ALIC’s collection contains published materials such as books, government documents, microforms, audio and video tapes, and CD-ROMs which support management of and research in the records of the U.S. Government.
- Hours, Location, Address & Phone
- Collection
- Online services
Interlibrary loans are available to NARA staff.
ALIC Collections
ALIC’s collection, housed at the National Archives at College Park, focuses on archival administration, administrative history, American history and government, biography, information management, and government documents. The library’s reading room in Room 3000 includes a complete and up-to-date reference and periodical collection, published materials, microforms, and a number of online services. The rest of the library’s holdings are kept in a stack area to be retrieved upon request.
Among the online services in the reading room are:
- The library’s Online Public Access Catalog
America: History & Life
Fold 3 (formerly Footnote)
- GaleNet
- ProQuest/UMI
U.S. Serial Set Digital Collection