Compilation of Periodical Literature: Reagan Library Cluster
"Camp David". Prologue 40, no.4 (Winter 2008): 28-33.
HST Library/DDE Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/JC Library/RR Library/GHWB Library/WJC Library -
"First Dogs: The Presidents' Best Friends". Smithsonian 28, no.3 (June 1997): 62-67.
GHWB Library/GRF Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RR Library -
"Ronald Reagan: An American Story". Prologue 43, no.1 (Spring 2011): 10-15.
RR Library -
"See History as It Happened: The National Archives Experience Highlights America's Film Treasures". Prologue 36, no.3 (Fall 2004): 16-21.
RG026/RG096/RG111/RG306/RR Library -
Albers, Martin, Edoardo Andreoni, and Mathias Haeussler. "Britannia Overwhelmed? Reconsidering British Foreign Policy from European Community Membership to the End of the Cold War, 1973-1990". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.1 (March 2022): 133-157.
RR Library -
Allen, Michael J. "'Sacrilege of a Strange, Contemporary Kind': The Unknown Soldier and the Imagined Community after the Vietnam War". History and Memory 23, no.2 (Fall 2011): 90-131.
RG046/RMN Library/RR Library -
Ambar, Saladin M. "The Rise of Sunbelt Governors: Conservative Outsiders in the White House". Presidential Studies Quarterly 44, no.1 (March 2014): 72-94.
RR Library/WJC Library -
Anderson, Greg. "Did Canada Kill Fast Track?". Diplomatic History 36, no.3 (June 2012): 583-624.
RR Library -
Andersson, Magnus Seland and Hilde Henriksen Waage. "Stew in Their Own Juice: Reagan, Syria and Lebanon, 1981-1984". Diplomatic History 44, no.4 (September 2020): 664-691.
RR Library -
Arbelbide, C.L. "With Easter Monday You Get Egg Roll at the White House". Prologue 32, no.1 (Spring 2000): 24-35.
RG042/RG077/DDE Library/RMN Library/JC Library/RR Library -
Ball, Simon. "Assassination from MLK to Mrs. T: Contrast and Convergence in the United States and Great Britain". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.1 (March 2022): 64-85.
RR Library -
Ballout, Laila. "Vanguard of the Religious Right: U.S. Evangelicals in Israeli-Controlled South Lebanon". Diplomatic History 46, no.3 (June 2022): 602-626.
RG059/JC Library/RR Library -
Bartho, Jonathan. "Reagan's Southern Comfort: The 'Boll Weevil' Democrats in the 'Reagan Revolution' of 1981". Journal of Policy History 32, no.2 (2020): 214-238.
RR Library -
Bateman, Aaron. "Keeping the Technological Edge: The Space Arms Race and Anglo-American Relations in the 1980s". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.2 (June 2022): 355-378.
RR Library/CREST -
Bell, Jonathan. "Between Private and Public: AIDS, Health Care Capitalism, and the Politics of Respectability in 1980s America". Journal of American Studies 54, no.1 (February 2020): 159-183.
RR Library -
Bernstein, Richard B. "Amending America - Or Fiddling with the Constitution?". Prologue 26, no.1 (Spring 1994): 64-72.
RG011/RG267/RR Library -
Boris, Eileen. "On Cowboys and Welfare Queens: Independence, Dependence, and Interdependence at Home and Abroad". Journal of American Studies 41, no.3 (December 2007): 599-621.
RR Library -
Borsani, Davide. "Una Crisi 'Speciale'? I Rapporti Anglo-Americani e L'Invasione di Grenada". Nuova Rivista Storica 102, no.3 (September-December 2018): 1039-1061.
RR Library -
Brands, Hal and David Palkki. "'Conspiring Bastards': Saddam Hussein's Strategic View of the United States". Diplomatic History 36, no.3 (June 2012): 625-659.
RG059/JC Library/RR Library/GHWB Library -
Bredhoff, Stacey. "'A New World Is at Hand': Rotunda Exhibit Chronicles Freedom's Journey". Prologue 36, no.2 (Summer 2004): 60-65.
RG021/RG046/RG059/RG086/RG111/RG360/RR Library -
Brenes, Michael. "Making Foreign Policy at the Grassroots: Cold War Politics and the 1976 Republican Primary". Journal of Policy History 27, no.1 (2015): 93-117.
RMN Library/GRF Library/RR Library -
Brookhiser, Richard. "Reagan: His Place in History". American Heritage 55, no.4 (August/September 2004): 34-39.
RR Library -
Brown, Archie. "The Change to Engagement in Britain's Cold War Policy: The Origins of the Thatcher-Gorbachev Relationship". Journal of Cold War Studies 10, no.3 (Summer 2008): 3-47.
RR Library -
Brownell, Roy E, II. "The Executive Branch's Longstanding Embrace of Legislative Succession to the Presidency". University of Memphis Law Review 52, no.2 (2022): 281-420.
HST Library/DDE Library/LBJ Library/RR Library -
Brunet, Luc-Andre. "Unhelpful Fixer? Canada, the Euromissile Crisis, and Pierre Trudeau's Peace Initiative, 1983-1984". International History Review 41, no.6 (December 2019): 1145-1167.
RR Library -
Budjeryn, Mariana. "Non-Proliferation and State Succession: The Demise of the USSR and the Nuclear Aftermath in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine". Journal of Cold War Studies 24, no.2 (Spring 2022): 46-94.
RR Library -
Burns, Melanie and Lawrence R. Jacobs. "The Second Face of the Public Presidency: Presidential Polling and the Shift from Policy to Personality Polling". Presidential Studies Quarterly 34, no.3 (September 2004): 536-556.
JFK Library/LBJ Library/RR Library/RMN Library -
Bushong, William B. "Presidents as Horsemen". White House History 19 (Fall 2006): 4-19.
RG042/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RR Library -
Canestrini, Flavia. "Economic Sanctions and New Strategies in East-West Economic Relations in 1981-1982". International History Review 44, no.3 (June 2022): 675-693.
RR Library -
Cangemi, Michael J. "'We need the closest possible cooperation with the Church': Catholic Activists, Central America, and the Reagan Administration, 1981-1982". U.S. Catholic Historian 37, no.1 (Winter 2019): 167-191.
RR Library/GHWB Library -
Carter, Charles William. "The Evolution of US Policy toward West German-Soviet Trade Relations 1969-89". International History Review 34, no.2 (June 2012): 221-244.
RMN Library/JC Library/RR Library -
Chappell, Marisa. "Reagan's 'Gender Gap' Strategy and the Limitations of Free-Market Feminism". Journal of Policy History 24, no.1 (2012): 115-134.
RR Library -
Chiampan, Andrea. "'Those European Chicken Littles': Reagan, NATO, and the Polish Crisis, 1981-2". International History Review 37, no.4 (August 2015): 682-699.
RR Library -
Chiampan, Andrea. "The Reagan Administration and the IMF Controversy, 1981-83". Diplomatic History 44, no.5 (November 2020): 860-884.
RR Library -
Cohen, Mira. "The Great Communicator Files". Social Education 71, no.7 (November/December 2007): 372-379.
RR Library -
Colbourn, Susan. "An Interpreter or Two: Defusing NATO's Siberian Pipeline Dispute, 1981-1982". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 18, no.2 (June 2020): 131-151.
RR Library/CREST -
Cooper, James. "'I must brief you on the mistakes': When Ronald Reagan Met Margaret Thatcher, February 25-28, 1981". Journal of Policy History 26, no.2 (2014): 274-297.
RR Library -
Cooper, James. "'Superior to Anything I Had Seen in the States': The 'Thatcherisation' of Republican Strategy in 1980 and 1984". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 11, no.1 (March 2013): 1-21.
RR Library -
Cooper, James. "'The Situation over There Really Bothers Me': Ronald Reagan and the Northern Ireland Conflict". Irish Historical Studies 41, no.159 (May 2017): 97-116.
RR Library -
Cooper, James. "From Reykjavik to Fulton: Reagan, Thatcher, and the Ending of the Cold War". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 14, no.4 (December 2016): 383-400.
RR Library -
Cousineau, Madeleine. "The Alleged Decline of Liberation Theology: Natural Death or Attempted Assassination?". Religions 13, no.12 (2022): n.p..
RR Library -
Cozzens, Taylor. "Defeating the Devil's Arm: The Victory over the Short-Handled Hoe in California Agriculture". Agricultural History 89, no.4 (Fall 2015): 494-512.
RR Library -
Crafton, William. "The Incremental Revolution: Ronald Reagan and Welfare Reform in the 1970s". Journal of Policy History 26, no.1 (2014): 27-47.
JC Library/RR Library -
Craig, Malcolm M. "The 'Islamic Bomb': Perceptions of Middle Eastern Nuclear Proliferation, 1979-1989". Diplomatic History 44, no.4 (September 2020): 580-608.
RG059/JC Library/RR Library -
Cummins, Nicholas. "American Cold War Strategy and the Absence of 'Swift and Effective Retribution' for the 1983 Marine Barracks Bombing". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.2 (June 2022): 330-354.
RR Library -
D'Haeseleer, Brian. "'Drawing the Line' in El Salvador: Washington Confronts Insurgency in El Salvador, 1979-92". Cold War History 18, no.2 (May 2018): 131-148.
RR Library -
D'Haeseleer, Brian. "American Civic Action: The National Campaign Plan and the Failure to Win 'Hearts and Minds' in El Salvador". Diplomacy & Statecraft 26, no.3 (September 2015): 494-513.
RR Library/CREST -
D'Souza, Dinesh. "How the East Was Won: A Senior Reagan White House Policy Analyst Looks Back on Why Ronald Reagan Won the Cold War". American History 38, no.4 (October 2003): 37-43.
RR Library -
Day, Emma. "The Fire Inside: Women Protesting AIDS in Prison since 1980". Modern American History 5, no.1 (March 2022): 79-100.
RR Library -
Dell'omo, Augusta. "Infernal Handiwork: Trinity Broadcasting Network Aids Apartheid South Africa, 1980-1994". Diplomatic History 45, no.4 (September 2021): 767-793.
RG233/RR Library -
Doesburg-van Kleffens, Marjolein, Amy M. Zimmermann-Klemd, and Carsten Grundemann. "An Overview on the Hallucinogenic Peyote and Its Alkaloid Mescaline: The Importance of Context, Ceremony and Culture". Molecules 28, no.24 (2023): n.p.
RR Library -
Domber, Gregory F. "Skepticism and Stability: Reevaluating U.S. Policy during Poland's Democratic Transformation in 1989". Journal of Cold War Studies 13, no.3 (Summer 2011): 52-82.
RR Library/GHWB Library -
Doyle, Suzanne. "The United States Sale of Trident to Britain, 1977-1982: Deal Making in the Anglo-American Nuclear Relationship". Diplomacy & Statecraft 28, no.3 (2017): 477-493.
JC Library/RR Library -
Dymydiuk, Jason. "RUBICON and Revelation: The Curious Robustness of the 'Secret' CIA-BND Operation with Crypto AG". Intelligence and National Security 35, no.5 (August 2020): 641-657.
RR Library/CREST -
Eames, Anthony. "A 'Corruption of British Science?' The Strategic Defense Initiative and British Technology Policy". Technology and Culture 62, no.3 (July 2021): 812-838.
RR Library -
Edmoundson, Brittany. "Drug Control in the Age of Neoliberalism". Diplomatic History 45, no.5 (November 2021): 927-939.
RG059/RR Library -
Elinson, Gregory A.; Gould, Jonathan S. "The Politics of Deference". Vanderbilt Law Review 75, no.2 (March 2022): 475-552.
JC Library/RR Library -
Esber, Fadi. "The United States and the 1981 Lebanese Missile Crisis". Middle East Journal 70, no.3 (Summer 2016): 439-456.
RR Library -
Esno, Tyler. "Reagan's Economic War on the Soviet Union". Diplomatic History 42, no.2 (April 2018): 281-304.
RR Library -
Faerevik, Walied Andreas Aarab. "Norwegian Gas: An American Weapon?-The Way Norwegian Gas Resources Became Part of US Strategy to Squeeze Out Soviet Gas from the European Market between 1981 and 1983". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 20, no.3-4 (December 2022): 328-345.
RR Library -
Farnia, Nina. "Imperialism in the Making of U.S. Law". St. John's Law Review 96, no.1 (Fall 2022): 131-185.
RR Library -
Felker-Cantor, Max. "DARE to Say No: Police and the Cultural Politics of Prevention in the War on Drugs". Modern American History 5, no.3 (November 2022): 313-337.
RR Library/GHWB Library/WJC Library
* -
Figueroa Clark, Victor. "The Forgotten History of the Chilean Transition: Armed Resistance Against Pinochet and US Policy towards Chile in the 1980s". Journal of Latin American Studies 47, no.3 (August 2015): 491-520.
RR Library -
Flowers, Prudence. "'A Prolife Disaster': The Reagan Administration and the Nomination of Sandra Day O'Connor". Journal of Contemporary History 53, no.2 (April 2018): 391-414.
RR Library -
Forsberg, Carl. "Iraq, the United States, and the Long Shadow of the Cold War". Cold War History 19, no.4 (November 2019): 457-476.
RR Library -
Fowler, James. "The United States and South Korean Democratization". Political Science Quarterly 114, no.2 (Summer 1999): 265-288.
RR Library -
Fried, Ellen. "Found at the Presidential Libraries: Dr. Seuss, Air Force One, and the San Diego Chicken". Prologue 35, no.4 (Winter 2003): 6-11.
RG208/DDE Library/FDR Library/GHWB Library/GRF Library/HH Library/HST Library/JC Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RMN Library/RR Library -
Fuller, Christopher J. "The Roots of the United States' Cyber (In)Security". Diplomatic History 43, no.1 (January 2019): 157-185.
RR Library -
Gala, Marilena. "'The Essential Weaknesses of the December 1979 "Agreement"': The White House and the Implementing of the Dual-track Decision". Cold War History 19, no.1 (February 2019): 21-38.
LBJ Library/JC Library/RR Library -
Gasbarri, Flavia. "From the Sands of the Ogaden to Black Hawk Down: The End of the Cold War in the Horn of Africa". Cold War History 18, no.1 (February 2018): 73-89.
RR Library/GHWB Library -
Gayte, Marie. "Cold War Triangle? The United States, the Vatican and Cuba". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 11, no.1 (March 2013): 47-61.
RR Library -
Geohegan, Kate. "A Policy in Tension: The National Endowment for Democracy and the U.S. Response to the Collapse of the Soviet Union". Diplomatic History 42, no.5 (November 2018): 772-801.
RR Library/GHWB Library -
Gingrich, Newt. "The Evil Empire". American Heritage 58, no.4 (Spring/Summer 2008): 18-21.
RR Library -
Greentree, Todd. "What Went Wrong in Afghanistan?". Parameters 51, no.4 (Winter 2021/22): Winter 2021-2022.
RR Library -
Haber, Barbara. "Home Cooking in the White House". White House History 20 (Spring 2007): 72-83.
RR Library -
Haberman, Aaron L. "Tracing the Limits of the Reagan Revolution: The Christian Right and the Fate of School Prayer in the Age of Fracture, 1982-1984". Journal of the Historical Society 13, no.4 (December 2013): 491-528.
RR Library -
Haberman, Aaron. "Into the Wilderness: Ronald Reagan, Bob Jones University, and the Political Education of the Christian Right". Historian 67, no.2 (Summer 2005): 234-253.
RR Library -
Hager, Robert P., Jr., and Robert S. Snyder. "The United States and Nicaragua: Understanding the Breakdown in Relations". Journal of Cold War Studies 17, no.2 (Spring 2015): 3-35.
RR Library -
Halvorson, Charles. "Deflated Dreams: The EPA's Bubble Policy and the Politics of Uncertainty in Regulatory Reform". Business History Review 93, no.1 (Spring 2019): 25-49.
RG412/JC Library/RR Library -
Harrington, Joseph F. and Matthew C. Romano. "The Visionary and the Realist: President Ronald Reagan and Secretary of State George Schultz". New England Journal of History 75, no.1 (Fall 2018): 23-68.
RR Library -
Holmes, Todd. "The Economic Roots of Reaganism: Corporate Conservatives, Political Economy, and the United Farm Workers Movement, 1965-1970". Western Historical Quarterly 41, no.1 (Spring 2010): 55-80.
RR Library -
Janssen, Volker. "When the 'Jungle' Met the Forest: Public Work, Civil Defense, and Prison Camps in Postwar California". Journal of American History 96, no.3 (December 2009): 702-726.
RR Library -
Johnson, Richard. "The 1982 Voting Rights Act Extension as a 'Critical Juncture': Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole, and Republican Party-Building". Studies in American Political Development 35, no.2 (October 2021): 223-238.
RR Library -
Jurdem, Laurence R. "'The Mad Hatter's Tea Party on the East River': Conservative Journals of Opinion and the United Nations, 1964-1981". Cold War History 17, no.1 (February 2017): 39-59.
RR Library -
Kaplowitz, Craig A. "The Great Repudiator and Immigration Reform: Ronald Reagan and the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986". Journal of Policy History 30, no.4 (2018): 635-656.
RR Library -
Keeley, Theresa. "Not above the Fray: Religious and Political Divides' Impact on U.S. Missionary Sisters in 1980s Nicaragua". U.S. Catholic Historian 37, no.1 (Winter 2019): 147-166.
RR Library -
Keeley, Theresa. "Reagan's Real Catholics vs. Tip O'Neill's Maryknoll Nuns: Gender, Intra-Catholic Conflict, and the Contras". Diplomatic History 40, no.3 (June 2016): 530-558.
RR Library -
Kohler-Hausmann, Julilly. "Guns and Butter: The Welfare State, the Carceral State, and the Politics of Exclusion in the Postwar United States". Journal of American History 102, no.1 (June 2015): 87-99.
RR Library -
Kopelson, Gene. "'Ya Basta?!' Ronald Reagan's 1966 Success with Mexican American Voters". California History 91, no.4 (Winter 2014): 31-42.
RR Library -
Kotlowski, Dean J. "From Backlash to Bingo: Ronald Reagan and Federal Indian Policy". Pacific Historical Review 77, no.4 (November 2008): 617-652.
GRF Library/JC Library/RR Library -
Krimmel, Katherine. "The Efficiencies and Pathologies of Special Interest Partisanship". Studies in American Political Development 31, no.2 (October 2017): 149-169.
RMN Library/GRF Library/RR Library -
Kukielski, Philip. "Secret Mission of Urgent Fury". Naval History 35, no.5 (October 2021): 26-33.
RR Library/NARA photos -
Kurkcu, Burak. "The Question of State-Sponsored Terrorism: Investigation of ASALA and JCAG in the Light of Available CIA Documents". Insight Turkey 23, no.2 (Spring 2021): 259-280.
RR Library -
Kuzmarov, Jeremy. "The Failure of the U.S. High-Tech War on Drugs". Diplomatic History 45, no.5 (November 2021): 903-914.
RG170/JC Library/RR Library -
Leake, Elisabeth. "Spooks, Tribes, and Holy Men: The Central Intelligence Agency and the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan". Journal of Contemporary History 53, no.1 (January 2018): 240-262.
RG084/JC Library/RR Library/CREST -
Leckie, Shirley A. "Why Biographies Matter in the Classroom". OAH Magazine of History 20, no.1 (January 2006): 7-10.
RR Library/NARA photos -
Lehman, John E., Jr. "Reflections on the Special Relationship". Naval History 26, no.5 (October 2012): 38-45.
RR Library -
Lipman, Jana K. "'The Face Is the Road Map': Vietnamese Amerasians in U.S. Political and Popular Culture, 1980-1988". Journal of Asian American Studies 14, no.1 (February 2011): 33-68.
RR Library -
Little, Douglas. "The United States and the Kurds: A Cold War Story". Journal of Cold War Studies 12, no.4 (Fall 2010): 63-98.
RG059/RMN Library/GRF Library/RR Library/GHWB Library/CREST -
Little, Douglas. "To the Shores of Tripoli: America, Qaddafi, and Libyan Revolution, 1969-89". International History Review 35, no.1 (February 2013): 70-99.
RG059/CREST/GRF Library/RR Library -
Lukoff, Lee. "Pardon Me? An Assessment of Jonathan Pollard's Quest for Presidential Clemency". Journal of Intelligence History 17, no.2 (June 2018): 85-103.
RR Library -
MacDonald, Maureen. "Looking Back on the Twentieth Century: 1976-1999 in Photographs". Prologue 31, no.4 (Winter 1999): 274-289.
RG306/GHWB Library/GRF Library/JC Library/RR Library -
Madison, James H. "Burdens of War and Memories of Home: An Indian Woman in World War II". Traces of Indiana and Midwestern History 19, no.4 (Fall 2007): 34-41.
RR Library -
Madison, James H. "Wearing Lipstick to War: An American Woman in World War II England and France". Prologue 39, no.3 (Fall 2007): 24-29.
RG200/RR Library -
Maga, Timothy P. "Ronald Reagan and Redress for Japanese-American Internment, 1983-1988". Presidential Studies Quarterly 28, no.3 (Summer 1998): 606-619.
RR Library -
Marley, David John. "Ronald Reagan and the Splintering of the Christian Right". Journal of Church & State 48, no.4 (Autumn 2006): 851-868.
RR Library -
Matteo, Barbarino. "Past, Present and Future of Fusion Science Diplomacy". Communications Physics 4, no.1 (2021): n.p.
RR Library -
McBrady, Jared. "The Challenge of Peace: Ronald Reagan, John Paul II, and the American Bishops". Journal of Cold War Studies 17, no.1 (Winter 2015): 129-152.
RR Library -
McCormick, Evan D. "Breaking with Statism? U.S. Democracy Promotion in Latin America, 1984-1988". Diplomatic History 42, no.5 (November 2018): 745-771.
RG286/RR Library -
McCormick, Evan. "Freedom Tide? Ideology, Politics, and the Origins of Democracy Promotion in U.S. Central American Policy, 1980-1984". Journal of Cold War Studies 16, no.4 (Fall 2014): 60-109.
RR Library -
McLay, Mark. "A High-Wire Crusade: Republicans and the War on Poverty, 1966". Journal of Policy History 31, no.3 (2019): 382-405.
GRF Library/RR Library -
McLennan, Barbara N. "Reagan's Budget Triumph". History Channel Magazine 9, no.1 (January-February 2011): 28-35.
RR Library -
Mearsheimer, John J. "John Lehman's Command". Parameters 20, no.2 (June 1990): 13-16.
RR Library -
Merton, Joe. "Ralph J. Perk, the 'New Ethnicity' and the Making of Urban Ethnic Republicans". Journal of American Studies 53, no.2 (May 2019): 449-477.
RR Library -
Milazzo, Marzia. "Mark Mathabane's K*ffir Boy, Black Consciousness, and the Fallacies of Liberalism". Ariel 52, no.3-4 (July-October 2021): 29-62.
RR Library -
Miles, Simon. "The War Scare that Wasn't: Able Archer 83 and the Myths of the Second Cold War". Journal of Cold War Studies 22, no.3 (Summer 2020): 86-118.
RR Library/GHWB Library/CREST -
Milkis, Sidney M., Daniel J. Tichenor, and Laura Blessing. "'Rallying Force': The Modern Presidency, Social Movements, and the Transformation of American Politics". Presidential Studies Quarterly 43, no.3 (September 2013): 641-670.
JFK Library/LBJ Library/RR Library -
Minchin, Timothy J. "The Crompton Closing: Imports and the Decline of America's Oldest Textile Company". Journal of American Studies 47, no.1 (February 2013): 231-260.
RR Library/GHWB Library -
Mistry, Kaeten. "A Transnational Protest against the National Security State: Whistle-Blowing, Philip Agee, and the Networks of Dissent". Journal of American History 106, no.2 (September 2019): 362-389.
RG059/RG060/GRF Library/RR Library -
Mokrzycki, Paul. "Lost in the Heartland: Childhood, Region, and Iowa's Missing Paperboys". Annals of Iowa 74, no.1 (Winter 2015): 29-70.
RR Library -
Moore, Colin D. "Innovation without Reputation: How Bureaucrats Saved the Veterans' Health Care System". Perspectives on Politics 13, no.2 (June 2015): 327-344.
RG015/HST Library/DDE Library/RMN Library/RR Library/WJC Library -
Morgan, Alaina M. "A Revolutionary Bromance: Masculinity, Performance, and Religion in Diplomacy .". Diplomatic History 48, no.3 (June 2024): 339-365.
RR Library -
Morgan, Iwan. "Monetary Metamorphosis: The Volcker Fed and Inflation". Journal of Policy History 24, no.4 (2012): 545-571.
JC Library/RR Library -
Moss, Hilary J. "From Open Enrollment to Controlled Choice: How Choice-Based Assignment Replaced the Neighborhood School in Cambridge, Massachusetts". History of Education Quarterly 59, no.3 (August 2019): 313-350.
RR Library -
Moss, Richard A. "Filling the Three-Year Gap: Nixon, Allende, and the White House Tapes, 1971-73". Passport: The Newsletter of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations 41, no.3 (January 2011): 4-11.
RR Library -
Mound, Josh. "Stirrings of Revolt: Regressive Levies, the Pocketbook Squeeze, and the 1960s Roots of the 1970s Tax Revolt". Journal of Policy History 32, no.2 (2020): 105-150.
RMN Library/JC Library/RR Library -
Munn, Kathleen. "Civic Engagement in Primary Sources". Social Education 87, no.6 (November-December 2023): 408-413.
RG021/RG046/HST Library/RMN Library/RR Library -
Nations, Jennifer M. "How Austerity Politics Led to Tuition Charges at the University of California and City University of New York". History of Education Quarterly 61, no.3 (August 2021): 273-296.
RR Library -
Nelson, W. Dale. "Company in Waiting: The Presidents & Their Guests at Camp David". Prologue 28, no.3 (Fall 1996): 222-231.
DDE Library/FDR Library/GHWB Library/GRF Library/HST Library/JC Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RR Library/RMN Library -
Newmann, Matthias. "'Peace and Friendship': Overcoming the Cold War in the Children's World of the Pioneer Camp Artek". Diplomatic History 46, no.3 (June 2022): 505-526.
RR Library -
O'Hara, Fionntan. "Mixed Motives: The Politics of US Interest in Refugees in Honduras during the 1980s". The Latin Americanist 65, no.4 (December 2021): 481-510.
RR Library -
Odinga, Sobukwe. "'The Privileged Friendship': Reassessing the Central Intelligence Agency Operation at Zaire's Kamina Airbase". Diplomacy & Statecraft 29, no.4 (2018): 692-715.
RR Library/GHWB Library -
Ordaz, Jessica. "Protesting Conditions Inside El Corralon: Immigration Detention, State Repression, and Transnational Migrant Politics in El Centro, California". Journal of American Ethnic History 38, no.2 (Winter 2019): 65-93.
RG085/RR Library -
Paek, Sunwoo and Dong Sun Lee. "The American Success to Denuclearise South Korea: Global Bipolarity, Geographical Remoteness, and Nuclear Alliance Restraint". Diplomacy & Statecraft 34, no.1 (March 2023): 30-56.
GRF Library/JC Library/RR Library -
Pee, Robert and Scott Lucas. "Reevaluating Democracy Promotion: The Reagan Administration, Allied Authoritarian States, and Regime Change". Journal of Cold War Studies 24, no.3 (Summer 2022): 151-199.
RR Library -
Perlstein, Rick. "Thunder on the Right: The Roots of Conservative Victory in the 1960s". OAH Magazine of History 20, no.5 (October 2006): 24-27.
RG412/HH Library/RR Library -
Petersen, Tore T. and Clive Jones. "British Revival and American Decline? Anglo-American Relations and the Persian Gulf 1979-1987". International History Review 45, no.5 (October 2023): 807-823.
JC Library/RR Library -
Peterson, Christian Philip. "'Confronting' Moscow: The Reagan Administration, Human Rights, and the Final Act". Historian 74, no.1 (Spring 2012): 57-86.
RR Library -
Phillips, Jason. "More than Just a 'Good-Looking Broad': Nancy Hoch and the 1984 Nebraska Senate Election". Nebraska History 104, no.2 (Summer 2023): 76-87.
RR Library -
Poster, Alexander. "The Gentle War: Famine Relief, Politics, and Privatization in Ethiopia, 1983-1986". Diplomatic History 36, no.2 (April 2012): 399-425.
RG286/RR Library -
Potter, Lee Ann. "Buttons to Bumper Stickers: Political Campaign Memorabilia". Social Education 68, no.6 (October 2004): 382-387.
DDE Library/FDR Library/GHWB Library/GRF Library/HH Library/HST Library/JC Library/JFK Library/RR Library/WJC Library/RMN Library -
Potter, Lee Ann. "The First Act of Congress: Administering Oaths for a New Kind of Government". Social Education 68, no.7 (November/December 2004): 430-434.
RG011/RG080/LBJ Library/RR Library -
Prasad, Monica. "The Popular Origins of Neoliberalism in the Reagan Tax Cut of 1981". Journal of Policy History 24, no.3 (2012): 351-383.
RR Library -
Pulcini, Giordana and Or Rabinowitz. "An Ounce of Prevention-A Pound of Cure? The Reagan Administration's Nonproliferation Policy and the Osirak Raid". Journal of Cold War Studies 23, no.2 (Spring 2021): 4-40.
DDE Library/JC Library/RR Library -
Raines, Edgar F., Jr. "Grenada Revisited: Four Perspectives on the Importance of Operation Urgent Fury". Army History 72 (Summer 2009): 6-20.
RG373/RR Library -
Raymond, Emilie. "The Agony and the Ecstasy: Charlton Heston and the Screen Actors Guild". Journal of Policy History 17, no.2 (2005): 217-239.
GHWB Library/RR Library -
Reagan, Ron. "My Father at 100, A Memoir: Ron Reagan Reminisces about the 40th President". Prologue 43, no.1 (Spring 2011): 6-9.
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