Archives Library Information Center (ALIC)

Compilation of Periodical Literature: Reagan Library Cluster

  1. "Camp David". Prologue 40, no.4 (Winter 2008): 28-33.
    HST Library/DDE Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/JC Library/RR Library/GHWB Library/WJC Library

  2. "First Dogs: The Presidents' Best Friends". Smithsonian 28, no.3 (June 1997): 62-67.
    GHWB Library/GRF Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RR Library

  3. "Ronald Reagan: An American Story". Prologue 43, no.1 (Spring 2011): 10-15.
    RR Library

  4. "See History as It Happened: The National Archives Experience Highlights America's Film Treasures". Prologue 36, no.3 (Fall 2004): 16-21.
    RG026/RG096/RG111/RG306/RR Library

  5. Albers, Martin, Edoardo Andreoni, and Mathias Haeussler. "Britannia Overwhelmed? Reconsidering British Foreign Policy from European Community Membership to the End of the Cold War, 1973-1990". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.1 (March 2022): 133-157.
    RR Library

  6. Allen, Michael J. "'Sacrilege of a Strange, Contemporary Kind': The Unknown Soldier and the Imagined Community after the Vietnam War". History and Memory 23, no.2 (Fall 2011): 90-131.
    RG046/RMN Library/RR Library

  7. Ambar, Saladin M. "The Rise of Sunbelt Governors: Conservative Outsiders in the White House". Presidential Studies Quarterly 44, no.1 (March 2014): 72-94.
    RR Library/WJC Library

  8. Anderson, Greg. "Did Canada Kill Fast Track?". Diplomatic History 36, no.3 (June 2012): 583-624.
    RR Library

  9. Andersson, Magnus Seland and Hilde Henriksen Waage. "Stew in Their Own Juice: Reagan, Syria and Lebanon, 1981-1984". Diplomatic History 44, no.4 (September 2020): 664-691.
    RR Library

  10. Arbelbide, C.L. "With Easter Monday You Get Egg Roll at the White House". Prologue 32, no.1 (Spring 2000): 24-35.
    RG042/RG077/DDE Library/RMN Library/JC Library/RR Library

  11. Ball, Simon. "Assassination from MLK to Mrs. T: Contrast and Convergence in the United States and Great Britain". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.1 (March 2022): 64-85.
    RR Library

  12. Ballout, Laila. "Vanguard of the Religious Right: U.S. Evangelicals in Israeli-Controlled South Lebanon". Diplomatic History 46, no.3 (June 2022): 602-626.
    RG059/JC Library/RR Library

  13. Bartho, Jonathan. "Reagan's Southern Comfort: The 'Boll Weevil' Democrats in the 'Reagan Revolution' of 1981". Journal of Policy History 32, no.2 (2020): 214-238.
    RR Library

  14. Bateman, Aaron. "Keeping the Technological Edge: The Space Arms Race and Anglo-American Relations in the 1980s". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.2 (June 2022): 355-378.
    RR Library/CREST

  15. Bell, Jonathan. "Between Private and Public: AIDS, Health Care Capitalism, and the Politics of Respectability in 1980s America". Journal of American Studies 54, no.1 (February 2020): 159-183.
    RR Library

  16. Bernstein, Richard B. "Amending America - Or Fiddling with the Constitution?". Prologue 26, no.1 (Spring 1994): 64-72.
    RG011/RG267/RR Library

  17. Boris, Eileen. "On Cowboys and Welfare Queens: Independence, Dependence, and Interdependence at Home and Abroad". Journal of American Studies 41, no.3 (December 2007): 599-621.
    RR Library

  18. Borsani, Davide. "Una Crisi 'Speciale'? I Rapporti Anglo-Americani e L'Invasione di Grenada". Nuova Rivista Storica 102, no.3 (September-December 2018): 1039-1061.
    RR Library

  19. Brands, Hal and David Palkki. "'Conspiring Bastards': Saddam Hussein's Strategic View of the United States". Diplomatic History 36, no.3 (June 2012): 625-659.
    RG059/JC Library/RR Library/GHWB Library

  20. Bredhoff, Stacey. "'A New World Is at Hand': Rotunda Exhibit Chronicles Freedom's Journey". Prologue 36, no.2 (Summer 2004): 60-65.
    RG021/RG046/RG059/RG086/RG111/RG360/RR Library

  21. Brenes, Michael. "Making Foreign Policy at the Grassroots: Cold War Politics and the 1976 Republican Primary". Journal of Policy History 27, no.1 (2015): 93-117.
    RMN Library/GRF Library/RR Library

  22. Brookhiser, Richard. "Reagan: His Place in History". American Heritage 55, no.4 (August/September 2004): 34-39.
    RR Library

  23. Brown, Archie. "The Change to Engagement in Britain's Cold War Policy: The Origins of the Thatcher-Gorbachev Relationship". Journal of Cold War Studies 10, no.3 (Summer 2008): 3-47.
    RR Library

  24. Brownell, Roy E, II. "The Executive Branch's Longstanding Embrace of Legislative Succession to the Presidency". University of Memphis Law Review 52, no.2 (2022): 281-420.
    HST Library/DDE Library/LBJ Library/RR Library

  25. Brunet, Luc-Andre. "Unhelpful Fixer? Canada, the Euromissile Crisis, and Pierre Trudeau's Peace Initiative, 1983-1984". International History Review 41, no.6 (December 2019): 1145-1167.
    RR Library

  26. Budjeryn, Mariana. "Non-Proliferation and State Succession: The Demise of the USSR and the Nuclear Aftermath in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine". Journal of Cold War Studies 24, no.2 (Spring 2022): 46-94.
    RR Library

  27. Burns, Melanie and Lawrence R. Jacobs. "The Second Face of the Public Presidency: Presidential Polling and the Shift from Policy to Personality Polling". Presidential Studies Quarterly 34, no.3 (September 2004): 536-556.
    JFK Library/LBJ Library/RR Library/RMN Library

  28. Bushong, William B. "Presidents as Horsemen". White House History 19 (Fall 2006): 4-19.
    RG042/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RR Library

  29. Canestrini, Flavia. "Economic Sanctions and New Strategies in East-West Economic Relations in 1981-1982". International History Review 44, no.3 (June 2022): 675-693.
    RR Library

  30. Cangemi, Michael J. "'We need the closest possible cooperation with the Church': Catholic Activists, Central America, and the Reagan Administration, 1981-1982". U.S. Catholic Historian 37, no.1 (Winter 2019): 167-191.
    RR Library/GHWB Library

  31. Carter, Charles William. "The Evolution of US Policy toward West German-Soviet Trade Relations 1969-89". International History Review 34, no.2 (June 2012): 221-244.
    RMN Library/JC Library/RR Library

  32. Chappell, Marisa. "Reagan's 'Gender Gap' Strategy and the Limitations of Free-Market Feminism". Journal of Policy History 24, no.1 (2012): 115-134.
    RR Library

  33. Chiampan, Andrea. "'Those European Chicken Littles': Reagan, NATO, and the Polish Crisis, 1981-2". International History Review 37, no.4 (August 2015): 682-699.
    RR Library

  34. Chiampan, Andrea. "The Reagan Administration and the IMF Controversy, 1981-83". Diplomatic History 44, no.5 (November 2020): 860-884.
    RR Library

  35. Cohen, Mira. "The Great Communicator Files". Social Education 71, no.7 (November/December 2007): 372-379.
    RR Library

  36. Colbourn, Susan. "An Interpreter or Two: Defusing NATO's Siberian Pipeline Dispute, 1981-1982". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 18, no.2 (June 2020): 131-151.
    RR Library/CREST

  37. Cooper, James. "'I must brief you on the mistakes': When Ronald Reagan Met Margaret Thatcher, February 25-28, 1981". Journal of Policy History 26, no.2 (2014): 274-297.
    RR Library

  38. Cooper, James. "'Superior to Anything I Had Seen in the States': The 'Thatcherisation' of Republican Strategy in 1980 and 1984". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 11, no.1 (March 2013): 1-21.
    RR Library

  39. Cooper, James. "'The Situation over There Really Bothers Me': Ronald Reagan and the Northern Ireland Conflict". Irish Historical Studies 41, no.159 (May 2017): 97-116.
    RR Library

  40. Cooper, James. "From Reykjavik to Fulton: Reagan, Thatcher, and the Ending of the Cold War". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 14, no.4 (December 2016): 383-400.
    RR Library

  41. Cousineau, Madeleine. "The Alleged Decline of Liberation Theology: Natural Death or Attempted Assassination?". Religions 13, no.12 (2022): n.p..
    RR Library

  42. Cozzens, Taylor. "Defeating the Devil's Arm: The Victory over the Short-Handled Hoe in California Agriculture". Agricultural History 89, no.4 (Fall 2015): 494-512.
    RR Library

  43. Crafton, William. "The Incremental Revolution: Ronald Reagan and Welfare Reform in the 1970s". Journal of Policy History 26, no.1 (2014): 27-47.
    JC Library/RR Library

  44. Craig, Malcolm M. "The 'Islamic Bomb': Perceptions of Middle Eastern Nuclear Proliferation, 1979-1989". Diplomatic History 44, no.4 (September 2020): 580-608.
    RG059/JC Library/RR Library

  45. Cummins, Nicholas. "American Cold War Strategy and the Absence of 'Swift and Effective Retribution' for the 1983 Marine Barracks Bombing". Diplomacy & Statecraft 33, no.2 (June 2022): 330-354.
    RR Library

  46. D'Haeseleer, Brian. "'Drawing the Line' in El Salvador: Washington Confronts Insurgency in El Salvador, 1979-92". Cold War History 18, no.2 (May 2018): 131-148.
    RR Library

  47. D'Haeseleer, Brian. "American Civic Action: The National Campaign Plan and the Failure to Win 'Hearts and Minds' in El Salvador". Diplomacy & Statecraft 26, no.3 (September 2015): 494-513.
    RR Library/CREST

  48. D'Souza, Dinesh. "How the East Was Won: A Senior Reagan White House Policy Analyst Looks Back on Why Ronald Reagan Won the Cold War". American History 38, no.4 (October 2003): 37-43.
    RR Library

  49. Day, Emma. "The Fire Inside: Women Protesting AIDS in Prison since 1980". Modern American History 5, no.1 (March 2022): 79-100.
    RR Library

  50. Dell'omo, Augusta. "Infernal Handiwork: Trinity Broadcasting Network Aids Apartheid South Africa, 1980-1994". Diplomatic History 45, no.4 (September 2021): 767-793.
    RG233/RR Library

  51. Doesburg-van Kleffens, Marjolein, Amy M. Zimmermann-Klemd, and Carsten Grundemann. "An Overview on the Hallucinogenic Peyote and Its Alkaloid Mescaline: The Importance of Context, Ceremony and Culture". Molecules 28, no.24 (2023): n.p.
    RR Library

  52. Domber, Gregory F. "Skepticism and Stability: Reevaluating U.S. Policy during Poland's Democratic Transformation in 1989". Journal of Cold War Studies 13, no.3 (Summer 2011): 52-82.
    RR Library/GHWB Library

  53. Doyle, Suzanne. "The United States Sale of Trident to Britain, 1977-1982: Deal Making in the Anglo-American Nuclear Relationship". Diplomacy & Statecraft 28, no.3 (2017): 477-493.
    JC Library/RR Library

  54. Dymydiuk, Jason. "RUBICON and Revelation: The Curious Robustness of the 'Secret' CIA-BND Operation with Crypto AG". Intelligence and National Security 35, no.5 (August 2020): 641-657.
    RR Library/CREST

  55. Eames, Anthony. "A 'Corruption of British Science?' The Strategic Defense Initiative and British Technology Policy". Technology and Culture 62, no.3 (July 2021): 812-838.
    RR Library

  56. Edmoundson, Brittany. "Drug Control in the Age of Neoliberalism". Diplomatic History 45, no.5 (November 2021): 927-939.
    RG059/RR Library

  57. Elinson, Gregory A.; Gould, Jonathan S. "The Politics of Deference". Vanderbilt Law Review 75, no.2 (March 2022): 475-552.
    JC Library/RR Library

  58. Esber, Fadi. "The United States and the 1981 Lebanese Missile Crisis". Middle East Journal 70, no.3 (Summer 2016): 439-456.
    RR Library

  59. Esno, Tyler. "Reagan's Economic War on the Soviet Union". Diplomatic History 42, no.2 (April 2018): 281-304.
    RR Library

  60. Faerevik, Walied Andreas Aarab. "Norwegian Gas: An American Weapon?-The Way Norwegian Gas Resources Became Part of US Strategy to Squeeze Out Soviet Gas from the European Market between 1981 and 1983". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 20, no.3-4 (December 2022): 328-345.
    RR Library

  61. Farnia, Nina. "Imperialism in the Making of U.S. Law". St. John's Law Review 96, no.1 (Fall 2022): 131-185.
    RR Library

  62. Felker-Cantor, Max. "DARE to Say No: Police and the Cultural Politics of Prevention in the War on Drugs". Modern American History 5, no.3 (November 2022): 313-337.
    RR Library/GHWB Library/WJC Library

  63. *
  64. Figueroa Clark, Victor. "The Forgotten History of the Chilean Transition: Armed Resistance Against Pinochet and US Policy towards Chile in the 1980s". Journal of Latin American Studies 47, no.3 (August 2015): 491-520.
    RR Library

  65. Flowers, Prudence. "'A Prolife Disaster': The Reagan Administration and the Nomination of Sandra Day O'Connor". Journal of Contemporary History 53, no.2 (April 2018): 391-414.
    RR Library

  66. Forsberg, Carl. "Iraq, the United States, and the Long Shadow of the Cold War". Cold War History 19, no.4 (November 2019): 457-476.
    RR Library

  67. Fowler, James. "The United States and South Korean Democratization". Political Science Quarterly 114, no.2 (Summer 1999): 265-288.
    RR Library

  68. Fried, Ellen. "Found at the Presidential Libraries: Dr. Seuss, Air Force One, and the San Diego Chicken". Prologue 35, no.4 (Winter 2003): 6-11.
    RG208/DDE Library/FDR Library/GHWB Library/GRF Library/HH Library/HST Library/JC Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RMN Library/RR Library

  69. Fuller, Christopher J. "The Roots of the United States' Cyber (In)Security". Diplomatic History 43, no.1 (January 2019): 157-185.
    RR Library

  70. Gala, Marilena. "'The Essential Weaknesses of the December 1979 "Agreement"': The White House and the Implementing of the Dual-track Decision". Cold War History 19, no.1 (February 2019): 21-38.
    LBJ Library/JC Library/RR Library

  71. Gasbarri, Flavia. "From the Sands of the Ogaden to Black Hawk Down: The End of the Cold War in the Horn of Africa". Cold War History 18, no.1 (February 2018): 73-89.
    RR Library/GHWB Library

  72. Gayte, Marie. "Cold War Triangle? The United States, the Vatican and Cuba". Journal of Transatlantic Studies 11, no.1 (March 2013): 47-61.
    RR Library

  73. Geohegan, Kate. "A Policy in Tension: The National Endowment for Democracy and the U.S. Response to the Collapse of the Soviet Union". Diplomatic History 42, no.5 (November 2018): 772-801.
    RR Library/GHWB Library

  74. Gingrich, Newt. "The Evil Empire". American Heritage 58, no.4 (Spring/Summer 2008): 18-21.
    RR Library

  75. Greentree, Todd. "What Went Wrong in Afghanistan?". Parameters 51, no.4 (Winter 2021/22): Winter 2021-2022.
    RR Library

  76. Haber, Barbara. "Home Cooking in the White House". White House History 20 (Spring 2007): 72-83.
    RR Library

  77. Haberman, Aaron L. "Tracing the Limits of the Reagan Revolution: The Christian Right and the Fate of School Prayer in the Age of Fracture, 1982-1984". Journal of the Historical Society 13, no.4 (December 2013): 491-528.
    RR Library

  78. Haberman, Aaron. "Into the Wilderness: Ronald Reagan, Bob Jones University, and the Political Education of the Christian Right". Historian 67, no.2 (Summer 2005): 234-253.
    RR Library

  79. Hager, Robert P., Jr., and Robert S. Snyder. "The United States and Nicaragua: Understanding the Breakdown in Relations". Journal of Cold War Studies 17, no.2 (Spring 2015): 3-35.
    RR Library

  80. Halvorson, Charles. "Deflated Dreams: The EPA's Bubble Policy and the Politics of Uncertainty in Regulatory Reform". Business History Review 93, no.1 (Spring 2019): 25-49.
    RG412/JC Library/RR Library

  81. Harrington, Joseph F. and Matthew C. Romano. "The Visionary and the Realist: President Ronald Reagan and Secretary of State George Schultz". New England Journal of History 75, no.1 (Fall 2018): 23-68.
    RR Library

  82. Holmes, Todd. "The Economic Roots of Reaganism: Corporate Conservatives, Political Economy, and the United Farm Workers Movement, 1965-1970". Western Historical Quarterly 41, no.1 (Spring 2010): 55-80.
    RR Library

  83. Janssen, Volker. "When the 'Jungle' Met the Forest: Public Work, Civil Defense, and Prison Camps in Postwar California". Journal of American History 96, no.3 (December 2009): 702-726.
    RR Library

  84. Johnson, Richard. "The 1982 Voting Rights Act Extension as a 'Critical Juncture': Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole, and Republican Party-Building". Studies in American Political Development 35, no.2 (October 2021): 223-238.
    RR Library

  85. Jurdem, Laurence R. "'The Mad Hatter's Tea Party on the East River': Conservative Journals of Opinion and the United Nations, 1964-1981". Cold War History 17, no.1 (February 2017): 39-59.
    RR Library

  86. Kaplowitz, Craig A. "The Great Repudiator and Immigration Reform: Ronald Reagan and the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986". Journal of Policy History 30, no.4 (2018): 635-656.
    RR Library

  87. Keeley, Theresa. "Not above the Fray: Religious and Political Divides' Impact on U.S. Missionary Sisters in 1980s Nicaragua". U.S. Catholic Historian 37, no.1 (Winter 2019): 147-166.
    RR Library

  88. Keeley, Theresa. "Reagan's Real Catholics vs. Tip O'Neill's Maryknoll Nuns: Gender, Intra-Catholic Conflict, and the Contras". Diplomatic History 40, no.3 (June 2016): 530-558.
    RR Library

  89. Kohler-Hausmann, Julilly. "Guns and Butter: The Welfare State, the Carceral State, and the Politics of Exclusion in the Postwar United States". Journal of American History 102, no.1 (June 2015): 87-99.
    RR Library

  90. Kopelson, Gene. "'Ya Basta?!' Ronald Reagan's 1966 Success with Mexican American Voters". California History 91, no.4 (Winter 2014): 31-42.
    RR Library

  91. Kotlowski, Dean J. "From Backlash to Bingo: Ronald Reagan and Federal Indian Policy". Pacific Historical Review 77, no.4 (November 2008): 617-652.
    GRF Library/JC Library/RR Library

  92. Krimmel, Katherine. "The Efficiencies and Pathologies of Special Interest Partisanship". Studies in American Political Development 31, no.2 (October 2017): 149-169.
    RMN Library/GRF Library/RR Library

  93. Kukielski, Philip. "Secret Mission of Urgent Fury". Naval History 35, no.5 (October 2021): 26-33.
    RR Library/NARA photos

  94. Kurkcu, Burak. "The Question of State-Sponsored Terrorism: Investigation of ASALA and JCAG in the Light of Available CIA Documents". Insight Turkey 23, no.2 (Spring 2021): 259-280.
    RR Library

  95. Kuzmarov, Jeremy. "The Failure of the U.S. High-Tech War on Drugs". Diplomatic History 45, no.5 (November 2021): 903-914.
    RG170/JC Library/RR Library

  96. Leake, Elisabeth. "Spooks, Tribes, and Holy Men: The Central Intelligence Agency and the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan". Journal of Contemporary History 53, no.1 (January 2018): 240-262.
    RG084/JC Library/RR Library/CREST

  97. Leckie, Shirley A. "Why Biographies Matter in the Classroom". OAH Magazine of History 20, no.1 (January 2006): 7-10.
    RR Library/NARA photos

  98. Lehman, John E., Jr. "Reflections on the Special Relationship". Naval History 26, no.5 (October 2012): 38-45.
    RR Library

  99. Lipman, Jana K. "'The Face Is the Road Map': Vietnamese Amerasians in U.S. Political and Popular Culture, 1980-1988". Journal of Asian American Studies 14, no.1 (February 2011): 33-68.
    RR Library

  100. Little, Douglas. "The United States and the Kurds: A Cold War Story". Journal of Cold War Studies 12, no.4 (Fall 2010): 63-98.
    RG059/RMN Library/GRF Library/RR Library/GHWB Library/CREST

  101. Little, Douglas. "To the Shores of Tripoli: America, Qaddafi, and Libyan Revolution, 1969-89". International History Review 35, no.1 (February 2013): 70-99.
    RG059/CREST/GRF Library/RR Library

  102. Lukoff, Lee. "Pardon Me? An Assessment of Jonathan Pollard's Quest for Presidential Clemency". Journal of Intelligence History 17, no.2 (June 2018): 85-103.
    RR Library

  103. MacDonald, Maureen. "Looking Back on the Twentieth Century: 1976-1999 in Photographs". Prologue 31, no.4 (Winter 1999): 274-289.
    RG306/GHWB Library/GRF Library/JC Library/RR Library

  104. Madison, James H. "Burdens of War and Memories of Home: An Indian Woman in World War II". Traces of Indiana and Midwestern History 19, no.4 (Fall 2007): 34-41.
    RR Library

  105. Madison, James H. "Wearing Lipstick to War: An American Woman in World War II England and France". Prologue 39, no.3 (Fall 2007): 24-29.
    RG200/RR Library

  106. Maga, Timothy P. "Ronald Reagan and Redress for Japanese-American Internment, 1983-1988". Presidential Studies Quarterly 28, no.3 (Summer 1998): 606-619.
    RR Library

  107. Marley, David John. "Ronald Reagan and the Splintering of the Christian Right". Journal of Church & State 48, no.4 (Autumn 2006): 851-868.
    RR Library

  108. Matteo, Barbarino. "Past, Present and Future of Fusion Science Diplomacy". Communications Physics 4, no.1 (2021): n.p.
    RR Library

  109. McBrady, Jared. "The Challenge of Peace: Ronald Reagan, John Paul II, and the American Bishops". Journal of Cold War Studies 17, no.1 (Winter 2015): 129-152.
    RR Library

  110. McCormick, Evan D. "Breaking with Statism? U.S. Democracy Promotion in Latin America, 1984-1988". Diplomatic History 42, no.5 (November 2018): 745-771.
    RG286/RR Library

  111. McCormick, Evan. "Freedom Tide? Ideology, Politics, and the Origins of Democracy Promotion in U.S. Central American Policy, 1980-1984". Journal of Cold War Studies 16, no.4 (Fall 2014): 60-109.
    RR Library

  112. McLay, Mark. "A High-Wire Crusade: Republicans and the War on Poverty, 1966". Journal of Policy History 31, no.3 (2019): 382-405.
    GRF Library/RR Library

  113. McLennan, Barbara N. "Reagan's Budget Triumph". History Channel Magazine 9, no.1 (January-February 2011): 28-35.
    RR Library

  114. Mearsheimer, John J. "John Lehman's Command". Parameters 20, no.2 (June 1990): 13-16.
    RR Library

  115. Merton, Joe. "Ralph J. Perk, the 'New Ethnicity' and the Making of Urban Ethnic Republicans". Journal of American Studies 53, no.2 (May 2019): 449-477.
    RR Library

  116. Milazzo, Marzia. "Mark Mathabane's K*ffir Boy, Black Consciousness, and the Fallacies of Liberalism". Ariel 52, no.3-4 (July-October 2021): 29-62.
    RR Library

  117. Miles, Simon. "The War Scare that Wasn't: Able Archer 83 and the Myths of the Second Cold War". Journal of Cold War Studies 22, no.3 (Summer 2020): 86-118.
    RR Library/GHWB Library/CREST

  118. Milkis, Sidney M., Daniel J. Tichenor, and Laura Blessing. "'Rallying Force': The Modern Presidency, Social Movements, and the Transformation of American Politics". Presidential Studies Quarterly 43, no.3 (September 2013): 641-670.
    JFK Library/LBJ Library/RR Library

  119. Minchin, Timothy J. "The Crompton Closing: Imports and the Decline of America's Oldest Textile Company". Journal of American Studies 47, no.1 (February 2013): 231-260.
    RR Library/GHWB Library

  120. Mistry, Kaeten. "A Transnational Protest against the National Security State: Whistle-Blowing, Philip Agee, and the Networks of Dissent". Journal of American History 106, no.2 (September 2019): 362-389.
    RG059/RG060/GRF Library/RR Library

  121. Mokrzycki, Paul. "Lost in the Heartland: Childhood, Region, and Iowa's Missing Paperboys". Annals of Iowa 74, no.1 (Winter 2015): 29-70.
    RR Library

  122. Moore, Colin D. "Innovation without Reputation: How Bureaucrats Saved the Veterans' Health Care System". Perspectives on Politics 13, no.2 (June 2015): 327-344.
    RG015/HST Library/DDE Library/RMN Library/RR Library/WJC Library

  123. Morgan, Alaina M. "A Revolutionary Bromance: Masculinity, Performance, and Religion in Diplomacy .". Diplomatic History 48, no.3 (June 2024): 339-365.
    RR Library

  124. Morgan, Iwan. "Monetary Metamorphosis: The Volcker Fed and Inflation". Journal of Policy History 24, no.4 (2012): 545-571.
    JC Library/RR Library

  125. Moss, Hilary J. "From Open Enrollment to Controlled Choice: How Choice-Based Assignment Replaced the Neighborhood School in Cambridge, Massachusetts". History of Education Quarterly 59, no.3 (August 2019): 313-350.
    RR Library

  126. Moss, Richard A. "Filling the Three-Year Gap: Nixon, Allende, and the White House Tapes, 1971-73". Passport: The Newsletter of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations 41, no.3 (January 2011): 4-11.
    RR Library

  127. Mound, Josh. "Stirrings of Revolt: Regressive Levies, the Pocketbook Squeeze, and the 1960s Roots of the 1970s Tax Revolt". Journal of Policy History 32, no.2 (2020): 105-150.
    RMN Library/JC Library/RR Library

  128. Munn, Kathleen. "Civic Engagement in Primary Sources". Social Education 87, no.6 (November-December 2023): 408-413.
    RG021/RG046/HST Library/RMN Library/RR Library

  129. Nations, Jennifer M. "How Austerity Politics Led to Tuition Charges at the University of California and City University of New York". History of Education Quarterly 61, no.3 (August 2021): 273-296.
    RR Library

  130. Nelson, W. Dale. "Company in Waiting: The Presidents & Their Guests at Camp David". Prologue 28, no.3 (Fall 1996): 222-231.
    DDE Library/FDR Library/GHWB Library/GRF Library/HST Library/JC Library/JFK Library/LBJ Library/RR Library/RMN Library

  131. Newmann, Matthias. "'Peace and Friendship': Overcoming the Cold War in the Children's World of the Pioneer Camp Artek". Diplomatic History 46, no.3 (June 2022): 505-526.
    RR Library

  132. O'Hara, Fionntan. "Mixed Motives: The Politics of US Interest in Refugees in Honduras during the 1980s". The Latin Americanist 65, no.4 (December 2021): 481-510.
    RR Library

  133. Odinga, Sobukwe. "'The Privileged Friendship': Reassessing the Central Intelligence Agency Operation at Zaire's Kamina Airbase". Diplomacy & Statecraft 29, no.4 (2018): 692-715.
    RR Library/GHWB Library

  134. Ordaz, Jessica. "Protesting Conditions Inside El Corralon: Immigration Detention, State Repression, and Transnational Migrant Politics in El Centro, California". Journal of American Ethnic History 38, no.2 (Winter 2019): 65-93.
    RG085/RR Library

  135. Paek, Sunwoo and Dong Sun Lee. "The American Success to Denuclearise South Korea: Global Bipolarity, Geographical Remoteness, and Nuclear Alliance Restraint". Diplomacy & Statecraft 34, no.1 (March 2023): 30-56.
    GRF Library/JC Library/RR Library

  136. Pee, Robert and Scott Lucas. "Reevaluating Democracy Promotion: The Reagan Administration, Allied Authoritarian States, and Regime Change". Journal of Cold War Studies 24, no.3 (Summer 2022): 151-199.
    RR Library

  137. Perlstein, Rick. "Thunder on the Right: The Roots of Conservative Victory in the 1960s". OAH Magazine of History 20, no.5 (October 2006): 24-27.
    RG412/HH Library/RR Library

  138. Petersen, Tore T. and Clive Jones. "British Revival and American Decline? Anglo-American Relations and the Persian Gulf 1979-1987". International History Review 45, no.5 (October 2023): 807-823.
    JC Library/RR Library

  139. Peterson, Christian Philip. "'Confronting' Moscow: The Reagan Administration, Human Rights, and the Final Act". Historian 74, no.1 (Spring 2012): 57-86.
    RR Library

  140. Phillips, Jason. "More than Just a 'Good-Looking Broad': Nancy Hoch and the 1984 Nebraska Senate Election". Nebraska History 104, no.2 (Summer 2023): 76-87.
    RR Library

  141. Poster, Alexander. "The Gentle War: Famine Relief, Politics, and Privatization in Ethiopia, 1983-1986". Diplomatic History 36, no.2 (April 2012): 399-425.
    RG286/RR Library

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