cinchona was undertaken by the FEA in 1943. The finding aid for the series is available in the Still Pictures Research Room.