Bibliography of Photography Resources in ALIC
This page provides a bibliography of photography resources available at the Archives Library and Information Center. You can find more information by searching ALIC’s Online Public Access Catalog.
* Available in the library at Archives I.
Dating old photographs, 1840-1929. Toronto, Ont.; Lewiston, NY: Family Chronicle, 2000. 96 p.
TR147 .D37 2000
Ethics, copyright, and the bottom line: a symposium on digital technologies and professional photography. Camden, ME: The Center, The Company, c1992. 94 p.
TR147 .E84 1992
Photographs objects histories: on the materiality of images. London; New York: Routledge, 2004. xi, 222 p.
GN34.3.P45 P48 2004
Abbot, Willis John. Panama and the canal in picture and prose. New York: Syndicate Pub. Co., 1913. 1 p. l., 412 p.
F1564 .A13*
Athearn, Frederic J. A window to the past - a view to the future: a guide to photodocumenting historic places. 2nd ed., rev. Denver, CO: Bureau of Land Management, Colorado State Office, 1994. iii, 103 p.
E159 .W66 1994*
Aubitz, Shawn. The astronaut as photographer: a personal view of the universe. Philadelphia, PA: National Archives-Mid Atlantic Region, 1996. 14 p.
TR713 .A9 1996
Brugioni, Dino A. Photo fakery: the history and techniques of photographic deception and manipulation. Dulles, VA: Brassey’s, c1999. xii, 227 p.
TR148 .B78 1999
Durham, Michael S. Powerful days: the civil rights photography of Charles Moore. Tuscaloosa, Ala: University of Alabama Press, 2002. 207 p.
E185.61 .D94 2002*
Finnegan, Terrence J. Shooting the front: allied aerial reconnaissance and photographic interpretation on the Western Front - World War I. Washington, DC: Center for Strategic Intelligence Research, National Defense Intelligence College, 2006. xiii, 508 p.
D 5.202:R 24
Fisher, Andrea. Let us now praise famous women: women photographers for the U.S. government, 1935 to 1944: Esther Bubley, Marjory Collins, Pauline Ehrlich, Dorothea Lange, Martha McMillan Roberts, Marion Post Wolcott, Ann Rosener, Louise Rosskam. London; New York: Pandora Press, 1987. 160 p.
TR820.5 .L48 1987
Frisch-Ripley, Karen. Unlocking the secrets in old photographs. Salt Lake City, UT: Ancestry, c1991. x, 190 p.
CS49 .F75 1990
Gordon, Anna Pegler. In sight of America: photography and immigration policy, 1880-1930. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002. xx, 388 p.
JV6483 .G6 2002
Maslowski, Peter. Armed with cameras: the American military photographers of World War II. New York: Free Press; Toronto: Maxwell Macmillan Canada; New York: Maxwell Macmillan International, c1993. xii, 412 p.
D810.P4 M37 1993
Natanson, Nicholas. The Black image in the New Deal: the politics of FSA photography. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, c1992. xii, 305 p.
E185.6 .N245 1992*
Raskin, Richard. A child at gunpoint: a case study in the life of a photo. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, c2004. 192 p.
D804.32 .R37 2004
Ritzenthaler, Mary Lynn. Archives & manuscripts, administration of photographic collections. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1984. 173 p.
CD950.S13 R57 1984
Sandweiss, Martha A. Print the legend: photography and the American West. New Haven: Yale University Press, c2002. xiii, 402 p.
TR23.6 .S25 2002
Stapp, William F. Robert Cornelius, portraits from the dawn of photography. Washington: Published for the National Portrait Gallery by the Smithsonian Institution Press, 1983. 152 p.
SI 11.2:C 81
Struk, Janina. Photographing the Holocaust: interpretations of the evidence. London; New York: I.B. Tauris in association with European Jewish Publication Society, 2005, c2004. xii, 251 p.
D804.32 .S77 2005
Welling, William. Collectors’ guide to nineteenth-century photographs. New York: Macmillan, c1976. xvi, 204 p.
TR6.5 .W44 1975
Willis, Deborah. Reflections in Black: a history of Black photographers, 1840 to the present. New York: W.W. Norton, c2000. xviii, 348 p.
TR23 .W55 2000
Wood, John. The art of the autochrome: the birth of color photography. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, c1993. xvi, 185 p.
TR510 .W64 1993
Catalogs, Guides, and Indexes
A guide to the Angelus Studio collection of historic photographs: prepared by the Oregon Historical Records Survey Project, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration; sponsored by the University of Oregon. Portland, OR: The Project, 1940. v, 77 p.
F877 .H57 1940*
An Index to American photographic collections, compiled at the International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House. Boston, MA: G.K. Hall, 1982. xiii, 407 p.
N4010 .I6 1982
Photographs at Harvard and Radcliffe: a directory. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Library, 1984. vii, 83 p.
TR12 .P517 1984
Union guide to photograph collections of the Pacific Northwest. Portland: Oregon Historical Society, 1978. xiii, 419 p.
F851 .U56 1978*
Alaska Historical Library. A guide to the Leslie Melvin collection of Alaskan photographs, 1928-1941. Juneau, AK: Alaska Historical Library, Division of State Libraries and Museums, 1983. v, 43 p.
F909 .A354 1983*
Colorado Historical Society. Library. An inventory of the photographs of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad, the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad: a holding of the Library of the Colorado Historical Society. Denver, CO: The Society, c1996. 65 p.
Z6611.R3 C65 1996
Ford Motor Company. Archives. Ford documents and photographs: an exhibit. Dearborn, MI: The Archives, 1953. 32 p.
HD9710.U54 F53 1953
Geological Survey (U.S.) A descriptive catalog of selected aerial photographs of geologic features in the United States. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1968. 79 p.
I 19.16:590
Hansen, Thomas P. Guide to lunar orbiter photographs. Washington: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1970. 125 p.
NAS 1.21:242
Jackson, William Henry. Descriptive catalogue of photographs of North American Indians. Washington: Govt. Print. Off., 1877. vi, 124 p.
I 18.6:9
Jackson, William Henry. Descriptive catalogue of the photographs of the United States Geological survey of the territories, for the years 1869 to 1875, inclusive. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1875. 81 p.
I 18.6:5
Library of Congress. Image of America: early photography, 1839-1900: an exhibit held in the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., opened on February 8, 1957. A catalog. Washington, DC, 1957. 88 p.
LC 1.2:P 56/3
Library of Congress. Library of Congress prints and photographs: an illustrated guide. Washington: Library of Congress, 1995. 80 p.
LC 1.6/4:P 93
Library of Congress. Prints and Photographs Division. Civil War photographs, 1861-1865; a catalog of copy negatives made from originals selected from the Mathew B. Brady Collection in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. Washington: Reference Dept., Library of Congress, 1961. x, 74 p.
E468.7 .U57*
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. Division of Archives and Manuscripts. Guide to photographs at the Pennsylvania State Archives. Harrisburg: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, c1993. vii, 229 p.
CD3474 .P465 1993
Pierce, Sally. Citizens in conflict: prints and photographs of the American Civil War: the catalogue of an exhibition held at the Boston Athenaeum, December 5th through the 31st, 1981. Boston, MA: Boston Athenaeum, c1981. 50 p.
E468.7 .P53
Slate, John H. The Texas African American Photography Archive: a guide to the collections. Dallas, TX: Documentary Arts, Inc. c1999. 53 p.
TR6.U62 D35 1999
Snell, Charles W. A catalog of the drawings, paintings, photographs, and sketches of Harpers Ferry, 1800-1955, in the collections of Harpers Ferry National Monument, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. 1959. 69 leaves.
Z1350.H37 S6 1959
United States. National Archives and Records Service. Aerial photographs in the National Archives. Washington: National Archives and Records Service, 1973. vii, 106 p.
CD3022 .A35 no.25a
United States. National Archives and Records Service. OWI photographs depicting "Life in the United States," 1942-1946 (record group 208). Washington, DC: General Services Administration, National Archives and Records Service, 1964. iii, 45 p.
CD3026 .N3 no.65
United States. War Dept. General Staff. Catalogue of official A.E.F. photographs taken by the Signal Corps, U.S.A. Washington: Govt. Print. Off., 1919. 577 p.
W 26.15/2:P 56
University of Vermont. Library. Special Collections Dept. Photographs in the Special Collections Department, Bailey/Howe Library, University of Vermont. Burlington, VT: Special Collections, Bailey-Howe Library, University of Vermont, 1990. 27 p.
F56.5 .U59 1990*
Apollo over the moon: a view from orbit. Washington: Scientific and Technical Information Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration,1978. vii, 255 p.
NAS 1.21:362
Blue Ridge harvest: a region’s folklife in photographs: an essay from the Blue Ridge Parkway Folklife Project conducted by the American Folklife Center, in cooperation with the National Park Service in August and September 1978. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 1981. 115 p.
LC 39.9:7
A Century of photographs, 1846-1946 selected from the collections of the Library of Congress. Washington: The Library. viii, 211 p.
LC 1.2:P 56/5/1846-1946
Mission to earth: Landsat views the world. Washington: Scientific and Technical Office, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1976. ix, 459 p.
NAS 1.21:360 (folio)
Photographs of Indians in the United States. Washington, DC: The National Archives Trust Fund Board, 1985. 18 p.
E178.5.S35 N2*
War and conflict: selected images from the National Archives. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1989. x, 355 p.
E181 .W27 1989*
Baker, Simon. The look of our land: an airphoto atlas of the rural United States: the plains and prairies. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, 1971. 83, [1] p.
A 1.76:419
Bustard, Bruce I. Picturing the century: one hundred years of photography from the National Archives. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration in association with the University of Washington Press, Seattle, c1999. vii, 136 p.
TR6.U6 W18 1999
Cornelisse, Diana Good. Remarkable journey: the Wright Field heritage in photographs. Dayton, OH: History Office, Aeronautical Systems Division, Air Force Systems Command, 1991. xxxviii, 215 p.
UG634.5.W7 C67 1991
Cortright, Edgar M. Exploring space with a camera. Washington: Scientific and Technical Information Division, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1968. x, 214 p.
NAS 1.21:168
Eaton, Edward Bailey. Original photographs taken on the battlefields during the Civil War of the United States, by Mathew B. Brady and Alexander Gardner, who operated under the authority of the War Department and the protection of the Secret Service ... Hartford, CT: Eaton, 1907. 126 p.
E468.7 .E2*
Fermi, Rachel. Picturing the bomb: photographs from the secret world of the Manhattan Project. New York: H.N. Abrams, 1995. 232 p.
QC773.A1 F47 1995
Foresta, Merry A. Exposed and developed: photography sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts. Washington, DC: Published for the National Museum of American Art by the Smithsonian Institution Press, 1984. 144 p.
SI 6.2:Ex 7/4
Goldstein, Donald M. D-Day Normandy: the story and photographs. Washington: Brassey’s (US), 1994. 180 p.
D756.5.N6 G65 1994
Hine, Lewis Wickes. Men at work: photographic studies of modern men and machines. 2d enl. ed. New York: Dover Publications, 1977. 61 p.
TR653 .H54 1977
Holland, Mary Gardner. Our army nurses: interesting sketches and photographs of over one hundred of the noble women who served in hospitals and on battle fields during our late Civil War, 1861-1865. Boston: Press of Loundsberry, Nichols & Worth, 1897, c1896. 600 p.
E621 .H65 1897 (National Archives Catalog)
Horan, James David. Timothy O’Sullivan, America’s forgotten photographer; the life and work of the brilliant photographer whose camera recorded the American scene from the battlefields of the Civil War to the frontiers of the West. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1966. xiv, 334 p.
TR140.O8 H6
Kosofsky, L. J. The moon as viewed by lunar orbiter. Washington: Scientific and Technical Information Division, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1970. vii, 152 p.
NAS 1.21:200
Library of Congress. Prints and Photographs Division. Viewpoints; a selection from the pictorial collections of the Library of Congress; a picture book by Alan Fern, Milton Kaplan, and the staff of the Prints and Photographs Division. Washington: Library of Congress, 1975. x, 223 p.
LC 29.8/2:V 67
Library of Congress. Prints and Photographs Division. Washingtoniana: photographs: collections in the Prints and Photographs Division of the Library of Congress. Washington: The Library, 1989. xxiv, 310 p.
F195 .L66 1989*
Lyman, Christopher M. The vanishing race and other illusions: photographs of Indians by Edward S. Curtis. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, c1982. 158 p.
E77.5 .L9*
Neuzil, Mark. Views on the Mississippi: the photographs of Henry Peter Bosse. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, c2001. xv, 253 p.
TR654 .N448 2001
Panzer, Mary. Mathew Brady and the image of history. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press for the National Portrait Gallery, c1997. xxiii, 232 p.
TR140.B7 P36 1997
Pfister, Harold Francis. Facing the light: historic American portrait daguerreotypes: an exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, September 22, 1978-January 15, 1979. Washington: Published for the National Portrait Gallery by the Smithsonian Institution Press, 1978. 378 p.
SI 11.2:L 62
Scott, J. M. The polar regions: an anthology of Arctic and Antarctic photographs. London: Chatto & Windus, 1935. 100 p.
G590 .S34 1935
Simpson, Jeffrey. Officers and gentlemen: historic West Point in photographs. Tarrytown, NY: Sleepy Hollow Press, c1982. 223 p.
U410.L3 S5
Smithsonian Institution. Native American photography at the Smithsonian: the Shindler catalogue. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Books, c2003. x, 371 p.
E89 .S58 2003*
Steichen, Edward. The family of man; the greatest photographic exhibition of all time: 503 pictures from 68 countries created by Edward Steichen for the Museum of Modern Art. New York, Published for the Museum of Modern Art by the Maco Magazine Corp., c1955. 192 p.
TR650 .S673 1955
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Scientific and Technical Information Division. Earth photographs from Gemini III, IV, and V. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1967. ix, 266 p.
NAS 1.21:129
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Scientific and Technical Information Division. Earth photographs from Gemini VI through XII. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1968. x, 327 p.
NAS 1.21:171
United States. National Archives and Records Service. The American image: photographs from the National Archives, 1860-1960. New York: Pantheon Books, c1979. xxxii, 191 p.
E168 .N2*
Archival storage of photographic materials. Syracuse, NY: Gaylord Bros., 1994. 19 p.
TR465 .A7 1994
The Imperfect image: photographs their past, present and future: conference proceedings: papers presented at the Centre for Photographic Conservation’s first international conference at the Low Wood Conference Centre, Windemere, 6th-10th April 1992. Windemere: Centre for Photographic Conservation, 1992. 379 p.
TR5 .I6 1992
Chicago Historical Society. Processing and preservation of the Hedrich-Blessing Architectural Photographs Collection, 1929-1969. Chicago, IL: Chicago Historical Society, 1993. 1 v.
Z7136.A73 C5 1993
Dryden, Jean E. Images in time: a basic guide to the processing and preservation of historical photographs. Edmonton: Alberta Educational Communications Corp., 1982. 56 p.
TR465 .D79
Hendriks, Klaus B. The preservation and restoration of photographic materials in archives and libraries: a RAMP study with guidelines. Paris: General Information Programme and UNISIST, United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, c1984. viii, 118 p.
CD950.R37 H46 1984
Keefe, Laurence E. The life of a photograph: archival processing, matting, framing, and storage. Boston: Focal Press, c1984. xi, 330 p.
TR465 .K4
Mustardo, Peter. Photograph preservation: basic methods of safeguarding your collection. Washington, DC: Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference, c1994. 36 p.
CD950 .T35 no.9
Reilly, James M. Care and identification of 19th-century photographic prints. Rochester, NY: Eastman Kodak Co., c1986. xii, 116 p.
TR465 .R45 1986
Reilly, James M. Storage guide for color photographic materials: caring for color slides, prints, negatives, and movie films. Albany, NY: University of the State of New York, New York State Education Dept., New York State Library, New York State Program for the Conservation and Preservation of Library Research Materials, c1998. iv, 48 p.
TR465 .R453 1998
Ritzenthaler, Mary Lynn. Photographs: archival care and management. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, c2006. xvi, 529 p.
TR465 .R58 2006
Weinstein, Robert A. Collection, use, and care of historical photographs. Nashville: American Association for State and Local History, c1977. 222 p.
TR465 .W44 1977
Wilhelm, Henry Gilmer. The permanence and care of color photographs: traditional and digital color prints, color negatives, slides, and motion pictures. Grinnell, IA: Preservation Pub. Co., c1993. ix, 744 p.
TR465 .W55 1993