Research at the National Archives

World War II War Crimes Records

National Archives Collection of World War II War Crimes Records (Record Groups 153, 238 and 549)

The United States conducted war crimes trials in Europe under three jurisdictions: the International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuernberg (RG 238), U.S. military tribunals at Nuernberg (RG 238) and U.S. Army courts (RG 153 & RG 549). The Nuernberg trial records include transcripts of proceedings, prosecution and defense exhibits, interrogation records, document books and court papers, including official court files, minute books, order and judgment books and clemency petitions. In addition, the Nuernberg trial records include the prosecution document series, from which most of the prosecution exhibits and some defense exhibits were drawn. Descriptive pamphlets (DP) and Special Lists (SL) are noted for many of the listed microfilm publications.

Records of The International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuernberg (RG 238)

The nearly complete transcript of proceedings of the IMT, and most of the documentary evidence submitted to it, have been published in Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal (Nuernberg, 1947) 42 vols. NARA Publication PI 21, Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the United States Counsel for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality, is also available. Photographs, motion pictures and sound recordings of the IMT proceedings are held by the Special Media Archives Services Division (NWCS).

Finding aid: Microfilm Publication M1137, 73 microfiche cards (in the Microfilm Room).

The following microfilm publications have been digitized and may be viewed in the National Archives Catalog:

Records of U.S. Military Tribunals at Nuernberg (RG 238)

Excerpts from subsequent proceedings have been published as Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunal Under Control Council Law No. 10 (U.S. Government Printing Office, 1950-1953), 15 vols. Motion pictures and photographs (some of which were entered as evidence) of sessions of the U.S. Nuernberg proceedings are available from the Special Media Archives Services Division (NWCS). Phone: (301) 837-3520.

The following microfilm publications have been digitized and may be viewed in the National Archives Catalog:

Records of the U.S. Nuernberg War Crimes Trials:

Records of the U. S. Nuernberg War Crimes Trials, United States of America v.:


Records of U.S. Army War Crimes Trials in Europe

War crimes trial records for Germany were initially also collected and generated by the U.S. 3rd and 7th Armies, and later by special war crimes sections of the Judge Advocate General (JAG), Europe. Because these sections sent reports and other materials to Washington, some of the same records are in RG 153, Records of the Judge Advocate General (Army). The following publications belong to RG 549, Records of United States Army, Europe.

U.S. Army Investigation and Trial Records of War Criminals: United States of America v.

  • Alfons Klein et al., Oct. 8-15, 1945 (Case No. 12-449 and 000-12-31). Microfilm Publication M1078 (Hadamar Case). 3 rolls. (DP)
  • Kurt Andrae et al., Apr. 27, 1945-June 11, 1958 (Case No. 12-481 and 000-50-37). Microfilm Publication M1079 (Nordhausen Cases). 16 rolls. (DP)
  • Franz Auer et al., Nov. 1943 - July 1958. Microfilm Publication M1093 (Muehldorf Case). 13 rolls. (DP)
  • Juergen Stroop et al., Mar. 29, 1945 - Aug. 21, 1957. Microfilm Publication M1095 (Superior Orders Case). 10 rolls. (DP)
  • Ernst Dura et al., June 9-23, 1947. Microfilm Publication M1100 (Wiener-Neudorf Outcamp Case). 2 rolls. (DP)
  • Kurt Goebell et al., Feb. 6 - Mar. 21, 1946 and August Haesiker, June 26, 1947. Microfilm Publication M1103 (Borkum Island Case). 7 rolls. (DP)
  • Otto Skorzeny et al., July 13, 1945 - Dec. 13, 1948. Microfilm Publication M1106 (Skorzeny Case). 24 microfiche cards. (DP)
  • Johann Haider et al., Sept. 3-12, 1947. Microfilm Publication M1139 (Haider Case). 2 rolls. (DP)
  • Martin Gottfried Weiss et al., Nov. 15, 1945 - Dec. 13, 1945. Microfilm Publication M1174 (Dachau Concentration Camp Case). 6 rolls. (DP)
  • Michael Vogel et al., July 8-15, 1947. Microfilm Publication M1173 (Muehldorf Ring- "Vogel" -Case). 2 rolls. (DP)
  • Hans Joachim Georg Geiger et al., July 9 - Aug. 5, 1947. Microfilm Publication M1191 (Ebensee Outcamp Case). 2 rolls. (DP)
  • Friedrich Becker et al., June 12, 1946 - Jan. 22, 1947. Microfilm Publication M1204 (Flossenburg Concentration Camp Case). 16 rolls. (DP)
  • Ernst Angerer et al., Nov. 26 - Dec. 3, 1946. Microfilm Publication M1210 (Angerer Case). 1 roll. (DP)
  • Valentin Bersin, et al., May 16-18, 1946. Microfilm Publication A3390 (Malmedy Massacre Case, 6-24) 6 rolls.


Records of War Crimes Trials in the Far East

War crimes trial records relating to Japanese aggression in the Far East were created and assembled by a variety of jurisdictions in 1945-1949, including the International Military Tribunal for the Far East. Most of these records are found in Record Group 331, Records of Allied Operational and Occupation Headquarters, World War II, and are described else- where. Both microfilm publications listed below belong to Record Group 238.

  • Court Papers, Journal, Exhibits and Judgments of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 1900-1948. Microfilm Publication T918. 61 rolls. Finding aid: roll 1.
  • Selected Records of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 1946-1948. Microfilm Publication M1060. 253 rolls.


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