Aerial Photography at the National Archives at New York City, New York
Contact Information for NARA at New York City
Record Group 77: Civil Works Project Construction Files Relating to the Southern New York and Eastern Pennsylvania Flood Control Project, 1935 - 1952
This series includes aerial photographs and mosaics.
Record Group 77: Civil Works Projects Studies and Reports, 1909 - 1953
This series includes an aerial photograph of Puerto Rico.
Record Group 77: General Administrative Files Relating to Civil Works Projects, 1884 - 1970
This series includes an aerial photograph of Brooklyn, NY. This series is partially digitized.
Record Group 181: Photographs, 1946 - ca. 1949
This series contains photographs of the Navy's 6th War Loan Campaign exhibit in Chicago, Illinois to encourage government bond support for the war; World War II era naval indoctrination, incentive, and instructive posters used to recruit potential enlistees; World War II era photographs of naval planes, helicopters, ships, and related technologies; Truculent Turtle (plane) and an award presentation by President Truman; World War II era naval insignias; Public Information Officer's seminars; class officers for a Special Devices Course; Mark 7 Chart Plotting Board and computer; Pittsburgh Exhibition of primary aircraft instruments used during World War II; and the interior of a Cadillac II - PB-1W plane. This series is partially digitized.
Record Group 181: Photographs of the Kent Avenue Addition of the New York Navy Yard, 1941
This series contains photographs taken by the Somach Photo Service of New York, for the New York Naval District, and provides a view of the Kent Avenue area adjacent to the New York Navy Yard. The photographs show various buildings and businesses, before and after being vacated, in the Kent Avenue area that was demolished to make way for an addition to the New York Navy Yard. Included are rooftop or aerial views, and interior and exterior views. The interior views show each floor and room, including the basement or attic, if it had one. Exterior views show the storefronts, side views if any, and sometimes the rooftops. There are also a few scenes of outside structures such as docks and piers.