Transcript of Memorandum from William D. Carey to Ervin Duggan
Stamped]: Executive
[Handwritten]: LE/HE 1-1
Executive Office of the President
Bureau of the Budget
Washington, D.C. 20503
[Stamped]: Dec 19, 1967
Memorandum for Mr. Duggan
Subject: Response to your December 16 inquiry concerning Mrs. Shriver’s letter
Mrs. Shriver’s letter concerns the funding of new authority just enacted as a part of the Mental Retardation bill signed by the President (P. L. 90-170). This provides for training, research and demonstration grants for physical education and recreation specialists for handicapped children. The authorization provides for $2 million in fiscal year 1968 and larger amounts thereafter.
This provision was not included in the Administration bill to extend the mental retardation programs. The authority was unnecessary because the law already contained very broad training and research and demonstration provisions.
The problem is one of emphasis. Physical education and recreation personnel have been given fairly low priority (by both HEW and its advisory committees) on the grounds that the need for training more classroom teachers and college level teacher educators was paramount.
We are advised that the Office of Education staff has prepared a new budget request for fiscal year 1968 but that the Commissioner of Education has not yet decided what he will recommend to the Secretary. Nor has he decided whether to request funds for 1968 or beginning in the regular 1969 budget. The decision depends, in part, on the Commissioner’s decisions on a number of other new legislative authorities which were included in the Elementary and Secondary Education amendments of 1967 which passed just before congress adjourned.
Finally, in his decisions on budget allowances for 1969, the Director has already allowed for an increase of $20 million for education of the handicapped, for a total of 73.4 million.
Within this amount, $5 million is included for an increase in research and training (which totaled $35.6 million in 1968) and for the new regional resource centers (bringing together concentrations of specialists in diagnosing problems and assisting in education of the handicapped) – new legislation recommended by the President. As things now stand, research and training of physical education and recreation specialists would be recognized within these total amounts to the extent that HEW accords them priority – and, apparently, that isn’t very great.
[Handwritten]: William D. Carey
[Typed]: William D. Carey
Assistant Director
December 16, 1967
To: Bill Carey
From: Ervin Duggan
This is the letter we discussed. The President has asked Douglass Cater to move on it right away. Can you advise us fully about it? Many thanks.
Write her a note and thank her very much. Tell her I am taking this up with the Budget people. Then show Schultze and get his comments back to me right away.”
Suite 510
719 Thirteenth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005
December 12, 1967
The President
The White House
Washington, D.C.
Dear President Johnson:
Seeing you last week at the White House signing the Mental Retardation Bill was a great joy. You looked very vigorous and gave a most moving and inspiring speech.
There is an addition to the Mental Retardation Bill this year which authorizes for the first time Federal Funds to begin a program of recreation and physical education for mentally retarded and physically handicapped youngsters.
There are presently in our schools over five million handicapped children. Over two hundred colleges would like to train personnel as specialists in physical education to work in schools and communities throughout the country with mentally retarded and handicapped children.
No other President has initiated such positive action in this area. No Federal Funds are available today for these programs or for this training. This new program could bring great physical, intellectual, and social benefits to millions of youngsters.
The program will also bring boundless gratitude to you from the parents as the creator and supporter of such a program.
My request is small, it is only that you approve the financing of this new program for the handicapped, which provides for $2 million in the first year, $3.5 million in the second year, and $4.5 million in the third year. We asked for a small amount to proceed wisely, but we cannot afford to lose even $100!
Have a joyful Christmas and a Happy New Year that will bring peace to you and all of our country.
Eunice Kennedy Shriver