NARA Staff Publications 2011-2013
The following bibliography lists writings and publications authored by individuals while on staff at the National Archives and Records Administration.
See Also:
- Writings from 2023-
- Writings from 2014-2022
- Writings from 2008-2010
- Writings from 2005-2007
- Writings from 2002-2004
- Writings from 1999-2001
NARA Staff: Please send notice of your publications for inclusion in our "Current Staff Writings" feature to
Baron, Jason R. "Law in the Age of Exabytes: Some Further Thoughts on 'Information Inflation' and Current Issues in E-Discovery Search." Richmond Journal of Law and Technology 17, no.3 (Spring 2011): 9.
Online Version
Baron, Jason R. and Michael D. Berman. "Designing a Reasonable E-Discovery Search: A Guide for the Perplexed." Berman, M., C. Barton, and P. Grimm (eds.). Managing E-Discovery and ESI: From Prelitigation through Trial. Chicago: ABA Press, 2011.
Baron, Jason R. and Victoria L. Lemieux. "Overcoming the Digital Tsunami in E-Discovery: Is Visual Analysis the Answer?" Canadian Journal of Law and Technology (Spring 2011).
Bellamy, Jay. "Fireworks, Hoopskirts - And Death." Prologue 44, no.1 (Spring 2012).
Bhatia, Sharmila. "Review of Christopher A. Lee (ed.), I, Digital: Personal Collections in the Digital Era." Mid-Atlantic Archivist 42, no. 3 (Summer 2013): 30.
Chestnut, Trichita. "Lynching: Ida B. Wells-Barnett and the Outrage over the Frazier Baker Murder", in Matthews, Lopez D., et al. (ed). In Spite of the Double Drawbacks: African American Women in History and Culture. Association of Black Women Historians (2012): 42-49.
Crowder, Ashby. "Lineages of Romanian Cultural Protectionism: From the 'Great Debate' to the Protochronists." Balkanistica 24 (2011), 59-86.
Crowder, Ashby. "Reappraising Leonard Rapport’s 'No Grandfather Clause' at Thirty." Provenance 29 (2011), 49-66.
Crowder, Ashby. "Romanian Interpretations of the Prague Spring: Cadres, Diplomats and the 1968 Crisis." Archives of Totalitarianism (Arhivele Totalitarismului) 3-4 (2007): 99-116.
Crowder, Ashby. "Romanian Reactions to Independent Unionism: Solidarnosc, East European Labor, and State Socialism." Polish Review 52, no.3 (2007): 331-355.
Crowder, Ashby. "Traditionalism and Protochronism in the European Context." In Anne Quinney, ed., Paris-Bucharest, Bucharest-Paris: Francophone Writers from Romania. New York: Rodopi, 2012.
Davis, Jametta. "Preparation for Jobs: Black Girls, Young Women, and the National Youth Administration", in Matthews, Lopez D., et al. (ed). In Spite of the Double Drawbacks: African American Women in History and Culture. Association of Black Women Historians (2012): 55-65.
Deeben, John P. "Defending the 'Dark and Bloody Ground': Kentucky Militia Service in Early Indian Campaigns, 1790-1811." Kentucky Ancestors 46, no.3 (Spring 2011), 127-136.
Deeben, John P. "Last Rites for the Honored Dead: Records of Military Burials in National Cemeteries." NGS Magazine 37, no.1 (January-March 2011): 15-18.
Deeben, John P. "Military Service in the 'War to End All Wars.'" NGS Magazine 37, no.2 (April-June 2011): 26-31.
Deeben, John P. "Native Americans on the Trail of Tears: Part I – Census Rolls Relating to Indian Removals, 1817-57." NGS Magazine 39, no. 3 (July-September 2013): 38-42.
Deeben, John P. "Native Americans on the Trail of Tears: Part II – Emigration Lists and Reservation Applications, 1817-57." NGS Magazine 39, no. 4 (October-December 2013): 37-40.
Fahs, Robert. "Review of Gerald A. Meehl, One Marine's War: A Combat Interpreter's Quest for Humanity in the Pacific." Proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute 138, no.12 (December 2012): 71-72.
Jones, Megan. "Request for a Copy of the Decision in Weeks v. The United States." Social Education 75, no.2 (Mar-Apr 2011): 56-59.
Ligon, Tina L. "Jennie Davis Porter: Cincinnati's Heroine in Black Education", in Matthews, Lopez D., et al. (ed). In Spite of the Double Drawbacks: African American Women in History and Culture. Association of Black Women Historians (2012): 23-27.
Matthews, Lopez D., Jr. "The Autobiography: A Tool for Telling the History of Black Women in the Civil Rights Movement", in Matthews, Lopez D., et al. (ed). In Spite of the Double Drawbacks: African American Women in History and Culture. Association of Black Women Historians (2012): 1-6.
Phillips, Megan, Jefferson Bailey, Andrea Goethals, and Trevor Owens. "The NDSA Levels of Digital Preservation: An Explanation and Uses." 2013.
Phillips, Megan, David Lake, and Deborah Steel. "Terabytes and Beyond…: NARA’s Electronic Records Archives." Archival Outlook (November/December 2011), 14-15.
Potter, Constance and Diane Petro. "1940 Census Captures Great Depression." Archival Outlook (November/December 2011), 16.
Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "Family Data Circulars of 1898 and 1915." NGS Magazine 38, no.4 (October-December 2012): 28-31.
Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "Headstone Records for U.S. Military Veterans Part I: Headstone Design." NGS Magazine 39, no. 1 (Jan.–Mar. 2013): 28–31.
Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "Headstone Records for U.S. Military Veterans Part II: Records for Headstones Requested from 1879 to 1925." NGS Magazine 39, no. 2 (April-June 2013): 32-35.
Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "Headstone Records for U.S. Military Veterans Part III: Records for Headstones Requested from 1925 to 1985." NGS Magazine 39, no. 3 (July-September 2013): 43-47.
Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "Pension Office Correspondence with Special Examiners, 1887-1931." NGS Magazine 39, no. 4 (October-December 2013): 41-45.
Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "Researching Volunteer Soldiers of the War of 1812." NGS Magazine 37, no.1 (January-March 2011): 36-41.
Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "Thank You, General Fred C. Ainsworth!" NGS Magazine 37, no.4 (October-December 2011): 54-57.
Prechtel-Kluskens, Claire. "Thinking in Soundex." NGS Magazine 37, no.2 (April-June 2011): 47-49.
Sharp, Rebecca K. and Nancy L. Wing. "I am Still in the Land of the Living. The Medical Case of Civil War Veteran Edson D. Bemis." Prologue 44, no.1 (Spring 2011): 58-61.
Online version
Williams, Wanda T. "Unraveling a Family Mystery One Archival Clue at a Time." NGS Magazine 37, no.2 (April-June 2011): 50-52.
Woyshner, Christine, Andrea Reidell, and Marc Brasof. "The Cultural Fieldwork Initiative: Collaboration for Better Education." Journal of American History 99, no. 4 (March 2013): 1189-1197.
Yockelson, Mitchell A. MacArthur: America's General. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2011.
NARA Staff: Please send notice of your publications for inclusion in our "Current Staff Writings" feature to