Aerial Photography at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library
Contact Information for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library Photographs, 1870 - 2004
This collection is divided into three main series: the Franklin D. Roosevelt series, the Eleanor Roosevelt series and the General Subject series. All of the series contain photographs taken by family members, other private individuals, professional and commercial photographers (including news services, Pach Brothers, Lewis Hine and Margaret Bourke-White) and government agencies (including the Farm Security Administration and the Signal Corps).
Map Room Papers (Roosevelt Administration): Military Files, 1942 - 1945
This series consists of documents sent to the White House by the War and Navy Departments for President Franklin D. Roosevelt's information. It includes memoranda, dispatches from various theatres of operation, casualty and action reports, maps, and official publications such as "Office of Naval Intelligence Weekly Summaries" and "Joint Intelligence Committee Weekly Summaries" from January 1942 to April 1945 in volumes. This series also includes the White House Naval Aide's files which contain additional messages, memoranda, and reports on military topics of interest to the President. The President's copy of the transcript, exhibits, and other materials related to the military trial of eight Nazi saboteurs who came to the United States by German submarine in June 1942 also are included in this series. The finding aid for the series is located at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library. This series is partially digitized.