Archives Library Information Center (ALIC)

Compilation of Periodical Literature: Truman Library Cluster

  1. "'Release When Ready'". Prologue 37, no.2 (Summer 2005): 76.
    HST Library

  2. "A Classroom Called NARA". Prologue 34, no.3 (Fall 2002): 224-229.
    FDR Library/GHWB Library/HST Library

  3. "Bess Truman's Hat". Prologue 41, no.1 (Spring 2009): 72.
    HST Library

  4. "Camp David". Prologue 40, no.4 (Winter 2008): 28-33.
    HST Library/DDE Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/JC Library/RR Library/GHWB Library/WJC Library

  5. "Memories of Mourning: Two Governors Recall the Death of a President". North Dakota History 78, no.3-4 (2013): 19-21.
    HST Library

  6. "School House to White House: The Education of Presidents". Prologue 39, no.1 (Spring 2007): 34-43.
    DDE Library/FDR Library/GHWB Library/GRF Library/HH Library/HST Library/JC Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RR Library/WJC Library

  7. "Updating Harry Truman's Library: Interactive Features Enliven New Exhibits After Extensive Renovation". Prologue 34, no.1 (Spring 2002): 64-67.
    HST Library

  8. Aaronson, Susan. "How Cordell Hull and the Postwar Planners Designed a New Trade Policy". Business and Economic History 20 (1991): 171-179.
    RG057/HST Library

  9. Agger, Jonathan Soborg and Lasse Wolsgaard. "All Steps Necessary: Danish Nuclear Policy, 1949-1960". Contemporary European History 15, no.1 (February 2006): 67-84.
    HST Library

  10. Aid, Matthew M. "In the Right Place at the Right Time: U.S. Signals Intelligence Relations with Scandinavia, 1945-1960". Journal of Strategic Studies 29, no.4 (August 2006): 575-605.
    RG018/RG059/RG080/RG084/RG165/RG218/RG226/RG263/RG318/RG319/ RG341/RG457/HST Library/CREST

  11. Aid, Matthew M. "The National Security Agency and the Cold War". Intelligence and National Security 16, no.1 (Spring 2001): 27-66.
    RG038/RG046/RG107/RG165/RG218/RG263/RG330/RG341/RG457/DDE Library/HST Library/JFK Library

  12. Alcalde, Angel. "War Veterans, International Politics, and the Early Cold War, 1945-50". Cold War History 18, no.4 (November 2018): 409-427.
    HST Library

  13. Aldrich, Richard J. "American Intelligence and the British Raj: The OSS, the SSU and India, 1942-1947". Intelligence and National Security 13, no.1 (Spring 1998): 132-164.
    RG059/RG218/RG226/RG457/FDR Library/HST Library

  14. Aldrich, Richard J. "GCHQ and Sigint in Early Cold War, 1945-70". Intelligence and National Security 16, no.1 (Spring 2001): 67-96.
    RG341/DDE Library/HST Library/JFK Library

  15. Aldrich, Richard J. "The UK-US Intelligence Alliance in 1975: Economies, Evaluations and Explanations". Intelligence and National Security 21, no.4 (August 2006): 557-567.
    HST Library

  16. Allcock, Thomas Tunstall. "Becoming 'Mr. Latin America': Thomas C. Mann Reconsidered". Diplomatic History 38, no.5 (November 2014): 1017-1045.
    RG059/RG084/HST Library/DDE Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library

  17. Alperovitz, Gar and Kai Bird. "A Theory of Cold War Dynamics: U.S. Policy, Germany, and the Bomb". History Teacher 29, no.3 (May 1996): 281-300.
    HST Library

  18. Amerian, Stephanie M. "'Buying European': The Marshall Plan and American Department Stores". Diplomatic History 39, no.1 (January 2015): 45-69.
    RG469/HST Library

  19. Anders, Roger M. "The Atomic Bomb and the Korean War: Gordon Dean and the Issue of Civilian Control". Military Affairs 52, no.1 (January 1988): 1-6.
    HST Library

  20. Anderson, Carol. "Rethinking Radicalism: African Americans and the Liberation Struggles in Somalia, Libya, and Eritrea, 1945-1949". Journal of the Historical Society 11, no.4 (December 2011): 385-423.
    RG043/RG059/FDR Library/HST Library

  21. Anderson, Sheldon. "Poland and the Marshall Plan, 1947-1949". Diplomatic History 15, no.4 (Fall 1991): 473-494.
    RG059/RG084/RG286/HST Library

  22. Ankit, Rakesh. "America, India, and Kashmir, 1945-49: 'If Ignorance About India in This Country is Deep, Ignorance About the [Princely] States is Abysmal'". Diplomacy & Statecraft 27, no.1 (2016): 22-44.
    RG059/RG084/HST Library/CREST

  23. Arbelbide, C. L. "Abrupt Transition". Prologue 32, no.4 (Winter 2000): 214-229.
    RG059/RG111/GRF Library/HST Library/JFK Library/RMN Library

  24. Arnett, Jessica Leslie. "Unsettled Rights in Territorial Alaska: Native Land, Sovereignty, and Citizenship from the Indian Reorganization Act to Termination". Western Historical Quarterly 48, no.3 (Autumn 2017): 233-254.
    RG126/HST Library

  25. Aronsen, Lawrence. "'A Leading Arsenal of Democracy': American Rearmament and the Continental Integration of the Canadian Aircraft Industry, 1948-1953". International History Review 13, no.3 (August 1991): 481-501.
    RG059/RG218/RG277/RG304/RG330/RG341/HST Library

  26. Balducci, David E. "The Second Battle of Wilson's Creek: The Fight for the National Battlefield in the 86th Congress". Missouri Historical Review 105, no.3 (April 2011): 159-178.
    HST Library

  27. Barlow, Jeffrey G. "Naval Aviation's Most Serious Crisis?". Naval History 25, no.6 (December 2011): 38-45.
    DDE Library/HST Library/NARA photos

  28. Barnes, Robert. "'A Joint Controlling System': Commonwealth Bases and the Special Relationship, 1945-1947". International History Review 42, no.4 (August 2020): 675-694.
    RG059/HST Library

  29. Barrett, David M. "Glimpses of a Hidden History: Sen. Richard Russell, Congress, and Oversight of the CIA". International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 11, no.3 (Fall 1998): 271-298.
    RG046/HST Library/DDE Library/LBJ Library

  30. Batt, William L., Jr. and David E. Balducchi. "Origin of the 1948 Turnip Day Session of Congress". Presidential Studies Quarterly 29, no.1 (March 1999): 80-83.
    HST Library

  31. Bauske, Clay. "Pictures of the Operation: Abbie Rowe Photographs the White House Renovation". White House History 5 (Spring 1999): 33-45.
    HST Library

  32. Baxter, Randolph W. "'Homo-Hunting' in the Early Cold War: Senator Kenneth Wherry and the Homophobic Side of McCarthyism". Nebraska History 84, no.3 (Fall 2003): 118-132.
    DDE Library/HST Library

  33. Baylor, Christopher A. "First to the Party: The Group Origins of the Partisan Transformation on Civil Rights, 1940-1960". Studies in American Political Development 27, no.2 (October 2013): 111-141.
    FDR Library/HST Library/JFK Library

  34. Beck, Kent M. "What Was Liberalism in the 1950s?". Political Science Quarterly 102, no.2 (Summer 1987): 233-258.
    HST Library/JFK Library

  35. Beisner, Robert L. "Patterns of Peril: Dean Acheson Joins the Cold Warriors, 1945-46". Diplomatic History 20, no.3 (Summer 1996): 321-355.
    HST Library

  36. Beisner, Robert L. "SHAFR Presidential Address: The Secretary, the Spy, and the Sage". Diplomatic History 27, no.1 (January 2003): 1-14.
    RG059/HST Library

  37. Belknap, Michael R. "The Fight for the Right to Counsel". Ohio History 85, no.1 (Winter 1976): 28-48.
    HST Library

  38. Belmonte, Laura. "Anglo-American Relations and the Dismissal of MacArthur". Diplomatic History 19, no.4 (Fall 1995): 641-667.
    RG084/HST Library

  39. Benton, Thomas Hart. "The President and Me: The Intimate Story". Gateway Heritage 16, no.3 (Winter 1995-96): 5-17.
    HST Library

  40. Bernhard, Nancy E. "Clearer than Truth: Public Affairs Television and the State Department's Domestic Information Campaigns, 1947-1952". Diplomatic History 21, no.4 (Fall 1997): 545-567.
    RG059/DDE Library/HST Library/Motion Pictures

  41. Bernstein, Barton J. "An Analysis of 'Two Cultures': Writing about the Making and Using of the Atomic Bombs". Public Historian 12, no.2 (Spring 1990): 83-107.
    RG059/RG077/RG165/RG200/RG227/RG243/RG319/RG457/HST Library

  42. Bernstein, Barton J. "Crossing the Rubicon: A Missed Opportunity to Stop the H-Bomb?". International Security 14, no.2 (Fall 1989): 132-160.
    RG059/RG128/RG330/RG340/HH Library/HST Library/DDE Library

  43. Bernstein, Barton J. "Eclipsed by Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Early Thinking about Tactical Nuclear Weapons". International Security 15, no.4 (Spring 1991): 149-173.
    RG018/RG077/RG107/RG165/RG200/RG218/HST Library

  44. Bernstein, Barton J. "Reconsidering the 'Atomic General': Leslie R. Groves". Journal of Military History 67, no.3 (July 2003): 883-920.
    RG059/RG107/RG200/RG218/RG227/HH Library/HST Library

  45. Bernstein, Barton J. "Roosevelt, Truman and the Atomic Bomb: A Reinterpretation". Political Science Quarterly 90, no.1 (Spring 1975): 23-70.
    RG077/FDR Library/HST Library

  46. Bernstein, Barton J. "Seizing the Contested Terrain of Early Nuclear History: Stimson, Conant, and Their Allies Explain the Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb". Diplomatic History 17, no.1 (Winter 1993): 35-72.
    RG077/RG107/RG165/RG227/DDE Library/FDR Library/HST Library

  47. Bernstein, Barton J. "The Alarming Japanese Buildup on Southern Kyushu, Growing U.S. Fears, and Counterfactual Analysis: Would the Planned November 1945 Invasion of Southern Kyushu Have Occurred?". Pacific Historical Review 68, no.4 (November 1999): 561-609.
    RG077/RG107/RG165/RG218/RG319/RG457/HH Library/HST Library

  48. Bernstein, Barton J. "The Challenges and Dangers of Nuclear Weapons: Foreign Policy and Strategy, 1941". Maryland Historian 9, no.1 (Spring 1978): 73-99.
    RG059/RG077/RG218/RG263/RG319/FDR Library/HST Library

  49. Bernstein, Barton J. "The Making of the Atomic Admiral: 'Deak' Parsons and Modernizing the U.S. Navy". Journal of Military History 63, no.2 (April 1999): 415-426.
    DDE Library/HST Library

  50. Bernstein, Barton J. "The Perils and Politics of Surrender: Ending the War with Japan and Avoiding the Third Atomic Bomb". Pacific Historical Review 46, no.1 (February 1977): 1-27.
    RG059/RG077/RG165/RG200/RG218/RG226/RG243/RG319/HST Library

  51. Bernstein, Barton J. "The Postwar Famine and Price Control, 1946". Agricultural History 38, no.4 (October 1964): 235-240.
    RG016/RG188/RG250/HST Library

  52. Bernstein, Barton J. "The Removal of War Production Board Controls on Business, 1944-1946". Business History Review 39, no.2 (Summer 1965): 243-260.
    RG179/RG188/RG250/HST Library

  53. Bernstein, Barton J. "Truman and the A-Bomb: Targeting Noncombatants, Using the Bomb, and His Defending the 'Decision'". Journal of Military History 62, no.3 (July 1998): 547-570.
    RG077/RG107/RG218/HST Library

  54. Bernstein, Barton J. "Understanding the Atomic Bomb and the Japanese Surrender: Missed Opportunities, Little-Known Near Disasters, and Modern Memory". Diplomatic History 19, no.2 (Spring 1995): 227-273.
    RG059/RG077/RG107/RG218/RG240/RG243/RG319/HST Library

  55. Bewley-Taylor, David R. "The Cost of Containment: The Cold War and U.S. International Drug Control at the UN, 1950-58". Diplomacy and Statecraft 10, no.1 (March 1999): 147-171.
    RG059/HST Library

  56. Black, Megan. "Interior's Exterior: The State, Mining Companies, and Resource Ideologies in the Point Four Program". Diplomatic History 40, no.1 (January 2016): 81-110.
    RG070/RG220/RG286/RG469/HST Library

  57. Black, Megan. "Scene/Unseen: Mining for The Treasure of the Sierra Madre's Critique of American Capitalist Exploitation in Mexico". Modern American History 2, no.1 (March 2019): 23-47.
    HST Library

  58. Blain, Harry. "No Gestapo: J. Edgar Hoover's World-Wide Intelligence Service and the Limits of Bureaucratic Autonomy in the National Security State". Studies in American Political Development 35, no.2 (October 2021): 214-222.
    FDR Library/HST Library

  59. Blanton, Willard B. "Harry S. Truman and Pendergast Politics". Gateway Heritage 11, no.3 (Winter 1990-91): 60-68.
    HST Library photos

  60. Blazich, Frank A., Jr. "Civil Air Patrol and Civil Rights, 1941-1965". Journal of the Air Force Historical Foundation 70, no.2 (Summer 2023): 47-60.
    HST Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library

  61. Bock, Joseph G. and Duncan L. Clarke. "The National Security Assistant and the White House Staff: National Security Policy Decisionmaking and Domestic Political Considerations, 1947-1984". Presidential Studies Quarterly 16, no.2 (Spring 1986): 258-279.
    DDE Library/HST Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library

  62. Bolt, Robert. "President Harry S. Truman: Independent Baptist from Independence". Missouri Historical Review 87, no.1 (October 1992): 36-47.
    HST Library

  63. Borstelmann, Thomas. "Jim Crow's Coming Out: Race Relations and American Foreign Policy in the Truman Years". Presidential Studies Quarterly 29, no.3 (September 1999): 549-569.
    HST Library

  64. Boxerman, Burton Alan. "Lucius Nathan Littauer". American Jewish Historical Quarterly 66, no.4 (June 1977): 498-512.
    HST Library

  65. Bradsher, Greg. "Nazi Gold: The Merkers Mine Treasure". Prologue 31, no.1 (Spring 1999): 6-21.
    RG111/RG260/RG331/RG338/RG407/HST Library

  66. Brands, H. W., Jr. "The Cairo-Tehran Connection in Anglo-American Rivalry in the Middle East, 1951-1953". International History Review 11, no.3 (August 1989): 434-456.
    RG059/RG218/RG330/DDE Library/HST Library

  67. Brands, Hal. "The Emperor's New Clothes: American Views of Hirohito after World War II". Historian 68, no.1 (Spring 2006): 1-28.
    RG059/RG084/RG353/HST Library

  68. Brands, Hal. "Who Saved the Emperor? The MacArthur Myth and the U.S. Policy toward Hirohito and the Japanese Imperial Institution, 1942-1946". Pacific Historical Review 75, no.2 (May 2006): 271-305.
    RG059/RG084/RG107/RG165/RG208/RG218/RG331/RG353/HST Library

  69. Brands, Henry W., Jr. "From ANZUS to SEATO: United States Strategic Policy towards Australia and New Zealand, 1952-1954". International History Review 9, no.2 (May 1987): 250-270.
    DDE Library/HST Library

  70. Brands, Henry W., Jr. "Redefining the Cold War: American Policy toward Yugoslavia, 1948-60". Diplomatic History 11, no.1 (Winter 1987): 41-53.
    RG059/DDE Library/HST Library

  71. Brauer, Kinley. "The Great American Desert Revisited: Recent Literature and Prospects for the Study of American Foreign Relations, 1815-61". Diplomatic History 13, no.3 (Summer 1989): 395-417.
    HST Library

  72. Brazier, James E. "An Anti-New Dealer Legacy: The Administrative Procedure Act". Journal of Policy History 8, no.2 (1996): 206-226.
    HST Library

  73. Bredhoff, Stacey and Wynell Schamel. "President Harry S. Truman's Diary". Social Education 62, no.1 (January 1998): 59-61.
    HST Library

  74. Bredhoff, Stacey. "American Originals". Prologue 27, no.4 (Winter 1995): 369-373.
    RG046/RG093/RG094/RG111/RG121/HST Library/RMN Library

  75. Bredhoff, Stacey. "DRAW! Political Cartoons from Left to Right". Prologue 23, no.1 (Spring 1991): 86-91.
    RG065/DDE Library/FDR Library/GRF Library/HST Library/LBJ Library

  76. Bredhoff, Stacey. "Eyewitness: American Originals from the National Archives". Prologue 38, no.2 (Summer 2006): 36-42.
    RG021/RG111/RG153/HST Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library

  77. Brewer, Landry. "Maurice Halperin: From Sooner Subversive to Soviet Spy". Chronicles of Oklahoma 96, no.2 (Summer 2018): 156-177.
    HST Library

  78. Britten, Thomas A. and Larry W. Burt. "The Sergeant John R. Rice Incident and the Paradox of Indian Civil Rights". Annals of Iowa 63, no.3 (Summer 2004): 279-310.
    RG407/HST Library

  79. Brodkin, Kimberly. "'We are neither male nor female Democrats:' Gender Difference and Women's Integration within the Democratic Party". Journal of Women's History 19, no.2 (Summer 2007): 111-137.
    FDR Library/HST Library/JFK Library

  80. Brogi, Alessandro. "Ambassador Clare Booth Luce and the Evolution of Psychological Warfare in Italy". Cold War History 12, no.2 (May 2012): 269-294.
    RG059/RG084/RG286/HST Library/DDE Library/JFK Library

  81. Brogi, Alessandro. "Taming Dissent: The United States and the Italian Centre-Left, 1948-1978". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 14, no.3 (September 2016): 213-236.
    RG059/HST Library/DDE Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library

  82. Brown, Michael K. "Bargaining for Social Rights: Unions and the Reemergence of Welfare Capitalism, 1945-1952". Political Science Quarterly 112, no.4 (Winter 1997-98): 645-674.
    RG051/HST Library

  83. Brown-Kubisch, Linda and Christine Montgomery. "Show Me Missouri History: Celebrating the Century, Part 3". Missouri Historical Review 94, no.4 (July 2000): 434-462.
    HST Library

  84. Brownell, Kathryn Cramer. "'Movietime U.S.A.': The Motion Picture Industry Council and the Politicization of Hollywood in Postwar America". Journal of Policy History 24, no.3 (2012): 518-542.
    HST Library/JFK Library/RMN Library

  85. Brownell, Roy E, II. "The Executive Branch's Longstanding Embrace of Legislative Succession to the Presidency". University of Memphis Law Review 52, no.2 (2022): 281-420.
    HST Library/DDE Library/LBJ Library/RR Library

  86. Bruns, Roger. "Taking History's Forks". Prologue 33, no.4 (Winter 2001): 250-258.
    RG109/RG111/RG200/RG208/HST Library/RMN Library

  87. Buchwald, Todd F. "International Law and the 'New Cold War': An Opportunity for Reflection on International Law and the 'Old' Cold War". Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 55, no.1/2 (Spring 2023): 175-216.
    HST Library

  88. Buhite, Russell D. "'Major Interests': American Policy toward China, Taiwan, and Korea, 1945-1950". Pacific Historical Review 47, no.3 (August 1978): 425-451.
    RG059/HST Library

  89. Buhite, Russell D. and William Christopher Hamel. "War for Peace: The Question of an American Preventive War against the Soviet Union, 1945-1955". Diplomatic History 14, no.3 (Summer 1990): 367-384.
    RG218/RG319/DDE Library/HST Library

  90. Bunch, Clea Lutz. "Strike at Samu: Jordan, the United States, and the Origins of the Six-Day War". Diplomatic History 32, no.1 (January 2008): 55-76.
    HST Library/DDE Library/LBJ Library

  91. Bungert, Heike. "A New Perspective on French-American Relations during the Occupation of Germany, 1945-1948: Behind-the-Scenes Diplomatic Bargaining and the Zonal Merger". Diplomatic History 18, no.3 (Summer 1994): 333-352.
    RG043/RG059/RG260/HST Library

  92. Burr, William. "Marshall Planners and the Politics of Empire: The United States and French Financial Policy, 1948". Diplomatic History 15, no.4 (Fall 1991): 495-522.
    RG056/RG059/RG353/RG469/HST Library

  93. Burroughs, Wynell and Jean West Mueller. "The Best Years of Our Lives: Teaching Postwar American History, 1945-1961". Prologue 19, no.4 (Winter 1987): 260-268.
    RG077/RG208/RG233/DDE Library/HST Library

  94. Buscher, Frank M. "The U.S. High Commission and German Nationalism, 1949-52". Central European History 23, no.1 (March 1990): 57-75.
    RG338/RG466/HST Library

  95. Byrnes, Mark S. "'Overruled and Worn Down': Truman Sends an Ambassador to Spain". Presidential Studies Quarterly 29, no.2 (June 1999): 263-279.
    RG059/HST Library

  96. Byrnes, Mark. "Unfinished Business: The United States and Franco's Spain, 1944-47". Diplomacy and Statecraft 11, no.1 (March 2000): 129-162.
    RG059/FDR Library/HST Library

  97. Cain, Frank. "Venona in Australia and Its Long-Term Ramifications". Journal of Contemporary History 35, no.2 (April 2000): 231-248.
    RG330/RG353/HST Library

  98. Cantwell, Gerald T. "The Air Force Reserve: Flying Club to Professional Force". Prologue 23, no.2 (Summer 1991): 162-177.
    RG330/RG340/RG341/DDE Library/HST Library/JFK Library

  99. Capeci, Dominic J., Jr. and Jack C. Knight. "Reckoning with Violence: W.E.B Du Bois and the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot". Journal of Southern History 62, no.4 (November 1996): 727-766.
    HST Library

  100. Carpenter, Ted Galen. "United States' NATO Policy at the Crossroads: The 'Great Debate' of 1950-1951". International History Review 8, no.3 (August 1986): 389-415.
    DDE Library/HH Library/HST Library

  101. Carrillo, Elisa A. "The Italian Catholic Church and Communism, 1943-1963". Catholic Historical Review 77, no.4 (October 1991): 644-657.
    HST Library

  102. Carty, Thomas. "The Catholic Question: Religious Liberty and JFK's Pursuit of the 1960 Democratic Presidential Nomination". Historian 63, no.3 (Spring 2001): 577-599.
    HST Library/JFK Library

  103. Casey, Steven. "Selling NSC-68: The Truman Administration, Public Opinion, and the Politics of Mobilization, 1950-51". Diplomatic History 29, no.4 (September 2005): 655-690.
    RG059/RG304/RG330/HST Library

  104. Casey, Steven. "The Campaign to Sell a Harsh Peace for Germany to the American Public, 1944-1948". History 90, no.1 (January 2005): 62-92.
    RG044/RG059/RG107/RG165/RG200/RG208/FDR Library/HST Library

  105. Casey, Steven. "White House Publicity Operations during the Korean War, June 1950-June 1951". Presidential Studies Quarterly 35, no.4 (December 2005): 691-717.
    RG059/RG300/HST Library

  106. Casey, Steven. "Wilfred Burchett and the United Nations Command's Media Relations during the Korean War, 1951-1952". Journal of Military History 74, no.3 (July 2010): 821-845.
    RG059/RG127/RG319/RG331/RG407/HST Library

  107. Cathcart, Adam and Charles Kraus. "The Bonds of Brotherhood: New Evidence on Sino-North Korean Exchanges, 1950-1954". Journal of Cold War Studies 13, no.3 (Summer 2011): 27-51.
    RG153/HST Library/CREST

  108. Chang, Kornel. "Independence without Liberation: Democratization as Decolonization Management in U.S.-Occupied Korea, 1945-1948". Journal of American History 107, no.1 (June 2020): 77-106.
    RG059/RG165/RG338/RG554/HST Library/NARA photos

  109. Chervin, Reed H. "Turmoil in the Taiwan Strait: Wellington Koo and ROC Foreign Policy, 1953-1956". East Asia 30, no.4 (December 2013): 291-306.
    HST Library

  110. Christensen, Thomas J. "A 'Lost Chance' for What? Rethinking the Origins of U.S.-PRC Confrontation". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 4, no.3 (Fall 1995): 249-278.
    RG059/HST Library

  111. Christensen, Thomas J. "Threats, Assurances, and the Last Chance for Peace: The Lessons of Mao's Korean War Telegrams". International Security 17, no.1 (Summer 1992): 122-154.
    HST Library

  112. Citino, Nathan J. "The Ottoman Legacy in Cold War Modernization". International Journal of Middle East Studies 40, no.4 (November 2008): 579-597.
    RG059/HST Library/DDE Library

  113. Clemens, Diane S. "Averell Harriman, John Deane, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the 'Reversal of Co-operation' with the Soviet Union in April 1945". International History Review 14, no.2 (May 1992): 277-306.
    HST Library

  114. Clifford, J. Garry. "President Truman and Peter the Great's Will". Diplomatic History 4, no.4 (Fall 1980): 371-385.
    HST Library

  115. Clymer, Kenton J. "Cambodia: The View from the United States, 1945-1954". Journal of American-East Asian Relations 6, no.2-3 (Summer-Fall 1997): 91-124.
    RG059/RG218/HST Library/DDE Library

  116. Clymer, Kenton. "The Ground Observer Corps: Public Relations and the Cold War in the 1950s". Journal of Cold War Studies 15, no.1 (Winter 2013): 34-52.
    HST Library/DDE Library

  117. Clymer, Kenton. "U.S. Homeland Defense in the 1950s: The Origins of the Ground Observer Corps". Journal of Military History 75, no.3 (July 2011): 835-859.
    HST Library/DDE Library

  118. Cohen, Michael J. "Truman and the State Department: The Palestine Trusteeship Proposal, March 1948". Jewish Social History 43, no.2 (Spring 1981): 165-178.
    RG059/HST Library

  119. Cohen, Warren I. "Symposium: Rethinking the Lost Chance in China: Introduction: Was There a 'Lost Chance' in China?". Diplomatic History 21, no.1 (Winter 1997): 71-75.
    HST Library

  120. Coleman, Bradley Lynn. "Recovering the Korean War Dead, 1950-1958: Graves Registration, Forensic Anthropology, and Wartime Mobilization". Journal of Military History 72, no.1 (January 2008): 179-222.
    RG092/RG111/RG335/RG341/RG407/RG554/DDE Library/HST Library

  121. Coleman, Bradley Lynn. "The Colombian Army in Korea, 1950-1954". Journal of Military History 69, no.4 (October 2005): 1137-1178.
    RG059/RG084/RG111/RG273/RG333/RG391/RG407/HST Library/NARA photos

  122. Coleman, David G. "Eisenhower and the Berlin Problem, 1953-1954". Journal of Cold War Studies 2, no.1 (Winter 2000): 3-34.
    RG059/RG084/RG218/RG273/RG466/DDE Library/HST Library

  123. Coleman, David G. "The Berlin-Korea Parallel: Berlin and American National Security in Light of the Korean War". Australasian Journal of American Studies 18, no.1 (July 1999): 19-42.
    RG059/RG273/RG466/HST Library

  124. Collodel, Chris. "MacArthur and Frozen Chosin: An Analysis of the Press Coverage of Douglas MacArthur during the Battle of Chosin Reservoir". Voces Novae: Chapman University Historical Review 7 (2015): np.
    HST Library

  125. Conley, Richard S. "Congressional Position Votes in the Truman Administration, 1947-52: A View from the White House". Congress & the Presidency 37, no.2 (May-August 2010): 200-216.
    HST Library

  126. Connor, Joseph. "Give'em Healthcare, Harry!". American History 54, no.4 (October 2019): 40-47.
    HST Library

  127. Conway-Lanz, Sahr. "Beyond No Gun Ri: Refugees and the United States Military in the Korean War". Diplomatic History 29, no.1 (January 2005): 49-81.
    RG059/RG319/RG340/RG341/RG349/RG500/HST Library

  128. Corke, Sarah-Jane. "History, Historians and the Naming of Foreign Policy: A Postmodern Reflection on American Strategic Thinking during the Truman Administration". Intelligence and National Security 16, no.3 (Autumn 2001): 146-163.
    RG059/HST Library

  129. Corrales, Javier. "Do Economic Crises Contribute to Economic Reform? Argentina and Venezuela in the 1990s". Political Science Quarterly 112, no.4 (Winter 1997-98): 617-644.
    RG051/HST Library

  130. Costigliola, Frank. "'I Had Come as a Friend': Emotion, Culture, and Ambiguity in the Formation of the Cold War, 1943-45". Cold War History 1, no.1 (August 2000): 103-128.
    RG334/FDR Library/HST Library

  131. Costigliola, Frank. "'Like Animals or Worse': Narratives of Culture and Emotion by U.S. and British POWs and Airmen behind Soviet Lines, 1944-1945". Diplomatic History 28, no.5 (November 2004): 749-780.
    RG059/RG165/RG334/FDR Library/HST Library

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