Current Periodical Subscriptions in the Archives Library
Compiled by ALIC Volunteers Susan Goward and Anne Mansfield, January 2013.
NOTE: Underlined titles are accessible online. Please note that not all titles are available full-text. Underlined titles followed by an asterisk(*) are available in print in the Library at Archives II College Park, unless otherwise noted, and online. The publications marked (ProQuest) and (JSTOR) are available full-text at NARA computers only through our ProQuest and JSTOR databases.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y & Z
- AABC Newsletter (Archives Association of British Columbia)
- ABA Journal (American Bar Association) (ProQuest)
- ACA Bulletin * (Association of Canadian Archivists); See also: Bulletin (ACA)
- ACA News * (Academy of Certified Archivists)
- Access Reports/FOI Newsletter
- Across Borders: An International Law Journal
- ACWR News (Archivists for Congregations of Women Religious)
- Administrative Notes (Federal Depository Library Program) (See: SuDoc: GP 3.16)
- Administrative Notes, Technical Supplement (Federal Depository Library Program) (See: SuDoc: GP 3.16)
- African American Review (Indiana State University) (JSTOR)
- Agricultural History (Agricultural History Society)
- AIC News * (American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works)
- AIIM E-Doc Magazine (Association for Information and Image Management International); See: Infonomics
- AIP Center for History of Physics Newsletter * (American Institute of Physics, Center for History)
- AIQ: American Indian Quarterly *(ProQuest)
- Air & Space Power Journal * (U.S. Air Force)
- Air Force Journal of Logistics
- Air Force Law Review (ProQuest)
- Air Force Magazine
- Air Force Times
- Air Power History * (Air Force Historical Foundation) (ProQuest)
- Air University Library Index to Military Periodicals
- Alabama Archivist * (Society of Alabama Archivists)
- Alabama Review: A Quarterly Review of Alabama History (Alabama Historical Association)
- Alaska History (Alaska Historical Society)
- Alaska Law Review
- ALCTS Online Newsletter (Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, American Library Association)
- Almanac/AAS (American Antiquarian Society)
- American Archaeology (Archaeological Conservancy)
- American Archivist (Society of American Archivists)
- American Diplomacy (Triangle Institute for Security Studies, University of North Carolina)
- American Economic Association Quarterly (JSTOR)
- American Economic Review, The (American Economic Association) (JSTOR)
- American Heritage * (Full text 1996-current) (ProQuest)
- American Heritage * (Selected full text 1954-current)
- American Historical Review * (American Historical Association) (JSTOR )
- American History *
- American Indian Quarterly * (AIQ) (ProQuest)
- American Jewish Archives (Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Religion)
- American Jewish History * (American Jewish Historical Society)
- American Journal of International Law (ProQuest ) (JSTOR )
- American Journal of Political Science (ProQuest ) (JSTOR )
- American Journal of Sociology, The (JSTOR)
- American Libraries * (American Libraries Association)
- American Literature (JSTOR)
- American Political Science Review, The (American Political Science Association) (JSTOR)
- American Quarterly (JSTOR)
- American Scholar * (The Phi Beta Kappa Society) (ProQuest)
- American Society for Access Professionals Newsletter (American Society for Access Professionals)
- American Spirit (Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine)
- American University Law Review
- America's Civil War (ProQuest)
- Among Friends of LBJ (Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum)
- Annals of Iowa (State Historical Society of Iowa)
- Annals of the Association of American Geographers
- Annals of Wyoming: The Wyoming History Journal (Wyoming State Historical Society)
- Annual Report of the American Historical Association (General Collection)
- Annual Review of Anthropology (JSTOR)
- Annual Review of Information Science & Technology (General Collection)
- Annual Review of OCLC Research
- Annual Review of Sociology (JSTOR)
- Anthropological Review (JSTOR)
- Anthropology Today (JSTOR)
- ARANZ Newsletter * (Archives and Records Association of New Zealand)
- Arbido * (Associations des Archivists Suisse) (Switzerland)
- Archeion (Organ of the Polish State Archives)
- Archifacts: Journal of the Archives and Records Association of New Zealand
- ArchiNews/ArchiNouvelles (Association for Manitoba Archives) (Canada)
- Archival Anecdotes: A Quarterly Publication of the Friends of the Silvio O. Conte National Archives * (National Archives and Records Administration Regional Office, Pittsfield, MA)
- Archival Issues: Journal of the Midwestern Archives Conference
- Archival Outlook (Society of American Archivists)
- Archival Science: International Journal on Recorded Information *
- Archivalische Zeitschrift (Bavaria, Germany)
- Archivar, Der (Germany)
- Archivaria: Journal of the Association of Canadian Archivists
- Archive in Bayern: Aufsatze, Vortrage, Berichte, Mitteilungen (Generaldirektion der Staatlichen Archive in Bayerns) (Munich, Germany)
- Archives (Association des Archivistes du Quebec) (Canada)
- Archives and Manuscripts (Australian Society of Archivists)
- Archives Network News (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
- Archivi & Computer (Italy)
- Archivi per la Storia (Italy)
- Arctic: Journal of the Arctic Institute of America *
- Arhivi (Slovenia)
- Ariadne (U.K. Electronic Libraries Programme)
- Arkansas Historical Association Newsletter
- Arkansas Historical Quarterly (Arkansas Historical Association)
- Arkiv Samhalle Och Forskning (Swedish Association of Archivists)
- ARL: A Bimonthly Report on Research Library Issues and Actions
- Armed Forces and Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal * (Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society) (ProQuest)
- Armor * (U.S. Army Armored Branch) (ProQuest)
- Armor and Cavalry Journal (U.S. Armor Association)
- Army History: The Professional Bulletin of Army History (The Chief of Military History, The Center of Military History, U.S. Dept. of the Army)
- Army Lawyer (ProQuest)
- Army Magazine
- Army Times
- ARRIS (Southeast Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians)
- ARXIUS: Butlleti del Servei d'Arxius [National Archives of Catalonia] (Spain)
- Art in America (ProQuest)
- Arts & Humanities Data Service Newsletter
- ASIS&T Jobline (American Society for Information Science and Technology)
- ASLH Newsletter (American Society for Legal History)
- Assembly (United States Military Academy Association of Graduates)
- Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly
- Association of Commonwealth Archivists and Records Managers Newsletter (U.K.)
- Augustan Society Omnibus
- Australian Society of Archivists Bulletin
- Aviation Week and Space Technology (ProQuest)
- Aviation Week's Homeland Security and Defense (ProQuest)
- Biblio Tech Review (U.K.)
- Black History Bulletin (Association for the Study of African American Life and History)
- Black Scholar (ProQuest)
- Blue & Gray Magazine
- Boletin Archivese: Organo Difusor de la Direccion General del Archivo Nacional * (Costa Rica)
- Boletin del Archivo Nacional (Cuba)
- Book, (The) *: Newsletter of the Program in the History of the Book in America (American Antiquarian Society)
- Booklist (ProQuest)
- Brooklyn Journal of International Law
- Bulletin (ACA) Association of Canadian Archivists; See also: ACA Bulletin
- Bulletin du CEGES: '30-'50 * (Centre d'Etudes et du Documention Guerre et Societes Contemporaines) (Belgium)
- Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology *
- Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (ProQuest)
- Bulletin of the German Historical Institute (See: German Historical Institute Bulletin)
- Bulletin (Western Front Association) UK
- Business History Review * (Harvard Graduate School of Business Education)
- Buzz, The: The National Archives Newsletter about Online Access* (NARA)
- CAA Newsletter: Newsletter of Capital Area Archivists, New York
- Callaloo (The Johns Hopkins University Press) (JSTOR)
- California History (California Historical Society)
- Carolina Comments (North Carolina Division of Archives and History)
- Carologue: A Publication of the South Carolina Historical Society
- Carrolls Federal Directory (Reference Collection)
- Cartography and Geographic Information Science: Journal of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping
- Catholic Historical Review (American Catholic Historical Association) (ProQuest)
- CCI Newsletter (Canadian Conservation Institute)
- Chapter Notes (Washington, D.C. Special Libraries Association)
- Choice: Current Reviews of Academic Books
- Chronicle of Higher Education *
- Chronicles of Oklahoma (Oklahoma Historical Society)
- CH Working Papers (Computing in the Humanities)
- CIO: The Magazine for Information Executives *
- Cityscape
- Civil History, The* (NARA Southeast Region)
- Civil War History: A Journal of the Middle Period * (ProQuest)
- Civil War Times *
- CLIR Issues * (Council on Library and Information Resources)
- Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)*
- Cold War History (Dept. of International History, London School of Economics and Political Science) (U.K.)
- Cold War International History Project Bulletin
- College & Research Libraries * (Association of College and Research Libraries)
- College & Research Libraries News * (Association of College and Research Libraries)
- Colorado Heritage: Journal of the Colorado Historical Society
- Colorado History (Colorado Historical Society)
- Colorado History Now (Colorado Historical Society)
- Columns: Newsletter of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin
- Columns (National Archives and Records Administration Volunteers Newsletter)
- Comma: International Journal on Archives (International Council on Archives)
- Common Ground: Preserving Our Nation's Heritage (National Park Service, National Center for Cultural Resources)
- Common-Place: The Interactive Journal of Early American Life
- Compilation of Presidential Documents
- Computer Business Review
- Computer Law Review & Technology Journal
- Computer World *
- Computers in Libraries *
- Conference of Inter-Mountain Archivists Newsletter *
- Congressional Record*
- Congressional Yellow Book (Reference Desk)
- Consumer Reports (ProQuest)
- Cornell Law Review
- Conservation: The Getty Conservation Institute Newsletter *
- CQ Weekly (ProQuest)
- CRM: Customer Relations Management
- CRM: The Journal of Heritage Stewardship (National Park Service, Cultural Resource Management)
- Crossroads (NAGARA) (Shelved with NAGARA Clearinghouse)
- Cryptologia (U.S. Military Academy, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences)
- Current Biography (Reference Collection)
- Current Cites
- Currents (Utah State Historical Society)
- D-Lib Magazine: The Magazine of Digital Library Research
- Datamation (ProQuest)
- DCLA: Capital Librarian (District of Columbia Library Association)
- Declarations (NARA)
- Defense Viewpoint
- Delaware History (Historical Society of Delaware)
- Demography (JSTOR)
- Descriptive Notes: The Newsletter of the Description Section of the Society of American Archivists
- Digest: Quarterly Publication of the Defense Technical Information Center
- Digital Technology Law Journal
- Diplomatic History (Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations) *
- Directory (American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works) (Reference Collection)
- Disaster Recovery Journal
- Dispatch: The Newsletter of the American Association for State & Local History *
- DLAR News: The Newsletter of the David Library of the American Revolution
- DPI: Digital Photography and Imaging Photozine
- Documentary Editing: The Journal of the ADE *
- DTTP Quarterly: Journal of Government Information Practice & Perspective (Government Documents Roundtable, American Library Association)
- Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum
- Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law
- Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy
- Duke Law Journal
- Dusty Shelf (Kansas City Area Archivists)
- Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal (McNeil Center for Early American Studies, University of Pennsylvania)
- Easy Access: Newsletter of the Northwest Archivists
- Economist (The)
- EContent *
- Educause Review *
- Eighteenth-Century Studies (JSTOR)
- E-Law: Murdoch Electronic Journal of Law
- Electronic Journal of Comparative Law
- Environmental History (Forest History Association/American Conservation History)
- Everton's Genealogical Helper
- Extensions: A Journal of the Carl Albert Congressional Research Center *
- Fairfax Genealogical Society News
- FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin (ProQuest)
- Federal Computer Week *
- Federal Reserve Bulletin
- Federal Times *
- Federal Yellow Book (Reference Desk)
- Federalist, The * (Society for History in the Federal Government)
- FedTech Magazine *
- Feminist Studies (ProQuest)
- FHS: The Society Report (Florida Historical Society)
- Film & History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Film and Television Studies (Historians Film Committee, American Historical Association)
- Film Comment (ProQuest)
- Films in Review (ProQuest)
- First Monday
- Flash: What's New? (International Council on Archives/Conseil International des Archives)
- FLICC Newsletter (Federal Library and Information Center Committee)
- Florida Archivist (Society of Florida Archivists)
- Florida Historical Quarterly (Florida Historical Society)
- Focus (Center for Research Libraries)
- Folklife Center News* (Library of Congress)
- For the eRecord* (NARA) Staff only
- For the Record: A Newsletter of the Illinois State Archives & the Illinois State Records Advisory Board *
- Foreign Affairs * (Council on Foreign Relations)
- Fortitudine (Marine Corps Historical Program) (see SuDoc: D 214.20)
- Fortune *
- Gazette des Archives (Association des Archivistes Francaises) (France)
- GCN: Government Computer News *
- Genealogical Record
- Georgia Historical Quarterly (Georgia Historical Society)
- Georgia History Today * (Georgia Historical Society)
- Geoworld
- German Historical Institute Bulletin * (Washington, DC)
- German Historical Institute Occasional Papers
- Government Executive *
- Government Information Quarterly: An International Journal of Policies, Resources, Services and Practices
- Great Lakes Regional Archives eNewsletter* (NARA Great Lakes Region)
- Great Lakes Wave* (NARA Great Lakes Region)
- Great Plains Quarterly (Center for Great Plains Studies)
- Guild of Bookworkers Newsletter
- Hagley Magazine * (formerly: Hagley Museum and Library Newsletter)
- HAHR (See: Hispanic American Historical Review)
- Harvard Business Review * (Harvard University, Graduate School of Business Administration) (ProQuest)
- Harvard International Review
- Hawaiian Journal of History (Hawaiian Historical Society)
- Headquarters Heliogram (Council on America's Military Past)
- Hispanic American Historical Review * (HAHR) (American Historical Association, Conference on Latin American History) (ProQuest)
- Historian * (Phi Alpha Theta) (ProQuest)
- Historic New Orleans Collection Quarterly *
- Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History
- Historical New Hampshire (New Hampshire Historical Society)
- History: Reviews of New Books (Incorporates: World Intelligence Review)
- History News: Magazine of the American Association for State and Local History
- History Notes: Newsletter of the Virginia Historical Society
- History Notes (South Dakota State Historical Society)
- History Teacher (The Society for History Education)
- History Today (ProQuest)
- Holocaust and Genocide Studies (U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum)
- Homeland Defense Journal
- HS Today *
- Humanities: The Magazine of the National Endowment for the Humanities
- Idaho Yesterdays (Idaho Historical Society)
- Illinois Heritage: Publication of the Illinois State Historical Society
- Illinois Libraries (Illinois State Library)
- Immigration and Ethnic History Newsletter (Immigration History Society)
- Indian Archives (National Archives of India)
- Indiana Law Journal
- Infantry (U.S. Infantry School) (ProQuest)
- Infonomics : Information at Work (Association for Information and Image Management) (formerly: AIIM E-DOC Magazine)
- Information Management & Technology (U.K.)
- Information Management Journal (ARMA International)
- Information Outlook (Special Libraries Association)
- Information Overload (Information Enterprises Australia)
- Information Standards Quarterly (National Information Standards Organization)
- Information Technology and Libraries (Library and Information Technology Association, American Library Association) (ProQuest)
- Information Week *
- Intelligence and National Security * (International Intelligence History Association)
- Intelligent Enterprise
- International History Review (Canada)
- International Preservation News * (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions/Core Programme on Preservation and Conservation)
- Internet Reference Services Quarterly *
- Intranet Journal
- Isis * (History of Science Society) (ProQuest)
- Isis Current Bibliography of the History of Science & Its Cultural Influences (annual supplement to Isis)
- Issues of Democracy
- ITL Bulletin* (Information Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology)
- ITS Newsletter* (NARA Information Technology Security Newsletter) Staff only
- Janus (International Council on Archives) (See: Comma)
- JFQ: Joint Force Quarterly (National Defense University) (ProQuest)
- John F. Kennedy Library and Foundation Newsletter, see: Legacy
- Journal (The): Transforming Education Through Technology
- Journal of African American History* (Association for the Study of African American Life and History) (ProQuest ) (JSTOR )
- Journal of American Ethnic History * (Immigration and Ethnic History Society) (ProQuest)
- Journal of American History* (Organization of American Historians) (ProQuest ) (JSTOR )
- Journal of America's Military Past (Council on America's Military Past)
- Journal of Archival Organization *
- Journal of Arizona History (Arizona Historical Society)
- Journal of Asian Studies, The (Association for Asian Studies) (JSTOR)
- Journal of Black Studies (ProQuest ) (JSTOR )
- Journal of Blacks in Higher Education (JSTOR)
- Journal of Business, The (JSTOR)
- Journal of Cold War Studies
- Journal of Digital Information
- Journal of Economic History (JSTOR)
- Journal of Economic Perspectives, The (JSTOR)
- Journal of Education for Library and Information Science (Association for Library and Information Science Education)
- Journal of Government Information
- Journal of Higher Education, The (JSTOR)
- Journal of Intellectual Property Law
- Journal of Intelligence History (International Intelligence History Association)
- Journal of Interdisciplinary History * (M.I.T., School of Humanities and Social Science)
- Journal of Librarianship & Information Science
- Journal of Military History * (George C. Marshall Library) (ProQuest)
- Journal of Mississippi History (Mississippi Historical Society)
- Journal of Modern History * (JSTOR )
- Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (JSTOR)
- Journal of Negro Education, The (JSTOR)
- Journal of Negro History, The (JSTOR)
- Journal of Northwest Florida (Genealogical Society of Okaloosa County)
- Journal of Policy History
- Journal of Political Economy, The (JSTOR)
- Journal of Politics, The (JSTOR)
- Journal of Social History * (ProQuest)
- Journal of Southern History * (Southern Historical Association) (JSTOR )
- Journal of Supreme Court History (Supreme Court Historical Society)
- Journal of Technology Law & Policy
- Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology * (JASIS & T)
- Journal of the Early Republic * (Society for Historians of the Early American Republic, Purdue University) (ProQuest)
- Journal of the Historical Society (The Historical Society)
- Journal of the Historical Society of Frederick County, Maryland
- Journal of the History of Ideas (JSTOR)
- Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States of America
- Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society
- Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, The (JSTOR)
- Journal of the Senate of the United States of America
- Journal of the Society of Archivists * (U.K.) (ProQuest)
- Journal of the West
- Journal of Women's History * (ProQuest)
- Jugglezine: A Biweekly Magazine about Balancing Work and Life
- Kansas Heritage (Kansas State Historical Society), see: Reflections
- Kansas History (Kansas State Historical Society)
- Kentucky Ancestors
- Kentucky Archivist (Kentucky Council on Archives)
- Kentucky Historical Society Chronicle
- Kitanomaru: Kokuntsu Kobunshokanpo (Journal of the National Archives of Japan)
- KM: Content, Document and Knowledge Management
- Krakowski Rocznik Archiwalny (State Archives in Krakow, Poland)
- Labor History * (Tamiment Institute) (ProQuest)
- Law & Contemporary Problems
- Law and History Review (American Society for Legal History) *
- Law & Society Review (ProQuest)
- Legacy (John F. Kennedy Library and Museum)
- Leveltari Kozlemenyek (Journal of the National Archives of Hungary)
- Leveltari Szemle (National Archives of Hungary)
- Libraries and the Cultural Record * (formerly: Libraries & Culture)
- Library Administration & Management (Library Administration and Management Association, American Library Association)
- Library & Archival Security *
- Library Hi Tech Journal* (U.K.)
- Library Hi Tech News * (U.K.) (ProQuest)
- Library Journal * (ProQuest)
- Library of Congress Digital Preservation Newsletter* (Library of Congress)
- Library of Congress Information Bulletin*
- Library Quarterly (Florida State University, School of Information Studies) (ProQuest)
- Library Resources & Technical Services (Association for Library Collections and Technical Services, American Library Association)
- Library Technology Reports (ProQuest)
- Library Trends (University of Illinois, Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences) (ProQuest)*
- Lincoln Editor: Quarterly Newsletter of the Papers of Abraham Lincoln
- Lincoln Legal Briefs * (Illinois Historical Preservation Agency)
- Louisiana History (Louisiana Historical Association)
- Louisiana History Newsletter (Louisiana Historical Association)
- MAC Newsletter (Midwest Archives Conference)
- Magazine of History * (Organization of American Historians)
- Maine History (Maine Historical Society)
- Management Review, New York (ProQuest)
- Managing Information (ASLIB: The Association for Information Management) (U.K.)
- Manuscript Society News (Manuscript Society)
- Manuscripts (Manuscript Society)
- Maryland Historical Magazine (Maryland Historical Society)
- Massachusetts Historical Review (Massachusetts Historical Society)
- Memento* (National Archives of Australia)
- Mercer Law Review
- MHS Miscellany * (Massachusetts Historical Society)
- Michigan Historical Review (Clarke Historical Library, Central Michigan University)
- Microform & Imaging Review
- Mid-Atlantic Archivist (Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference)
- Midwest Journal of Political Science (JSTOR)
- Military Collector & Historian: Journal of the Company of Military Historians
- Military History (ProQuest)
- Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin
- Military Review (U.S. Army Command and General Staff College)
- Minnesota History * (Minnesota Historical Society)
- MIS Quarterly [Management Information Systems Quarterly]
- Mississippi History Newsletter * (Mississippi Historical Society)
- Mississippi Valley Historical Review, The (JSTOR)
- Missouri Historical Review (State Historical Society of Missouri)
- Missouri Times (State Historical Society of Missouri)
- Mistletoe Leaves (Oklahoma Historical Society)
- Mitteilungen Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichen Widerstandes (Austria)
- Modern Photography (ProQuest)
- Montana: Magazine of Western History (Montana Historical Society)
- Montgomery County Historical Society Newsletter (Maryland)
- Montgomery County Story (Montgomery County Historical Society, Maryland) (incorporates: Line Upon Line)
- Monthly Labor Review Online
- Monumenta Nipponica (JSTOR)
- Moving Image (Association of Moving Image Archivists)
- MuseNews (Oklahoma Museum Association)
- Museum Archivist : Newsletter of Society of American Archivist's Museum Archives Section
- Museum International (UNESCO)
- Museum News
- Nachrichten aus den Staatlichen Archiven Bayerns * (Bavaria, Germany)
- NAGARA (National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators)
- NAGARA Clearinghouse
- NAGARA Crossroads
- NARA Education Programs Newsletter*
- Nation (ProQuest)
- National Archives and Records Administration Staff Bulletin*
- National Defense
- National Documentation Centre Newsletter (Pakistan)
- National Genealogical Society Newsletter (See: NGS NewsMagazine)
- National Genealogical Society Quarterly
- National Guard
- National Journal (ProQuest)
- National Parks (ProQuest)
- NATO Review
- Naval Aviation News
- Naval History (U.S. Naval Institute)
- Naval War College Review *
- Navy Times
- NEA Newsletter * (New England Archivists)
- Nebraska History (Nebraska State Historical Society)
- Nebraska History News
- Network Computing
- New Archivist* (National Archives Assembly, National Archives and Records Administration)
- New Hampshire Historical Society Newsletter
- New Images (ARMA International, Maryland Chapter)
- New Jour Electronic Journal & Newsletters
- New Leader (American Labor Conference on International Affairs)
- New Mexico Historical Review * (University of New Mexico)
- New Republic (ProQuest)
- New York Archives (Archives Partnership Trust/New York State Archives)
- New York History (New York State Historical Association)
- New York Review of Books
- New York Times Book Review *
- New York Times Magazine (ProQuest)
- New York Times Quarterly Index (Reference Collection)
- New Yorker (ProQuest)
- News * (Northeast Document Conservation Center)
- News Bulletin (Institute of Pacific Relations) (JSTOR)
- News from the First Ladies Library * (National First Ladies Library)
- News Notes (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, History Division)
- NewsDirectory (Newspaper & Media Database)
- Newsweek (ProQuest)
- NextSpace: The OCLC Newsletter *
- NGS Magazine (National Genealogical Society)
- Nordisk Arkivnyt (Denmark)
- North Carolina Historical Review (North Carolina Division of Archives and History)
- North Dakota History: Journal of the Northern Plains (North Dakota Heritage Foundation)
- OAH Newsletter * (Organization of American Historians)
- OCLC News (Online Computer Library Center)
- OCLC Systems & Services * (ProQuest)
- Official Word: The Government Records Section Newsletter (Society of American Archivists Section)
- Ohio Archivist (Society of Ohio Archivists)
- Old Guard Journal (1863-1867)
- On Point: The Journal of Army History (Army Historical Foundation)
- Online: The Leading Magazine for Information Professionals
- Online Information Review
- Oral History Review (ProQuest)
- Otechestvennye Arkhivy (National Archives, Russian Federation) (formerly: Sovetskie Arhivy)
- Pacific Affairs (JSTOR)
- Pacific Currents* (NARA Pacific Region)
- Pacific Historical Review * (Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association)
- Parameters: U.S. Army War College Quarterly *
- PARBICA panorama (Newsletter of the Pacific Branch, International Council on Archives)
- Passport: The Newsletter of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations
- PC Magazine (ProQuest)
- PC World *
- Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography * (Historical Society of Pennsylvania)
- Performance! : The Newsletter of the Society of American Archivists' Performing Arts Roundtable
- Perspectives on History: The Newsmagazine of the American Historical Association *
- Perspectives on Law and the Public Interest
- Pioneer Branches (NEWGS: Northeast Washington Genealogical Society)
- Plains Talk (State Historical Society of North Dakota/North Dakota Heritage Center)
- Political Science Quarterly (PSQ)* (Academy of Political Science) (ProQuest ) (JSTOR )
- Population Index (JSTOR)
- Preservation: Magazine of the National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Preservation Books (National Trust for Historic Preservation)
- Presidential Studies Quarterly * (Center for the Study of the Presidency) (ProQuest)
- Primary Source (Society of Mississippi Archivists)
- Privacy Times
- Proceedings * (U.S. Naval Institute)
- Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society
- Proceedings of the American Political Science Association (JSTOR)
- Prologue* (National Archives and Records Administration)
- Provenance: Journal of the Society of Georgia Archivists
- PS: Political Science & Politics (ProQuest)
- Public Historian * (National Council on Public History)
- Public History News * (National Council on Public History)
- Public Opinion Quarterly, The (JSTOR)
- Publications of the American Economic Association (JSTOR)
- Publishers Weekly * (ProQuest)
- Rand Review * (Rand Corporation)
- RAO Newsletter (Society of American Archivists, Reference, Access and Outreach Section)
- Rassegna degli Archivi di Stato (Italy)
- RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage (Association of College and Research Libraries, American Library Association)
- Record Keeping: News for Archivists and Records Managers * (National Archives of the U.K.)
- Records Management Journal * (ASLIB: The Association for Information Management)
- Reference & User Services Quarterly * (Reference and User Services Association, American Library Association) (ProQuest)
- Reference Services Review (U.K.)
- Reflections (Kansas State Historical Society) (formerly: Kansas Heritage)
- Register of the Kentucky Historical Society
- Rendezvous: News and Notes from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library and Institute
- Researcher News* (NARA)
- Resource Sharing and Information Networks
- Restaurator (Denmark)
- Reviews in American History
- Review of Economic Studies, The (JSTOR)
- Reviews in American History (JSTOR)
- Revista del Archivo Nacional (Costa Rica)
- Rivista del Sistema Estatal de Documentacion Estada de Mexico
- Rockefeller Archives Center Newsletter *
- Rocky Mountain Archivist (Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists)
- National Archives at Denver*
- SAA Newsletters (Society of American Archivists) (various roundtables)
- Scrinium: Zeitschrift des Österreichischer Archivare (Austria)
- Sea Power
- Seattle University Law Review
- Secrecy News (Federation of American Scientists)
- SESAH Newsletter (Society of Architectural Historians, Southeast Chapter)
- SGA Newsletter (Society of Georgia Archivists)
- Shelf Life: A Newsletter from Library Binding Institute
- SHFG Bulletin (See: Society for History in the Federal Government Bulletin)
- SHOT Newsletter * (Society of the History of Technology)
- Smithsonian (Smithsonian Institution)
- Social Education (National Council for the Social Studies)
- Social Science Quarterly * (Southwestern Social Science Association)
- Social Sciences Index (General Collection)
- Social Studies Professional: Newsletter of the National Council for the Social Studies
- Society for German-American Studies Newsletter
- Society for History in the Federal Government Bulletin
- Society of Archivists (Great Britain) (ProQuest)
- Soldiers
- Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics
- South Carolina Historical Magazine (South Carolina Historical Society)
- South Carolina Law Review
- South Dakota History (South Dakota State Archives)
- Southern Echoes (Augusta Genealogical Society)
- Southern Register * (Center for the Study of Southern Culture)
- Southwestern Archivist (Society of Southwest Archivists)
- Southwest Bulletin* (NARA Southwest Region)
- Southwestern Historical Quarterly (ProQuest)
- Sovetskie Arkhivy (Russia) (See: Otechestvennye Arkhivy)
- Stand To! The Journal of the Western Front Association
- Stars & Stripes
- State Magazine (U.S. Dept. of State)
- Statesman: Newsletter, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center
- Strategic Forum * (National Defense University)
- Studien und Quellen (Schweizerisches Bundesarchiv) (Switzerland)
- Studies in Intelligence: Journal of the American Intelligence Professional* (Central Intelligence Agency)
- Subject Index to Literature on Electronic Sources of Information
- Supreme Court Review (ProQuest)
- Swenson Center News (Swenson Swedish Immigration Research Center, Augustana College) ALIC at Archives I only
- TAGS: Toledo Area Genealogical Society
- Taps: A Supplement to Assembly Magazine (U.S. Army Military Academy) (Shelved with Assembly)
- Tasmania Historical Research Association
- Technology and Culture: International Quarterly of the Society for the History of Technology
- Technology Review (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Tennessee Archivist (Tennessee Archivists)
- Tennessee Historical Quarterly (Tennessee Historical Society)
- TER: Telecommunications Electronic Reviews
- Texas Historian (Texas State Historical Association)
- Time (ProQuest)
- Traces (Indiana Historical Society)
- Truman Presidential Museum and Library Teacher Talk*
- Tulsa Annals (Tulsa Genealogical Society)
- University Journal of Business, The (JSTOR)
- U.S. News & World Report (ProQuest)
- Utah Historical Quarterly (Utah State Historical Society)
- Veritas: A Journal of Army Special Operations History
- Vermont History (Vermont Historical Society)
- Vermont History Connections
- Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte (Germany)
- Vietnam
- View from Hyde Park: The Newsletter of the Roosevelt Institute and Library (Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute and the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Library)
- Views: The Newsletter of the Visual Materials Section, Society of American Archivists
- Virginia Magazine of History and Biography * (Virginia Historical Society) (ProQuest)
- Vital Speeches of the Day (ProQuest)
- WAAC Newsletter (Western Association for Art Conservation)
- War and Society * (Australian Defense Force Academy)
- Washington History (Historical Society of Washington, DC)
- Washington Monthly
- Washingtonian *
- Web Developer's Journal
- Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents* (See: Compilation of Presidential Documents)
- West Virginia History (State Dept. of Archives and History)
- Western Historical Quarterly * (Western History Association)
- Western History Association Newsletter
- Whistle Stop (The Harry S. Truman Institute)
- White House History (White House Historical Association)
- William and Mary Quarterly * (Institute of Early American History and Culture) (JSTOR )
- Wilson Quarterly
- Wired *
- Wisconsin Magazine of History * (State Historical Society of Wisconsin)
- Women's Studies Quarterly (ProQuest)
- World Affairs (ProQuest)
- World Intelligence Review (See: History: Reviews of New Books)
- World Politics (JSTOR)
- Wyoming History News (Wyoming State Historical Society)
Y & Z
- Yad Vashem Jerusalem Quarterly Magazine (Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Rememberance Authority) (Israel)
- Zeitschrift des Schweizerischen Bundesarchivs (See: Studien und Quellen)
Note: Underlined titles are accessible online. Please note that not all titles are available full-text. Underlined titles followed by an asterisk(*) are available in print in the Library at Archives II College Park, unless otherwise noted, and online. The publications marked (ProQuest) and (JSTOR) are available full-text at NARA computers only through our ProQuest and JSTOR databases.